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Chapter 1 - chapter 1/ prologue

"ACK" I yell as Peter jumps on me, awakening me from my sleep, I almost stab him with my poisonous quills as he jumps off "PETER!" I yell in annoyance "sorry, jasmin" he stutters as he runs out the door, I get out of my bed and my quills stretch as i reach up and stretch my back. I'm a beautiful purple with a white belly. I have four arms with claws on each one. I yawn, exposing my pearly white teeth, and I look across my quarters at my mirror, I see my teeth and maw… I remember about earth's wolves and how they look pretty similar. I grit my teeth as I remember my home.

I look away from the mirror out the window, seeing the endless abyss filled with what felt like nothing, but it really was like a mystical entity that expanded thousands of lightyears, in every direction in every way… I shiver, forgetting I had gotten my back quills clipped. I sigh… annoyed but glad that i could not of hit peter with my quills even if i wanted to… as i look back at the mirror and i walk over, feeling the freezing surface of the sink, my face has two slits for my nose and i have two violet eyes with a pair of violet diamonds above my eyes.

I stay looking at my eyes for moments longer, as I form my hands into a cup and splash my face with water, accidentally catching onto one of my head quills and pulling it out, accidentally stabbing my hand. I look at it, annoyed… this is not my day… and then open up a nearby trash can with a biohazard symbol and drop it in there, as i wash the poison off of my hand, i am immune to my own poison… sometimes i forget others are not.

The door opens before I can react "hey jasmin, sorry about Peter, he had some of the ''Quitle?'' Beetle says holding a bag labeled Quitle. I sigh… prolonging the moment till I have to explain what Quitle is, I pinch my forehead "Quitle is a candy" I grab the bag before he can say anything "for Puronians." Beetle says "hey! Why can't I have some?!?" I stop before I close the door… I sigh in annoyance "it has a strong sugar content that would be harmful for really any other species… and why i have it is because i got it for my birthday from my parents so please don't eat any…" I suddenly notice that the deck is messed up… as if a tornado went through… and I see Peter out cold on the ground "oh.. Maybe this is my day, " I say with a grin.

I grab one of my tail quills and I break it two. I put it in the sink on the deck, and I put water into the quill, and then I put it back together… and then I threw it at his side with deadly accuracy, and he jumps up in agony "OW OW OW OWWWW!" he screams, running around the deck like a chicken with his head cut off, i just stand there LAUGHING my head off.

as Beetle runs after him, peter looks like a earth monkey, with just the addition of an extra tail, blue fur, and minimal fur, just the exception of his underside and head which is fluffy, but not to much, nice to snuggle when he is not crazy in pain from diluted mixture of my poison and water, but if i had not diluted it he would… in all honesty, be dead… but it's fun to see him in pain sometimes… but that is usually temporary until I feel bad for hurting my friend, but even if it gets deadly, I can remove the poison with my saliva… and yes, my saliva is an antidote to my poison. It's how we get along on our- my old planet… I go ahead and help Peter who is now lying on the ground, breathing from the pain. Beetle, though, looks like a bee, just standing on two legs, it feels like he can tower over me as well, he does though have cyan irises that glisten no matter what time it is.

"I deserved that" he laughs, wincing from the pain, we all start laughing. Soon though it ends whenmy mother, venus, named after the terrans 2nd planet, enters the room, dressed lavishly, with a pink undertone to her clothes, clothes are often to represent our leaders or the rich, I personally have some clothes but I don't wear them, our fur covers up anything nude and inappropriate, but they are uncomfortable with all of my fur. "What are you doing Jasmin!" she says in a stern voice I stand up and stutter on accident "I-I was just doing battle-" I get interrupted by my mom "ENOUGH, if I were a Terran spy you would have been dead!" she says at a very loud tone, it feels like the entire room shakes with her voice "AND you are showing weakness, we need to practice with your voice" i shake with uncontrollable fear that fills every inch of me, she has always had that voice "ok" i say trying not to cry in front of her, and it takes all the fear inside me.

I am brought away from my room, and with one last glance back to my two friends, Peter and Beetle look sadly at me, and peter mouths we will just be waiting, I look to my mom, she has a black back and a purple belly, with long, slim quills, a single mom, a leader for the Puronians, my father died in a war against the Kriege and terrans… I wince before thinking anymore, and I hide my face from my mom, because I know she would criticize my weakness to intimidation, and how "you would die if you were being interrogated for being a spy." She notices me wince and hide my face… she notices me before I can hide my face, and she looks at me with disapproval, but she leads me into sector 8, the training and recruitment sector of our massive ship, out ship contains 8 sectors, each one with a specialization, sector 1 is the factory sector, the most important one, sector 2 is the hangar bays, sector 3 is the barracks, as well as the living quarters, sector 4 is the weapons control room, sector 5 is storage, sector 6 is the shipyard, and finally sector 7, the command deck.

She leads me to a parkour course, the guard asks to see an ID, its regulation just in case someone is cloaked as one of us, but she shows her id and we both head in. the computer chimes in "welcome to the training course, please select a difficulty and a place to be in." Before I can select the things that I know I can do, she pushes me aside gently, and she goes ahead and picks the hardest difficulty "do this course jasmin." she says, i get a little nervous, its a course meant for the higher tier soldiers, ment to go and assassinate high level targets, the room appears, the walls shaping to the walls of the simulation, and I suddenly see a cliff, way higher than anything i've seen before, I feel my stomach turning knots as she says "come on, we do not have all day"