Kaiser of the New World

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Small overview

Blah - just normal words, what you would expect.

Blah - Italics is for whatever is going on in the characters mind, their inner thoughts.

Blah - Bold is for anything status, skills, class related

Blah - When a character thinks of a skill

This story will follow a traditional level up route with a hopefully creative story, I have many ideas which would quite frankly look incredible in a webtoon or anime, so it will be hard for me to put it into words.

The MC will seem bland and boring in the beginning, that's because he is. He will develop as the story progresses.

The side characters will each have their own goals, purposes, backstories and won't just be lost puppies for the MC to collect.

There will be romance, but no harem. Every girl the MC meets won't just fall in love with him.

If you notice any spelling errors or plot holes I missed, please let me know.

Thank you for reading.


Now, as per request, up to date Kai stats, spoilers ahead.















Name: Kai Reynolds

Age: 18

Level: 64

C-Rank Soul Core

Class: Statshifting Soulcerist of Change (Legendary): What do you get when you cross a brand new class, an extinct class and an imprisoned God? Nothing good. By bringing together various different aspects, this class has been created. This class will offer the user a medium boost to the acts of Statshifting and Soulcery, improving their proficiency while simultaneously reinforcing their soul. The user will be able to tamper with souls easier than the average being, making this the perfect class for modifying souls. This class grants +5 to all stats and +35 unasigned stat points per level.

Bloodline: 80% Human. 30% Kaiser of Souls.

80% Human: Extremely malleable race. Flexible in all classes and stats. Provides 2 unasigned stat points per level instead of assigned stat points

30% Kaiser of Souls: Your soul has been tugged on by the strings of fate, reinforcing it and granting it unknown power. With every increase in rank, you shall obtain new knowledge. You gain an in depth amount of knowledge to the working of souls that can be applied in various different areas of expertise. You gain a 30% boost to all soul related abilities.

Innate ability: Will of the Kaiser- Impose your will onto other sentient beings below your level or up to 10 levels above you depending on your Luck stat. No one should be able to disobey your commands, not even your enemies.

Allows the user to harness otherworldly creatures temporarily in exchange for Mana. Mana expenditure rate is based on the power of the creature who's power you're borrowing. The user is able to take the form of the creature who's power they are borrowing if they choose to. If the creature the user tries to fuse with is a contracted familiar, the user will also gain the skills of their familiar. Even creatures cannot resist the tyrannical power of the Kaiser.

Stats: (35 unasigned stat points. Per level, 5 in every stat, 35 unasigned, 2 extra unasigned from human)

Strength: 781

Dexterity: 505

Constitution: 455

Mana: 510 (6% ) increase from C rank Soul

Stamina: 505

Will: 405

Luck: 753


Nonchalance (Rare): Grants an uncanny level of calmness in situations many would find themselves stressing in.

Lesser Dagger Mastery (Common): Grants the wielder a 1.1× damage increase when wielding dagger type weapons.

Strong Mind (Uncommon): Grants medium resistance to mind attacks.

Telepathy (Common): Allows the user to establish a telepathic link with any sentient being, be it humanoid or creature. Cost of Mana is based on level difference. Sentient beings below your level cost 3 Mana per minute to uphold the link, and for every 5 levels above yourself the cost of upholding the link doubles.

Contract of Artemis (Rare): Allows the user to create a contract with a non humanoid creature within 15 levels of them. Any XP the creature earns, so will the master. The contracted creature will have an added bonus of 10% of each of the masters stats.

Soul Sense (Rare): A soul is one's being, peering at one's soul could definitely be considered perverted. Allows the user to perceive the souls of sentient beings. The user is able to perceive the Stat Sparks, an original concept created by the progenitor of Statshifting, and level of the beings who's soul they attempt to perceive. There is no limit for the act of perceiving souls, but the difficulty of viewing the beings level and Stat Sparks relies on the strength of the users own soul.

Soul Inferno (Rare): Blessed by the Remnant of Ash, the ember inside your soul has evolved into a beautiful and fiery inferno. The strength and resilience of your flames have been amplified massively. Your flames are immune to any impact of Water type Mana. Your flames can be separated from your body and are no longer bound by a distance limit, however, the further they are from you, the weaker they become. Your flames can be used to coat items, strengthening different aspects of them. User now has even more control of the abilities of their flames. May your Soul Hearth continue to prosper (increases all stats by 450, 575 when desparate, or by whatever Kai chooses)

Soul Link (Rare): Souls are one's true being, linking them together could almost be seen as intimate. Allows the user to tether their soul to another being that possesses a soul. The user can then share stats or skills with the one they are tethered to. Any skill or stats can only be possessed by one party. Severing the tether requires temporarily weakening your soul.

Soulcery (Epic): Every journey begins with a single being, yet can be influenced by those around them. Allows the user to passively influence the souls of those around them. User is able to repair souls based on the rank of their own soul and the amount of Mana they posses. User is able to manipulate certain aspects of souls that can grow as the users proficiency and skill improves. Grants the user a small boost with anything to do with their own soul.

Ignition (Unique): This skill relies on the users original concept of Stat Sparks. The user is able to ignite the potential of any of their stat sparks, fuelling its potential and amplifying the effected stat massively. However, after the user decides to let the ignited spark run out, the ignited stat will suffer a penalty depending on how long the stat was ignited.

Adept Internal Mana Manipulation (Rare): Passively boosts the user's control of Internal Mana

Presets (Rare): Allows the user to switch their stats on the go to a pre created preset. Despite the rarity, this skill has the potential to become a Unique Skill. There is a 5 minute cooldown between switching each Preset. Presets can be deleted. The user can name their Presets.

2/3 Presets created. (Pitch Perfect = Equal. Kaiser = Normal.)

Significant Soul Mana Affinity (Epic): Increases the user's affinity with Soul based Mana.

Mana Surge (Epic): Allows the user to infuse their body with Mana, boosting any aspect of their body they wish. However, infusing your body for two long could cause unforseen side effects.

Soul Memorial (Legendary): In the end, death accepts everyone into their embrace. Allows the user to peer into the memories of beings they kill. The limit of this skill relies entirely on the strength of the user's own soul. When peering into a dead beings soul, there is a chance that the user may absorb some of their qualities, stats, skills or fighting styles.

Minor Sword Mastery (Uncommon): Grants the wielder 1.2× damage when wielding sword type weapons. When wielding a sword, wielders Sword Styles damage is increased by 2%.


Tunic of Rememberance (Common): Crafted from the fur countless moon wolves, this tunic provides the wearer with minor resistance to the cold and minor memory enhancement.

Appearance - Made of white fur of deceased moon wolves. Reaches down to between knees and ankles. Slight fold over in the chest area. Arms go about the same length as a normal t shirt.

Pretty Good Boots (Uncommon): Hey, these boots are pretty good, and it's even better they increase the rate at which the wearer recovers from fatigue and also keeps your feet comfortable. If you want to buy the full set, visit ???

Appearance - Just average brown boots with an insignia on the side. The insignia is a crescent moon inside the sun, it's a pale orange colour.

Will of Ethania (???)

An unknown God appeared to Princess Ethania in a dream one night, offering her a way out of her dilemna. Princess Ethania accepted the God's offer and the God took away all of the princess's memories, storing them in this bead. This bead has no known use.

Appearance - A small white bead.

Blade of Eradication (Legendary): A powerful blade created from the remains of a crippled abomination that was blessed by a God. Remnants of that godly power lay dormant inside this blade, slumbering while it recovers its strength. Grants the wielder extra Strength, Constitution and Will equal to 10%, 15% and 10% of their current stats respectively. The user is able to manipulate the form of the blade to a limited amount of options while the user must also be proficient with that weapon type, otherwise the transformation will not succeed. The user is able to unleash an Eradication once a month, or can choose to empower the Eradication in favour of having a longer cooldown. Requirements - Level 100+

Appearance - Large, thick longsword. Much sharper. Dark red blade, like blood. Hilt is a deep black with intricate white lines along its body.

Crown of Failure (Legendary): A crown that was worn by a false king that still managed to rule his people better than the true ruler. This crown will only recognise those who were companions of Constance himself as fit to wear it. Grants the wearer +500 Luck and +500 Strength. The user is also able to flare their Luck in an area around them, empowering any the wearer deems an ally. Any ally that is affected by this boost will provide the wearer with an additional +10 Luck. Effect can stack. Requirements - Level 100+ and has to be a companion recognised by Constance.

Appearance - Bright golden crown with purple tips. Kinda spiky.

Soul of Ethania (Epic): When the distraught princess was offered a way out, her body became hollow as her Will was stored away for the small chance that someone would find it. A body without a Will is incomplete, while a body without a soul is dead. In the final moments of her life, Princess Ethania's loyal knight Constance shielded her body from Eye of the Moon's attempt to curse her. Sir Constance became a tree that spread its influence far a wide, while Ethania became a delicate flower shielded by that very tree. This item had no known uses.

Appearance - A small flower made of blue magical particles.

Chrome Skin (Rare):

A malleable, lightweight set of armour. Has the perks of slightly reducing damage received from physical attacks. Because of the nature of the chrome that forms this armour, the wearer will be able to take 50% less damage from one attack. Cooldown is 24 hours from the moment the user selects which attack to endure. Provides the wearer with +125 Constitution and +100 Strength.

Appearance - Silver armour, contains gaps where limbs meet for better flexibility.

Fortified Bodysuit (Epic):

A bodysuit created from the of the silk of a Celestial Spider. This item is classified as an underarmour, meaning the user can choose to equip another set of armour over it. The silk of a Celestial Spider knows no limits to its creation, the user will be able to change the appearance of the bodysuit to any item/items of clothing up to a cost of 500000 Units. This item will adjust its size to accommodate the wearer. This item has an above average resistance to attacks of a magical nature. Provides the user with +250 Constitution, +150 Dexterity and +100 Stamina.

Appearance - Slightly dark white colour, nearly a gray. It has two red lines running up each side of it, perfectly semetrycal and resembling the legs of a spider.

Sapphire Storage Ring (Rare):

A mid tier storage ring. Has the ability to store any non living thing inside its inner realm. The wearer is the exception to this rule, being able to go inside the inner realm to see what they have stored. The storage space is 25x25 metres. Anything stored will be preserved in the state it was in when sent to the inner realm.

Flame of Hope (Epic):

This item boosts all fire based abilities by 50% When desparate, boosts the abilities by a further 50%. Grants the user +350 Luck

Remnant of Ice (Common):

Partially increases wearer's resistance to the cold.

Winter Serpent's Coat (Rare): Created from the scales of an Evolved Winter Serpent, this coat has the innate feature of heating up anyone who wears it. It also increases the wearer's bloodflow and reflexes. Provides the user with +150 Constitution and +100 Stamina.


Slippers that nullify footsteps.

Cloak that partially obscures wearer