"Whoa! Bro, I can't believe you took down a first-class demon!"
"I didn't really..."
"You should have seen it Yaze, it was amazing!"
"But, I'm not sure..."
"That was great, Kakashi, I wish I was there"
"Wait, listen I..."
"You should have waited for me, we could have taken him out like a team!"
"I said I didn't..."
"He was just doing what was expected of him, it should be a big deal"
"But I..."
"Just because you have taken down a first class demon doesn't mean you shouldn't appreciate others"
"I haven't sa..."
"I took down my first special class demon when I was six"
"Okay, that should be enough!" Miss Natski yelled, she was seated on a chair in her office office. Mira, Yaze, Miss Kanade, Hibiki, Ayaka, Kurumi, and Kakashi were also seated. "I knew Kakashi took down a demon and we should be celebrating but we got more issues on our hands."
Kakashi raised his head.