Chereads / ash romance adventure / Chapter 29 - chapter 29

Chapter 29 - chapter 29

The Kingdom of Rota was known far and wide as the home of the Aura Guardians, warriors who used the power of Aura to defend the innocent. Both feared and respected, their name carried a lot of weight throughout the Pokémon World. Of course, they have to start somewhere, and that place is the Aura Temple. Deep in the bowels of the ancient structure was a classroom. In ages past this would have housed two dozen initiates but now there were only two. Both were young children around the age of seven. The first was a black-haired boy with Auburn eyes, while the second was a blonde girl with long hair tied into two pigtails. Both were wearing the garb of the aura clan and were sitting in chairs.

"I can't believe Mom and Dad are making me do this." whined the Girl.

"I'm excited." spoke the boy, "We get to learn how to use and control our aura"!

Both children were stirred from their conversation as a elderly man entered the room. "Grandpa you're teaching us?" the girl asked, a stunned look adorning her face.

"Yes, and you will refer to me as sensei from now on Korrina." the elderly man ordered. The now named Korrina was about to protest when she felt a shock run through her body. "There is more where that came from if you disobey". Turning his attention to the young boy, the man introduced himself. "And you must be Ash". The boy nodded, shying away from the attention. "My name is Gurkinn and I will be your sensei". The now named Gurkinn went on to explain that both of them would be here for a month while he taught the pair how to harness their aura. Once introductions were out of the way, the sensei had his pupils begin by meditating. "Meditation is the first step to tapping into your aura." explained Gurkinn. "If you can reach inside and find the power within you will be able to tap into your aura more efficiently in the future. Both children struggled for nearly two hours to even find a hint of the power within. Eventually Korrina couldn't sit still any longer.

"Sensei can we take a break?" she asked, referring to her grandfather by his chosen name. Knowing they were only children, Gurkinn allowed the pair to take a 15-minute break to use the restroom or grab a drink of water. However, Ash stayed locked in meditation. He felt he was really close to unlocking his powers. Deep inside the recesses of his mind, the boy felt as if he was in an ocean of energy. Tugging on the ocean he felt as if his body was on fire. Opening his eyes revealed that his body had a glowing blue outline.

"Well done, Ash!" exclaimed Gurkinn. Walking over to the boy he dispersed the aura and handed him a bottle of water. "You've taken your first step into a larger world". Korrina looked on in anger. She had been trying just as hard as Ash and couldn't access her aura. This would continue for another week while Ash would get further ahead in his training. Korrina shouted with joy when she finally did unlock her powers, causing her grandfather to chuckle. The older man immediately put his granddaughter on the fast track to training her endurance. After another week the three of them were meditating together when Gurkinn broke the silence.

"I believe it's time for the two of you to learn about the history of the Aura Clan in detail".

"Why do we need to learn more about the past than we already know now?" Ash asked.

"Because those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." came the answer.

Korrina nodded, her control over aura had improved but she knew that she needed to keep going if she was to gain her grandfather's approval. The history lesson went by rather quick and it was soon the end of the pair's month at the temple. The children would go their separate ways for 11 months and train with their given exercises before meeting back up at the temple.

11 Months Later

The sound of fists crashing against flesh could be heard ringing throughout the Aura Temple. The source of these noises was Ash and Korrina's sparring session. Gurkinn watched from the side as the two children practiced against one another. The old man felt that it was imperative to teach the two initiates how to defend themselves in the aura fighting style. Korrina let out a yell as she threw a right hook at Ash. The Boy countered, grabbing the girls arm and hip-tossing Korrina to the mat. Acting quickly, he pinned the girl's hands to the ground and held out a threatening aura sphere. "Well done both of you" clapped Gurkinn. Ash nodded got off the pinned girl, the aura sphere withdrawing into his body. He offered a hand to his sparring partner only for it to be slapped away. "Korrina!" Gurkinn gasped, ashamed of his granddaughter. The young girl darted away from both males, disappearing elsewhere in the temple. "I'm so sorry Ash, I don't know what's gotten into her". The boy said it wasn't a big deal and was sent to the showers while the elder went to look for his granddaughter.

Now in the Temple's locker room, Ash removed his clothes and stepped into the shower. The boy didn't understand why Korrina was so upset. Sure, he had progressed faster, but he had always stayed behind to help her train. He did this not out of any sense of guilt but because he liked spending time with her. "I wish we could spend more time together outside of training" he said to himself. Scrubbing his spiky black hair with shampoo, the boy could only wonder what his sparring partner was thinking.

Korrina had hidden herself in one of the temples empty rooms, currently she had her knees pulled to her chest and was crying. She couldn't understand why she had slapped Ash. Was it because she lost the spar, or was it something else? She shook her head, tears dripping down her cheeks. "I've lost plenty of spars before, it has to be something different". Was it fear? Not totally. Rather it was a combination of that emotion and jealousy. She was jealous that Ash was taking her grandfather's attention away from her.

"Korrina"? the girl's thoughts were broken as Gurkinn's voice came from outside the room. "I know you're in there". When she didn't answer the elderly gentleman opened the door and entered the space.

"How did you know" squeaked Korrina.

"You forget that I can sense you with Aura. Now tell me, why did you slap Ash"?

The blonde pulled her face even closer to her legs and sobbed. "He's replacing me" she cried. "Korrina I…". "It's true, Ash is your favorite." Korrina continued to rant, crying into her legs. She went on about how Ash had improved so rapidly and was leaving her in the dust, taking up all of Gurkinn's time and teaching attention.

"Pumkaboo", the blonde girl looked up, her grandfather calling her by the pet name he had given her as a baby. "I would never forget about you." he began. "If you want extra training all you have to do is ask". "

You promise"?

Gurkinn laughed, leaning down, and kissing his granddaughter on the forehead. "Of course, anything for you". Korrina dried her tears and flew off the ground, engulfing her grandfather in a hug. "Now, you better go back and apologize to Ash". The young girl nodded and skipped her way out of the room. "Hopefully they will remain friends" the old man sighed, "Arceus we really need them to".

Korrina had apologized to Ash for her actions to which the the boy had accepted. They would continue their lessons for the rest of the month culminating with Gurkinn giving both of them a Pokémon egg to take care of. "But this is such a big responsibility." Ash pleaded,

"What if something goes wrong"? The blonde echoed his statement, Afterall they were both still two years away from obtaining their trainer's licenses.

"Don't worry, these eggs are special, they won't hatch until you are ready to take care of them" said Gurkinn, handing them glass incubators with the eggs inside. Ash shared a look of skepticism with Korrina but the children accepted the gifts with a bow and headed off to meet with their parents for another 11 months away from the temple.

When they had arrived back at the temple after a year, the eggs had hatched into Riolu. Gurkinn revealed to them that an Aura Guardian's partner wouldn't hatch until the initiates powers reached a certain level of power and control. It was this month that he would drill in communication and care-taking. The two children were run ragged as they barely had time to themselves, however something had changed between the two initiates. Korrina had developed a little crush on the young Ketchum. She didn't want anybody to know so she hid it but it was there. At the end of the month the pair knew that the next time they would meet up would be when they were both trainers. They made a small pact that they would battle next year when they got the chance.

2 Years Later

Now almost teenagers, the two initiates sparred once more. Both had grown over the past two years and had gone their separate ways. Ash had taken part in both the Kanto and Johto Leagues while Korrina had moved away to the Kalos region with her parents. Despite their long distance, the pair had regularly kept in touch, with the young lady still harboring a crush on the Pallet Town Native. The only thing Korrina didn't know was if Ash felt the same way about her. She was shaken from her stupor as Ash's elbow caught her in the face. "GAH!" she yelled in pain, collapsing to the mat. Ash used this to his advantage and pinned her to the floor.

"That's enough." Gurkinn ordered, announcing the young man as the winner of the spar.

"You've definitely been practicing" spoke Ash, pulling Korrina off the ground.

"Yes but she still is distracted." the girl's grandfather blurted out before she could respond.

Korrina and Ash were dismissed and both changed out of their sparring robes before meeting back up on the temple roof. The two of them used this spot to get away from the Mandibuzz that was Gurkinn, allowing for them to talk without being spied on. It was a quiet night with a clear sky, a perfect evening for the pair of initiates. "I love nights like these." yawned Ash, stretching out and laying his head back against the cobblestone. His Pikachu followed its trainer's actions and did the same on the young man's shoulders. Korrina let out a loud sigh, catching the attention of the boy next to her. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Have you thought about what you are going to do between now and our Knighthood Exam"?

The question made Ash pause in thought. The exam was still nearly three and a half years away, plenty of time for both practice and heartbreak. "I'm probably going to continue training and entering the Pokémon League". His response didn't seem to help Korrina's mood. "What about you"? After a long pause, the girl revealed that she was probably going to try and become a Gym Leader in Kalos.

"Our city still doesn't have one yet and I was hoping to eventually apply for the position".

"You'll do great". Ash truly meant it, he knew that Korrina's determination would carry her far, all she had to do was keep believing in herself. The only issue was that the pair would most likely not see each other until the Knighthood Exam. Gurkinn had revealed that the two of them were on their own until the exam and would have to maintain their training until then without him. Said exam was to take place at Shalour City instead of the Temple where the Tower of Mastery housed the challenges one needed to become a full-fledged Aura Guardian.

"Try to keep in contact ok" Korrina practically pleaded. Ash gave her one of his trademark smiles and assured her that he would. With that, both initiates left for their quarters and slept in them for the last time.

Three and a Half Years Later

Ash and the Citron siblings had arrived at Shalour City. "It's so nice to be out of Reflection Cave" said Clemont, stretching his arms over his head. Ash agreed and told the duo that they needed to head to the Gym pronto. The siblings new why Ash was in such a rush. The young man had called Korrina every week since the group had started traveling together. "Going to see someone special?" asked Bonnie with an accusing grin. Ash blushed, "Maybe", he let out, trying to drain the scarlet adorning his face. The younger Citron sibling let out a soft laugh, she wished her brother was as forward as Ash was with his love-life, not that Ash accepted that he was in love with the gym leader. "Shouldn't we head to the Pokémon center first" asked Clermont, clearly tired from the journey. Ash told him that he would be right there after stopping by the gym first. With that Ash left the siblings and made his way down to the where his old friend was.

Standing outside of the gym, the trainer began reminiscing of his time training at the old aura temple. "It's been so long since we've actually seen each other, will everything be the same as it was before". "Of course it will be." a voice spoke from a pokeball on his belt. Ash laughed, his young Riolu had grown up into a strong Lucario and was probably looking forward to catching up with his training partner just as much as Ash was. "Well, here goes nothing". Barging through the gym door, Ash took in the building's interior design. It had what appeared to be a small skate park in the far corner while the main area contained a normal battlefield. "YAHOOOO!" a familiar voice cried in joy. Ash turned to see Korrina spinning and performing several tricks on her roller blades. However she wasn't watching where she was going and collided with the gym's newest resident. The pair tumbled to the floor, resulting in the young lady falling on top of her visitor. "Ow" the male teen grumbled "Anyone get the number of that Tauros". Korrina shook off her own cobwebs and finally noticed who had arrived at her place of work. "Ash!" she cried, "You're here". The young man was soon enveloped in a bone-crushing hug. "It's good to see you too" he wheezed; his head buried within the young lady's bosom. Korrina finally noticed the position they were in. "Oh Arceus I'm sorry." she gasped, getting off of her friend and offering him her hand. "It's no big deal." said Ash as he was pulled to his feet. "Are you ready for the trial"? Korrina told him that she was but inside she still had doubted she was ready. "Why don't we head to the Pokémon center and rest up for tomorrow". The gym leader smiled "Sure, it's been a while since we've bunked together. It'll be just like old times".

The Next Day

Korrina and Ash were at the Tower of Mastery dressed in the traditional Aura Guardian garb (Look up Sir Aaron if you don't know). Across from the pair stood a serious Gurkinn. Sighing, the elderly man began pacing back and forth. "Now." He began "It's been a long time since the two of you started training but it is time for your graduation test". Both trainers gulped unsure of what was ahead of them. Sensing their nervousness, Gurkinn continued. "I'm sure both of you are aware of the mega-evolution phenomenon but did you know that Lucario has one"? Korrina gasped, "No way, really"? Gurkinn let out a deep laugh, "Yes the Aura Guardians have guarded the secret location of Lucarionite for centuries". "Your test requires you both to find some and have your partners master the transformation". "How long do we have?" Ash asked, knowing there had to be some sort of catch to this test. "Until dawn." came the response. Suddenly a wave of aura flowed out of the old man and covered the walls of the room. "To prevent eavesdropping" Korrina reasoned, her attention returning to her grandfather. "You must travel to the island ff the coast and venture deep within its caverns to find mega stones for your Lucario". "Seems simple enough." the gym leader whispered. "I wouldn't be so sure." responded Ash. "Ash is correct." spoke Gurkinn, "The caverns can be quite dangerous". "But!" holding his finger up, the elderly man went on to explain that the most hazardous part of the test was controlling their Lucario's power once mega evolved. "If you can both manage the transformation by tomorrow morning then you both shall be granted the rank of Aura Guardian". The pair watched as their master went into a drawer and pulled out two items. "Your Mega-Bands". Both trainers accepted the wristlet with Ash attaching it to his right arm while Korrina tied hers to her left. Gurkinn motioned the pair over to the corner of the room where a bookcase stood. "Shouldn't we be leaving?" asked Ash. "Oh, don't worry, you are". the master pulled on one of the books, causing the shelf to slide over. A dark passageway was revealed with a spiraling stone staircase. "You must head to the island through the tunnel beneath the tower".

Ash offered for Korrina to lead the way and followed the gym leader onto the staircase. Barely through the doorway, Ash heard a loud bang and darkness enveloped his vision. The bookcase had closed behind the pair, leaving them in darkness. "I guess we're all alone down here." he whispered. Closing his eyes, the young man activated his aura sight, allowing for him to see in the dark cavern. Korrina had done the say and the pair continues their way down the steps. "I guess the test requires us to use all of the techniques we've learned." the gym leader reasoned, finally hitting the bottom of the stairwell. "It would make sense." added Ash, "They had to make sure the guardians could take care of themselves". The duo began their way down a long stretch of tunnel. "Speaking of which, how often have you been training your powers"?

"About 10 hours of week, you?"

"It's tough to find time while traveling but I was able to manage seven hours a week".

Korrina grumbled about how Ash was always stronger with his powers which gave the young man a laugh. Soon enough. a bright light shined through the passage. Opening their eyes, the pair came out of the tunnel and into a forest. Both trainers were immediately hit with an overwhelming pressure. "Do you feel that?", asked Korrina, having to drop to a knee and catch her breath. "Yeah" panted Ash, "The atmosphere is filled with Aura". The pair struggled, making their way through the forest and to the entrance of what looked like a mine cave. "I guess this is it". The Blonde nodded and followed Ash down until the pair reached a giant chasm. The pressure they had been feeling went away, allowing them to breathe normally. Several whispers hit Ash's ears, causing the young man to turn his head back and forth in confusion. "Did you hear that?" he asked, trying to figure out where the sounds were coming from. "Yeah, I remember reading about this in the temple archives." Korrina answered, grabbing her friend's attention. "The voices are said to be the Lucarionite calling out to potential owners". The gym leader then released her own Lucario (Nicknamed Comi) from its pokeball. Ash followed suit, calling forth Anubis from its sphere. "I assume we try to sense a matching Lucarionite for them." he reasoned. The blonde nodded, and had Ash follow her to where the chasm split into two smaller tunnels. "You go left, I go right"? "Yeah, and if one of us needs help we signal to the other". Ash agreed and the pair split up. Entering the tunnel, Ash tried to call out to Korrina, only to realize that no sound came out of his mouth. "It seems that we have to communicate through aura" Anubis telegraphed. "Right" Ash confirmed.

The partners extended their senses outwards, picking up on several small sources of aura as they made their way down the passageway. Both heard whispers calling to them again and again. Looking on the cave wall Anubis saw what appeared to be a Lucarionite. Ash watched as his partner reached for the stone and grasp it only for Anubis to be sent several inches back as a shockwave rippled along his arm, the stone still embedded in the wall. "What was that?" asked Ash with concern. Anubis put on a thoughtful look before answering, "It appears that we are destined for only one of these stones". The pair went on for several hours as they went deeper into the cave searching for the right Lucarionite. Just when they thought they would never find one a loud shockwave shook the pair. To their right was a Lucarionite shinning brighter than the others they had encountered. "Reach together?" the trainer suggested, receiving a nod from his partner in response. The pair channeled aura into their outstretched hands and closed their fingers around the glowing sphere. Aura flowed into their bodies as a vision of their training flooded their minds. When all was said and done, the sphere lay in Anubis's outstretched paw. "We did it!" exclaimed Ash. "No!" Anubis rebuked, "I still have to master the transformation". Ash nodded, removing a white bracelet from his backpack and fastening it to Anubis's left arm. Taking the stone from his partner, the initiate placed it inside of the bracelet, clipping it in place. "Are you ready partner?". Anubis responded with a nod, both the Lucarionite and Ash's key stone glowed softly in preparation for the event. Taking a deep breath, Ash pressed his key stone and a blinding light enveloped Anubis. Aura exploded from the Lucario's location, sending Ash crashing into the wall. Regaining his bearings, the young man saw that his partner was now mega-evolved. A pounding headache struck Ash as the pressure around the pair grew from Anubis's power in this new form. It was then the young man noticed that his partner was struggling to hold onto his sanity. "Anubis you have to relax" he tried, only to have an aura sphere launched in his direction. Bending his body to left, the trainer barely dodged the attack and immediately tried to close in on the Lucario. Putting every battle tactic, he knew just to get close to his partner. "Aura Link!" he cried out, shoving a force palm into Anubis's chest.

Everything went black as both Ash and Anubis appeared in an empty white void. Anubis had returned to his base form and was looking around in confusion. "Where are we? The last thing a remember was you pressing your key stone for my mega-evolution". "You mega-evolved and couldn't control it". Ash went on to explain that they were in the Pokémon's mind. The pair of them combined their willpower and manifested the Lucarionite. Reaching out they both touched the stone causing their vision to go black. The area around the pair came back, revealing that they were still in the cave. "Are you in control?" Ash asked. "Yes" responded Anubis. "Awesome, let's head back and see how Korrina is". Anubis nodded and followed his partner back through the cave and into the large chasm from before. "Ah, finally I can talk normal." sighed Ash. The young man was rather tired, having to use his aura constantly for the past seven hours had taken a toll on his body. "Do you think Korrina and Comi are ok?" asked Anubis. Ash opened his mouth to answer but stopped. A loud explosion could be heard coming from the tunnel that the blonde and her partner had gone into. Another one followed immediately after. Ash stood up, "Something's wrong". He took off down the tunnel, his partner following.

With Korrina

She had made a terrible mistake allowing Comi to mega-evolve in this small space. Korrina was exhausted from the day and didn't have the energy need to fight Comi. The young lady's partner couldn't control her new power and was a danger to the two of them. "Comi you're going to cause a cave-in" spoke the gym leader. Korrina hurdle over an aura sphere sent at her, only to be caught by a backhanded swat from Comi. One of her spikes slashed the woman's cheek, blood seeped from the wound. "I'm sorry I failed you." she whispered, closing her eyes. "Anubis force palm Comi". wrang through her head. Her eyes snapped open and watched as a Mega-evolved Anubis slammed his palm into Comi's chest. "Are you ok?" asked Ash who had knelt in front of her. Korrina couldn't respond and the last thing she saw was Ash's eyes filled with worry.

1 Hour Later

"Where am I? What happened?" were Korrina's thoughts as she came out of unconsciousness. She was back in the forest outside of the chasm, leaning up against a tree. Comi was next to her watching with worry. "She's awake!". Ash and Anubis both came rushing over. "How are you feeling?" he asked, "You gave us quite a scare". "I think I'm ok." she answered before asking how she got out here. Ash went on to explain how Anubis was able to get Comi to control the mega-evolution just as he had. "However, you were injured so I carried you out here". The blonde reached up to her face and felt the coarse feeling of bandages adorning it. "How bad?" she asked.

"Any higher and you probably would have lost your eye".

The silence after said it all. Korrina had failed her test; there was no other way to look at it from her perspective. Comi had sensed her partner's thoughts and hugged the blonde. "You didn't fail Korrina. your love allowed me to master the transformation". The Lucario pressed her trainer's key stone and mega-evolved. Korrina was stunned, her best friend was completely in control of the transformation as her hug continued. The gym leader wiped away a few tears and thanked Ash and Anubis for their help. "Alright", Ash approached and pulled Korrina onto her feet. "It's probably time we set up camp". Korrina smiled, catching Ash's attention "Arceus, she looks so pretty when she smiles" he thought. Taking her arm, the two trainers walked hand in hand as they made their way to a small clearing in the forest.

A pair of tents were soon set up with a campfire that burned brightly. Ash had gone to bed in his tent while the two Lucario were out sleeping by the fire. Korrina sat in her tent dressed in her nightwear, bandage removed from her face, her mind going crazy. The young lady had strange feeling in her chest when she thought about what Ash had done for her today. "I always thought I was jealous of his progress, but I guess that wasn't it." an exasperated sigh left her mouth. Ever since they were children Korrina possessed this emotion but until now she could never figure it what it was. "I'm in love". The thought both excited and horrified her. Ash was her closest human friend, and she didn't want to jeopardize their friendship. "But if I don't tell him now, I might lose him forever". Shaking her head once more, the young lady got out of her tent and decided to go for a walk, to clear her head. The first thing she noticed was that neither Lucario was at the campsite. "That's weird, where could they have gone"? The young lady was suddenly hit with a wave of emotion through her aura bond. Whatever Comi was doing had gotten her excited. However, that excitement made Korrina blush as the emotions turned into lust and pleasure. "Oh, OH, Arceus!" she nearly said aloud, finally realizing what was going on. The young lady balanced herself against a tree as wave after wave hit her. However these feelings made the blonde realize something. "If Comi can do it then so can I".

With renewed determination Korrina made her way over to Ash's tent. Clearing her throat, she spoke. "Hey Ash, are you awake"? Her voice seemed to have the desired effect as she heard rustling in the tent. Soon enough, the entrance unzipped, and Ash's head poked out. "What is it Korrina"?

"I wanted to thank you for rescuing me today and for being a good training partner".

The young man was about to respond but Korrina continued. "You were always much better than me and I resented you for it". A glum look adorned the woman's face, but she continued. "But as we got older that feeling of resentment turned into admiration and then something more". "And what would that be?" he asked, inching his face closer. The young man's torso popped out of the tent revealing that he was shirtless. "Arceus it's like he's chiseled out of marble" thought the blonde. Shaking her head to bury those thoughts, the woman persisted. "It turned into love". The last part practically came out in a whisper. Ash was stunned, his mouth gaping like a Magikarp. "If you already have a girlfriend I understand, afterall it took me this long to…" the young lady was silenced as Ash leaned forward and kissed her. Korrina's eyes widened, Ash was kissing her! The woman moaned into the kiss which ended as quickly as it started. "You don't have to worry about it Kor." he whispered. "You're the only girl I've ever liked". The blonde was stunned, many different emotions ran through her mind ranging from shock to happiness. "You truly mean that?" she asked, although her voice had hints of pleading to it. The young man chuckled, "I would never lie to you".

Ash grabbed the woman by the hand and pulled her into his tent. The two initiates fell to the ground where they began to make out. Korrina had fallen on top of the young man and ran her hands through his luscious black locks, while said man ran his hands along the base of her back. Tongues battled together as hands roamed eventually leaving both humans gasping for air. "Arceus Ash, how long have you been wait to something like that"? The black-haired man took a deep breath, "Probably since I was 14". The man paused, catching the attention of the gym leader. "What is it"? Suddenly both humans were hit with the lustful emotions of their partners. The man panted in exasperation "You feel that"? "Yes" Korrina whined, "It appears Anubis and Comi have a thing for each other as well".

Emotions began overwhelming both trainers with Ash beginning to feel himself get hard. Wearing only boxers, the young man tried his best to hide his growing erection from the blonde. However the blonde spied the tent being pitched. "I need to thank you for saving me". The woman grabbed at his boxers, Ash slamming his hand on her wrists. "Korrina we don't want to do anything we'll regret." he pleaded. Ash tried to get the woman to slow down, telling her that these feelings were still new for the two of them. "No Ash, I've known this for too long for it to be a fleeting feeling." she responded. Jerking her hand down, the young lady removed the trainer's boxers in one quick motion. She quickly removed her nightgown as well, leaving both Initiates naked. The young lady took sight of the young man's member and licked her lips. The phallus was easily 8in long and hard as a Geodude. Getting on her knees, Korrina took ahold of the organ and began to stroke it with her fingers. Several moans escaped from Ash's mouth. This made the woman smile before spitting onto his penis and rubbing the saliva into the tissue. While this was going on the young man got a good look at the woman's body. Korrina's long hair cascaded down her back in a ponytail which drew attention to her C-cup breasts. Small scars ran along both of their bodies from the harsh training they had endured but nothing could take away from this moment.

With seemingly no warning, Korrina placed her mouth on his member and began to push it down her throat. Ash sucked in a breath as Korrina's soft lips ran up and down his cock. Moans escaped from the young man's lips as the woman worked his shaft. "Arceus Korrina" he hitched, grabbing onto her head to aid the girl in her actions. "Let's try something else". The gym leader began humming. The vibrations on his cock drive Ash nuts and he had no time to warn the lady as he came in her mouth. Semen flooded the girl's throat, quickly trickling all of the way down to her stomach. However, Ash's release ended nearly as quickly as it had begun. The young lady pulled the phallus out of her mouth and swallowed the rest of the spunk. The young man stood in stunned silence as he recovered from his orgasm. "Well." began Korrina, "Did you enjoy it"?

"Korrina you didn't have to do this. I was only trying to…", he was cut off. The young lady had stood up and placed a finger on his lips. "I don't think I can hold back any longer." the gym leader sighed, "I need you inside me". Ash started to protest, saying that they were too young, and he didn't want to get her pregnant. Korrina sighed, "Don't you see Ash. My duty is to help restore the aura guardians". Korrina paused, placing her hands on Ash's pecs. "Grandfather has been preparing me for this role for a while." Ash listened in silence as the woman placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I'd rather this be with someone I love than a stranger that my grandfather would approve. Ash's eyes widened in recognition. He had forgotten that part of their guardian training. Gurkinn had told them that when they married someone they would be pressured to have as many children as possible to help restore the Aura Guardians. Being the last two left, the pair would be pressured to marry someone else in to help speed up the process. "Let's make this a night you won't forget." spoke the young man, his attitude shifting from one of nervousness to one of excitement.

Korrina was lifted off her feet and set down on her back on top of the open sleeping back. Ash straddled the young lady and began attacking her chest and stomach with his lips. Whines escaped the gym leader's mouth as her lover left small bite marks on her skin. His hands now intertwined with Korrina's, Ash continued his actions, moving lower until he reached the woman's glistening pussy. He gave the area a big lick, sending his partner into a shivering fit. "Ash!" she cried, throwing her head back and squirting some nectar onto the sleeping bag. Seeing this reaction made the teen's member hard again as he watched the young lady's chest rise and fall rapidly, sweat beginning to coat her abdomen. The young man pulled away and let his partner catch her breath. "Did you like it?" he asked, kissing her bosom a few more times. "Yes, Arceus yes!" she cried out. Ash chuckled and straddled the girl, his member teasing Korrina's entrance. Said phallus rubbed against the woman's opening, the cavern's juices lubricating the fleshy organ. "Fuck, Ash." she cried. Her begging only increased, forcing Ash to insert himself into her snatch. However, as he went deeper the young man paused at the lack of a barrier. "No Hymen?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. "I broke it during training, you're not going to hurt me". The young man nodded and began to pump in and out Korrina at a slow pace, lathering soft kisses along her scarred chest as he did so. The young lady mewed in response to his touch, bucking her hips upward to match his rhythmic thrusts. Ash's mouth eventually found Korrina's right breast and moved to down toward her nipple. Dragging his tongue along the areola, the young man closed his lips over the sensitive flesh and began to suckle like a baby. The young lady cried out as pleasure ran through her chest and core. Switching to the other nipple, Ash continued his ministrations, pushing deeper into Korrina's core with every thrust. The young lady was soon at her limit and felt sweet release wash over her. Sensing his partner orgasm, Ash slowed his pace to a complete stop and looked at his lover with worry.

"I'm fine Ash." she panted, just catching my breath. The young man's eyes drifted back towards Korrina's entrance and saw that her pubic hair was drenched with vaginal fluid. "Are you up for another round?" she asked. The gym leader could feel the trainer's member twitch in anticipation, still as hard as before. Not only that, but the Initiates could tell that their Lucario had finished their own mating and had fallen asleep outside. "But pregnancy…" Ash was interrupted by the young lady thrusting upward. "Female Aura Guardians have the power to prevent themselves from getting pregnant by willing it. Males can do the same thing, I thought you read that"? Ash's face turned crimson at the embarrassment. "I must have missed that chapter". Korrina let out a loud laughed. Arceus Ash missed her laugh. The sound was a melody to his ears and drove him to please the woman. Without warning he started his ministrations again. This time however, they were much faster. Back and forth he pounded his lover's pussy, their flesh meeting with a loud smack. "Oh Arceus Ash!" Korrina cried, her nether regions being stretched with every thrust. It soon became clear that the woman was losing stamina quickly as her eyes began drooping. "Ash I'm almost gone." she whispered. "Cum for me my love." he growled, softly biting her nipple. The blonde threw her head back and let out a quiet scream in ecstasy as her second orgasm of the session hit her. "Get ready Kor." warned Ash, feeling a strong sensation build in his groin. With a grunt the young man came, semen flowing from his penis like a river of water. The young lady moaned as her insides filled up with the life-giving liquid. "Oh Ash." she sighed, her eyes closing, her body sinking into the sleeping bag. To tired to move, Korrina fell asleep. Ash looked upon the woman. She was all his and no one could take her away from him. "I love you." he whispered, placing a quick kiss on the woman's fresh scar. The reminder of her brush with death made Ash swear that he would never let something like that happen again. Although he wanted to keeping going, the young man knew his partner had endured too much in the past 24 hours to continue. Wanting to go to sleep himself, he turned Korrina on her side, his dick still buried in it's sheath and laid down next to her. Wrapping his arms around her body, Ash zipped the sleeping bag shut and joined his lover in dreamland.

10 Years Later

Korrina and Ash had been enjoying their life. Gurkinn had picked the pair up from the island in the morning and immediately knew something had changed. The pair told him that they were a couple much to the elderly man's disappointment. However, he still gave the lovebirds his blessing and had Korrina join Ash on his journey through Kalos. The pair had gotten married after his league victory and gotten right to work on restoring the Aura Guardians. The young lady was currently pregnant with the pair's 6th child but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were together and soon the Aura Guardians would rise once more.

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