Chereads / Pokemon: Celestial inclanation I / Chapter 5 - Future and Dream(Worked on)

Chapter 5 - Future and Dream(Worked on)

"So, yesterday She had to deal with her disease, Being attacked by an alpha pokemon, and now she can no longer stand?" Recalling what Torana just told her, Alcha's hair dissassembly curled up. 

Then Xavier (Rita's father) walked in with his phone. "You know it, we love our job. We can gave a hand and secure the place with our hands, why won't they let us?! After all it was a masterpiece of our folks, we would ever want to ruin that." He paused for a moment, held the phone down and took a deep inhale. "So, who do we get here?" Xavier calmly ask them. 

Torana said "This lady over here her mane was Alchai Mondotera, she was our guest." Alcha acknowledge Torana's statement and soon take an elegant sit. 

Standing there leaning to the sofa, Xavier began to digest the idea. "Ah, if you wonder about how'd Rita doing, she is kinda hurt because of latest incident. Don't worry about her, she'll be alright." He spoke like a british. 

"Well, that is unfortunate." Alchai said well. 

"Sorry about that little fella, you may visit again in a month. Where Rita can do you a favor." He nonchalantly said, while putting a friendly face he once had. 

Alchai came up with a fixed goal. "Alright gentleman, i had nothing to do right now. Maybe i shall take my departure from now on, see ya anytime." 

------[A week later]------ 

Rita found herself healed a bit, an insane healing factor caused by Qota. Enforcing core part of the body, which are ribs, collarbone, and several joints. 

At this point, Qota can only one-third active. The body still have some broken bones. The fact that she had an extreme disease that faded 4 days ago, is quite insane for a kid and an ultimate works of mere mortal soul. 

Atleast, Rita can do some activities while Qota keep fix the body on a rapid scale. The placing of heart and lungs still the same, almost perfectly reversed while the rest of her body is just like a regular human. Still maintaining an over the top physical capabilities that normal person would be struggle, with slight restriction of course. 

"That is quite suprising, i have ever thought about your healing capabilities could be this strong." Torana said while pulling out his book, not sure what he write but it might be important later. 

"Yea, so did i. It was a miracle that i could can get on my feet after that crash, still felt quite dizzy." She chuckle lightly before walking downstairs, the bones don't perfectly conditioned still able handle her body mass around 90 lbs on each leg. 

"This show felt so damn rough, this show is good one." Torana state in a standard tone, watching television closely about certain shows. 

Rita walk her way to living room, tried to take a peek at what Torana stare at. "Aye, that's new. When do you get these chanels, i don't usually see other have this on their television." 

This got Torana's attention. "I get used to this some time ago, because of your pops." Referring to Xavier. 

"So, what did you watch with him?" This conversation escalate pretty quickly that these two getting real connected, creating a string of bond likely last until death. 

Often we see that pokemon obey their master. But in reality, they just like human and depicted as a social ceature. They accompany from which beneficial for them, eiter "Get stronger" or "Be very loyal no matter what" or maybe "Your dream is my dream too" some times pokemon also "Differerent" not always on physical appearance, but their preferences also what make them different from everyone else. 

So, there was a seemingly mutual connection between tainer and their pokemon. If you are worth per se by the pokemon, you have a chance for taming them without even needing a pokeball. Just like what Satoshi always did to his team, but even harder than it should. 

"Nobody is pure" and that is the reality we live in, nothing is pure lactose. At least there really was 0.1% of bacteriae, indicate that everything is not pure. But Go- okay let's get stsaight at the point. 

Human is still a human alright, they can still make thing worse than devil would. 

Or am i wrong? 

Once again, it depend on what preference pokemon have. If it suits you then be it, but it is hard to not get rejected. 

Sure does everything have limits but GOD, so therefore it was the reason why i made those decision. We aren't GOD, and no one do. We aren't all powerful and every aspect of said GOD wasn't present in a man, therefore "There is no great creator exept the ONE TRUE GOD." 

But none of that matter now, so what i want to say is someone decide what would they do and maybe or may not be a reality. There is a little spoiler for ya, the thing what i said is hard for me and took some time.

I have little to no motivation to do this, but i tried my best to keep my pace on. So on a planned later on the story almost all of our main character died, not all of them but lots of them would kick the bucket pretty soon. Hope you don't mad about what am i gonna do. 



Endless pace of locked in, fix the body as a whole. Sped up the recovery significantly, Qota can be spotted resting on the couch wondering about existence. Qota no longer have enough mental prowess to do anything at all, basically mentally tired. 

"It felt like an eternity, i sure quite lucky that nobody call me that much. I have lose control over this body, thankfully i am not losing that much of mental fortitude. Not like last time..." Qota began to recover the loss when fixing the body, much like meditating and rebuilt the core that pretty much broken last time. 

------{Torana's perspective}------ 

I began to felt something odd about my master, her soul exposed and there is another one seemingly not hers. I don't feel any danger regarding this other soul, but this soul seemingly on control over her body. So i began to alert. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

She snap out and stare at me for a moment and began to confused. "I am Ritalia Forgares, don't you remember that?" 

"I know, but who spesifically you?" Further more create tense that seem to not even leave sense of fear on her face. 

"Ah, you see it now. Maybe it is the time to tell you." She said in the calmest way possible, send chill down my spine. As she began to explain things i can't really digest, but i have heard about this particular was part of "Eternal Creation" i don't know what that mean and she seemed to recommend me to forget about it. She still offer an answer, but i kept tha fact away. 

"Rita is still dreaming right now, i just had a vow with her to have a shift control. She can't hear me right now, or she might." I kinda digest the thing that this soul have existed long before this universe have even formed. In other words, this soul is a former celestial entity. 

"Your life must have been really hard from all of those memories, no wonder you would do some herrendous action." She just took a stare at me for some time while put a wierd face, i think she had more secrets than it was. 

"You know what? That is exactly what i did several thousand years ago, but i don't want to spoil it for the readers." She mentioned something about the readers, i not sure what did she means. 

"Hm, what is it again? Oh, Alchai would show up in 3- 2- 1-" And the doorbell start to ring, and we can hear Alcha's voice said "Is anybody home?" Left me speechless for a second, but she quick on her feet and rush into door. 

"Hello there my friend, good to see you after so long." 

[To be continued]