Chapter 20 - WITIRA'S POV

On Witira's insistence, I asked kriti to call a doctor.

After Doctor arrived, she thoroughly checked my wound, I was given painkillers so feeling my consciousness fading I asked her to give any instructions she had to Kriti.

Doctor agreeing with my proposal went to Kriti.


Witira's POV,

A lawyer from Oberoi's along with a man who called himself Deva filed a complaint in the police station on the grounds of kidnap against the Sarkars who were known as the unofficial rulers of Mumbai's underworld, anyone from the police didn't want to get themselves involved with the Sarkars.

So I volunteered myself but despite the urgency involving in the situation, Deva seemed skeptical about letting me in 'may be due to his patriarchal mindset' I thought

We reached the Sarkar Mansion only to find a bleeding Hrithik and a heavily breathing Siddharth both were rushed to the hospital while the former survived, the latter died.

After Hrithik gained his consciousness I had a little talk and found him interesting.

The next day as planned I was going to the Oberoi mansion only to be stopped by Dinesh, he said that whatever happened was a plan laid by Hrithik, not only did Hrithik killed his son, but he also raped his daughter.

I confronted him ragged by his allegations never in my life did I expect a person would stoop so low, Dinesh just to cover up his mistakes was accusing a minor boy with rape and murder and on top of that who was the other party involved The Sarkar family only a child would believe it.

But Dinesh said if I wanted I could check Hrithik's body for marks of struggle, I didn't believe his story but somewhere a part of me was a bit wary of Hrithik imagining his face from our previous conversation I started to find him odd, his relaxed expression upon seeing me, and the same statements made by all of his people as if they practiced it was raising questions.

So I asked my team to take Tara for a medical examination and to collect some information about Hrithik, but they couldn't find much except that he had a sister. My mind filled with these thoughts I reached the Oberoi Mansion.

Unexpectedly I met both Hrithik and his sister, initially there was a misunderstanding, but it was resolved later.

The sibling duo was normal, I got to see a new face of Hrithik where he was so gentle, caring and protective in short he was the ideal brother a girl could ever ask for but how could or why would such a caring brother do such a shameful thing.

During a casual conversation we(Hrithik and I) got close and for the first time I noticed his beautiful red eyes, they were mesmerizing ehem it's not what you think.

Anyway we completed our lunch and went to Hrithik's study for interrogation.

Hrithik answered each and every question of mine, his side of story was simple no exaggerations, no gaps and everything was fitting in well, I finally decided to ask him about Tara not directly of course. He answered my questions calmly.

There can be various reasons for committing a crime and same goes for rape: one can be lust, two can be because of love and if the other person doesn't reciprocate, and three out of hatred.

But in this I couldn't figure out the reason Firstly, Hrithik didn't seem like a lustful person, such people's gaze usually hovers around girls private parts, and they usually do it subconsciously so one controlling it is impossible, but he didn't look at me that way, and Secondly I couldn't detect any connection between both neither friendship nor hatred.

So Before asking him directly I asked him if he had forgotten to tell me something about what might have happened that day. He was answering my question but unexpectedly Aira came in and handed a phone call with his father on the other side, he excused himself, answered the call and came back.

On Aira's remark I saw red stains on his pant, his injury was probably bleeding but due to the color of his shirt(maroon) it wasn't found earlier, a doctor was called for his examination while she was doing her job kriti and I waited outside.


Author's note

The lengthiest chapter I had ever written, hope you people enjoy it