Chereads / Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning / Chapter 29 - Adventurer’s Trials, Inside The Domain Of The Dryads!

Chapter 29 - Adventurer’s Trials, Inside The Domain Of The Dryads!

Hearing Ayaka's words, Maya focused her concentration on her Mana, channeling it through her chest into her mind and throughout her entire body.

Soon, the three auras—Horned Rabbits came forward, dashing towards Maya and Ayaka with ferocity.

As the Horned Rabbits approached, a transparent sphere began to take shape bit by bit from the concentrated Mana in front of Maya.

With her hand poised at shoulder length, she positioned herself as if holding the transparent, semi pinkish-hued sphere in the air with minimal distance.

Maya then opened her eyes and uttered with a soft voice, "‹PSIONIC BLAST›". Immediately, the sphere moved with uncanny speed, hitting the three Horned Rabbits and blasting the trees behind them with a big impact!

Shocked by the unexpected sheer power, both Ayaka and Maya were left momentarily dumbfounded. "Eh!?" they exclaimed in unison, their surprise evident in their expressions.

As the damaged part of the forest of the Dryads began to glow like fireflies, emanating many colorful hues as it started to heal itself, Ayaka broke the silence with a sheepish smile.

"Maybe next time, try not to blast the forest and the target to smithereens..." With a sigh, she continued, "We had the chance to collect 3 horns, but it seems we need to start again."

"Sorry about that, I didn't expect to get this much power out of just a simple spell..." Maya uttered with a sheepish grin, her cheeks also turning a little red.

– That was way beyond just a simple spell, girl...

With a sheepish smile, Ayaka pondered for a moment before speaking with assurance, "Since I now know that you can handle yourself, I'll just trail behind. And with your Appraisal skill, there's nothing to worry about finding Barinoctral Grasses either."

With that, they ventured deeper into the forest in search of the trial materials.


Meanwhile, Ewaan relied on his Appraisal skill to swiftly locate the required Barinoctral Grasses.

However, acquiring the Horns proved to be a challenge as there was no sign of Horned Rabbits anywhere in sight.

As Ewaan pondered the absence of monsters in the area, the voice of Great Sage echoed in his mind.

Ting~ [Monsters possess a heightened sensitivity to Mana in their surroundings. Due to the User's significant Mana presence, monsters tend to become wary and avoid the User.]

Ewaan, frustrated by the unintended consequences of his abundant Mana, pondered,

– Damn it! What should I do now? I was hoping to gain some experience with these weak monsters, but if this continues, I won't even be able to complete the trial!

Ting~ [By utilizing the User's skill Mana Sense, the User can suppress the Mana around and absorb it into their own body.]

Ewaan closed his eyes and focused, activating his skill ‹Mana Sense›. When he opened his eyes again, he was taken aback by the sight of his abundant Mana radiating around his body.

"No wonder they feared to get close to me..." He uttered.

With determination, he closed his eyes once more, concentrating on his inner Mana and drawing in the excess Mana that surrounded him.

Afterwards, Ewaan ventured deeper into the forest and soon encountered a group of Horned Rabbits and other weak monsters.

With a satisfied smile, he dashed forward, employing his martial arts skills to swiftly catch the rabbits and collect the needed materials.

Thanks to his high Dexterity, he outmaneuvered the creatures effortlessly, completing the trial's steps with ease.

Returning to where Ayami was resting, Ewaan approached with the materials in hand with a sense of accomplishment evident in his demeanor.

Ayami greeted him with a grin as she jumped down from the tree. "That was fast! But it was expected," she remarked.

"Alright, we should head back to the starting point," Ewaan suggested, turning to Ayami.

As they headed towards the starting point, Ewaan and Ayami walked in sync, making their way back to where the group had split up.

With Maya also completing the trial with ease, they all met up at the same time and confirmed their trial completion to each other.

As Ewaan was about to exit the forest, he felt an invisible presence enveloping him from behind, as if someone were embracing him. A soft, melodious voice whispered in his ear, "(You're back, at last...)"

Startled by the unexpected sensation, he turned cautiously. Noticing, Maya inquired, "What's wrong?"

Turning to Maya, he noticed her and the others looking at him with confusion. He shook his head slightly as not to worry them and choose to remain silent.


Entering the adventurer's guild as dusk approached, Ewaan and the others carried their 'spoils of war', approaching Alina with Razzak, the analyst, standing beside her.

Seeing them, Alina greeted with a wide smile, "Hey, speak of the devils... we were just talking about you all." Then, her gaze lingered on Ewaan as she added with a soft and flirtatious tone, "Especially you, handsome one."

With uncertainty clouding her thoughts, Maya couldn't help but wonder,

– What did she mean by that? Is she perhaps trying to hit on him again?

Her expression revealed her anxiety as she pondered over Alina's remark.

With a composed expression masking the tension brewing within him, Ewaan wondered,

– Huh? Did they catch wind of us being heroes or something? Did that guild master notice anything during our fight this morning?

His mind raced with questions as he contemplated the situation.

– No! I have to do something quic—

As Maya's mind raced with worry, Alina's voice cut through her thoughts. "Did you perhaps... go to do the trials?" Alina's sheepish smile hinted at her realization of a misstep. "Actually, the guild master already informed us to skip the trial for you. You had a spar with him this morning, didn't you?"

Razzak chimed in after Alina's words, "The guild master had already informed me about your 'trial' with him. He instructed me to prepare your IDs, so when I came to Alina to inquire about you, I discovered she had already set you up for another trial!"

The group, Maya and Ewaan and the Takagi twins all were taken aback by their words. With a confused look, they simply uttered, "Huh??" In sync.

As a small crack appeared, a void space materialized beside Razzak, revealing two ID plates similar to the gold ones worn by the Takagi sisters.

With a copper plate for Maya and an iron one for Ewaan, Razzak handed them over. "Here are your ID plates," he said, "Congratulations on officially becoming adventurers."

Taking the ID plates from Razzak's hands, both of them breathed a sigh of relief. As Ewaan accepted the plates, he pondered,

– So it was about our ID, and there I thought...

His thoughts trailed off abruptly with his expression briefly reflecting his inner turmoil before regaining his composure,

– Never mind, At least we gained some experience out of it. It's better this way. But...

Ewaan's curiosity was piqued by the sudden appearance of the small void crack.

He continued to gaze intently at it until it disappeared. He then mentally addresses Great Sage, seeking information about the skill.

Ting~ [‹Voidspace› is capable of swallowing objects whole by creating a pocket portal. However, unlike ‹Subspace›, once its capacity is reached, no more items can be deposited.]

– Subspace? the one Maya has?

Ting~ [‹Subspace› is a skill serves as a hidden repository for objects of various sizes. Upon activation of the Subspace skill, a dimensional gateway is accessed, allowing objects to be safely transferred into unknown.]

– Interesting...

Ewaan mused, contemplating the similarities between Subspace and his own Inventory skill.

– It seems like there's more to Subspace than meets the eye.

Intrigued by the potential of Maya's Subspace skill. He made a mental note to explore its capabilities further when the opportunity arose.

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