Chapter 10 - CH010

Li Lin was not joking when she said that she bought the building. The whole building was empty and the top floor had already been converted into a penthouse for her.

Lu Fan was impressed by her extravagance. Here, was another rich kid who could do whatever the heck they wanted just because Daddy was rich.

There was no point in thinking about it. First, he was not some lame teenager who would go around blaming his parents for his luck. Secondly, this was all material wealth that did not add or subtract from him.

He had already gone through life once and even if he did nothing differently, he would still get a content end. Not to mention, now he had a cheat. Lu Fan did not believe that he would end up worse off than anybody else.

"Impressive, ain't it?"

"Yeah, must have cost a fortune."

"Why not come over and live with me? I have three free rooms for you to choose from."

"Let me gather the dowry first. It won't be too late then, would it? Anyway, what am I going to do about the publishing company."

"Don't worry. I managed to secure you a good deal for your first book. As for the second, we can just look for another company."

"We? Another Company?"

"Yeah, I was serious when I said that I came here for you. I think I have already fallen in love."

"Yeah, yeah. I don't need a useless editor just to go look for another company. They will give me another one there. Where is the contract for the first book?"

"I am not going to give until you agree to work with me."

Hearing this, Lu Fan just glanced at Li Lin with dead eyes before turning to leave. It was not that he could not continue playing with her, but there were some things that he was not ready to play with.

"Then, see you around."

Li Lin was left there with her jaw dropped. She could not believe that Lu Fan just walked out on her.

From the moment Lu Fan saw Li Lin, he knew that he was one of those characters that he did not like interacting with.

It was not that Lu Fan had anything against them, but they just required too much work to get along with. Adding to Li Lin's obvious princess issues, Lu Fan was too lazy to bother.

It was ok if she tried to pull something normal, but when things were supposed to be taken seriously, he needed her to take them very seriously.

This was not something big and with a little convincing he could have gotten the contract, but why should he?

He was still a high school student and he did not need money as urgently as he might have previously made it seem.

How much money could a 17-year-old who had perfectly capable parents really need? Plus, the money he had already made was enough to last him for a while.

As for buying attributes, that could wait. He managed to survive so long without the system, what was a few more days?

It was better to take this chance to draw a boundary between him and Li Lin. If he played along now, who knew what she would use to tease him in the future? The more room he gave her now, the more he would regret in the future.

"I have around 17,000 yuan now. 10,000 should be enough to buy a stock account."

Lu Fan did not linger and made his way to a trading office around the corner to buy a professional account. It was time to put some of his memories to good use.

Some stocks skyrocketed around this time and it would not hurt to start trading now for some cash. It was bound to be easier than dealing with people like Li Lin for a few thousand yuan.

Maybe it was time he opened his own Literary Studio. He needed to think more on that.

It pretty straight forward getting a pro account and it was almost opening hours by the time he was done.

An account for 10,000 yuan and 5,000 for start up capital. He left 2000 yuan to buy attributes that he may need for trading.

"Fan'er, did you go hang out with your friends?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"There was a nice young lady that came by earlier to look for you. She said that this is for you."

Chen Lu handed an envelope to Lu Fan and went back to preparing for the opening.

Since they started making all kinds of rules, the hotpot joint had somehow turned into a high-end establishment of some sort. It was uncanny.

But with the rate Chen Lu's cooking skills were increasing, it was not surprising. She had even had the number of guys trying to hit on her increase on the daily.

Lu Fan set aside the envelope and decided to forget about it. Li Lin was still playing with him and he knew it.

With the way he left, wouldn't he lose face if he went back to her after signing the contract?

And if he signed it and sent it directly to the head office, that would be like admitting defeat. Once that happened, Li Lin would climb on his head and Lu Fan did not know what that crazy woman would do.

Lu Fan decided not to think about it and went to the cashier and started looking through the accounts. Once everything matched, he logged into the trading account and started looking at the charts and watch as the numbers fluctuated.

He never liked this kind of market even when he was studying. He could spend hours studying and analyzing the market and it would work once or twice, but the moment he became confident, he would lose.

It was like the market was luring him to put more money so that it could snatch it away.

"Let's use a demo account first to get a feel for the market first."