"Don't tell me you like May," Jace said. He had always been the type to jump to conclusions.
"What!!?, No!!" I said I was trying to deny it; actually, I was just wishing I was her. Her mother comes to pick her up every day, and her father cares for her. She is so lucky.
"But you were staring at her."
"Why don't you tell her tomorrow?"
"Come on, it's going to be fine. She is nice and cute. I would strongly recommend you go for it." Jace was trying to convince me to ask her out; maybe he was right. The fact is that I like her, but I couldn't find the courage to tell her.
"Okay, I'll ask her tomorrow," I answered.
"Jace!!!" That was his mom calling.
"Okay, Henry. Tell me if she agrees, okay," he said and ran to his mother. His parents were both working at the same place, so they came late after work to pick him up. That is why he was the only what was at school late with me.
I look at the sky; it's going to be sunset soon. I better start going home.
I walked halfway to the other side of town. From my house to the school, was eight kilometers, and walking there wasn't an easy task. I usually stopped at the store to buy food on the way back home, but it was closed.
"It looks like they closed early," I said to myself. My stomach growled; I had not eaten since morning. I only get to eat leftovers from dinner in the morning, and Jace shared his lunch with me. "If I don't find something to eat, I won't eat tomorrow morning. I walk past here at five-thirty in the morning, and the shop isn't open then. Maybe I can ask the neighbors for food."
With that plan, I decided to go home hungry. There was a T junction at the end of the block. I turned right before hearing a sound; it was coming from behind me. I wanted to keep walking and mind my business, but something made me turn around.
I heard a low, calm, but shaking voice calling for help. Without thinking, I turned back immediately, only to see a demon. It was eating a woman. I covered my mouth and started crying.
My eyes opened wide as I recognized the woman. It was May's mother; it was the same person who came to pick up her daughter from school, and now she's dead. I looked around but couldn't find May. I tried to walk away slowly, but I mistakenly kicked a stone. The demon paused and turned its head around slowly without moving its body.
"What do we have here?" The demon said It was a female. So it can talk; it must be an upper-class demon. "You know, it's rude to watch a lady when she's eating."
"Why...di....did...you..." I was trying to stay calm, trying not to show my fear.
"Why did you eat her!!!?" I yelled, hoping someone would hear me.
"What are you talking about?" She asked, "By your smell, you don't seem to be a demon. So, what's a child like you doing out by this time of the night?"
"Ummm....." My stomach growled. I was really hungry, and I needed to get home fast, but I couldn't leave May's mother in that condition.
"You seem to be hungry." She held the poor woman by her hair, pulled her, and kept her in between us. "Why don't I make you a demon? Then you can work for me and never get hungry."
I moved back a little, if I let the demon get too close, it might attack me.
"What?, And you expect me to agree to that?" Slowly. I was losing my temper. They killed someone like it was nothing. If May's mother dies, she might not come to school, and I won't be able to propose to her. "You killed someone; aren't you feeling guilty?"
"Guilt? For what? All I did was eat my dinner, and in the process, I helped her end her miserable life."
"You disgust me." I wiped my tears, this was no time to cry. I ran to her and tried to punch her, but she dodged it. "Acient Beast summoning: phantom snake"
A black snake rushed her as she tried to get away from it. The snake made its way to her neck and bit her, sucking her Karma. I ran to May's mother to check on her, but she was already dead. At this point, I didn't know what to do. Should I call for help? I don't have a phone. Maybe, no, the police station was too far from my location.
The demon cut her head off, and immediately grew another head, and tried to attack me when I heard a scream. We both turned back and saw May; she was crying.
"Henry, please save my mom," she cries.
Save?. But I can't fight, and I can only use the phantom snake since I haven't been able to tame the rest of my beasts. Wait, I can make it work.
"No!!" I said. "I'm sorry, May, but I can't."
"What? please, Henry." May pleaded with me, but I disagreed.
Instead of going for me, the demon decided to kill May first.
"I'll rip her to shreds and make sure you are watching."
She was about to cut May with her nails when my snake caught her neck again. She quickly scratched May's face before turning to ash. May fell screaming and holding her face.
I was planning on using May as a bait to attack the demon but it didn't go well. I was hoping it would attack May and not pay any attention to me so I can attack it but, I messed up.
"Maybe, are you alright?" I asked. She didn't answer; she just kept on crying.
I held her hand and slowly helped her up.
"I'm sorry, it didn't go as I planned, and I wasn't able to save your mom," I apologized. "But I took care of the demon; let me take you home."
She hugged me, still crying. I guess she must be shocked by what she just saw.
"Thanks, Henry. For a moment there, I thought you'd run away."
"Let me get you home; it's too dangerous," I said and pushed her away gently, and to my surprise, there was no injury on her face. "May, your face... there... there is no scar."
"What!!?" She said and felt her face with her hand, slowly and gently rubbing her hand on her face. She smiled; she didn't seem concerned about her dead mother.
"Don't tell me you're a..." She jumped on me, trying to bite as I held her back. "May, snap out of it."
I was too weak, I tried to use her as bait. It was my fault. Now she's a demon because of me.
She couldn't hear me; I think that demon infected May before she died. And I can't use the phantom snake to attack May because it could kill her.
My father once told me that some supernaturals often go scouting around at night. So, I decided to call out for help.
"HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. "May, please stop this. I'm sorry. Please, stop."
She suddenly stood up and left, running faster than my eyes could see. Two minutes later, a bunch of supernaturals came to help me. I tried to explain everything, but they wouldn't listen to me. I came behind me and hit me on the neck, and I fainted.
NOTE: This novel is being rewritten as Days of my Life: Rewrite