Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 36 - What Angel Wakes Me

Chapter 36 - What Angel Wakes Me

Panila had made her way to Desires to attend the yearly Memorial Of The Lost. She had enjoyed the event as it was a celebration of everything she had helped accomplish, but this year, this year felt empty to her. As she walked past stores with Eido's records on sale and old videos of Tophi and Wendy's show, she felt this was truly a moment of loss.

She eventually reached the centre of Desires, a place adorned in different memorabilia of every past and present Domain Leader. It was a pleasant sight to her, but she had a sinking feeling in her heart as her 3 personal Decaynine Guards approached her.

"What is it?" She asked with her usual bluntness, as the three began to squabble over who got to speak first. The Fox headed Decaynine sighed and handed Panila a tablet, playing back the events of what happened at Mollia's Sanctum. 

Panila's cold and harsh demeanour was broken once she witnessed the angel, instead showing fear more then anything else. She yelled to her guards; "GET EVERY DECAYNINE YOU CAN IN DESIRES!" 

The three gave each other funny looks, as they had never seen Panila ever show the slightest hint of fear. But if she showed fear, then what they were dealing with was much bigger then they could understand. They rushed off as Panila noticed the weird glares she was getting from citizens. 

"Get back to whatever you were doing. NOW."

Avis soon met up with Vinea and Fox outside a coffee shop, sitting down with them with an exhausted sigh. "Vinea, you got the sword?" She asked with a glance to him. He motioned to Fox who opened a regular looking briefcase to reveal a fleshy interior and the sword safe and sound inside. "Thank Mollia..."

"You called?" Rat said as she turned around, revealing her presence and scaring everyone a bit. "The hell are you doing here? We thought you left?" Vinea said with a sigh, drinking a bit of coffee as he stared at Rat. "Well, I heard there was a scuffle between you and our favourite failure."

"Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?" Avis laughed, taking her face mask off to eat a biscuit. "Yeah, yeah. Ha ha. Now, give me the details." Rat smirked, leaning against her chair.

"Well, there wasn't much. Avis made Ami cry, Fox fought a gigantic Decaynine and there was this weird angel thing that came out of TV there." Vinea explained. Rat nodded her head along until she heard the word "angel", freezing up. 

"I want every detail on what this "angel" looked like. Now." She wasn't her usual goofy self, her tone was serious, slightly spooking Avis. In her mind, if something can make the most non serious person she knew go serious, she knew something was up.

"Uh... She was like 8ft tall, had this long white hair, multiple wings... Oh and she came out of a TV." Vinea said with a shrug. Rat turned to Avis with a stern look. "This true?" 

"Yeah, he's pretty accurate." 

"You got the sword right?" 

Fox tapped the brief case, letting her know it was safe. She looked between the three before sighing. "Then we are in more trouble then you realise. God damnit!" Rat clutched her head, kicking the table. 

"What is it?" 

"Remember how I told you I had a few artefacts that were possibly incredibly dangerous? Well... One of them was called "What Angel Wakes Me"."

The trio looked between each other, still confused. Avis asked the obvious question; "So why should we be worried?"

"Because I might have lost it awhile ago and figured it was destroyed..."

"You're dodging the question. What does it do?" Vinea groaned.

"It contains an eldritch entity... Who may or may not hate everyone who worships Mollia?" She sheepishly laughed, scratching her head. Avis choked on her biscuit, staring at Rat, dumbfounded. "SO PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE IN THE CITY!?"

"Yeah..." She sighed, scratching her head before being met by the sounds of rattling chains and a familiar air of coldness. "RAT!" Panila yelled, causing everyone to flee in fear. "Oh shit!" Rat yelped, quickly grabbing her Rat-Stick from her snowglobe. 

The trio watched as Panila and Rat got into a shouting match over "angel" appearing. 

Panila let out a cold sigh, saying in a flat voice; "This is getting us nowhere. Rat, just answer me plainly. Do you think she'll be a threat?" 

"As long as no one upsets Ami too badly. Like cripplingly bad." Rat sighed, causing Avis to freeze up as well. "D-Does telling her her sister is dead c-count?" She asked sheepishly, causing everyone, even Panila and Fox to have their mouths agape. 

"Peni... Peni is officially back." Panila muttered, rubbing her eyes under her bangs. Even Rat seemed a bit defeated, but quickly picked herself up. "Okay. things look terrible. I mean just plain awful. But, I have somewhat of a plan."

Rat explained that Peni needed a host in her weakened state, and that she can only interact with technology right now. Since Ami had become Peni's host, they needed to disconnect her. Rat revealed the centre piece of her new plan, The Memorial Of The Lost. They would try to keep Ami happy and try to keep her from snapping. And if they do it right, empower Ami's will and cripple Peni's connection, leaving her weak enough to be sealed up in something again. 

Panila sighed, not having any other choice but to work with Rat. "Just know... You and everyone you ever knew will end up in Detainment for this." Everyone awkwardly nodded, knowing how bad Rat screwed them. 

Apex was sitting alone, resting up after her battle Fox. She had just received the orders to keep a close eye on Ami. She let out a bored growl, knocking on Ami's door. "Hey, Kid. Panila wants to know how you're holding up." 

Ami opened the door, looking more defeated and sad then usual, her armour seeming to have physically lost its colouring. "I-I'm fine... W-We still have to go to... The festival today, right? D-Do I have to?" She turned around, seeming to be asking someone else, confusing Apex a bit. "Uh, yeah? It's your job." She laughed lightly looking behind Ami to see her room had no light inside, like it was a black void of nothing, confusing her a bit.

"You doing okay?" Apex asked with a light smile on her decayed face, making Ami smile lightly before going back to gloomy. "Y-Y-Yeah... I-I'm fine... Let me just get ready."

Ami shut the door, leaving Apex to wonder what happened in her fight to leave her like this, but she didn't push further, not wanting to upset Ami. As she went to leave, Apex could have sworn she saw an inky black tentacle with eyes staring at her from the shadows, but thought it was just her dead imagination. 

"Well... I'm sure the kid can handle it."