Driftveil city suburb. Wide, plain and free place. Have less crowding amongst the region, letting the flow of wind breach through the quite space is what would be the end of silence itself.
Her name was Ritalia Forgares. She live here, in the place where we rarely Saw mass or even house along the way. Wonder why do i rewrote this thing once more? I have absolutely no idea *ironical laugh* uh, back to the story.
------{Rita's perspective}------
[Old ref]
A really cute yawn can be seen in her face, on the same time she always greet the morning "Good morning everyone! I really got to go to bathe." But less did she know this morning would be something real different.
One last thing she is about to be ready to go to school, while she is humming about some music.
"Just need to use that perfume." But, before she even touch that perfume, for a split second her body just get a little stroke and she quickly backed up.
"Ouch that is wierd." Now she start to hear a static sound in her head and shifted into a voice similar to her but she can't control it, she can't unhear it neither.
"What is going on!" She can only be asking because she have no idea what have occur to her right now.
Now the voice in her head took control over her mouth and start speaking. "*Static* -5, 7, 11. Oh my god- it actually worked!"
"Wait what?" She stunned with this voice in her head. But not like other girls, she don't ran away but rather asking and take some stance
"Testing- oh, now it was crystal clear."
"Hello? You there? Are you really voice in my head?" She search where that voice came from, she isn't stupid either.
{Of course and always.}
She only have no idea what have occur in her life right now, but for now she can only listen the voice in her head.
{Well, you are seem to be a talented girl. So let me ask you this, who is your name?} that voice asking politely.
"What? Aren't you already know it? Because you literally in my head." Rita can only answer what she could, but now she realized that she can't read the memory of that voice either.
{Well, it seems like you already realized that you can't read my memory as well.} That voice won't tell about mere fairytale, but rather truth that almost nobody can deny.
"Ugh... fine, Ritalia Forgares. And you?" Out of pure curiousity of who is inside of her head, asking same question.
{Hmm, You wish for my name? Honestly i don't really have a name but you can just call me Qota. Honestly i have really ever feel this wise, maybe you should became even better.} So apparently the nickname of voice inside of Rita's head is called Qota.
"Well, hold on are you really just sit in my head?" Out of more curiousity she just take another question to ask.
{Well, for a plenty of reason. I don't really know, maybe if i want i just take your body out of my will just like-} Qota began to control the entirety of Rita's left arm and Rita feel her left arm is completely numb.
{Ugh, can you move to that stick?} Qota requested and point at a stick besides Rita's closest.
"Well, alright." Is what Rita can only do.
After Qota get that stick, she spin that stick really fast and really good at spinning it and Rita can only be astonished at what is Qota doing. Also Rita can notice little changes to her left arm that Qota control. She can't wait to ask again, before Rita can ask that Qota just splat that info in her head right away.
{Oh, you pondering about your arm. It slightly have my original body atributes tho, but not totally i mean is quite a bit.}
"Right..." For a second there is just silence and then breaker with Rita remember to get into school.
"Oh no, i might be late!" She quickly ran downstairs grabbing potato on the table then quickly go to school.
------[07.46 | 13/19/1963]------
Oh, i'd like to show you the perspective of Qota in this chapter rightaway.
---{Qota's perspective}---
Ah, a new world a place where i am not suposed to be. Exept i have been losing too many blood, well i am here enjoying my time, recalling my habits and might be triggering some ptsd here.
I don't really expect that i have to be ended up with this girl, i might can adapt to this situation.
Now i need to look at what is Rita doing right now.
Social science or should i call a therapist for some reason, because how in the world that she can directly know what other's felt without knowing the knowledge?
Well, for now i really just need to ask her this when lunch. Because i manage to breach into her memory first and don't really know about her deepest past but atleast i know what is her major information right now, she is quite a young girl in age of 6 also date of birth was happened to be 1957 which is quite suprising because of how quite modern this world is. I am a bit concern about this technology because i haven't seen such like, how insane the consumption of energy it is.
{Hey, Rita.}Â
"What do you want now?" I really in suprise about how did she read my thoght quickly.Â
{Can i control your body for some time?} I will try, ask as nicely as i could. Then she let me to.Â
"But remember, don't do anything bizarre." Heavily warning me that we are in equal position, or so she thought.Â
Now i really can take whole control of her body i really think that my soul was trying to adapt to this size different of a body, meh that is quite a normal thing i guess. Well, it is still lunch time tho but i think i should came to Rita's favorite place. I know something from her past a little bit, she can't run and i am not really sure why.Â
"I think i should try it, i don't know if i won't try it first?" I shout out loud then i was like "Dang, my voice is some kinda spicy should i say." I try to not waste my time here, sprinting as fast as i could into that place.
Just as i thought, she have a weak heart rate. I also have notice something with her heart, it was on the right side. Like it was almost perfectly reversed, i can feel it my own beating in my right chest.Â
"Crap, that is literally draining my oxygen faster than ever." Now that i have just realized that this is a literal problem i have ever experienced before, but now that i have to know it i must do something.Â
"Eh, hold on. I can't hear Rita in my head, why is that? Oh no, this isn't good. I know Rita is still alive, but somehow i can't hear Rita is she is the only one who can hear my mind thought? This is bad." I really try to make contact with Rita, really badly. Her lesson is quite easy to answer, yet i don't really know the history in this world. Atleast i know some from Rita's memory.
Little by little i manage to shift with Rita. "That is way more harder than it is."
Looks like Rita is still got her panic attack for a split second, she is just like-
"Did I- just came back?!" She is always unexpected to deal with, really she checker her whole body really taking that as a harsh experience.
"I had ever thought that you'd take that long time to let me go." Her heartbeat was starting to increase quite significant but not as close to left heart one.
{You know what? You have a genetic issue.} I really trying to tell her the true thing behind she can't use that much of stamina as other normal person can do.
{Maybe you would be sad listening this, but your heart is on your right side, like almost perfectly reversed.} I am sad for a second but i only know little about her. Instead of sadness, she is more typically girl of never give up.
"Well, you said that. I am much interested in trying something, i really want to know how do my body would endure." She said that politely and nicely, really outpass my prediction.
"But i wanted you to be the one who exercise, so that we can have like 55:45 of our entire life being in this body." Should i accept the deal? Of course i am, this is my chance. I would have a real time to quite explore Unova, because this is my last chance.
{I'll take your offer.} Simply agreeing isn't that big of a deal right? You're right, it absolutely a real terrible idea. Anyway i get trough it rightaway, gotta go to know what would have to occur in this world.
------[Next day, maybe? 05.27 | 14/19/1963]------
Seemingly that i am the one who need to awake, though i must do my daily routine. Pray and then grab a jacket, then going outside. Also i don't forget to leave a note on the table, just in case mom would question where her daughter have been.
This is just a normal jog, but i just insert some punch in line also trying to make the heart became stronger.
Only problem is, i really can just passed out whenever i overdosis it. But i luckily still have my old skill called : adrenaline control. But i can still passed out, but i manage to keep this up until sunrise.
I really feel i am gonna passed out with this less oxygen pumping. Atleast for now this is what i can do. If i can keep up with this training all day, i really can keep my promise.
My honor is keep my promises, i hate betrayal, yet still have a heart. Yet how stupid i am, still have something to be empathise with the betrayer.
------[1 week later]------
Now i really know how to let Rita control her body again and let Rita control yet i can take over her body in no issue, maybe we Will be an unstoppable force that we are keep shifting control.
But i have know that Rita still coudn't do what i can do, i don't know why but it seems like people here get like some kind of connection to a spesific type of their souls with. For instance, i have some really good relation with "Dark" and Rita is more on "Psychic" well, that is truly a coincidence.
No wonder do i am only the one who can do it, but also she can't do it for now.
------[1 month later]------
You know what? This is going to be a really fun routine, like i always do this and mostly of the time i feel like became one with nature.
Tho i have seen some pokemon myself, Unova original Pokemon. But seems like the pokemon here is quite messed up, because a lot i have seen was european pokemon all over the places. I have also seen a giant Coalossal, it was really massive like 14' or more. Atleast that is the only one that have that enormous size.
But else? Oh, don't get me starting. There was a freakin Heatran, a cyclazar and the most shocking thing again, a freakin Celebi was caught on eye with some pedestrians, or is he a pedestrian?
I am insecure as always, like i don't want to speak with somebody i don't know. I guess i could came back to my training.
When i try to run little by little, tho i feel that Rita's heart isn't in the right place and as long as i know there is a cure but this might be a permanent one. Maybe i would add jumping rope later into this walk.
------[2 month later]------
I have succesfully add jumping rope into this walk, but i now can only do 30 reps without fail. Tho my trackline is still the same, only around the town.
I have to make the heart more stronger and better take of oxygen delivery on every single cell in my body. Ye, i know this isn't really my body but i would say it anyway.
Also speaking of body, Rita manages to speak little by little. I always trying to cheer Rita up in some Cases, just like in her class, physical education and in the social science.
But sadly Rita have a bad social skill, but she want's to improve anyway. Also she have an average grade in her physical education, that is quite good for a disable.
I have also note about some related to the world, but they won't let us in.
I don't know why, but it seems like this time is full of peace. No war have been occur so far, but i am quite a bit suprised with the world war 2 still happen.
The 1 st one also occur here, 'Is this really pokemon world?' That is my thought before i look at the globe, to in my suprise the world is still the same in my original world. Literally the same in some land, but that southeast asia that land is only can occur when 24 millenia ago. I can't really bear this really heavy fact, i really need some kind of migrain killer.
------[5 month later]------
"Haha, i have finnaly add more!" I really happy that i have exeed the practice that was literally over all the most hardest. I place a half kg of weight in my mouth, hanging 5 kg sand in each of my leg, also still doing jumping rope.
I must have focus more in this training because it was quite a time consuming for set this up, maybe i need to add some weight when i finish this weight to be unnoticed.
------[1 week later]------
Oh, ye- i forget about it. This is already winter and the snow layer is really really thiccc maybe this would cause a trouble but, i am really curious myself about what i really want to do.Â
So i just clean the road myself, throw away the snow one scoop to the another one. It was tiring to be honest, but also it was worth a sweat knowing that this time the winter is lasting for 9 whole month.Â
"Clean for today, maybe later i would eventually finish this faster." That is a fun activities, also everyone also notice how i am doing this all day even if the morning was really snowy.
Another fun fact tho, i am splitting my habits of playing jumping ropes and jogging. Where i just wore a weight in that jog than doing it with jumping rope, i really hate the snow. Like, it only prevents me from getting my streaks. I wish i can do jogging while jumping ropes at the same time every year.Â
Wondering about Rita? Oh, don't worry she is okay now with her newly acess to the "psychomunicates" finnaly she was able to speak to me, but she still have a problem whenever i just give her control. Maybe she'll figure that out, i hope.Â
right now i just wear my brown fluffy winter jacket, a sturdy rubber band to enhance my arm speed also still adding weight to my legs. Now it was 25 kg in each leg, "I wonder if i could wear that vest?"
Or so i thought about it i am little horrified about my bone get shattered like a biscuit, i have experienced it when i wear that 100 kg vest i feel that one of my bone went broken. Then i just get outta that vest, that is really hurt that bad.Â
No wonder that this is what i have been aiming for, but now i can just make some igloo for myself and train inside of it. Inside is really warm, more to hot than warm if i could say. Because i have been here for a whole hour, just jumping with weight and keep doing it. Also keep my streak of jumping rope, even double it because of what nature force me to.Â
"-98-99-100!" I manage to incerease my heart beat, it pump really fast and i can feel my own blood flowing like a waterstream, tho i already forget about weight i have in my legs. "Guess later i would incerease it more." Target? Of course 75 kg. Not believe me? Maybe we would eventually did it for later, but from what i have look i am quite an average stamina of a newby athlete in my world, well that is quite impressive. that i have praise myself is quite embarassing, maybe this is the most akward thing i have experienced so far.Â
(A/N) The story will truly begin! Hehaahahahahaaaa!
[To be continued] (rewritten)