Chereads / ash romance adventure / Chapter 28 - chapter 28

Chapter 28 - chapter 28

It was a bright sunny day in the Kalos region as two trainers walked side by side down Route 6. On the left was Shauna Sana, a young woman with dreams of supplanting Ariana and becoming the Kalos Queen. On her right walked the young trainer named Ash Ketchum. She and Ash had met two years ago when the young man had been competing in the Sinnoh League. The two of them had really hit it off and became closer as Ash traveled through Unova. By the time they got to Kalos the two of them had officially become a couple.

"Ah what a nice day it is." Ash yawned, raising his hands over his head to stretch. It truly was a beautiful day. There was not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was war, but not uncormfortable.

"I know it's been forever since we've had this kind of weather." his girlfriend added.

The sunny day could not come at a better time for the pair. The two of them were on their way to take a tour of Parfum Palace. Shauna had been looking forward to seeing the structure for the first time since she was a little girl when her great-grandfather passed away. Her memories of the event were extremely hazy, most likely due to grief her family felt. In any case, Shauna and Ash came upon a large hill which triggered a memory from the young lady.

"Come on Ash. We should be able to it from the top of this hill." Shauna ran ahead a bit, beckoning her boyfriend to follow her. With a grin, the young man took off after her, laughing as he did so. Soon enough they reached the peak of the mound and Ash was blown away by the sight. The palace was set on the side of a small lake surrounded by a forest. The sun shined through the trees and reflected off the glass windows of the building.

"Incredible" Ash said aloud "It's almost as if it's bathed in Arceus's light".

"I wish I could see it more often." his girlfriend sighed.

"Well the best time to do it next is now". Shauna felt herself being pulled by the arm as Ash practically dragged her down the hill. The two of them made it to the Pokémon center not far from the castle. Welcomed by Nurse Joy, the pair booked a room and started to feed their Pokémon. "Hey." Ash called, getting Shauna's attention. "After we're done her what do you say to going over early and having a look around.

"We would still have to get back here to get changed for the ball tonight." came the response. Truth be told in his excitement Ash had nearly forgotten about the trainer's ball tonight. It was held by the Barron of the estate for top trainers and performers. "

It won't be long just an hour." Ash pleaded.

Shauna wasn't going to relent but one sad look from her boyfriend made the young lady give in. "I hope we don't run into anyone I know" her mind pleaded. Ash explained that he wanted to leave Pikachu at the Pokémon Center as the electric type was tired from their journey. The pair left the Pokémon Center and made their way over to Parfum Palace. As they approached the building's fence, they noticed that there was a guard stationed by the gate.

"Can I help you?" the female protector asked.

"Hi," Ash began, "We are guest at the ball tonight, but we were wondering if we could get in to see the palace before the other guests arrive"?

The guard gave them a look almost as if to say, 'are you serious?' before responding. "We aren't allowing anyone inside before 6pm". Ash's smile immediately dropped to a frown.

"Can't you make an exception?" he tried to reason only to be threatened with an arrest by the guard.

"Whoa, Ash take it easy." Shauna interrupted, placing a calming hand on the young man's shoulder. "Go take a walk and let me see if I can talk to her". Ash turned to look at his girlfriend and saw the determination burning in her eyes.

"Alright, I'll let you take a crack at it". The young man took a walk to the far side of the perimeter and waited. Although he could not here, he watched as his girlfriend handed something to the guard. After a few minutes Shauna waived her hand in the air. "It seems she got us in" Ash said to himself, heading back over to the entrance.

"You two are all set to go." the guard replied before stuffing two lanyards into Shauna's hand. "Just make sure you're out by five o'clock". A stunned Ash was pulled through the now open gate by his girlfriend leaving the pair to explore the grounds.

"How did you convince her to let us in?" he asked, walking into the main atrium of the palace.

"I can be a real smooth talker when I want to be" came the response, only for Ash to let out a loud laugh.

"What? You don't think I can be persuasive"?

Ash's laughter died down. "It's not that. It's just that you never seem to do it around me." he chuckled. Shauna knew this was true. Afterall, it was something she liked to keep hidden and only use when necessary. "Man, this place is amazing." spoke Ash, completely entranced by the many crystal glass windows.

"Just wait till you see the gardens." laughed his girlfriend who took him by the hand and led him down the steps and through a hallway.

"Garden's?" he asked.

"Yeah. Parfum Palace is now for it's 'Garden Maze".

Reaching the end of the hallway, the duo became bathed in the golden afternoon sunlight, temporarily blinding them. Adjusting to the new levels of light, Ash took in his surroundings. The pair were in front of a small water fountain overlooking a hedge maze surrounded by many berry plants. "It's beautiful out here" hummed the trainer.

Shauna could only agree as the two of them began making their way through the maze. Every turn seemed to hold new secrets and the duo eventually reached the center of the labyrinth, which contained a giant fountain trimmed with gold. The sides of said fountain went up to their hips and sprayed water back into the center. "How much do you think something like this costs?" Ash asked, staring rather intently at the fountain.

"12 million" Shauna answered without hesitation.

"That's a very specific number" the young man responded, suspicion oozing from his words. Neither of the trainers noticed that they were being stalked by a shadowy figure sneaking through the hedges.

"It's just the first thing that popped into my head". Ash didn't think that was the true reason but decided to let it slide in lieu of ruining the moment at hand. "We are all alone out here" spoke Shauna, leaning her backside against the fountain. "Why don't we have a little appetizer before tonight"?

Ash blushed madly and gripped his girlfriend's waist before planting a kiss on her lips. "Sure" he replied, going in for another. Shauna moaned as Ash entered her mouth and the two of them began to play tug-of-war with each other's tongues. Ash reached down and sneaked his finger inside of the front of Shauna's shorts and inched his way towards her panties.

"No, stop." his girlfriend cried in ecstasy out as he hooked his finger just above her pussy. Lost in each other, neither of them heard the loud footsteps nor saw the large shadow making a beeline for the pair until it was too late. All Ash felt was a sharp pain as he was blindsided by the shadow, knocking him a good 10 feet away from his girlfriend. "EEEEP" Shauna squeaked as she was knocked head over heels into the fountain. "What in the name of Arceus was that?" she wondered completely disoriented. Now soaking wet, Shauna popped up irate, demanding to know who had hit them. Her mouth dropped when she saw what had done it. Standing in front of her and growling at Ash protectively was a jet-black Furfrou. "Trimmien?" Shauna gasped.

"Ah there you are Trimmien" another voice called out. Ash looked up to see the owner of the palace, Baron Kaiser approaching the pair. The Baron was an elderly man in his 70's somehow with a full head of hair and a mustache to match. "Sorry about that young man." he said, offering his hand to Ash. As the Pallet town native was pulled to his feet the Baron dropped a bombshell on him. "I had hoped to meet my granddaughter's boyfriend under much more pleasant circumstances".

"GRANDAUGHTER!" Ash nearly yelled out in shock. Turning to face Shauna, he saw that she couldn't look him in the eyes and was instead staring at the ground.

"Why of course, Shauna hasn't told you?" a shocked Baron asked.

He only got a whisper in response "No, she hasn't.".

The Furfrou had now sensed that the apparent danger had past and began rubbing it's head against Shauna's hand. "Yes, I've missed you too.", her soft tone seemed to calm the Pokémon as she pets its head.

"Shauna!" Ash came over, wearily eying the hound. "Why didn't you tell me the owner of Parfum Palace is your grandfather"?

"I don't like to use. my family name for clout" she responded looking sad once again.

"Hey," Ash interrupted, tilting his girlfriends chin upwards. I don't care where you're from, I love you for who you are regardless of who you are related to". Tears began to fall from the young lady's cheek. Although it was quickly revealed that these were tears of joy rather than sadness.

"I tried for so long to hide my heritage." she sobbed. "I didn't want people to be friends with me solely for what my family's wealth". Ash allowed his girlfriend to cry into his shoulder as the two of them embraced. They were stirred by the sound of a loud cough.

"Shit!", the trainer had completely forgotten that Shauna's grandfather was here.

"Why don't we get you cleaned up dear." the elderly gentlemen spoke up. "Afterall, we can't have you soaking wet for the Gala". His granddaughter began wiping her tears and informed him that her belongings were currently at the Pokémon Center nearby. "Don't worry about that we have clothes here." revealed Baron Kaiser, "Now come". Ash followed his girlfriend and the Baron back through the maze until they reached the door back into the palace. The elderly man allowed his granddaughter to enter before him but stopped Ash. "I want a few hours to catch up with my granddaughter, so you are going to have to wait to propose to her".

Ash gasped, "How did you know"?

"I'd recognize that looked of a moment lost anywhere." explained the Baron, clearly referring to Shauna being knocked into the fountain. "Don't fret young man". Ash looked up to see the Baron's smiling face. "I approve of you marrying my granddaughter". The weight on Ash's shoulders let up, allowing the young man to relax. Truth be told, after he had found out Shauna's lineage, he had been extremely worried that he would not be enough to woo the esteemed gentleman. "Propose tonight at the Gala". Ash agreed with the sentiment and was quickly ushered through the palace to get back to the Pokémon Center and prepare for the night's festivities. "What a charming young man" Kaiser thought as he watched Ash's figure disappear over the hill.

An hour later Shauna had been scrubbed clean by her grandfather's servants and was currently being led toward one of the bedrooms. "Why go through all of this?" she asked the woman Gertrude.

"Your grandfather wants to make sure you are well cared for." came the response. Shauna followed her inside of a bedroom to see a sky-blue dress laid out for her on the bed.

"I want you to wear this tonight." her grandfather's voice rang from behind them. Turning around, the young lady saw that the Baron was dressed in an elaborately tailored suit in a color that matched the dress currently in the room.

"But why? I left home to get away from being ordered like this." she responded, raising her voice only to lower it at the end. Shauna really didn't want to get in a fight about clothing and properness. Afterall, that is how she left her parents' home the last time she spoke to them.

"It was your grandmother's". The revelation hung in the air for several moments before the Baron continued. "She always wanted you to wear it when you met the man of your dreams".

Shauna looked at her grandfather in shock, "How does he know that Ash is the one for me".

"Guests should be starting to arrive within the hour, so I want you to be ready". With that, the Baron left the room, leaving Gertrude to help dress his granddaughter. The two ladies chatted a bit as Gertrude finished up the last of the laces on the dress. Finally time for the party, Shauna began making her way down the hall towards the grand staircase of the palace.

With Ash

Ash had been a nervous wreck for the past hour and things had not gotten any better. The additional pressure from the Baron to propose had his mind spinning. He was currently at the bottom floor of the Parfum Palace wearing a black tuxedo (His outfit for the Wallace Cup), the ring tucked in his back pocket. Suddenly whispers began to reach his ears. "Who is that girl?" they said, causing Ash to turn and look at the staircase. It was then he saw his girlfriend slowly descend the stairs as she was introduced by her grandfather. Ash had never seen Shauna look as beautiful as she did currently. The dress she wore complimented her body extremely well and brought out the color of her hair. Ash couldn't stop staring until Shauna reached the bottom of the steps and walked over to him. "So." she spoke up, "What do you think? I know it's not what I usually wear but…" Ash stuttered out to interrupt and to explain that she looked beautiful causing the young lady to adopt a crimson blush. Seeing his girlfriend in such a state removed all the uneasiness that had been built up regarding the proposal. "Let's just have a fun night." he smiled, offering his arm. Shauna adopted a similar stance and took ahold of said arm as she was led away into the main party.

The night began to move in a blur. The Baron had introduced Ash and Shauna to the region's Elite Four and Champion, allowing for the young man to talk battling for a time while Shauna caught up with several of her performer colleagues. Soon food was served, as well as several rounds of dancing on the ball floor. After nearly three hours of high society fun, the party was beginning to wind down. Ash had taken Shauna upstairs and onto the balcony to get a look at the starry sky.

"Arceus how I've missed this." Shauna sighed. Resting her head against her boyfriend's shoulder, the young lady couldn't think of anywhere else she would rather be. Ash allowed this for several moments before removing the cranium from his shoulder. "Why?" Shauna asked groggily, tired from the night's ordeal.

"Because." spoke the trainer, "I have something to ask you". The young lady's eyes widened in disbelief as Ash got down to one knee and removed a small box from his back pocket. "Shauna Sana." he began, "Will you marry me"?

"YES, YES, of course I'll marry you." she responded, tears streaking down her face.

Ash leaned forward and slid a beautiful diamond ring onto her finger before embracing the woman in a passionate kiss. The loud sound of fireworks rang out over the gardens, causing the duo to turn and watch. "So romantic" thought the performer, still lip locked with her now fiancé. The pair's kiss lasted for several more moments as they continued to watch the pyrotechnics go off.

"Ahem." a voice spoke up from behind them. Baron Kaiser had arrived and was looking pleased. "I take it you proposed?" he asked Ash.

"How did you know?" questioned Shauna, whose hand was now visible to the elder.

"I spoke with him earlier today while you were getting cleaned up." came the response.

"I had originally planned to do it earlier when we were in the gardens, but Trimmien ruined those plans".

"It was all in his expression" added Kaiser "I know the look of someone in love anywhere".

The fireworks continued to go off in the background as the three of them watched in peace. Eventually the display ended, causing Ash to stretch. "Well, I guess it's time we head back to the Pokémon Center." he yawned. The Baron interrupted, telling the two of them that they were to spend the night at the Palace. Shauna was about to ask about their Pokémon when it was revealed that they were moved here as well.

"Your room is the last one on the left, enjoy". The Baron left the now stunned pair and went down the stairs to see the rest of his guests out.

Ash tilted his head to the side, "That's very generous of your grandfather". Shauna could only hum in agreement as she tried to think of what the elderly man's endgame was. She was still in thought as Ash and her made their way down to the end of the hallway where their room awaited. The engaged pair entered and took in their surroundings. The room was extremely spacious, with beautiful tapestries and large king-sized bed. The young man noticed that their bags were in the corner, having been moved from the Pokémon Center. "He really went all it didn't he." Ash chuckled. The trainer started to peel off the upper portion of his tux while his girlfriend took action, smashing her lips against his own. Ash accepted the kiss and the two of them began making out. "Arceus, that's good." he whispered, tossing the tux's coat aside. While Shauna's neck was being peppered by kisses, but she managed to toss her gloves to the side as well.

"You know." she whispered, gasping as her boyfriend's lips continued to grace her skin. "It's been far too long since we've had sex".

Ash paused his ministrations. "Now?" he asked in a bit of disbelief. "In your grandfather's home"?

"He seemed to be encouraging it." spoke Shauna as she reached around her back. A

sh thought about it for a moment, the elderly man seemed to egg the two of them on and wanted to push them together. "Alright." he said, before removing his shirt. Tossing it aside, he saw that his fiancé was having trouble with her dress.

"A little help?" she asked, struggling to reach the zipper on her back.

Ash let out a chuckle, "Come here". Shauna thanked her Fiancé as he unzipped the dress. The blue garb fell to the floor, leaving the young lady naked save for her stylized panties. The young man's pants were soon discarded as well, leaving him in his boxers. "Shall we head to the bed milady?" he asked, his voice oozing with flattery.

"Of course my dear." came the response. took her in his arms and carried her bridal style onto the bed. With a soft plump, Ash set Shauna on the bed and straddled her.

"You seem to be forgetting something dear." she spoke up.

"Oh." Ash paused, peeling her panties off and tossing them aside. "And what would that be"?

Shauna shivered as her breasts were caressed by Ash's hands. "You need to be naked as well she moaned, her fiancé's hands moving down to her stomach.

"Oh, silly me." laughed the young man who then removed his boxers and tossed them aside. "Now let's get back to you." he resumed his actions, pinching the area slightly until he made it down to Shauna's shaved pussy. "When did you have time to do this?" he asked, stroking the unblemished skin. Reacting to his touch, the young lady bucked her hips and began panting.

"While I bathed earlier today." came her response. Ash reached in with his right index finger and began to pump in and out of the small cavern. Said action immediately elicited moans from the young lady beneath him. Although his finger was wet, Ash wanted more. The young man snuck another finger and soon a third. Eventually all five digits were entering and receding from the small opening at a rapid pace.

"Uh, uh." his fiancé moaned, her heartrate skyrocketing. "Ash I'm almost there." she cried, tears of pleasure flowing down her cheeks.

The Kanto native took his left hand and flicked the small bulb in his lover's cunt. Warm liquid immediately drenched Ash's hands as Shauna's orgasm hit her full force. He withdrew said hand from its warm confines and gave the appendage a large lick. "Delicious as always my dear" spoke the young man. His lover whined as he dragged his soaked hand across her chest, giving both nipples a pinch as he passed by. Ash was hard just from the sight of his fiancé writhing around and knew it would only get better. Straddling Shauna's pelvis, the young man asked if his partner was ready.

"Arceus yes, Ash!" she cried, "Fuck me like no tomorrow". Nodding, Ash went forward, his member entering the small cavern. It had been too long since his dick had been inside the warm confines of Shauna's pussy. They never really got to have sex while traveling due to either taking care of their Pokémon or training for events. Nights like the one they were having now were a special occasion. "You're still on the pill, right?" he asked, beginning to pump in and out of the small hole.

"Of course, Ash." answered Shauna between pants. "Though when we officially get married, I'm going to get off it ASAP".

Ash knew that he wanted children eventually, but he wanted to make sure he had a good income before that happened. Luckily for him, Shauna thought the same. Said woman was currently on cloud nine as her cunt was slammed into over and over again. Her warm confines smothered her lover's cock, trying to milk it for all it was worth. "Arceus you're always so tight." Ash grunted, pushing harder. Reaching out, the young man grabbed ahold of his fiancé's breasts and began to use the sensitive mounds for additional leverage. Shauna gasped, pleasure shooting through her chest as her boobs were played with. In a matter of moments, she felt her orgasm building and didn't have time to warn Ash as she came on her lover's member. Despite this, the young man didn't stop. Instead, only speeding up causing the Shauna's velvety walls to start tiring. The young man leaned forward and took ahold of one of his lover's nipples with his mouth.

"Gah" Shauna hissed, cumming once more as the young man pulled on the sensitive flesh. Rotating to the other nipple, Ash noticed that Shauna was tiring. It had been a long night and the pair had barely gotten any rest during their travels.

"Ash", she panted, her vision starting to fade. "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stay awake".

"It's ok my dear." He responded, pinching her nipples some more. "I'll take care of you".

Soon enough the pleasure overwhelmed the woman and collapsed into a blissful state of unconsciousness. "Oh wow, she wasn't kidding." thought Ash as he continued to go to town on his lover's cunt. Another five minutes passed before the trainer felt his groin tighten. With a soft grunt, the young man released his essence inside of his lover's pussy. Said lover let out a sleepy mew as the white strands of liquid filled up her insides. Ash felt himself tiring and slowly removed his sword from its sheath, not forgetting to send a few strands to his lover's chest. Sighing, the young man pulled Shauna into his chest and grabbed the covers. "You know." he whispered to no one in particular. "If our nights always end like this, we'll never get a full night's sleep". With a chuckle, Ash drifted off to sleep as well, united with his fiancé in dreamland.

10 Years Later

Ash and Shauna watched as their two children ran around the maze in the garden. After the Gala had finished, the two of them continued on their journey through Kalos, both of them accomplishing their dreams. Ash had won the league and become the region's champion while Shauna had surpassed Arianna, becoming the Kalos Queen. Nearly a year after Ash had proposed, the pair had gotten married at the Parfum Palace. It was at the wedding when Baron Kaiser announced that he was passing on control of the estate and it's servants to Shauna and Ash, much to the newlywed's utter shock. The Baron revealed that he was terminally ill and knew that the pair would take care of the palace with his death. In eight months' time the Baron was dead from cancer, leaving the saddened couple to grieve.

The couple would eventually have two children of their own, a girl named Samantha, and a son named Kaiser (Kai for short) named after the Baron. Watching the two of them play in the garden followed by Trimmien and Pikachu brought back Shauna's memories of her own childhood. The couple had promised themselves that they would keep the atmosphere of a happy Parfum Palace full of family as long as they lived. Shauna believed that Baron Kaiser would be proud of them and Ash knew that the older man would have.

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