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The Vampire of Kuoh

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Chapter 1 - The mask


The teacher begins to take attendance after the bell rings.

"Yo Issei, mind if I borrow Titty Clashers 3"

A four eyed brat asks his rather infamous friend Issei.

"Hell no! The game just released yesterday, I haven't even unwrapped it yet."

"Aww cmon man, you know how much we've waited for this game to come out."

"Which is exactly why I'm playing it first."

"How about you come over my place and we take turns."

"Hey, that's a good idea"

Oh great here comes the monkey of the group.

"I know you cocksuckers don't plan on leaving me out!"

"Jeez could you keep it down Matsuda."

So the perv can feel embarrassment, well if you include the amount of eyes that are on the trio I don't blame him.

"Aww you shut up Issei, you two bastards planned on leaving me out."

"Ahem, we would like it if you'd keep your disgusting conversations private"

Well someone had to say it, what's her name again?

"How about you mind your business Murayama, this is a very important discussion"

Ah, that's her name.

"A discussion that can be discussed after school, unless you want us to teach you a lesson, again"

I still don't get how they let those women pummel them with sticks, it is rather amusing to hear their cries tho.

"T-there's no need for that Murayama"

"You have no right to speak Issei, you're practically the ring leader"

How that brat became a leader of anything, I'll never understand.

"You should be more like Dio, he's quiet, good looking, and he's a straight A student"

And the attentions on me now, heh not like I have a problem being the center of attention. Although, those pervs could never be like me, I'm actually insulted she made such a statement.

I guess I have to respond, eh what was her name again? Ahh Murayama, that's it.

"Murayama, we all know those three are up to no good but please, let's be kind to one another as fellow classmates should."

""Ahhh, he's so charming""

That's right praise me, I couldn't care less about those three but I have an image to uphold and I won't lose it because of three worms.

"That was actually insulting and nice at the same time"

"Hush Issei, he's obviously mocking us"

"Motohama's right, he making a fool out of us"

Oh? The monkey has brains inside that bald head after all.

"And all the girls are eating it up"

"You guys are just jealous you're not as charming as Dio"

"Murayama you flatter me, but as I said I don't think myself better than anyone. We're all classmates and we should work together as such"

That was obviously a lie, and yet they eat it up once again.

"You may be right, but I don't want anything to do with those disgusting animals"

It seems me and her share the same thoughts but she has one thing wrong, animals are actually useful these worms are nothing but that, worms.

"That concludes this lesson everyone, have fun during your weekend and boys I hope you get your act together"

We're leaving already? Have I really spent all my time in my own thoughts? Well I'd rather spend it there than waste it on these worms.

"Whatever teach, your dick's probably to old and shriveled to even have "fun" anymore so it's not like you'd understand"

How vulgar can this baldy be, truly?


"I'd rather not, let's go Matsuda"

"So are you coming over Issei?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah sure"


"That's my man Issei!"

Well I better get going also, less I lose brain cells listening to them speak.


I should head home quickly, I can't imagine spending another second amongst these anima-

Who is that?

He notices crimson haired beauty eyeing him from above

Is she looking down on me?

Wait it's that Gremory brat, it appears the title "Great onee-sama" has gotten to her head.

Tsk, I'll just ignore her she hasn't done anything to annoy me fully.

I have to get home anyways, I'm practically starving to death and I'll be damned if I eat the toxic waste they serve here.

While Rias looking out the window appears to be taken by surprise from his actions. He blatantly ignored her, he didn't even spend a full 3 seconds looking at her

"Akeno, is that the boy Sona mentioned? Blonde hair, golden eyes?"


Rias's voluptuous raven haired companion moved to the window to get a look at who her friend was talking about.

"Oh yes, I believe his name was Dio, Dio Brando"

"Dio? That's a rather unique name isn't it. Do you think he has any affiliations with the church?"

"I highly doubt it, he has no traces of light magic or any magic whatsoever, although he is quite toned for a highschooler"

She licks her pink lips

"If you're sure then I'm sure, you may leave if you please"

"Alright Rias just don't go stealing him from me, I know that look in your eyes"

She teases

"W-wha, it's nothing like that. I was just wondering, I can use all the help I can get right now"

Her tone takes a more depressing one

"I understand buchou, if you want I can have Koneko tail him"

"No it's alright, if you're truly sure he's not special then he's not any use to me during this time"

"What about Hyoudou? Koneko says she sensed some draconic energy off him although it's rather faint, that's just means he hasn't awakened it yet"

"Yea keep I bargained with sona and I plan on adding him to my peerage soon so try not to scare him off"

She jokingly says trying to lighten the mood

"I can't make any promises, who knows he might be into it"

She chuckles a bit

"You're probably right, he does have a rather explicit reputation"

Her close friend returns the laugh

"Well it's rather late buchou, see you tomorrow"

"Yeah, goodbye akeno"

*The door clicks shut behind her*

I just can't shake this feeling, what are you hiding Brando?

Random street of kuoh

I'm finally free from that prison they call school.

Dio passes by an antique shop

What's this?

"Wang Chans artifacts and creations"

I'll humor myself and take a quick peek inside

*ding ding*

The bell chimes as he enters

Is that the owner?

Isn't he a bit too old to be running a store alone?

What if the fool croaks.

"Ahh welcome welcome take a look at whatever you like"

"Will do"

"But if you break it you buy, store policy"

"Heh, noted"

Does he take me for an oaf who clumsily destroys things?

There probably isn't anything worth real value in here, just another scam that's conveniently close to a high school full of gullible students.

Although I must give credit where it's due, it is a rather smart scam.

Walking through the isles nothing catches his eye until he notices a strange looking mask

Hm? This looks rather intimidating.

"Ah, I see you noticed the stone mask aye?"

When did he get there?!

"Uh, yes it looks unique"

A bead of sweat appears on his forehead

I must have been to focused on this mask that I let my guard down.

"That's because it is, one of a kind, crafted by an ancient Aztec god"

"Sure it is, and you just so happened to have it"

Dio tries calling his bluff

"Yup, I'm rather lucky wouldn't you say?"

"Sure you are"

"So do you plan on buying it?"

He takes another look, eyeing the mask intently

"Sure, why not"

I'm not much of a collector but something about this mask... It's pulling me

"Ah, wonderful! Follow me to checkout"

"Hm, oh yes of course"

Walking to checkout he just can't seem to take his eyes off the mask and is it, glowing?

Suddenly his thoughts are interrupted

"Will that be all for you young man?"

"Yes, this is all"

My mind must be playing tricks on me.

"Ok, you're free to go, please stop by again"

"What, but I didn't pay you yet"

"Ahh, don't sweat it this one's on the house"

"Im not to keen on paying back favors old man"

He eyes him with suspicion

"Don't worry, no favors here if I'm being honest you're doing me a favor. That old thing has been on the back shelves collecting dust for as long as I can remember"

Should I trust him? He has no reason to backstab me since this is our first encounter but still, something doesn't feel right.

"Well if you don't wanna take it for free that'll be, ¥52578.75"

(A/n that's 350 usd)

"T-that's outrageous"

"I did say it was an ancient relic"

"Fine if you insist"

"Good please be sure to stop by anytime if you have any questions oh, here is my card"

He pulls out a crumbled stained piece of paper with numbers written on it

What type of business card is that?

It looks like a young brat drew it


A brat can draw better than that

I'll take it to seem nice then I'll throw it away once I get home

"Thank you for your kindness Mr?"

"Chan, Wang Chan"

"Yes, Mr Wang Chan"

"See you soon, be safe"

"You as well"

*Ding ding*

He makes his way out the store ringing the bell

"See you very soon... Dio Brando"

Random Kuoh street

"I guess I don't need to hold onto this anymore"

He tosses the piece of paper the old man gave him

But this...

He eyes that mask once more

I'll have to try it on once I get home

He continues walking down the street in the direction of his house

Brando Residence

"I'm home father"

A raspy voice speaks up from the living room

"Dio is that you? What took you so goddamn long you brat?!"

"I was caught up with after school studies"

He makes his way into the living room facing his father being sure to tuck the mask away in his shirt

"Studies eh? Why waste your time on those ridiculous teachings, it's not like you'll accomplish anything in you life"

He takes a swig of booze

"Just look at your mother, all she ever accomplished was giving birth to a brat who doesn't appreciate anything I do for him and then what does she do after? She commits suicide that's what"


"You watch your mouth old man"

"Ehhh, what did you say you brat?!"

"You don't have the right to speak about mother, all you do is sit around in your own self pity drowning yourself in liquor. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK BAD ABOUT MOTHER"-


He's knocked off his feet by the force of the slap

"So you've finally grown a pair, you're man enough to raise your voice to your old man huh?"

He unbuckles his belt and wraps it around his fist

"Then you should be man enough to face the consequences!"


"Cmon Dio, where's that attitude gone?"


The wind gets knocked out of him and he lies on his side, exposing part of the mask he's hidden

"Huh? What's this"

He reaches into Dios shirt pulling out the mask, but Dios grabs his wrist

"I-it's mines"

"Let go of me you brat"

He snatches his hand away and smacks him with the mask, busting Dios nose causing him to bleed on the mask

"Piece of garbage that's what it is"

He throws it down

"I'm going out to get some more booze, don't trash the house while I'm gone brat"

He puts on his coat and he opens the door, shutting it behind him as he walks out

"M-my mask"

Dio reaches for the mask but it starts shaking violently

"What the-"


Multiple razor sharp needles protrude from the back of the mask

"I-is it supposed to do that?"

Is it because of my blood that made the mask react that way?

As fast as the needles revealed themselves, they return themselves back into the mask

So it's timer based, how long was it? About 10 seconds I presume.


"Hm hm hm..."

He bursts into a maniacal laughter


After laughing for awhile, he regains his bearings.

"This mask, those... "needles" it's perfect. The needles were at such an unusual angle, nobody would be able to identify the cause of death of that old fool"

Yesss this is the perfect way to rid myself of that pathetic excuse of a father

I'll wait until he arrives back and shove it on his face, I must be sure to drip a little of my blood on it

Then watch as his skull becomes a pin cushion




"Father if you will, come here I have something to show you"

"Ehhh, this better not be a waste of time Dio, if it is I'll be sure to beat you worse then last time"

Tch, just you wait old man, you'll be worm food before this night is over

"Of course not father"

"I'll be the judge of that"

Useless damn brat I could be drinking booze and having fun with a lady

He walks towards Dio not realizing what he has planned

"What is it you want"

Dio pulls the mask from behind his back

"That useless thing? You called me over for that"

"Oh not just that father. You see, this mask was made by an Aztec god"

"Ahh, who told you that? Was it the salesman? They're nothing but a bunch of liars. Son that's mask is as valuable as snake oil"

"Oh but this mask is different"

He turns the mask around making the inside face Dario

"Have a closer look father"

Intrigued Dario leans closer to see the scripting inside the mask

That's it come as close as you like, I can't end your worthless life without you coming closer

"This ain't nothing but chicken scratch boy"

Just then Dio lunges forward placing the mask on Dario's face, with his free hand he rubs his still bloody lip, gathering blood on his thumb and he inches to place his thumb on the mask...
