Chereads / The Systems Challenge / Chapter 52 - Creating a Map

Chapter 52 - Creating a Map

Elmo got up from where he was sitting. With having taken care of checking his system, he was ready to head out and see what they might learn. After all, they certainly weren't going to be any closer to getting out of this dungeon just by sitting there and talking.

However, he also didn't want to head out if no on e else has looked at their status. After all, allocating their attribute points would help them with any situations like the goblins before. Plus, it was clear that the others on his team had to have gained levels themselves, although, he couldn't help but wonder if they should let the other teams know about that. Especially since he didn't know if they wouldn't try to turn on them later on.

He walked over to Jonas, first, since he seemed to be merely watching everyone else doing their own thing. As he approached Jonas, Jonas smiled at him, which somehow almost made Elmo to trip and fall over nothing.

As he caught himself and made sure he was steady on his feet, he chuckled at it and as he continued walking the rest of the distance to Jonas, "The floor sure can be slippery sometimes."

Jonas chuckled. "I'm sure," he said as Elmo sat next to him.

"What're you up to?" Elmo asked.

"Just watching the others get ready for the day. It's not like we have anything else to do at the moment. Owen told me that we were going to compare notes on where everyone has explored when we're all ready to go," Jonas told Elmo.

"Uh, have you checked your stats recently?" Elmo asked, suddenly unsure if he should be asking this. After all, Jonas was older than him and probably thought of that already.

"Not really," Jonas replied, offhandedly. "Not much has changed, I'm sure."

"Uh, I checked mine and I got a few levels," Elmo whispered, not caring to get more specific in the even someone else could overhear him.

Jonas nodded. "Okay, so what?" Jonas asked. "So you gained a few levels. Why should that make me check my own status?"

"Because it means that you probably gained some as well."

Jonas looked at Elmo and Elmo felt himself freeze under his gaze. Not because of Jonas looking at him in any particular way, but rather because he felt captivated by Jonas' eyes.

"Hmm," Jonas remarked. "I guess, I could have, especially with how we're on the same team, and I think we can share the EXP when anyone on the team beats anything."

"I even was able to learn a couple new skills and a spell," Elmo said, wondering if he was being too eager. Part of him was telling himself to shut up, that he was making a fool of himself in front of Jonas. While another part of himself was wondering if he was coming across as braggin. Although, maybe he was a little, though, he was really trying for small conversation.

"What'd you learn?" Jonas asked, making Elmo feel completely relieved.

"I learned MP Charge, Enhanced Mastery, and Absorb," Elmo answered.

Jonas nodded. "Sounds good. I'll check mine when the others are getting ready to leave. Not sure if I'll have time to check it now," Jonas told Elmo, clapping his hand on Elmo's shoulder. "Thanks for letting me know."

Elmo couldn't help but feel rather giddy inside. Almost like nothing could ruin the rest of the day now. Elmo tried to subtly shift himself so he was sitting closer to Jonas, but could see Jonas glance at him out of the corner of his eye and smirk.

Elmo felt his face heat up a little. How could he be so stupid? he berated himself. You're just making yourself look like a fool.

"Anyone you're currently interested in?" Jonas asked, starling Elmo out of his thoughts.

"Uh, yeah?" Elmo replied, not sure if he should say anything more. Especially since he wasn't sure where Jonas was going with this.

"Anyone I know?" Jonas' smirk was really making Elmo uncomfortable. It was like he was aware of Elmo's feelings.

"Yeah," he replied, feeling a little deflated.

"Is he-" Jonas started, but was cut off by Owen calling everyone over to him.

"Okay, let's all gather around," Owen called out. "Before we decide to split up from here or move together until we defeat the boss of this dungeon, or at least what I'm to understand will be the boss. Also, we should try to create a map that consists of areas all of us have been to. Maybe then we can figure out where we haven't been so we can get out of here that much faster."

Elmo had to admit, pooling their knowledge so all of them could get out of this dungeon really sounded appealing.

"I've done the most exploring of my team," Jonas called out. "I can offer what I know and I'll use the room where the goblins appeared as a starting reference."

Owen nodded at Jonas. "That's a good start. However, we'll need every team to let us know of what should be added to the map," Owen said.

"Uh, how are you going to make this map?" Kim called out from where she was laying. "Where are you getting the materials to make the map?"

"I could create a map made out of ice, but that's not going to help me help you understand what I know about the layout of this dungeon," Patricia commented.

"As a matter of fact, I have something a little better than that," Owen replied. Elmo got the sense that Owen had been just waiting for the question to have been asked.

It almost felt like the entire conversation was moving in the way Owen wanted, like he was steering a ship. Elmo wasn't sure if he thought that was a good thing or not. There was just something about Owen doing that, that made Elmo think of a computer virus that directed a computer to go to a particular site or other. Seemed harmless, but could be a real pain if left unresolved.

He couldn't put his finger on it, but it felt like Owen was up to something. Almost like he knew that his family thought rather little of him, which he was fine with. As that kept them from demanding too much from him.

Suddenly in his vision, a map appeared in mid-air. Elmo started to panic, but Owen called out to everyone. "Stay calm, I'm doing this to all of you. This way we all can see the map and everyone can add anything they know about the map that isn't shown here," Owen said, his voice helping Elmo relax, against his better judgement.

When everyone quieted down and no one had anything to say, Owen continued, "Now, what we see here is the room we're in." Suddenly, almost as if an invisible hand was drawing it, a couple lines appeared and another box at the end of that. "This is the room in which we fought the goblins yester day. As you can see, I left three other openings from that room, because that's how many entrances the room had."

Jonas described the path that his team had taken since they left that first room. As Jonas spoke, more lines were added, adding more to the map.

After Jonas finished, Patrick spoke up and more was added. When he finished, Michelle added a couple extra rooms. Then finally, Elwin spoke up and listed what his team had seen, which was just an additional room.

As Elmo examined the map, it looked like almost every room had been explored. There were only two places left, assuming a few of the stairs that hadn't been explored, like the one in what they were calling the goblin room, connected to known areas.

"So, are we to spilt up and explore where we see that we haven't gotten to yet, or are we going as a single group?" Michelle asked.

"While it might be better to split up to make sure we get the information faster, I think we should stay together. That way we'll all be able to fight the boss of this dungeon crawl faster," Patricia said. "After all, I wouldn't expect whoever finds the boss' room to just wait and see if the other group will show up quickly."

"Good point," Kim remarked. "You might actually have a head on your shoulders."

Patricia gave Kim a dry look as Elmo watching on at the exchange in amusement. Kim merely chuckled.

"I would put this to a vote, but as we're not officially a single team, I say we should decide among our teams which path to take," Elwin suggested. "If we all decide to go the same way, then so be it."

"Any other suggestions?" Owen asked, but didn't get any takers. "Okay, lets separate into our teams and decide. If Heather and Sonya are willing, they can either be on their own team or choose which team they want to accompany for a time."

Elmo then saw Kim whisper something to both girls and they nodded, following Kim and Elin over to where Elmo had been when he had checked his stats. Elmo and Jonas arrived after the girls had started getting settled.

"Should I lead the group, or should you, Kim?" Jonas asked.

Kim shook her head, looking a little annoyed. "I'll lead it," Kim said. "Not sure I can trust you to do it properly, with you going off scouting for us so often."

Jonas smirked. "Not a problem for me."

Kim sighed. "Okay, so who wants to take the room Jonas said he saw the minotaurs in?" she asked, clearly not wanting to waste time with unnecessary words.

"I think I'd prefer that way," Elin said.

"Judging from what I can see, the minotaurs would be the most likely place to have along the route to where the boss' room is," Heather commented. "So, I agree. We should go that way."

Kim looked each at Elmo, Jonas, and Sonya in turn. "Any thoughts from you three?"

Elmo shrugged. "I'll go with Elin, whichever way she wants," he answered. Part of his reasoning being that he wasn't sure himself, but didn't want to leave Elin alone without a friend she could count on. Especially since he still felt like Kim could be a threat to them.

"If Heather wants that direction, then I'll go with her," Sonya said a moment after Elmo was done, her cheeks reddening a little as she glance at Heather.

"Looks like if I don't pick that way, then I'll be either leaving the team or grumbling the entire way," Jonas laughed, bringing a smile to Elmo's face. He couldn't help but think of Jonas' laughter as pleasant music.

"Okay, looks like we've decided on that. However, should we try to go back through the goblin room? That would be the fastest, but I didn't like the sound of what the announcer said about the portal in there. So, it could be better to take an alternate route. It'll take longer, but we'll at least avoid that room," Kim said.

"Alternate," Heather and Sonya immediately said simultaneously. As soon as they said it, however, they looked at each other and started to laugh. Elin joining in a moment later, though it was clear she wasn't sure why they were laughing.

Elmo let his mind wander as the rest of the group debated on which specific route to take. He wasn't that invested on which specific route, but was more concerned about everyone checking their stats so they could add any attribute points that the probably had available to allocate.

"By the way, before we get going," Jonas chimed in, pulling Elmo's attention from the sound of his voice. "Elmo mentioned to me about how he checked his stats earlier and had gained some levels. It might be good for all of us to check out stats before we start going."

"Fair enough, lets get that done now. We can leave when everyone's finished," Kim said.