Chereads / The Cursed Hybrid’s Stolen Gem / Chapter 36 - VISION AND RED WINE


A ray of sunlight streamed through the window, shining directly on my face. I squinted as I stretched lazily on the bed, feeling the warmth on my skin. I woke up fully then and stared out the window where the sun was shining brightly, summer! It was summer already and the thought of that alone made me really happy.

I was sure my family would be happy too by now. Summer meant so many things, a great harvest, and an unusual amount of supply of food which usually becomes cheaper, but only a bit though. With the heavy taxes we are required to pay, we barely have enough to pay for food. My stomach clenched as my mind wandered back to my family. I was positive they would have ran out of the money I left them or whatever was left wouldn't be enough to last for a week.

I just hope and prayed to the gods listening that Grace and Giselle had managed to find work already, one that would be enable them to buy medicine for mother. If only there was a way to check up on them, I doubt the prince would grant my request if I ever ask him. But the horrible reality is that I was stuck here, bound by a stupid mistake I had made.

I doubt the prince would grant my request to see them if I ever asked, I was slowly starting to learn he was nothing but a selfish bastard who was wrapped in the luxurious lifestyle of the castle while the humans were on the other side of the wall, struggling to survive.

But deep down you know that isn't true at all! A nagging voice whispered in my mind which made me angry at myself.

Deciding I had enough of this self-pity, I picked myself up to go about my day, since I had to also get the prince ready and tend to his needs. I walked into the small bathroom in the corner of the room and the moment I opened it, I made a face at the grime stains that was on the wall. It looked as if it hadn't been touched in ages, the ceiling was covered in cobwebs just like everything else in this room. I made a mental note to clean everything as soon as I was done with the day.

I entered the stall, reaching out to turn on the shower but as soon as the water hit me, I let out a yelp. It was too cold! I hurriedly tried to switch it to a hot water but it was scalding hot, I couldn't stop the scream that tore from my lips.

"Fucking hell!" I cursed out loud, was anything good around here? I asked no one in particular.

Time was running out so I decided to have a cold shower like that. I shivered through the whole process and was grateful when I stepped back out into the warmth the bedroom provided. I dried off and went to get dressed in the uniform that was provided which included a thin veil which was to be secured around my face leaving only my eyes visible.

 As soon as I was done, I went out into the hallway, stopping in front of the prince's door. I was still surprised that there were no guards stationed at the entrance of the door but I shrugged it off. I raised my hand up, knocking twice while waiting for the order to come in.

There was no response which wasn't surprising, the spoilt brat was probably sleeping in his comfortable bed while the rest of us have to forsake our seep to attend to him. I raised my hand prepared to knock harder, irritation simmering beneath the surface when suddenly the door swung open.

 Before me stood Corion, fully dressed and wide awake. Not at all what I had expected which left me momentarily stunned.

Huh! I thought as I gazed at him before remembering my manners! "Good morning your highness!" I quickly added, bowing slightly as was required.

"You are late!" Was all Corion said, his tone clipped and cold. Without another word, he brushed past me, walking down the hallway without so much as a backward glance.

Arsehole! I glared at him as he walked, then trailed after him while mentally cursing him in every language I knew. I followed after Corion dutifully as we made our way to the dining hall. As soon as we got there the doors swung open and I followed after him.

I noticed how the hall was empty of food and servants but said nothing as Corion went to take his seat while I took my place behind him. The silence in the room was deafening, and the absence of movement of the clatter of dishes made the movement feel…wrong.

Corion and I stood in that unbearable silence for what felt like an eternity. My gaze would flick towards him every so often but he wouldn't meet my gaze, just continued to stare straight ahead, cold and composed as ever.

Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore and my legs would cramp, the doors finally swung open. I snapped my head towards the entrance only to see the king stroll in. Immediately, I kept my head bowed down as the king entered, trailing after him were servants who were carrying tray of food and drinks.

I didn't utter a word as the food was being arranged on the table, while the king took his seat. The servants moved efficiently, placing fruits, bread and meats before the royals. I clenched my fists willing myself to control the anger that threatened to bubble beneath the surface. The scent of the fresh food filled the room, but it only served to make my stomach twist with a bitter reminder of what my family back home would never taste.

The abundance of the food while my family and the rest of the people in the kingdom barely scraped by, made me sick but I managed to control my emotions. I couldn't show it here, not in front of the king or Corion.

As if sensing my battle, Corion turned his head slightly shooting me a look before he returned his gaze and I wondered if he could perhaps feel my emotions.

"You look well!" King's Aspen's voice rang out the dining hall.

Corion nodded his head slightly, "Thanks to you brother, I was able to rest well and regain my strength." He stated, "And I apologize for whatever inconvenience I might have caused you!"

King Aspen nodded his head as if pleased, "You had us all worried but I'm glad you are better now!" He then signaled for the servant to serve the food.

One of the servant stepped forward and dished out the food placing one in front of the king and the prince last. The king cautious as ever waited for Corion to eat out of the food first, waiting for any sign of danger before he proceeded to eat his own food. The arrangement still confused me but still I said nothing.

The duo ate their food in silence, the only sound that could be heard was that of their cutleries clinking against plates. The servants only moved when one of them requests for a refill of their wine. Corion's wine cup was almost empty so he signaled to a servant to bring the wine over.

A female servant stepped forward, a silver jug of wine carefully cradled in her hands. Her movements, were smooth, practiced, as she reached for Corion's cup and began pouring the wine inside his cup. My gaze was fixed on the crimson liquid, watching the way it swirled and shimmered in the light. There was something hypnotic about it.

Suddenly, everything shifted. My vision blurred, like I was being pulled out of my body and thrust into another realm. My vision them became clear and I watched Corion lifting the cup to his lips. The minute he swallowed, he began to choke. Violent and gut wrenching coughs escaped his lips as something red that was much darker than the wine trickled out of his lips. Blood, I realized in horror.

I stood there frozen as the scene played out in front of me, the world around me muffled, sounds warped and distant as I watch Corion choke and fall to his death.

My heart pounded and jus when I thought I couldn't watch around me, the earth beneath me shifted again, pulling me out of whatever vision or nightmare this was.

I blinked and everything became instantly normal. The female servant had just finished refilling Corion's cup. He reached for it, bringing the cup to his lips, the same cup I had just witnessed in my vision.

Before I knew it my feet were carrying me towards him and without another thought, I smacked the cup away from his hands. The cup fell down in slow motion just as the red liquid poured out of it, spilling onto the floor!