Chereads / The Vampire of Kuoh / Chapter 15 - The red stone

Chapter 15 - The red stone

How DARE he

That's all Dio could think right now

"When I see that monkeys face, it'll be nothing but-"

"Are you done."

A cold voice snapped him out of his monologue

Dio locks eyes with the cold glare of the maid

"What do you want."

Dio coldly asks back

"The Demon king would like to speak with you now"

"I have nothing else to say to that-"

"It wasn't a request."

She replies in a more sterner fashion

Dio closes his eyes

I'll assume that I'm in those pesky devils home, I'll allow them to show me their layout for a bit

And then I'll slaughter them all.

"Lead the way, Woman."

She gives Dio a sharp glance before turning around

"Try to keep up, Tick."


I'll remember that when I rip your throat out.

Successfully suppressing his anger/bloodlust he follows grayfia down a long hall of turns

After walking for a while Dio arrives at two larger doors

The maid steps to the side


She basically demands him

Dio bites his tongue and enters guaranteeing to save her for last

"It seems you finally woke up, sleep well?"

Sirzechs asks with a cheeky grin

"You bastard.."

"I do not wish to fight once more, I no longer have the patience I formerly had"

"I have no desire to cooperate with a bunch of rats with wings"

Dio eyes shine a yellow hue

Sirzechs gets annoyed, he doesn't know how to get this guy to chill out, he can't kill him because he needs his precious Rias to wake up

After that it's to hell with him.

"Please, just listen to what I have to say, and I'll be sure to grant you any one request in return"


"I swear on my power as Lucifer"

He extends his hand

He's offering quite a lot by putting his power on the line, he has to quite literally grant him ANY request, but this simple headed battlelusted creature shouldn't know that, he was only human a while ago

Looking down upon Dio is a mistake that can be fatal

"I guess this is worth my while after all"

Dio cunningly smirks before shaking Sirzechs hand


"Now as for what I have to say, it seems after your confrontation with my sister"

He made sure to put emphasis on the word sister

"You seemed to have put her in a comatose state"


Dio yawns already getting bored

"And. I would like for you to undo it."

He shows his annoyance

"Heh… hahahahaha"

Sirzechs not seeing the humor in the situation asks

"Is there something funny?"

Dio calms his laughter before replying

"Even if I did know how to wake that brat, what would make you think I'd actually do it"

"Because we had a deal."

Sirzechs flares some of his aura to remind Dio of the power disadvantage

"The deal that I'll "listen" to what you have to say, I did and it bores me, my request please."

Sirzechs barely manages to hold back widening his eyes, he can't let this son of a bitch know he has him caught in his own words

Furthermore Dio continues

"Hmph, well I truly am sorry about your little brats situation, but I would like my request now, as I do not know how to awake her or that she even went into a comatose state as you said to begin with, honestly I thought I killed the brat"

This bastard, is he lying?

I can't tell..

Damnit, I got desperate and blindly threw my name around for the sake of my sister once more, it's probably what got her into this situation, now I have to grant this psycho's request

Releasing a sigh he looks Dio in his eyes

"What would you like, and make it quick"

"Oh I do intend to, I would like access to your libraries, all of them"

Dio calmly requests


This genuinely threw Sirzechs for a loop

That's all?

There has to be a catch right?

Dio continues

"I'm sure you devils have knowledge that isn't accessible back at my home"

Dio grins showing his fangs

A door opens and two figures exit

"Lord Sirzechs" the silver haired maid bows

Dio annoyed with the formalities cuts it off

"Yes yes, I do not intend to stay here any longer than I have to"

"Grayfia, show him the way to our main Librar-"

"Where's the sleeping beauty."

Dio asks sarcastically while smirking mischievously


Sirzechs is thrown for yet another loop once again.

"What do you mean?"

"Take me to the sleeping brat so I can wake her, then show me the main library as you said"

Dio request, border line ordering while showing practically no respect to the Maou class beings

Grayfia clenches her teeth in anger as a vein appears on her forehead


Sirzechs puts his hand on his wife's shoulder

"We must go adhere it, for Rias's sake"


She look at Dio to be met with that Maou forsaken shit eating grin


Dio chuckles arrogantly


Grayfia clicks her teeth as she strodes infront of the two leading the way

One could tell just by the way she walks

She was pissed.

With Rias

Laying on a hospital bed the unconscious Rias is surrounded by her friends and family

"Rias please… wake up"

Kiba practically pleads, he was her knight it was his job to protect his king and he failed, just like he failed back then..

Just then the door opens and Sirzechs walks in followed by grayfia

Sona seeing them stands up and bows

"Lord Sirzechs."

Before the rest of them can follow along he raises his hand dismissing them before a familiar voice speaks up

"I must say the underworld is quite unique"


Everyone immediately gets on guard

Well.. everyone from Rias's peerage

As Dio walks through the door

Before he can fully step through Kiba immediately rushed him with sword in hand



A pressure fills the room making every devil in the room sweat and barely hold there conscious

Kiba on the other hand is down on one knee facing the full force of said pressure

"Oh? Bowing already, as much as I am flattered I'm quite certain your "king" is over there"

He points at Rias

His voice, it's so… entrancing, it pisses everyone off in the room even more

Practically stepping over the kneeling Kiba he makes his way to the unconscious Rias

Akeno now stepping in the way

"One more step-"

"And then what? You lose once more? If my memory is correct your weakness is what got you precious king in this state"

Akeno bites her tongue

He's right, if she was stronger, if all of them were stronger, Rias wouldn't have..

"I said that's enough."

Sirzechs now looking at Dio speaks

"Do what you're here to do."


Sona now getting a good look at him sharpens her gaze

So this is Dio? The one who single handedly took out Rias peerage and left her in this condition.

Dio, finally making his way over to Rias, now completely towering over her

Stands there…

Grayfia grows irritated at his antics for the last time

"Well are you just gonna-"


Rias body jolts as her eyes widen



The now awoken Rias looks around and is met with a face she wishes she could never see again

"You finally woke up, sleep well?"

Dio says with a cheeky grin

While a vein appears on Sirzechs forehead

Before things could escalate Rias once more goes unconscious


Sona screams

Everyone now looking at Dio

As he feels something cold on the side of his neck

Before Kiba speaks up

"What did you do?"

"I woke her, as part of the deal, it seems her body was still exhausted, I have no control over that"

"So what, we wait for her to wake up again?"

Sona now finally speaking


Dio then with his index and thumb pinch kinda blad before it then freezes over


Everyone in the room is frozen in shock

As grayfia eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise

The ice doesn't stop at the sword either

It goes completely up to his arms then shoulders

Before finally stopping

Dio turns to then face the shocked kiba

And grabbing his wrist

"I wonder what would happen if I applied a little bit of pressure, would you like to see also?"

Ice?! Is it a form of magic? No. There was not magic sign or sygil

As Sirzechs tries to make sense of the situation a voice speaks up shocking the room once again for the fourth time

"I would appreciate it if my knight had his hands"

The attention then turned back onto the now awoken Rias


Rias greets them with a impaired smile

Before emotions could rile up Dio then turns to the Maou

"I believe it's your turn to hold up your part of the deal, Devil"

Sirzechs relieve that his sister is alright sighs

"Yes it is, Grayfia you stay here, I'll show Dio the library and return shortly after sending him off"

Grayfia bows her head

"Yes my lord"


Dio snickers looking down on the maid meeting her cold glare as he then turns his back on her

"Please do lead the way"

As promised Sirzechs and Dio head off to the grand library of the underworld

There, Sirzechs hands Dio a flier with a seal on it

"When you're ready to return home, use this"

"And how am I to trust this will actually take me home, and not the bottom of an ocean somewhere, I did make a deal with the Devil after all"

"You're sharp, but you also kept your word. I can respect that much in a man, so I give you my word as Maou this will return you to your desired location after you imbue your energy into it"

Dio looks at the piece of paper with a seemingly hand drawn design probably some devil magic that help with the teleportation

Before then grabbing it and smirking

"Word is bond after all."

Sirzechs returns the grin and nods

"Indeed it is"

He turns around and heads for the door

"You may take as many books as you like"

Before then walking out the giant doorway as the doors slam shut behind him.

Dio looks at the piece of paper and grins mischievously before slipping it in his pocket

He then turns to look at the giant array of bookshelves holding nearly countless books

Before making his way over to the "V" section

With Rias and the others

"So after you invaded his home and personal space and practically pressuring him into joining your peerage you're surprised he felt a type of way?"

Sona shakes her head while holding her glasses

"Well, I guess I could've knocked"

Rias sweats a little while nervously chuckling

"That doesn't justify the fact he nearly killed Rias"

Sona looks over at kiba before sighing

Before a voice speaks up earning the attention of everyone

"Well take this as a lesson Rias, not everyone is familiar with the name Gremory and if one man can over power your entire peerage think of how you'll do against a full peerage"

Rias looks down knowing at what he's hinting at

"You need to get stronger Rias, I can't always step in and protect you just because I'm a Maou don't get me wrong I'll tear the three factions apart for you sister, but Rias needs to be able to hold her own against threats such as Dio"

Rias looks down as the rest of her peerage is in silence at Sirzechs words before he continues

"As I said let this be a lesson, to all of you, there's always a bigger fish, sum even bigger than me"

Sirzechs then turns and walks away before stopping

"And try not to earn the ire of our new acquaintance again, he may be able to help you out your situation"

With that he leaves out and Grayfia who's been standing silence follows him out

Not before bowing and giving Rias her words of advice

"Never be to trusting."

She too then leaves out

Sona and Tsubaki then stand up

"I'm glad your alright Rias, but as Lord Sirzechs said, take this as a lesson"

She too then leaves out followed by her queen

Leaving the Gremory peerage alone

Akeno speaks up

"What are we going to do now Rias, are you able to get up"

Rias nods

"Yea, but I feel a nagging feeling in my forehead"

Kiba clenches his teeth before sharing his thoughts

"He did jab his finger there"

Rias nods

"Yea.. I don't expect that pain to just go away, it's okay other than that I I'm sure I can still exterminate a stray"

Rias chuckles slightly

Gaining laughs from the rest of her peerage

Koneko, who's been quiet this entire time walks over to Rias and hugs her

"Rias is ok."

Rias looks at her room with a sad expression but smiles and rubs her head

"I am.."

The room is filled with a peaceful silence

As they all smile warmly

"We'll defeat riser!"

Kiba says while stabbing his sword in the ground medieval style

And with a face of determination continues speaking

"On my honor as a knight and your protector I will defeat him"

Rias smiles at her knight before replying

"Thank you Yuuto, I'm positive you wil"

She turns towards the rest of her peerage before speaking again

"We'll all take him down!"

Akeno gains a smile of determination and backs up her kings words

"We'll show that pigeon the we aren't something to laugh at"

Koneko who's been laying her head on her kings lap also shares her words of encouragement

"We're gonna kick his ass."

Kiba chuckles

And is soon followed up by the rest of his peers as the room is then filled with the subtle laughter of the Gremory peerage

In the library

*Dio theme plays*


Dio, sitting at a table, can be seen reading a book on Romania

More specifically what lies within Romania


Shutting the book Dio stands up and places it ontop of stacked pile of books

He gazes at the table he once sat at and looks over all the various books he's read and some he hasn't gotten to yet

The entire table is cluttered with a random assortment of books all varying on different topics

Specifically geology, Romania, Some dwelling into the vampire faction and its civil war, Multiple books on historic relics and artifacts, and strangely enough one book detailed on lost artifacts of the supernatural history

He's been busy.

"Looks like ill have to pay a visit to those brats once more"

Dio eyes then widen a little as he smirks maliciously

"Heh, but first I'll have to bring these along with me"

Gathering his books in a neat pile Dio reaches into his pocket and pulls out the the sygil Sirzechs gave him

He stares at it suspiciously before he suddenly vanishes and arrives in his living room the books also arrived with him


He looks at the piece of paper before it flares up and vanishes


He doesn't say anything as he turns to the books he brought along with him and smirks

Later that night

Rias was let out of the homemade hospital in the Gremory mansion and is now lying in her bed


Although she's saying her finances name while laying down under her blankets, one would think she's a teenage girl obsessed with the man, but it's the complete opposite

She despises him with every fiber of her being

She clenches her teeth and fist at the thought of the man, his god forsaken grin

She doesn't even wince at the pain from her thoughts

"I'll obliterate you."

She's interrupted by her thought at a familiar voice

"I'm sure you will, brat."

Her eyes widen as she jolts out of the bed


She looks around her room frantically


Just then she gets a headache and clenches her head in the pain

"In here, let's take a peek shall we"


Rias yelps at the sudden headache she gains as something visible appears to be wriggling around her forehead before disappearing in her temple

And the pain stops

Leaving Rias sweating and falling for air

"Gasper Vlad"

Rias eyes widen before she gains a face of hatred

"If you dare to lay even a finger-"

Before she can get the words out the splitting pain in her head appears again

Leaving her clutching her head once more

"Oh I do dare indeed, but not as of right now, if you are wise you'll keep this private little talk just between us Rias"

His voice then disappears as Sirzechs suddenly bursts into the room, followed by Zeoticus and Venelana

"What is it Rias!?"

Sirzechs shouts looks around at his little sister

His father steps up and speaks in a concerned but stern voice

"We heard you shouting, is everything alright."

Her mother with a worried expression rusher over to her daughter and cups her face before placing a palm on her forehead

"Maou! You're on fire Rias!"

Her mother looks at her even more worried

"I just had a bad dream, hot sweats I guess, ha hah.."

She tried to ease her mothers concerns with a laugh at the end


Her mother sighs

"I knew we shouldn't have let her out the infirmary this soon"

She looks over to her husband and son

Before her husband then speaks up

"She's a strong girl, if she says she's fine then she is fine."

Her mother pouts before looking over to Sirzechs who then with a sweat drop speaks up

"You know, you can't keep babying her so much mother"

He's one to talk!

Shaking her head disappointingly she looks back over to Rias who's been silent in her own thoughts the whole time

"Don't be afraid to call me if something happens"

"I won't mother"

She places a kiss on her daughters head before heading towards the door and pinching her husbands cheek before snatching him out the door

"You're supposed to have my back!…"

She drags scorns her husband while dragging him off leaving the two siblings alone

Sirzechs then slickly dashes towards his sister sides and hands her a vial of red liquid and whispers to her while eyeing the door

"It's phenex tears"

He then dashes back to the door and clears his throat

"Goodnight Rias."

He shuts the door leaving his little sister alone

She stares at the bottle before scoffing but reluctantly drinks the red liquid inside

"I have to train them tomorrow… I need to sleep"

She tried not to think about her encounter with Dio, hoping it was just her imagination and close her eyes.

With Dio

Dio closes his eyes for a minute before he then reopens them

"Phenex tears... perhaps they are a type of healing remedy?"

He turns to face his pile of books

And sits down before grabbing one

Titled: The tepes faction

Sitting down and scanning its contents he comes across a page that catches his eye

"The Red Stone of Aja, also known as the Super Aja, a rare, flawless gemstone. It can absorb and refract light millions of times, emitting a laser-like beam. When combined with the Stone Mask, it can unlock a Pillar Man's full potential, removing weaknesses like sunlight and the Ripple."

Continuing in the the next page he continues reading

"It is unknown where the stone resides as of now, its last known sighting was in the possession of "Lord" Vladi, one of the last remaining pillar men, it was said to have been gifted to his son, Gasper Vladi"

Dio pauses as his eyes are not filled with milicous intent

He shuts the book and stands up it's currently 4 am

It's still dark out side, so he'll grab a quick snack and then rest for now

But it's clear as day what his intentions are

"I will retrieve that stone, and then I'll become unstoppable, the world will bow before the might of Dio!"