Chereads / The Systems Challenge / Chapter 106 - The Last Goblin

Chapter 106 - The Last Goblin

Merging with the shadows may have been a bad idea, Jonas said in his mind while he struggled to move through the shadows. It didn't help that a light seemed to come out of nowhere. Even though he knew how to move around on his own, he wasn't moving as fast as he'd like. Or even how he had in the past when he was first learning how to do this.

At the very least, he found that he could rest in the magic goblin's shadow. Whatever the source of the light was, it at least had the magic goblin in its way. Or at least part of the way, he'd have to start to leave the shadows to just make sure. Jonas wasn't quite sure what was the cause that all the goblins were being taken out, one after another, and sometimes a large number at once. Part of his mind was struggling to keep up with what he could see happening.

After a minute, he was starting to feel some of his strength was returning, but at the same time, he could feel that his time in the shadows needed to end or he'd start facing the consequences of being in the shadows too long.

He sighed as he quickly made his way out of the shadows, careful to not draw any attention from the magic goblin. He didn't need to draw its attention when he was that close to it and felt the way he did.

However, he was also wary of what the others in his team might do. If Elin or Elmo used any magic, he could get hit by any stray 'shots' or spells. Fortunately, the goblin seemed to be focused on where the source of light was, which Jonas couldn't see very well at the moment. Then as he fully left the shadows, he slowly drew his daggers, hoping that he'd be able to get a hit in before his presence became apparent to the goblin.

Though, he did need to move quickly as he had to dodge a three-foot icicle spear, which he could only assume was Elmo's frozen missile spell, that pierced through the goblin's shoulder. Jonas felt his body ache at the sudden movement and had to strain himself to keep his breathing even and not make a sound that would definitely clue the goblin into knowing there was something behind it.

When he was again ready, he moved quickly, not wanting to chance another surprise like that icicle had given him. He briefly considered where to strike, but could only see the goblin's legs as an option, given how much the goblin's arms and torso were moving, while its legs seemed to hardly move at all.

As Jonas sliced his daggers through the goblin's hamstring on each leg, he quickly moved away, ready to dodge any sudden spell from the goblin. He had to push down the flare of pain that erupted in his body from the aches in his muscles and joints that he could only attribute to the destruction of the portal. While it was good that it was gone and more goblins couldn't get through, he couldn't help but wonder if it was worth the aches he was feeling.

He accepted that Elmo and Elin didn't know that getting the portal closed would have the kind of reaction, but he still couldn't say that he was happy with it. Especially with how it didn't seem to affect Elmo and Elin in as lasting of a way as it was him.

As he turned to look again at the magic goblin, he was appalled at seeing the goblin not injured in any way. While he didn't see it occur, he could tell that the goblin had healed itself, which meant that this might be a much longer fight than he'd have liked. Not that his body felt like it could keep up with what would be necessary.

The only thing he could think that he should do was to put more distance between him and the goblin. With how his body was feeling, he doubted that he'd be able to keep up with dodging any incoming attacks from Elmo's spellcasting and damaging the goblin, at least when the goblin didn't decide to target him. At least, now that the element of surprise was gone.

When Jonas was twice the distance between Elmo and the goblin, he felt he'd gone far enough. He hoped that what happened to his body would heal quickly and not last for a prolonged period of time. Although, he'd only be able to find that out after resting for longer than this fight would last.

After a minute of watching Elmo and the goblin trade spells, it was clear the two were at a stalemate. Neither seemed to have the upper hand, such as Elmo's spells didn't have any lasting damage, given how quick the magic goblin was to heal itself. Then the goblin also threw its spells with a lot less accuracy than Elmo, and it seemed like its power wasn't near to what Elmo's was at.

Jonas then looked around for Kim and Elin, a little surprised that Elin wasn't around the battle, but when he noticed where Kim was, he could understand why she'd left Elmo on his own. He realized as he watched them that he should have realized Elin would ditch whatever she was supposed to really be doing when it came to Kim getting hurt like Jonas had.

Kim was leaning heavily on Elin and Jonas was surprised at how little discomfort Elin seemed to have. Though, as he thought about it, he realized that he should have known. Elin had to have used her own magic to heal herself. Though, he wasn't sure if she was almost out of MP or if there was another reason she hadn't started healing Kim.

It felt a little strange, but it did let him know that his injuries would have to wait if she really didn't have enough MP to deal with that. After all, he'd have been shocked if Elin chose to heal him over Kim… suddenly he thought of a reason why Elin would do that, but he doubted Elin would think of doing that just so she could nurse Kim back to health. Nor was he going to mention it. He could see Kim being rather unhappy about it to say the very least.

However, what those two were doing wasn't the important thing at the moment. What was important was the fight against the single remaining goblin. It was clear it wasn't going down without a fight, but Jonas couldn't help but wonder how close Elmo was to running out of MP himself.

It seemed like it was more of a war of attrition than anything else at the moment. Whichever side ran out of MP first would win. While he could throw his dagger at the goblin, but with the condition his body was in, he seriously doubted that he'd be able to hit the goblin effectively or even accurately. That was if his throw could reach the goblin as well. His weapon throwing skill only promised that his weapon would return to him. Not that he'd hit his target.

However, he couldn't help but wonder what he'd do if Elmo lost. He was aware that Elmo was interested in him, that kiss was hard to ignore, but he wasn't sure what he felt towards him. Yet, if Elmo died here, he knew that it would be a significant loss to the entire group as they certainly didn't have anyone to fill the slot Elmo was filling at the moment.

Maybe Elin could grow into that position, but he seriously doubted it. He didn't know much about fantasy stuff, but from what he could remember about what Elin had first told everyone in the group about her system, it sounded like it was more of a cross with a healer and supporter role with a minor damage dealing ability.

While he didn't know what Heather's system fully allowed her to do, he'd expect that she had some sort of damage dealing ability as well. Not that he had a clue as to what it might be. He never thought to ask, not that he had the interest to ask in the first place.

Jonas pushed those thoughts out of his mind. While he wasn't in battle at the moment, he couldn't afford to get distracted. While he wasn't fighting himself, if Elmo faltered, even if he didn't die, Jonas knew that he could be a very possible target for the magic goblin to focus on after that.

He'd just barely started focusing on the fight again when he saw the goblin conjure up an icicle and launch it towards Elmo, where it pierced into his chest.

While Jonas had noted how important Elmo was to their group, he couldn't help but feel numb at the sight. Almost like he was watching it happen in a movie.

As Elmo fell to his knees from the injury, the goblin seemed almost like it was dizzy. Then Elmo held out his hand and an icicle spear of his shot out towards the goblin. This time it pierced the goblin's head and left a gaping hole right between its eyes.

Jonas found himself letting out a breath of relief, but felt it choke up inside of him as Elmo collapsed as well a moment after. Not that he had much of any other reaction. It even took him a couple minutes to even move towards everyone else in the group after that. Though, Elin had already moved over to Elmo and was treating his chest wound, having left Kim sitting on the ground a few feet away from them.