Chapter 7 - 37

Chapter 37

Waking up the next day in the Scottish Highlands was a winter wonderland that brought a smile to Harry's face.  The thought of going home and spending the next few weeks with his family was something that put butterflies in his stomach.  It would be his first holiday season with his family and was immensely looking forward to it.  The thought of Elaina joining him over the holidays put a touch of anxiety over the matter, but he knew the time to give his friend a small insight into his past was coming.

The Slytherin Common Room was full of people as he made his way downstairs with his things shrunk down into his cloak pocket.  Arriving in the Common Room people created a path for him as if he carried some type of plague.  This had been happening since his duel on the grounds over a month ago, and after Elaina throttled Rabastan last night the same whispers now carried on about her.  The two had become even more prominent than before and Harry was starting to wonder who next might take a shot at cursing one of them in the back.

The path that his eyes followed was to his small group of four Slytherin friends, however, all of whom seemed to be in good spirits.  Pandora was wearing a hideous Christmas sweater that definitely made Harry think of Luna.  A gift from Xenophillius Harry thought with certainty.  Nate and Andi were both in travel robes with small emblems of their family embedded into their lapels.  Harry supposed this was a Pureblood tradition at this time because he noted many others around the room were wearing something similar.  Elaina for her part remained in her Slytherin robes and offered Harry a smile as he greeted them.  Inwardly the young man noted the girl seemed to smile a lot more since they had delved deeper into their training together.  The girl was not so unlike him, at times that was almost painfully clear.

Andi offered him a sly grin, "You two excited to spend the holidays together?"

The raising of her eyebrows was suggestive, but Harry didn't rise to it, "Well we would be disappointed if you didn't at least make one appearance at Potter Manor.  I am sure we will get tired of hexing each other at some point."

Defensively raising her hands she said, "Well I wouldn't want to intrude on your time together."

Rolling his eyes Harry said, "You are all welcome at Potter Manor if we want to gather around Christmas as a group."

Pandora offered him a bright smile, "It would be nice to be among friends over the holidays.  Xeno has so few family members left, and my family isn't exactly rolling out the welcome wagon for me."

Nate grimaced at his cousin's words, "You did tell the Lord of our house, my father, that you cared little for his opinion when it came to matters of the heart."

"That was as respectful as I could manage to portray my feelings over the matter." Pandora said defensively, "Trust me had I told the man what I really thought we probably would have drawn wands over the matter."

Pandora flipped her hair over her shoulder and held her head high over the matter and Harry grinned, "I don't think I've ever heard this story."

Andromeda shuddered, "There isn't much to it. Pandora came from a sacred 28 family and marrying into another that could barely be classified as Pureblood caused quite the stir.  Doing it the day she turned seventeen just led to more excitement.  I think she was lucky Lord Greengrass didn't strike her from the family.  I am certain that it is what my fate would be if my mother and father didn't decide to kill me first."

Darkly, Harry remembered what had happened when she had decided to run off with Ted Tonks in his timeline.  She was exactly right, but he was unaware of what the fallout may have been like with her parents.  Pandora however scoffed, "I may not have been stricken from the family, but I was told I was on my own.  My last year of Hogwarts had already been paid for, but other than that…there wasn't exactly a dowry for my wedding with Xeno.  Regardless of that, I wouldn't have had it any other way.  I love him, and that's all there is to it."

"We can't all be as brave as you Dora." Andromeda muttered so quietly Harry was certain only he had heard it.

As the group began making their way out towards the grounds where the train would await Pandora asked, "So Andi, what is a Black family Christmas like?  Do you sacrifice muggles and hang them on the tree?"

Nate snorted while Harry cringed at the thought, making Andi chuckle darkly, "Not until Boxing Day!"

The group laughed while Andi sighed, "No, it used to be more pleasant before Bellatrix went off and got married.  My sisters and I would spend the morning with our parents and then we would go off to my grandfathers for dinner.  Walburga would be her usual obnoxious self, but she was usually slightly less unpleasant on Christmas.  Now with Bella gone, Sirius having run away, and the family divided on this supposed Heir of Slytherin, I can't imagine a peaceful holiday."

"I think my family is having Lord Black over on Christmas Night for a family dinner.  If you expressed your desire to spend the evening with your grandparents maybe you could escape the mutiny." Harry offered consolingly.

"I will think about it." Andi said with a grateful look, "I just don't want to leave Cissy behind."

Nate rolled his eyes at this, "Your sister is probably the golden child of the family at this point.  I hear she is in talks with Lucius Malfoy."

Pandora shuddered, "That pig is like 5 years older than her.  He has to already be twenty?"

"Twenty one I think." Nate supplied.

"There could definitely be worse matches for her." Andi said unsympathetically.

"Any thoughts on who they might betroth you too?" Elaina asked curiously.

Shaking her head she took a deep breath before saying, "Grandfather has been kind to me on the matter.  My sisters both wanted to get married and be spoiled by their husbands.  I don't have that desire.  I like my freedom.  I know I can't keep it forever, and even my grandfather's patience will only go so far, but I don't know.  I wouldn't be surprised if they are hoping Harry here will sweep me off my feet."

Harry nearly stumbled at her words and looked at her with wide eyes, making Pandora and Nate laugh, "Am I that repulsive to you, Potter?"

Feeling hot at Andromeda's question Harry tugged at his robes around the neck. "Not at all.  What makes you think that though?"

Andi shrugged, "It just makes sense.  We are of similar age.  Just distant enough in relation that the Black's would jump at it.  You're powerful.  My grandfather is your father's best friend.  I will be watching my drinks for amortentia over the holidays.  I wouldn't put it past someone in my family to try it."

"Bloody hell.  Well if you come back professing your undying love to me I will know to have Lily brew you an antidote." Harry answered sarcastically.

As the group reached the carriages surrounded by the rest of the chattering students of Hogwarts Andi joked, "Just don't curse me too hard If I try to snog you."

"No promises." Elaina said, chiming in, causing the group to laugh.

Harry glanced at the girl with a grin, and she just bumped him as they took their seats in the carriage.  There had been something unspoken between them these last few weeks.  A sort of charge Harry couldn't quite place his finger on.  He had little doubt what the energy meant, because it was something he had felt before, but both knew that the secrets between them stood in their way.  Their friends had undoubtedly picked up on it, and the subtle jabs had originally made them both color in the cheeks, but it had become something of a game to them now.

The young time traveler wasn't sure what to make of his situation.  On one hand, it would be nice to tell someone outside the family his secret, or at least tell Elaina something about his past, but another part of him felt guilty.  If anyone deserved the right to know it was James.  Had the Potter Heir stepped up and taken a mature mindset in their training over the last month Harry had little doubt he would've told James everything over the holiday.  Now he was needing a new confidant, and Elaina had risen to the occasion since they had practically met.  The underlying fear of James telling the other Marauders everything lingered in his mind as well.  There was no way of knowing exactly how far Peter was entrenched with the Death Eaters at this time if he was at all.  It was not a chance he was willing to risk, and his cold nature to the boy had undoubtedly caused a small rift between him and the others.

The Marauders couldn't understand what the rat in his timeline had cost him.  He remembered the warning he had received from Fleamont while he was passing into this timeline, but he could not find it in his heart to forgive the man that shared the same face as his parents' betrayer.  It had been easy originally, but as time went on, and they interacted regularly it became more and more difficult.  Harry found himself drifting away from the group, and unwilling to engage them in conversation without the urge to throttle the traitor becoming overwhelming.  Perhaps with more time, and a load taken off his shoulders that could change.

The dark thoughts of what he faced carried over when the group approached the thestrals leading the carriage that would take them down to Hogsmeade.  He could hardly see the creatures without thinking of his friend Luna, a young woman who had comforted him at a time when he had felt so alone.  Glancing to Pandora who seemed so carefree he fought back the familiar sting of loss that took him into thoughts of home.  It was hard to differentiate the young woman from the girl he called a friend in his time.

For the first time, Harry found himself grateful that Andromeda did not look so similar to her daughter.  The two were very different witches, and while Harry was happy to have the girl as a friend he was glad to not have the constant reminder of Tonks in his mind.  His connection to Nate and Elaina was a breath of fresh air as well.  The two were so distant from everything that happened in his time that at the very least he was not haunted by his visions of the past.

Arriving at the express the group entered the train without pause and began searching for an empty compartment.  The express' occupants were tingling with excited energy by the time it took off and the small group was settled.

Quiet conversations of holiday plans passed among the group until a knock on the door disrupted them.  With a flick of his wrist, Harry lazily opened the door revealing a grinning James at the door, "Morning my fine-scaled snakes.  I'm looking for my handsome devil of a twin cousin."

Rolling his eyes Harry stood to greet the boy, "Hey Prongs.  Been a while since we spoke."

The tension in the room caused the occupants to shuffle slightly, but James kept the grin on his face, "Well you know, being Head Boy is not all it's chalked up to be.  It's busy work."

Trying to diffuse the situation James turned to Elaina, "I hear you will be camping out at Potter Manor for the holidays.  With Sirius staying with us I think he will be glad to have another refuge to make him feel less out of place on Christmas day.  Thanks for that."

Elaina offered the young man a nod, but said nothing as she watched Harry just stare at James.  Feeling the discomfort James rubbed the back of his neck, "Are we going to do some flying over the holidays, Harry?"

"Sure, James." Harry said evenly.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." The Head Boy said grasping for anything to make it less awkward.

Taking a deep breath Harry offered him an assuring nod, "Me too."

The rest of the compartment watched for a moment before James forced a cough, "Anyways better get back to my rounds.  See you later, Harry.  Happy Christmas everyone."

Another nod and Harry closed the door behind his cousin before sighing.  Andi was the first to break the silence, "Merlin Harry.  What was that all about?"

"It's a long story." Harry said, "I am just not quite sure what's going on with him.  He looked at us like we were the bad guys last night in the dueling club, and he has been dodging me the back half of the term.  Now he is suddenly trying to play nice and talk to me before we come under the eyes of the family."

Nate frowned at his friend's words, "That's odd.  Did things get weird after Quidditch?  I noticed him and the other Marauders started hanging back a little more after that."

"Maybe he is uncomfortable that his crush is getting close to us snakes, but he hasn't managed it." Pandora added helpfully.

Harry grimaced at that conclusion.  The last thing he needed was for James to continue thinking that there was something between him and Lily.  It would explain why he had been distant.  Maybe he had misunderstood the separation.  Everything had seemed fine until Lily and Elaina went to Hogsmeade together.  Harry had even been working on the Patronus with the two seventh-year girls since then.


At the first sight of snow, Harry had led Elaina and Lily into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with the permission of Professor Black to work on the Patronus charm.  The man had stated his door was open to his use as long as they weren't going to be casting spells at each other or do anything that could cause damage to his classroom.  This meant that after class one day the trio had stayed behind leading to many curious glances, particularly from the Marauders.  Harry would have to be blind to miss the fact that Snape was also staring loathingly at him as he began conversing with the two females.

After giving his promises Harry had been under the watchful eyes of his two female friends from the time the class emptied.  With his wand in hand he took a deep breath before meeting the eyes of his mother first, "I think you both know that the charm we are about to attempt is well beyond the ordinary wizarding level.  The Patronus charm was designed to beat dementors, but to this day wizards have not produced a consistent way to kill them.  I am unsure what efforts have been made in that arena, but I can assure you the patronus will suffice if you were to encounter a dementor or a lethifold."

Before the question could be posed about his encounters with the creatures Harry flicked his wand saying the incantation as clearly as he could "Expecto Patronum."

Effortlessly a misty stag materialized and seemed to solidify as he held the charm allowing the creature to prance around the room in search of a reason for its call to arms.  Lily seemed amazed by the spell and stepped forward to analyze the beast with her wand in hand.  With her free hand, she reached out to touch the creature stating, "It's warm.  Is this what magical saturation feels like?  I've been told some witches and wizards can sense that kind of thing?"

Elaina, who seemed emboldened by her friend's words, stepped forward and placed her hand on the large antler creature.  Harry watched in curiosity as his training partner swirled her wand absent-mindedly before saying, "Yes, this is what it feels like.  Everyone's magic feels different, but this feels very much like Harry's.  It feels safe."

"At the heart of the charm you are creating a guardian." Harry confirmed as Lily looked over to him as if she had forgotten there were two other people in the room with her, "My patronus is something very personal to me, and he is my protector.  As you both probably have heard I can also send messages with mine, which is something I can teach you after you perfect the charm."

"How do we do it?" Lily asked, turning her fascination back to the stag that was slowly dissolving into thin air.

"Happiness and practice." Harry answered carefully, "You need a memory.  A very happy memory.  Powerful to you specifically.  You need to recreate the memory in your mind and breathe in the sights, sounds, and emotions you felt during that moment.  When you exhale, say the words, and see your progress."

Both girls frowned at his explanation, Lily asked, "That's it?"

"If there is more to it my professor didn't know it." Harry admitted, "He was kind of an expert on these things, but of course, there could be other ways to do it.  My boggart used to be a dementor, and that was how I practiced, how I overcame the fear."

"What memory do you use, Harry?" Elaina asked quietly as she stared towards the windows now seemingly unwilling to meet his eyes.

It hadn't occurred to Harry that this question might surprise him.  In his previous life, he always thought of spending time with Lily and James.  Getting to know them.  Having a life with them.  The first memory that took him to the promised land was not even real.  It was just an imaginary concept of his parents talking to him.  While he was certain that his family must have spoken to him while he was a baby he had no recollection of that.  He didn't know what his father's voice sounded like until James walked in to meet him at Potter Manor, while the only concept of his mother's voice was when he heard her screaming his name after his first encounter with a dementor

Now his memory had shifted instinctually.  When he thought of happiness he thought of Potter Manor.  He thought of his family.  He thought of the friends he made, and he thought about the future he could have with his parents.  Even though James and Lily Potter in this world may never come to know what he sacrificed, what they sacrificed, he would still be grateful for the opportunity he was given to be with them.  Even if his life was shorter than he liked it to be.  Every day since he woke up had been a gift, a gift that he had to enjoy until his last day.

"Harry?"  Lily prompted softly.

Turning to face the green eyes that were so similar to his he offered her a smile, "I think of my family…and I think of my time with my friends."

Lily's countenance seemed to brighten as she nodded quickly and took her first attempt at casting the spell without hardly any hesitation.  No results right away, but Harry offered verbal encouragement before turning to Elaina who seemed to be staring at her wand with worry.

Stepping towards the girl to give Lily some space to practice he asked, "What is it?"

"If this is just a happy memory, why is the charm so difficult?" Elaina asked in a quiet tone.

"The power behind the emotion would be my guess." Harry said with a soft sigh, "My first few attempts were pitiful.  I thought about my first bits of magic, I thought about my first time riding a broom, and the dementor knocked me out three times before I pulled it under my control."

Elaina seemed to analyze his words carefully and her blue and green eyes seemed darker than usual, so he offered a tip, "Why don't you settle on a memory, and I can offer advice from there?"

Seeming to consider his words for a moment she finally nodded and Harry took a step back to give her some space as she echoed the words, "Expecto Patronum."

In the few weeks they had worked on the charm Lily had managed a mist that definitely could not repel a real dementor and Elaina had produced nothing at all.  In their spare time, they had begun practicing their wandless spells, but that was as slow going as their new charm project.  Elaina had seemed particularly discouraged, and Harry hoped he could share a little bit about his past over the break so he could give her a few more helpful hints.  He couldn't very well go into the details of the memories that first helped him break through with the charm as is, but one day soon he hoped to be able to.

As they approached Kings Cross Ted Tonks had boldly knocked on the compartment door requesting to speak with Andi, and the girl was out of the compartment so fast Harry had chuckled.  Nate for his part however shook his head saying, "That's one brave man.  If the Blacks ever found out a Muggle-born was even interested in one of their daughters he would likely be found strung up in Knockturn Alley somewhere."

Pandora and Elaina had chuckled at his words, but Harry grimaced at the thought, remembering exactly how Ted Tonks had gone in his world.  He could only hope that Arcturus in this world could be reasoned with when the time came.  Perhaps he could even give the man some insight into the witch Nymphadora Tonks could become.  She was great without the Black family magic or family intervention, she could be amazing with the right guidance.

It wasn't long before the Express had arrived in King's Cross, and Harry was taking deep breaths feeling his excitement for returning home.  As what was left of the group disembarked the train Harry took in the excited faces of family greeting their children.  It was a pleasant scene in comparison to what he had last witnessed in his sixth year at Kings Cross.  Dumbledore had just been killed and the Express had only remained long enough for the funeral to take place before whisking the students of Hogwarts across the countryside.  Parents had been rushing their kids off the platform and in some cases out of the country with the death of the leader of the light.  With Dumbledore gone most people saw that as an invitation for Voldemort to conquer the nation, and they were right.  Seeing this sight now lifted his mood as he observed families embracing across the area.

Harry knew his parents would be on the platform today for safety reasons more than anything, but the young time traveler had his own mission to accomplish before he could meet with them.

Searching for familiar red hair Harry dragged Elaina down the platform as they exchanged holiday greetings with classmates in passing.  Harry had spotted Amelia exchanging hugs with a young man in a uniform who couldn't be much older than they were now.  Susan's father, Edgar Bones, Harry thought briefly.  The man and his wife would leave behind a young child after they were murdered by Death Eaters just before his parents had been killed.  He remembered Moody briefly mentioning just how great the wizard and his whole family were, and by the look of the man's outfit, he guessed that Amelia had followed her brother into the Auror program after graduation.  Harry wondered what had come of the Bones family, but continued glancing around spotting Frank embracing a familiar Harfang Longbottom down the way.  When the two had separated Harfang embraced Alice as if she were already family and a small grin crossed Harry's face.

Finding his intended target he spotted Lily embracing both her parents at the same time and the two looked quite content to see their daughter.  Swallowing hard, Harry memorized the faces of his young grandparents.  He was uncertain as to how they had died, but he was certain that his aunt Petunia did not have a good relationship with them by the time they had passed.  There were no pictures of his grandparents, nor had he grown up hearing stories of them.  The acceptance of Lily's magical gifts had clearly created a massive rift in the family, but the handsome couple made Harry's heart pound a little faster.

His grandmother didn't have Lily's red hair, but oh did she have her eyes.  The brunette woman couldn't have been a day over 40, and her youthful face was free of wrinkles and only held a large satisfied smile for her daughter.  The man was stout and could've been an athlete with his size.  Harry recognized the look of a soldier and wondered if his maternal grandfather had been in the service.

Approaching the couple cautiously, Harry had long planned his entrance into the conversation and greeted Lily casually, "Lily, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas before we left.  I also wanted to give you something."

Reaching into his robes he pulled out a shrunken book from his pocket.  It was something he had written to his father about, and the man agreed to send him a copy of 100 Essential Charms by Abraham Ronen, "The author was a charms professor from earlier in the Century.  I would have sent it to you for Yule, but I don't trust owls."

Lily offered him a large grateful smile embracing the boy immediately, "Thank you, Harry!  I hope my owl makes it to you, because I planned a gift for you as well.  I sent both you and Elaina's gift to Potter Manor."

When the two separated the man behind Lily cleared his throat and the younger redhead blushed saying, "Sorry Dad, Harry these are my parents, my mother Iris Evans, and my father Jonathon Evans.  Mum, Dad, these are my friends Elaina Essex, and Harry Potter."

Harry offered his hand to the large man who swooped his up with a powerful grip, "Harry Potter?  Any relation to the miscreant that keeps harassing my daughter?"

Harry and Elaina both chuckled while the young man said, "My cousin I am afraid."

Lily defended the boy instantly, "Harry is nothing like James, but I have to admit James has been a lot better this year."

Harry wanted to brighten at the compliment his father had received, but his qualms with the man kept him from getting too excited.  When Harry traded places with Elaina to shake his grandmother's hands a flash of familiarity crossed her face when they locked eyes.  His heart pounded as he attempted to choke the words out in a normal fashion, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Evans."

The woman looked questioningly at him and did not release his hand nor return his greeting.  Instead, the woman stared at his face and seemed to be trying to memorize his features as if she knew something of great importance about him.  The moment became longer and longer while Harry froze his heart speeding up far beyond normal now.  The voice of Jonathan Evans seemed to bring it to a halt, however, "Iris?"

The woman immediately shook out of it and released his hand, "Pleased to meet you, Harry.  Forgive me you remind me of someone who I have not seen in many years."

The moment stalled again and Harry smiled and looked away from the woman.  Looking at Lily the redhead was staring at her mother in confusion while Jonathon Evans was now staring heavily, searching his features as if he were trying to determine the familiarity.  Lily thankfully saved the awkward moment by saying, "Well anyways, happy holidays to you both.  I will see you both after the new year."

The two said quiet goodbyes as Lily dragged her parents away casting a final look at Harry before they passed through the barrier.  Elaina blew out a breath of air, "What was that about, Harry?"

"I wouldn't even know where to begin explaining that." Harry said quietly.

Instead of lingering on the topic, Harry dragged Elaina to his family who had watched the scene from a distance.  Dorea had an understanding smile on her face and moved to embrace her son as they approached.  Dorea wasted no time in releasing her son and embracing Elaina saying, "Charlus and I have so much fun planned for us over the break!  We can hardly wait to share our plans with you."

"Sounds great mum, I can't wait." Harry said happily as he felt his Dad slip an arm around his shoulders in a friendly greeting, "Where are Uncle Monty and Aunt Mia?"

Harry's question got a shrug from his father, "I believe James and those troublesome boys had lunch plans before they went separate ways for the holidays.  They can apparate, so I am sure my brother and sister are lounging around in Godric's Hollow enjoying the snow."

Nodding in understanding Harry asked, "Are we ready?"

Charlus eyed the platform up and down and seemed to note that the area was clearing out slowly but surely, and the odds of an attack decreased by the second.  Nodding his head Charlus said, "We are.  We will see you at home Harry."

With that, the two Potters vanished and Harry offered his arm to Elaina with a smile, "Ready?"

The dark-haired girl offered him a shy smile taking his arm and Harry pushed the two across the country with a slight twirl looking forward to their holiday together.