Chereads / Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning / Chapter 31 - A Little Detour Before Adventuring...

Chapter 31 - A Little Detour Before Adventuring...

Ewaan's frustration swirled as he contemplated the news of a renowned A-Rank adventurer emerging in just three months. He pondered,

– Damn it! The whole reason I concealed my identity as a Hero was to avoid unnecessary attention. Why must I become a renowned adventurer now?"

Ewaan sighed, brushing off his frustrations, he continued to ponder,

– Forget it, I have enough money for now and strength to live a peaceful life with my party. And now that I'm an adventurer, money won't be a problem in the future.


[Notice: Penalty has been set.]

The sudden notice startled Ewaan as he ponders,

– Wait, penalty? What penalty?"

[Upon failure of the Third Main Scenario, User will be stripped of all his abilities permanently.]

Ewaan's voice echoed with disbelief, "WHAT!? You must be joking..."

Ting~ [It is not a joke.]

As Ewaan's sudden words broke the silence, Ayami's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are you babbling about now?" she questioned, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Realizing he had spoken aloud, Ewaan quickly composed himself, shaking his head slightly. "Ah, it's nothing," he dismissed, trying to downplay his momentary lapse in composure. "Let's head back to the inn; it's late, and I'm feeling tired."

Maya nodded in agreement, "Now that you mentioned it, We've had quite a day," with a smile and a cheerful voice, she chimed in, "officially becoming adventurers, and we also formed our party..." She glanced at the Takagi twins, her expression filled with warmth. "Finally!"

Ayaka grinned and added, "And don't forget, it's only the beginning; the journey has yet to end!" Her enthusiasm was contagious as she looked forward to their future adventures as a team.

With Ewaan successfully avoiding his mishap, he continued to ponder about Great Sage's Notice.

And with that, the night passed swiftly, and the dawn brought with it a new day.

Despite their enthusiasm and excitement for the new quest Ewaan had taken, there was one thing Ewaan reminded, that they couldn't avoid.

"Erm, before we head out... Maya and I should do some shopping for clothes," Ewaan suggested hesitantly.

Maya glanced down at her clothes, realizing she had been wearing her school uniform for days since their transmigration.

She sneakily took a sniff and made a disgusted expression. "Yeah, we should, shouldn't we..." She backed away from Ewaan, trying to conceal any unpleasant odors.

Despite wearing his school uniform and maintaining his regular workouts, Ewaan was aware that he might have a bit more odor than usual.

However, their daily routine of body washes with the limited hot water they acquired from the Inn ensured that neither of them smelled too bad unless they deliberately took a whiff.

Ayami's reminder prompted them to consider their dwindling supplies. "Oh yeah, that reminds me! Our supplies are also low, we should also stock up before heading out," she suggested, addressing the group.

"Then let's split up and meet at the city gate later," Ewaan proposed.

"Sounds like a plan," Ayami agreed, nodding along with Ayaka and Maya.

With that, they head out their separate ways for now.

Having explored the city previously, Ewaan and Maya navigated easily to a reputable clothing shop.

After entering, a clerk at the shop approached to welcome them. However, upon seeing their dirty clothes, the clerk squeezed her eyes, assuming they were beggars, and left arrogantly, delegating the task to another clerk.

The new clerk, With glasses and dark brown bobbed hair, welcomed them with a humble tone and asked politely, "How may I assist you?"

He approached the humble clerk and handed her a pouch of 15 large gold coins that he summoned from his inventory. "I'll go look on my own," he said.

"You help her find well-fabricated and well-fashioned clothes you have to offer. I have more money, so no need to worry about the price."

Surprised and amazed, the humble clerk happily led Maya to the section with clothing typically reserved for noble ladies.

Seeing that from afar, the previous arrogant Clerk lady came back and humbly tried to assist Ewaan. With a glare, he rebuffed the previous arrogant clerk, saying, "Back off!"

After browsing the men's section, he carefully chose a few outfits that caught his eye. Approaching the counter, he made his selections and completed the purchase.

Moving to the changing area, he swiftly tried on the new attire, stowing away the remaining clothes in his inventory.

As he finished changing, Great Sage's voice unexpectedly chimed in.

Ting~ [To ensure safety, Great Sage suggests the user wear his ‹Indestructible Coat› along with the attire.]

Surprised, he asked, "Huh? Indestructible Coat? When did I acquire something like that?"

Ting~ [The Indestructible Coat is found within the ‹Intermediate Pack of Magic› given to the User as a Reward by the System.]

Hearing Great Sage, he immediately accessed his Inventory, selecting both Magic Packs to open.

As he did, many items from the packs registered inside his Inventory.


〘Holy Glove ‹Divine Embrace›〙|〘God-tier Sword ‹Aetherblade Katana›〙|〘×4 Pouch Of 100 Gold Coins (375 Gold Coins Remaining)〙|〘×2 Lucky Chest〙|〘(-3.15) Prescribed Glasses Of Ewaan Tempest〙|〘Basic Shoulder Bag〙|〘Mysterious Spirit Egg〙|〘×3 Basic Clothes Collection Of Ewaan Tempest〙|〘Blank Basic Spellbook〙|〘Tier-5 Basic Wand〙|〘×3 Crystal Talisman〙|〘Scroll Of Fundamentals〙|〘Magisteel Pendant (Shield Type)〙|〘Blank Advanced Spellbook〙|〘Tier-1 Artifact Staff ‹Aeon's Scepter›〙|〘Indestructible Coat〙|〘×2 Scroll Of Ancient Sorcery〙|〘×5 Warp Talisman〙

"What the...??" Ewaan exclaimed in surprise, then pondered further,

– These things... are just unbelievable! Wait, that...

As he noticed the 〘Scroll Of Fundamentals〙, he addressed Great Sage to inquire whether this item was similar to the ‹Essentials of Arcane Mastery - Beginner Level› book he had read before.

Ting~ [Affirmative, these two are indeed similar to each other, with the ‹Scrolls of Fundamentals› being superior.]

Great Sage's response left him facepalming as he pondered,

– So I could've just learn magic even before going to the library, if I'd just opened these packs.

Sighing, he uttered, "Well, at least the trip to the library also benefited Maya, so it's not a complete waste..."

With that, he retrieved the 〘Indestructible Coat〙 from his inventory and donned it before stepping out of the changing corner.

As he approached the counter, he was greeted by Maya, who was now dressed in an elegant ensemble.

Her outfit featured a combination of white, dark, and gradient hues of purple. With patterned purple long-sleeved top adorned with floral patterns near the bottom, accented with touches of gold that added a hint of luxury.

A belt with hanging straps wrapped around her waist, adding intricate detail to the ensemble.

Maya, a bit taken aback by seeing Ewaan, who wore a hooded black coat that draped gracefully around his shoulders, its length extending just above his calves.

Underneath, he had on a dark shirt with a v-neck design, its fabric peeking from the open front of the coat. His pants were paired with a buckled belt cinched at his waist, completing the ensemble.

The outfit hid his buffed body but accentuated his handsomeness.

As Maya's face flushed red from Ewaan's sudden charm, she looked away by tilting her head slightly.

Ewaan, feeling a bit flushed himself but keeping his composure, approached the counter.

Maya selected a bunch of clothes and since they were meant for noble ladies, they costed him a total of 8 large gold coins, along with the perfumes she bought as well.

With him taking back 7 large gold coins and Maya stowing the clothes in her—‹Subspace›, they exited the shop and made their way to the city gate, where the Takagi twins were already waiting for them.

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