Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 161 - Fate Is Determined By... [Erased]: Judgement

Chapter 161 - Fate Is Determined By... [Erased]: Judgement

"Verum! I wanted a show, not... THAT!" Tech yelled, ignoring the distraught exorcist. He was in a state of shock. To him, Whip was a high level spirit that would have taken multiple rituals to banish... But Verum did it in what was pretty much a petty act of spite.

The fox leapt for the the three, summoning seals to stop them. But Tech tapped her temple and fired a beam of static energy that vaporised the hero like nothing. The pocket watch he was carrying suddenly fell to the ground as the three sighed in relief.

"I'll fix this then-" Before Belz could react, Verum swiftly stopped the Watch from crashing into the ground. The Rodent hit the small pin on top, causing time to resume. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself, she'd finally done it.

"What's so funny, amusing and so gods damned comical?" The demon questioned as Verum tossed the watch on the ground and smashed it to bits.

"Well... Thanks to that Fox, I'm officially a god."

Everyone was instantly put on guard by the declaration, readying their weapons while Belz raised a brow. "Come on, Ratta tat tat. Don't be dumb." He chuckled. But once the rodent casually pulled out a golden heart in her hand, everyone looked somewhat dumbfounded. At least, the ones who knew who's heart that was. 

Verum began trailing around the deck of the Royal Fortune with a grin. "Yeah... I can do whatever I want. Watch. The Truth is I don't have to listen to the rules of your contract anymore." She said flatly as Belz's contract suddenly appeared in her hands before fading away into nothing. 

Vinea, who was standing near the edge helping defend the ship, slowly began creeping a vine behind as he shot a look to Nvr for her to prepare to strike with everyone. 

"What about getting to your Mouse, huh?" Belz smirked, summoning a new contract in his hand. But Verum just waved off his proposal. "Yeah, no. I think it's gonna be more fun when I get to her myself. And plant kid, don't try something as easy as that."

Vinea froze up at being called out. But that didn't stop Nvr from rushing in at a blinding speed and putting her hand out to try and get her Ruptured Shambles off. Yet Verum just muttered another truth. 

"The Truth is Nvr2b is nothing but an oversized stuffed rabbit." 

At the words, the Bio-weapon suddenly transformed into a purple and black rabbit plushie that fell to the floor with a soft thud. "Anyone else wanna try that?" The rodent yelled out with a kick to the plush.

"Alright. Alright. Alright. You've made it perfectly clear you're a false god." Belz grumbled before continuing. "But you're still the Rodent, The Paladin and now the God. I know you've got a trick or two up your sleeve, sooooo... What is it?"

Verum gave a playful smirk as she suddenly sat on the edge of the ship. "Simple. We've still got to deal with that wedding... So, what if we turned it into a game? I'm going to give you guys a few big boss battles to fight and if you can fight your way to the top of the castle and reach me before I get to Nirvana, I'll give up my entire plan.

Fail? I'll be leaving this world to rot in a snow globe with you all inside. Deal?"

Everyone seemed hesitant. But Belz already knew the outcome of this deal. "We don't have a choice, do we?"

"Nope, Nope, Nope."

"Then fine. At Week's end, we'll see you there." He smirked. Verum clapped her hands in amusement, spinning Lucy's heart on her finger. "Great. Oh... And Tell Lucy she can claim her heart from herself. After all, it's not everyday you get to do this."

With a final laugh, Verum vanished without a trace, leaving everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.


Some time later....

"How are we meant to beat a god!?" Avis squawked. "Well, the ship w-will arrive at S-Siren's T-Tears in around an hour. W-We should prepare ourselves for our final fight..." Senshi explained with a sigh. 

"Yeah, but... You saw what she did to Nvr. We can't beat that." Vinea said as Grey nodded the stuffed plush that was Nvr's head in agreement. "And it's not like Lucy will be able to help..." Min grumbled.

"Buuuuuut, with two heroes dead, we're one away from Lucy getting a pretty good deal." Arlo mentioned with a smile. "You know we are pretty much doomed, correct?" Ro commented with a light cough. 

"Even still, I think we have a chance. An Ego as powerful as hers is fragile. One wrong move, and she could doom herself as easily as us. We just need to exploit that." Lamb explained. 

"Welp. I guess it's time to prepare for the end..." Belz clasped his hands together with a small chuckle. Lamb let out a monotone sigh as she left with Ro to at least try and fix Nvr, while the rest began to prepare for what was sure to be the final stretch.



"You're offering to help us?" The Angelic Azzi questioned the strange rat eared woman who had appeared before her group in a cave just outside of Siren's Tears. "I mean, yeah. You guys seem pretty capable. A harpy, vine kid, undead bounty hunter with a thing in his head and an angel. I've worked with something similar before." The rodent smirked.

The Harpy Queen let out a confident squawk as she flew a bit closer to inspect the stranger. "This one looks trust worthy enough to be a bad guy!"

"Yeah... But is she, y'know, bad?" Rose mumbled as Gnaw spun his revolver with a toothy grin. "I reckon she'll make a fine addition to the group."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever. Now... Let me explain what you four are gonna be doin' on the big day." 

"Wait we never got your name, Miss?" Azzi asked in a rather pleasant tone as she put her hand out to shake the Rodent's hand. 

"Just call me Verum. Your new God."