Chapter 13 - 43

Chapter 43

Good morning readers.  I fear I bring disturbing tidings to Wizarding Britain today.  Last night at the stroke of midnight coordinated attacks around the country began to kick off the New Year.  The first reports of violence started at Longbottom Manor where calls came into the Auror department that Lord Harfang Longbottom and his wife Lady Callidora Longbottom Nee Black, were killed during their party by a man identified as Cassius Fawley, a long-time friend to the Longbottom family.  Early investigations do not indicate a motive behind Mr. Fawley (52) actions, but the head of house, Lord Hector Fawley had this to say, "Cassius admired Harfang for many years.  He was good friends with Heir Longbottom during their days in school, and I refuse to accept that my son could have done this on his volition.  I demand the Aurors launch a full investigation into this to clear my son's name."

Heir Longbottom, soon to be Lord Jonathon Longbottom was unavailable for comment, but his son Frank, the soon-to-be Heir Longbottom had this to say, "I have known Cassius my whole life.  I do not wish to believe he did this, but I cannot speak to his innocence while the blood of my grandfather is potentially on his hands."

If this was not heartbreaking enough, an attack on Lord Black also occurred at his own private residence in Islindor.  Early reports say that Lord Black was enjoying a quiet evening with his wife in the family's manor when the former heir to the house Orion Black (48) arrived with his brother Cygnus (46) and his brother's oldest daughter Bellatrix Lestrange Nee Black (26) arrived.  A fight ensued between the three children of house Black and their Lord and in the aftermath Cygnus Black was killed, and Orion Black was critically injured.  Bellatrix Lestrange Nee Black is said to be the only one who escaped unscathed in the conflict.  Lady Melania Black Nee McMillan, who gave all the information on this attack to the Press had this to say, "It breaks my heart to see what this world is coming to. My husband the Lord Black lays comatose due to blows struck from the children of our house.  The fact that my children led the attack hurts me in ways I will never be able to explain in words.  One thing that needs to be made very clear however is that all involved in this attack or are found to have had knowledge of this cowardice within my family will be stricken from its records."

When asked who would be the next Lord Black, or interim head of house, she merely shook her head and said it would be discussed among her family before any moves were announced to the public.

If this attempted patricide wasn't enough the Lady Black had called for help when the fight started.  Longtime friend of the Black Lord, Charlus Potter answered the call with his wife Dorea Potter Nee Black, and their son Harry Potter (17).  Upon arrival they were ambushed by men in dark robes and silver masks that are reportedly responsible for the destruction at Godric's Hollow back in November as well as the attacks in the muggle world.

What ensued was a bloody battle in the streets of muggle London leaving over a hundred casualties in total and most of the neighborhood destroyed (pictures on pages 8-13).  When Aurors arrived to help, Charlus and Harry Potter were dueling with a man that could only have been in his 40s to 50s.  The man claimed to identify as Lord Voldemort, the Heir of Slytherin, and due to the graphic promises of violence the Auror department has refused to share the man's exact words.

These reports coincide with a giant attack in Falmouth (page 3), and a werewolf attack in Chudley (page 2).  The country of Britain is under attack, and as more details have come to light this reporter can only believe it all has been orchestrated by Lord Voldemort.  Charlus Potter had this to say, "I have had the displeasure of meeting this man on three occasions now, and the escalation of what occurred tonight is a result.  I know the people of Britain will be scared, but I promise the Potter's will fight for you.  Just as we always have.  If this man pops his head up out of wherever he is hiding we will be there to stand against him.  Any chance of peace or cooperation ended tonight when they killed my friend Harfang and attacked my brother in law Arcturus."

With the promise of retribution made by members of the Potter family we can only hope that others are prepared to stand with our brave Aurors to help combat a rising tide in our country.  The funerals of Lady and Lord Longbottom took place in a private setting this morning and the Wizarding World will mourn the loss of the well respected members of our society.

Stay safe readers, and stay tuned.

Harry sighed as he placed the paper down on the table.  The aftermath of the battle had been tiresome.  It had taken hours to explain the events of the evening to Auror Moody and the arriving head of the Auror Department Barty Crouch.  Fleamont had arrived shortly after the ensuing battle to check on everyone, and informed a relieved Harry and Charlus that the girls had made it to Potter Manor safely with private healers bound to take care of Lord Black and his wife.

What followed brought in a contingent from the ICW who were asked to assist in the Obliviation process and cleanup of the nearly destroyed borough of London.  Harry would've been impressed if he had not been so stressed by the night's events.

Harry glanced at his godfather in this world with a heavy heart.  He had hardly left the man's side on the last day as if he hoped the man would wake up at any moment.  He had the silent company of Melania Black for most of that time, and his heart went out to the woman.  She sat in her chair crying nearly non-stop silent tears over what had happened.  The betrayal obviously cut so deep he was uncertain the woman would recover.  Part of that could depend on whether her husband would wake up though.

Arcturus had been comatose since the fighting.  The man had been hit with some spells the healers could not identify as well as suffering a few bouts of the cruciatus curse.  Dorea had been furious with herself for letting Bellatrix get away, but confirmed with Harry that the witch was not yet as capable as she was in his time.

This was hardly a comfort to Harry.  She had still managed to beat Arcturus with the help of her late father, and uncle.  He knew that the only reason they lived was because Arcturus didn't have the heart to rip them to shreds with the wards of the Black family home that had been razed to the ground.  He doubted even Kreacher had survived.

Orion Black had been taken into custody by Aurors, but was basically a drooling mess by whatever Arcturus had done to the man.  Walburga had turned up at Potter Manor at the invitation of Melania and the approval of Charlus.   She began demanding that Dorea fix her husband as soon as she arrived, but the woman was banished from the grounds when the irate Dorea Potter drew her wand and informed the woman her husband would have no sympathy or mercy for her.  If one of the other siblings wanted to undo what Arcturus did to Orion that was their prerogative, but Dorea had already written to each of them detailing what had happened.  She doubted Pollux, Cassie, or any of the others would have much mercy for man after what he attempted on the Lord of their house.

Harry had hardly slept for his part since the battle.  Voldemort saw many of his memories and mistaken them for visions of the future.  A moment or two longer and the man would have known everything.  He could only imagine the type of damage the man could do with the knowledge he gained.

Charlus and Dorea both paled when he described the images the Dark Lord had come to see, and both feared the worst of what the man had been able to gleam.  Harry did not believe he had seen anything regarding the prophecy or the murder of Lily and James Potter, but that didn't mean it was impossible he did.  The only safety he felt in the matter was that Voldemort mistook what had happened in his past for things that would happen in the future.  He could not imagine the secret would be kept forever after that encounter.  He now imagined every chance the Dark Lord could get to employ legilimency on him would be taken.  Something he would have to prepare for in the future.

The arrival of Sirius had Harry on his feet.  The young man looked very sullen, and took in the health of his godfather with a hard swallow.  The grim animagus looked like he had not slept in days, much like Harry, and never moved his eyes from the resting man.

Melania who had been sleeping in the chair opposite to Harry however stood to her feet sobbing as she moved to embrace the boy who barely lifted his arms to return it.  Melania cupped the boy's face when they separated saying, "Your grandfather had such big plans to show you our family is not as evil as you believe.  With all that has happened I know that can be hard to believe, but I swear it's true Siri."

Sirius only nodded as he moved past the woman to stand at Harry's side as he stared down at the broken shell of his grandfather.  Harry couldn't say how long the three stood there before Sirius shook his head, "He could be one stubborn old git, but he was always kind to me."

"He thought very highly of you, Sirius.  I think he had hoped you would return and one day be the lord of our family.  You have a lot of his spirit." Melania said softly.

Wiping at his eyes Sirius shook his head, "First Franks' grandfather, and now mine.  I am not sure which of us got the worst end of the deal."

"It's not too late for Arcturus." Harry said softly, "Mum banished Bella before irreparable damage was done.  He could suddenly wake up at any moment."

"The world doesn't smile on us like that, Harry." Sirius said bitterly.

"We have to remain strong for him." Melania said comfortingly.

"I don't want to remain strong." Sirius snapped, "I want to know how our family is so messed up that my father tried to kill him.  That my cousin, uncle, and father, all teamed up to take down the only fair person in this family."

Melania didn't so much as flinch as she pushed her blonde hair back, "I understand you are upset, Sirius.  These were my children.  My grandchildren.  Bellatrix attacked me as well.  Would have killed me had Dorea not intervened.  My heart is broken to the point I am not sure I will ever recover even if my husband does come back to us."

Sirius suddenly looked quite regretful over his loss of control, "Grandpa and I didn't always agree, but I never felt like he hated me as the rest of the family does."

"He didn't, Sirius.  He loved you.  Both of you." The woman said, choking back a sob.

Sirius shook his head and reached out with one hand to take his grandmothers while he kept his eyes on the still form of Arcturus, "I won't let Bellatrix get away with this."

"You will have to race me to get to her." Harry said feeling the fury return, "That's if we beat Mum.  She destroyed a large portion of the woods yesterday in her rage.  The Black temper is something to behold even in the calmest amongst us."

Sirius snorted before moving to take Harry's seat that he offered, "I think I will stay with him for a while."

Melania offered an appreciative smile, "He would probably like that.  Harry, that means you are relieved.  Go get some sun, and some rest. My husband would not want you moping in here for days on end.  I believe you have some magic you need to study if you are going to be ready for your next encounter with this Dark Lord."

In understanding Harry nodded after taking a deep sigh before patting Sirius on the shoulder and exiting the room.

The mood around Potter Manor had been very subdued.  Charlus seemed just as frustrated as the rest of the family, but for a different reason.  It seemed the War Vet did not share Harry's thought that the Dark Lord was invincible.  The man admitted that Voldemort was vastly powerful and creative, but Charlus believed in an uninterrupted duel he would be victorious in the long run.  Harry wasn't sure if that would truly be the case however.  Voldemort would never let it be a fair fight if they were as evenly matched as Charlus believed.  This meant that no matter what the man would be fighting with the advantage.  With a wizard of his caliber that was dangerous.

The rest of their holiday plans had been canceled for obvious reasons, not that anyone was in much of the celebrating and vacation mood anyways.  Even Elaina had been subdued, but Harry hardly exchanged a word with the girl after their New Years kiss.  He had spent some time thinking about their moment that had been ruined by the murder of Harfang Longbottom.  He wished it had been different, but the cards had been dealt, and there would be no redos this time.

They would be returning back to Hogwarts the next day, and Harry really contemplated not going back.  Voldemort was coming for them now.  He also knew Harry was an important player in the coming battles.  Even if he wasn't fully aware of his role in the war that would follow.  Harry needed to act before that day came.

The thought that Voldemort could know that Harry had seen the creation of his Horcruxes had caused a feeling of panic to swell up in him many times over the last two days.  If the Dark Lord had discovered that Harry knew about his Horcruxes he could hide them anywhere.  He knew the time to begin the hunt was upon him, and he had to act quickly before it was too late.

Setting his mind to what he would need to do next he marched his way to the family sitting room where his parents usually occupied this time of day.  When he arrived he found his mum and dad plus Elaina talking over tea making Harry swallow.  He knew they wouldn't like what he had to say, but he wouldn't keep secrets from those closest to him when he could avoid it.

Charlus had a scowl resting on his face and it seemed the look had hardly fallen off his countenance since New Years.  Dorea looked like she had not been sleeping with the dark circles under her eyes.  Elaina for her part looked anxious.  He wasn't sure what had the girl on edge, but at the sight of him she seemed to relax slightly and offer him a slight smile, "Harry, how is Arcturus?"

"Sirius is watching over him now with Aunt Melania.  No change as far as I can tell." The young man answered stiffly as Dorea turned her eyes to him.

"We were just discussing the final gift we have for our girl here.  Join us."  Dorea commanded.  The woman had been much more intense since the battle at Grimmauld Place, and her usual soft-spoken tone was gone.  Harry wondered if this was what the woman had been like in war times, but had not yet voiced the question to his father.

Harry accepted the invitation sitting next to Elaina on the couch, while Charlus said, "The last gift is going to require a bit of traveling, and we would like to do it today before you go back to Hogwarts.  You didn't have plans for the evening did you, Harry?"

Thinking about the conversation he needed to have with them he glanced at the anxious expression of his friend and decided it could wait, "Of course not.  Where are we going?"

"Germany." Dorea said with a sigh, "Your father and I have not been since V-Day.  I would not return either if the circumstances didn't call for it."

Elaina was nearly trembling when she spoke, "Your parents admitted they had looked into my family."

Sympathetically Harry put a hand on top of hers, and she continued, "I get it.  Being a muggleborn with practically no background made me an unknown that you all could not take a blind chance on."

She said this part bitterly, but no one protested.  After a silent few moments Charlus said, "Your past does not change how this family feels about you.  You being a muggleborn means nothing to us either.  We simply had to know who we were bringing into our home.  You have seen the climate our country faces.  You could have been a very dangerous enemy."

Before Elaina could retort Dorea spoke, "We care very much for you, my dear.  We merely wish to protect our family.  Something we now consider you a part of.  What we are going to give you today is a semblance of peace.  It is not a gift worth celebrating however which is why we decided to wait until after the holidays."

Harry and Elaina both blinked in confusion while Charlus sighed standing to his feet, "We don't wish to be cryptic, so perhaps we should get moving and you both will understand in time."

Dorea followed her husband's lead while Elaina eyed Harry in question, "Do you know what's going on?"

Shaking his head the girl sighed standing to her feet with Harry following right behind her as they moved towards the floo where Charlus provided further instructions to them heading to the Ministry for the international portkey.

Step by step Harry and Elaina followed the quiet older couple to the Ministry.  Upon arrival Charlus gestured for the teens to wait and he approached an Auror in purple robes who clearly recognized the man in an instant.  A few words were exchanged and Charlus offered the man some galleons before they stepped over to a receptionist who merely nodded at the request of the Auror before placing a goblet on the counter and scratching away with her quill.  The Auror offered Charlus a respectful nod and the man returned to the group with a serious look on his face, "This will take us straight to Berlin where the German Ministry is.  From there I will apparate us to our destination."

The group nodded, each placing a hand on the large goblet before Charlus spoke the activation phrase, and whisked them away.  International travel by portkey was always more disorientating than domestic travel, but considering the distance covered, Harry's head was spinning much more than usual.  When they had traveled to Paris it was hardly an issue, but he could tell Elaina was as discombobulated as he was.

Charlus and Dorea said nothing for a minute while the two adjusted, blinking several times and taking everything in around them.  Charlus gestured for them to follow as they were eyed by several wizards in dark gray uniforms that Harry believed to be German Aurors.  The area was not crowded by any means, and crossing the large hall to the front doors was all too easy.  When they were on the steps Dorea muttered, "This is the Deutsches Ministerium Fur Magie.  Your father gave the victory speech on these steps.  Our Minister at the time Leonard Spencer-Moon gave the more formal version and of course, the German Minister was Grindelwald at the time so the control of the government was passed over to the ICW for nearly four years.  The world wanted to punish the followers of Grindelwald, but Minister Moon did his best."

Grunting Charlus responded, "His replacement Wilhelmina Tuft was much better suited for the job.  Everyone loved Minister Tuft.  She played a huge part in restoring Germany back to the people."

Charlus' eyes seemed to survey the area as if he was expecting to be attacked at any moment, but instead sighed.  The buildings in the area were not very tall, but the area was aligned with two rows of buildings with the Main Ministry office they had just departed occupying the middle.  A large fountain was in front of the building as well as small steps that would lead to the surrounding buildings.  Architecturally it was beautiful, yet rudimentary.

Taking a breath Charlus said, "Dory, take Elaina to our destination.  I would like a few words with my son before we depart."

Dorea nodded offering Elaina her arm, "It's okay, dear.  There is nothing to fear."

With trepidation and anxiety in her eyes, Elaina looked at Harry one last time before taking  hold of the woman's arm and disapparating.  Charlus took a breath, "I won't ever forget the day we won the war, Harry.  Besides my wedding and the day Henry was born, it was likely the happiest day of my life.  We fought so hard to be in this place.  We thought the battle with Grindelwald would likely happen on these very steps and the death toll would have been insurmountable.  I was never a religious man but I prayed every night we were on the continent that I would send every man and woman in my unit home.  That prayer was never answered, but we did the best we could."

Turning to face his son he put a hand on his shoulder, "We faced difficult roads on the path to victory.  We made sacrifices and we lost good people.  I have done little else but think about what happened on New Year's, and it's time for us all to put our eyes on the next challenge.  Elaina is about to face one, and we will face another, but we mustn't give up."

Feeling the anxiety of what was to come Harry merely nodded, "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."

Offering his arm with a nod, Charlus spoke softly, "You will make us proud, Harry.  Despite the grim reasons for us being here in Germany today, I am glad you had the chance to be in this place with me.  One day when you win the coming war I hope you feel the joy that I did knowing it was over.  I also hope we will stand beside each other to enjoy your victory."

Harry hoped his dad was right, but if his last go of things were any indication it may not be much of a celebration when it was over.  Trying to erase the negative thoughts however he took a breath and grabbed his father's arm as he was apparated.

In an instant they were in the German countryside.  A small town that was smaller than the community of Godric's Hollow surrounded them, and Harry saw Dorea and Elaina across the street looking in the window of a shop.  As Charlus and Harry stepped towards them the younger man took in his surroundings asking, "Where are we?"

"The Wizarding community of Wilhelmsfeld.  We are about 25 kilometers from Heidelberg.  This is more of an outskirt of the district." Charlus answered directly.

Dorea offered the wizards a nod of acknowledgement as she offered her hand to her husband and began making her way down the street.  Harry and Elaina exchanged glances before following the couple down the block.  It was quiet as the sun began to set on the countryside horizon.  They walked past many storefronts that all appeared closed for the evening, and few were seen on the walk.

As they approached the end of town a small cemetery came into view.  The tombstones were neatly aligned throughout the small hills with flowers adorning certain pots. Harry's stomach fell as Charlus and Dorea turned into the area pushing open the gates and continuing their walk without even a glance behind them.

It was easy to see Elaina had become unnerved by what was happening.  She began fidgeting with the holster on her arm that held her wand and her eyes shifted around.  Harry wasn't sure what she expected to find, but he had a good idea of what his family had brought them to see.

Many rows were passed before they turned and began walking down an aisle before suddenly stopping in front of a small slab of stone.  Dorea drew her wand and conjured a small blue flower while Charlus conjured a green one and placed it across the one his wife summoned before stepping aside.

Harry read the name on the stone and watched as his friend went to her knees after approaching the memorial.

Esmeralda Bauer Essex

12-31-1944 ~ 01-01-1966

The memorial was very plain and simple.  It was nothing like the loving message that had been left behind for little Henry Potter.  The only distinguishable symbol on the grave was a triangle, with a small line down the middle, and a circle inside the triangle.  The symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

Elaina trembled slightly before asking in a quiet cracked voice, "How did you find her?"

"It wasn't easy." Charlus admitted, "We started with visiting your father as we already told you.  From there we learned your mother's name, and that she was from somewhere on the continent."

"It wasn't a lot to go on." Dorea said softly as she sat down to the girl next to her, "From there we had to find out what hospital you were born at.  We learned more about the woman from there.  Including her maiden name, Bauer."

Charlus sighed, taking a seat next to his wife, "From there we hired a retired HitWizard.  An old friend of ours from the war.  He was a Polish wizard with strong ties in the Muggle World, we thought that was where we would learn more about your mother."

"We were wrong." Dorea said softly, "When our friend began investigating he found records of an orphan named Esmerelda.  It turns out little Esmerelda had grown up in an orphanage in the wizarding community of Heidelberg.  She was left on the doorsteps without a last name or a hint of who the girl's parents were."

"They let her stay there until she was eleven and displayed no signs of magical abilities." Charlus continued.

"With no magical ties in our world, and no magical talents she was obliviated and sent to a muggle orphanage here in Wilhelmsfeld.  We don't know how she ended up here again, and we don't know who gave her the memorial, but we matched the birthdays with the hospital records and there is little doubt…I am sorry, Elaina.  I hope this brings you some semblance of peace." Dorea said gently as she pulled the girl into her side planting a kiss on her head, which seemed to melt the last bit of the girl's control as she turned into Dorea to sob.

Harry watched the girl cry her heart out.  His heart broke for her, and he wished there was anything he could say to make it better.  The green and blue flower his mum and dad laid on Esmerelda's stone made sense to Harry now.  The colors of the flowers were the color of her daughter's eyes.  A girl who had been accepted into the Potter family.

Clenching his fist he held a sorrow for his friend.  She had waited for years in a home that she was unloved in for her mother to come back.  The woman had been barely older than Lily Potter when she died, and Harry wondered what befell the woman.  It wasn't the only question though.  Why was the symbol of the Deathly Hallows carved into the stone?  What did that have to do with Elaina or her mum?  Putting the thought on hold Harry sat beside the girl and tentatively placed a hand on her back.

Not another word was said while the girl cried.  As the sobs turned softer and the girl let out years of pent-up emotion she finally began to still.  The sobs turned into a gentle flow of tears as she choked out, "Thank you.  I have wondered for years what happened to her.  At least now I know she didn't abandon me."

Charlus patted the girl on the hand saying, "It still leaves us the question of what happened to her.  Something I intend to find out.  Elaina, I know this has become a lot, but you should realize that it is very likely you are not a Muggleborn.  The fact that you were dropped off in a Wizarding Community makes me believe that at least one of your grandparents was a witch or wizard."

Elaina stilled at this.  The implications of such a thing rattled both Harry and the heartbroken girl beside him.  She whispered out, "All these years I have been persecuted for being a Muggleborn…and I may not even be one?"

Dorea ran her hand soothingly through the girl's hair, "We don't know for sure.  We wanted to wait until we had all the facts, but the truth is we may never know for certain.  We did not wish to keep this a secret longer than it needed to be.  Just know we are not done."

Elaina nodded, pulling away gently from the woman, and then began climbing back to her feet.  Taking a breath the girl said, "If it's okay with all of you, I think I would like to go back to Potter Manor now.  This is a lot to take in."

The family rose as one, and Dorea offered the girl an assuring smile, "Of course, my dear.  The portkey should take us back to the Ministry.  From there we can return home."

Nodding gratefully Harry barely comprehended returning to the Ministry and eventually returning home.  The two long distance portkeys had left him spinning, but not as much as the information he had learned about Elaina's Mum, and her possible heritage.  It hardly processed in his mind when the girl excused herself from the group and walked as composedly as possible to the room she had been staying in.

When the door shut down the hall Harry knew the girl needed her space and would not pursue her tonight.  Before he could make a decision of what to do next he turned to face his parents who both had very grave looks on their faces.  Harry was about to question it when Charlus shook his head and motioned him to follow to the family room with Dorea in tow.

Arriving in the room Harry was surprised when his mother shut the door and Charlus began casting an array of privacy charms on the room.  When the man was done Harry asked in concern, "What are you not telling us?  What is with the secrecy?"

Dorea went and took a seat on the couch and placed her hands on her head before slowly massaging her own temples with her fingers, while Charlus just continued to look troubled before saying, "Harry, did you notice anything odd about the memorial of Esmerelda Essex?"

Without hesitation, Harry nodded, "It had the symbol of the Deathly Hallows on it."

"That may be what you recognize the symbol as, Harry, but that's not what it is to us." Dorea said quietly.

"Harry, when your mother and I first met Elaina she was under a glamor charm.  The second time we met her in Godric's Hollow it was dark, and we were all coming off a battle high.  When we all came face to face the third time your mother and I instantly noticed something about our house guest.  Something we have only ever seen one other time." Charlus said cryptically.

His mother didn't leave him in suspense, "Her eyes, Harry.  Heterochromia is a very rare eye condition.  Even more so in witches and wizards.  I have only seen it on one other, and they were a pair of eyes I will never forget."

Harry's eyes widened as they went back and forth between his Mum and Dad, "Wait a second.  You two are not suggesting-"

"Harry, we have no idea how, but there are too many coincidences to ignore the possibility." Charlus said quietly.

"You two think that Esmerelda is the daughter of-" Harry couldn't even get the words out as his eyes seemed to go back and forth between the two rapidly.

"Gellert Grindelwald." Dorea finished for him.

The stunned silence that followed was enough to take what little wind Harry had left in his sails away.  He moved to the couch with the words seemingly echoing in his mind.  How would they tell the girl who just found out her Mum was gone that her family could descend from the wizard who brought Wizarding Europe to its knees?