Chereads / Asura's Tale / Chapter 18 - Unexpected Arrival

Chapter 18 - Unexpected Arrival

Asura threw his head back and roared with laughter, the sound echoing through the warehouse. "Hahahahaha. HEHEHEHEHEHHA... You guys are stupid, man."

The Naga woman, her brow furrowed in concentration, channeled a continuous stream of mana into her gaze, far more than necessary to petrify someone of Asura's size. Yet, the process was agonizingly slow as if Asura were actively resisting the petrification, a feat unheard of even amongst the strongest monsters. A Naga's mana was potent, a venomous poison that consumed the body upon contact.

"What? Run out of juice there, pal?" Asura taunted, a manic grin spreading across his face. "Maybe you should reevaluate who you're messing with."

Without hesitation, Asura raised his right arm and delivered a thunderous blow to the left side of his own body. Chunks of petrified flesh and muscle crumbled away, revealing the bone beneath. But Asura didn't flinch, didn't even grimace. Instead, a look of grim satisfaction settled on his face. Malachi, witnessing this display of raw resilience, couldn't help but be impressed.

"How interesting..." he murmured. Despite the severity of the wound, exposing bone and even portions of Asura's intestines, it began to knit itself back together within seconds. Asura's regenerative abilities were formidable, but petrification typically hindered the healing process. Yet, here he was, defying the natural order once again.

"I can see why Master has his eye on you," Malachi remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.

"Oh, so you're somebody's errand boy then, huh. By chance, is it the beast king?" Asura scoffed. "Probably not. His lineage has always been on the moronic side. Who's your big daddy?"

Malachi's eye twitched at the mention of the beast king. Asura was right; he was indeed working for that infuriating creature. But there had to be more to it. He couldn't fathom why the beast king would collaborate with Jormungandr. The beasts and the dragons had a long and bloody history of conflict. Neither the beast king nor Jormungandr were known for their humility or willingness to forgive a grudge.

Asura, ignoring Malachi's internal struggle, dug his fingers into the concrete floor, ripping out massive chunks of rock and rebar. Intense pain shot through his body, his wounds still raw and tender, but he pushed through it. The rage boiling within him eclipsed any physical discomfort. Malachi's death was all that mattered.

He hurled the chunks of concrete at the Naga and the Beastman. The Gorgon shattered the first projectile with her tail but hissed as debris and dust rained down on her four eyes. Before the second chunk could reach her, the Beastman swatted it away with her hammer, groaning in frustration. "Can't you do anything new?" she complained. "We've seen this before—"

Her words were cut short as two fists slammed into her jaw, the force of the blow shattering the bone and sending her airborne. Asura, quick as a flash, seized her ankle and, with a brutal twist of his body, slammed her into the ground. The impact caved in her ribcage and fractured bones throughout her body.

Asura laughed, a chilling sound that mingled with the sickening crunch of bone and the wet squelch of flesh. It reminded him of an egg cracking open, the yolk splattering alongside the shattered shell. His face twisted with annoyance. "It really sucks not being able to kill you here," he growled. "You ain't worth crap anyway, ya vile garbage."

He released her, stepping towards her neck. He paused for a moment, then raised his leg. What is he doing? Malachi wondered, watching as Asura stomped down on the Beastman's neck, crushing it beneath his heel. "That should keep you from moving for a while," Asura remarked with a satisfied grin.

He turned back to Malachi, his smile widening. But then his eyes widened in alarm. Behind Malachi, a door materialized from thin air, swirling black smoke outlining its form. With a casual wave, Malachi reached for the door with one hand. He was escaping again.

"FUCK YOU, MOTHER—" Asura roared, launching himself towards Malachi in a desperate attempt to stop him. However, he came to a screeching halt as Malachi reached into his robes and withdrew the crimson book. The book of Beelzebub.

"Through Beelzebub are the sins of this world rewarded," Malachi intoned, his voice echoing with an eerie resonance. "The stolen gift of Jormungandr's Breath."

He raised his hand, outstretched fingers pointing at Asura. A blinding purple light erupted from his palm, growing more intense with each passing second. Asura expected flames, but the light continued to concentrate, coalescing into a single, terrifying point of energy.

"No fucking way," Asura breathed, a chill running down his spine.

Malachi was perfectly mimicking Jormungandr's attack. Asura knew, with a sickening certainty, that any attempt to evade the blast would be futile. Instead of running, he braced himself, raising all four arms in front of his body, forming a desperate shield. The concentrated mana in Malachi's hand exploded forth, as if no longer controllable. Asura found himself staring into the face of Jormungandr's breath once more.

The impact was instantaneous. One moment, he was standing defiant, the next, he was flung backwards. Gah. he groaned, struggling to rise. A searing pain engulfed the front of his body, where he had absorbed the brunt of the attack. He gritted his teeth, pushing through the agony. Smoke billowed around him, obscuring his vision. As he crawled out of the crater created by the blast, he noticed his clothes were still intact, though partially scorched.

"Damn, I am so glad they made this fireproof," he muttered, a flicker of his usual humor returning. He pulled himself to his feet, speechless. The devastation caused by the attack was breathtaking. He stood a few hundred feet from the warehouse, the ground between them a scorched wasteland. Houses, roads, everything had been obliterated. The sky was choked with a thick black cloud of smoke, the only light emanating from the raging inferno that had been the warehouse.

Whoever rented that warehouse should get rent half off, seeing as only half the building remained, he mused, stretching his limbs. For now, at least, seeing as the other half may still burn down. Despite himself, Asura felt a grudging admiration for the sheer power of the attack. He had to admit, Malachi was always prepared.

"Damn, man, yup, that's Jormungandr's alright," he said, nodding slowly, his body aching in agony. "Although a little stronger than last time." With renewed urgency, Asura returned to the warehouse, searching for Malachi and the Naga. But just as he feared, they had vanished. "Shit—" he cursed.

A loud screech from the opposite side of the warehouse interrupted his thoughts. "You're still alive, my guy? Holy crap." The monstrous tree thrashed its roots, reaching for Asura with renewed fury. It craved revenge for the blow that had left its insides mangled. As the tree lurched towards him, Asura caught a glimpse of a figure emerging from the smoke and flames. The Beastman, her face smeared with blood, grinned with savage delight, eager to claim her own vengeance.

"Don't worry," the Beastman snarled as she wiped the blood from her face. "I'll still play with you."

Asura, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist a taunt. "You keep getting left behind," he jeered. "Somebody isn't the favorite henchman." Her feline features contorted into a snarl, and she roared, "Last time I was stalling. This time, I'll make sure to kill you."

She lunged at Asura, her attack coinciding with a flurry of jagged roots that erupted from the monstrous tree, slithering across the floor like a pack of vipers. The Beastman slammed her blood-forged hammer onto the ground, unleashing a wave of crimson tendrils and spikes that carved their way through the earth's crust. Large blood spikes shot up from the concrete floor, aimed at Asura's chest.

Asura, however, was exhilarated. He reveled in the chaos, the sting of his wounds, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He yearned for this, the thrill of battle, the release of his pent-up rage. He wouldn't forget what they had done to Lily. Someone had to pay.

He met each attack with his fists, a whirlwind of motion and power. Explosions of splintered wood marked the demise of each root that dared to challenge him. Blood showered him as the tendrils and spikes shattered against his absurdly durable body. His four arms moved independently, each with a mind of its own, a mesmerizing display of combat prowess that left the Beastman hesitant. She had heard tales of ogre fighting, but witnessing it firsthand was something else entirely.

A few roots and tendrils managed to slip past his defenses, but Asura evaded them with ease, ducking and weaving, his movements almost dance-like. As the battle raged, he decided it was time to take the offensive.

He leaped over a root aimed at his lower abdomen, his feet slamming into the ground with a resounding thud. Bracing himself, he seized the root, his grip like iron. A wide grin spread across his face as he began to spin, swinging the massive tree monster along with him. The creature shrieked in protest, its roots thrashing wildly.

"Helcghp MEEgh! KILLLLLLLhghl MEEEghgh!"

Asura hesitated. He had never encountered a faerie like this before. Was it begging him to kill it? Why? Horror washed over him as he noticed elven faces pushing through the bark, their expressions contorted in agony.

"Freeghhuh USHGHUS!"

Another earsplitting screech erupted from the creature. Asura, after a few rotations, released his grip, sending the faerie hurtling into the wall. Rubble and debris rained down as the remaining portion of the wall collapsed on top of the creature.

Asura was unsure what to make of the cries for help. Were they a ploy to make me hesitate? Or was this creature somehow composed of elves, their essence twisted and contorted into this monstrous form? He started to charge forward, but the Beastman's hammer slammed into his forehead, sending him flying backward. He landed hard, his back hitting the ground with a sickening thud. He groaned in pain.

"Fuck... you... dude," Asura groaned. He pushed himself up, his movements fueled by a surge of adrenaline, just in time to see the Beastman stalking towards the helpless faerie, still pinned beneath the rubble. With a casual flick of her wrist, she unleashed a torrent of blood from within the creature, a crimson geyser erupting from its side in grotesque spikes.

The faerie shrieked in agony, its body convulsing as the lifeblood poured from it. A cruel smile spread across the Beastman's face as she propped her hammer on her shoulder. The blood pooling on the floor rose, forming swirling pillars of crimson liquid.

"Oh great, look at that, more beasts, huh?" Asura remarked, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Didn't really help you last time." Long horns sprouted from the blood as it coalesced into the shape of a bull's head. A circular nose ring dangled from its bovine snout. Black fur with brown splotches covered its face, and then...

"Oh... shit..." Asura's eyes widened in alarm. The blood solidified, revealing the rest of the creature. It was humanoid from the chest upwards, its muscular torso resembling that of a man. But below the waist were hairy legs ending in hooves that pounded the floor angrily. The beast let out a deep, thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of the warehouse. "MROOOMMHGHHHH"

Minotaurs... Asura thought, his heart sinking. Fucking Minotaurs. Two of them, too. He stared into their bloodshot eyes, their horns adorned with glinting golden jewelry. The one on the right wielded a massive two-handed axe, its blade stained with the blood of countless victims. The one on the left held two more minor axes, one in each hand, shifting them restlessly, eager for bloodshed. Their eyes, filled with a primal rage, desired only one thing: to slaughter anything that stood in their path.

They pawed the ground with their hooves, snorting and bellowing. But before they could charge, Asura sprang into action. He dashed towards the Beastman, who was still focused on her summoning, and seized her from behind. Knowing he had mere seconds before the Minotaurs turned their attention to him, he lifted her upper body with his two upper arms, his lower arms clamping around her waist. A wicked grin spread across his face.

With a powerful yank, he began to pull her apart. The Beastman screamed in agony, her spine stretching, snapping, her flesh tearing. Asura, ignoring her cries, severed her body in two and ossed the halves of her body aside. "That should buy me some time," he muttered. "Now for these—"

"OOEGHH!" A minotaur's head slammed into his chest, sending him flying out of the warehouse. The Beastman, though bisected, was still alive. She lay on the floor, her voice filled with venomous rage. "TEAR HIM TO PIECES!"

Far from Asura, the group desperately tracked the ogre on foot, guided by an incantation linked to the rune etched into his chest. A golden light, ethereal and shimmering, danced before them, a guiding beacon leading them towards its tethered counterpart. Mel's frustration grew with each step, her muttered curses a dark counterpoint to the ethereal glow.

"I... I am going to kill him when I see him... So help me!" 

As they rounded the corner of a building, Wain suddenly shouted, pointing to the right. "There! There's Lily!" Lily, her eyes swollen from crying, came running towards them, tears and snot streaming down her face. "LILY!" Mel yelled, her voice filled with relief. Hearing her name, the child turned and saw Mel. Her cries intensified, tears and snot pouring down her small face. "Ash, take care of Lily and get her home," Mel ordered, her voice firm. Wain, help me get Asura under control."

Although disappointed at missing out on Asura's beating, Ash knew Lily's safety was paramount. He scooped her up and turned back towards the cathedral. Wain, following the golden trace, gasped. "Holy..."

He stared up at the sky, where a massive cloud of black smoke blotted out the stars. Beneath it, a brilliant light pulsed in the distance, a beacon of destruction. Wain was horrified. It was as if Asura was screaming his presence to the world, obliterating everything in his path. He escaped from them for a few minutes! Minutes! Mel fumed inwardly. If I can't kill this ogre, I'll rip his hair out for eternity...

As they approached the source of the commotion, they were met with a scene of utter devastation. The warehouse, once a towering structure, was now a smoldering ruin, half consumed by a raging inferno. "What the..." Wain stammered, pointing towards a section of the building.

Mel followed his gaze and froze. For hundreds of feet, the ground had been completely obliterated, leaving only a scorched black scar. "There were two or three houses... there," she whispered, her voice filled with disbelief. "What happened?"

A sickening thud, the sound of flesh being cleaved, echoed from behind the remaining wall. "ASURA, GET YOUR—" Mel roared, charging through a gaping hole in the wall.

And there he was. Standing atop a pile of corpses, drenched in blood, stood the ogre. His clothes, now reduced to tattered rags clinging to his chest, were slowly regenerating. A devilish grin split his face as he surveyed the carnage, a two-handed axe embedded deep in the neck of one minotaur, a smaller axe protruding from the skull of another. Their bodies were riddled with wounds, blood pooling around them.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah..." Asura's hysterical laughter sent a shiver down Mel's spine. His eyes were filled with drowning madness. She drew her pistols, the term monster suddenly fitting the ogre with chilling accuracy. Wain, equally alarmed, reached for the weapons in his bag. 

Asura, oblivious to their apprehension, stretched his arms above his head, a sigh of contentment escaping his lips. Then, as if nothing had happened, his demeanor shifted back to his usual gruff self. "Alright, well, that was fun..." he said casually. "What took you so long? Is Lily okay?"

Mel and Wain, weapons still trained on him, stared in bewildered silence. Asura, noticing their cautious stances, crossed his arms. "Look, I'm always down for a fight," he said, "but I figured you'd want some questions answered first... Wait, where the hell is the Beastman at?"

He glanced around, searching for the two halves of the Beastman he had discarded earlier. But there was no sign of her remains. Maybe she was caught in the fire or somehow died in the chaos? Probably not, though. He sighed in disappointment. "Alright, now that that's over, let's go at it! Who's first? Wain? Buddy?"

He raised his hands playfully, but Mel responded by whacking him on the back of the head with the butt of her gun. "What the hell was that for?" he grumbled, rubbing his head.

Mel grabbed his ear, yanking him close. "Oh, I am going to kill you..." she hissed. "You ran off on your own! I'm in charge of you, and if you go around causing trouble, I'll get an earful till I die. Look at this! Look at what you did. " She gestured at the carnage. "There's nothing left... I am so dead. Ughhh, I'm never hearing the end of this..."

Mel groaned in frustration as Asura raised his arms defensively. "What's the problem?" he asked, genuinely confused. "I found Lily and beat all the monsters."

Mel fought the urge to hit him again. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down. "Alright, you're right..." she conceded, as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Good work... but don't run off on your own next time." She pressed a pistol into his chest. "We're a team for a reason. We support each other, even if you're mentally unable to comprehend it." She wrenched her gaze away, her inner turmoil reflected in the tightness of her shoulders. "God, I still want to kill you."

"I don't need your approval; I do what I want," he retorted. "If there's a fight, I'm going to take it. If it means you die or get into trouble, so what? Fuck off." Asura walked away, his back turned as the two stood amongst the rubble.

Mel shook her fist at his retreating back. "You little…" She exhaled. "I'm going to kill him. I will do it. I swear, next time, ooohhhh man." She struck a rock with her foot. "I'll search the entire planet to find a way to wipe that smug expression off your stupid face."

Wain shook his head in disbelief. What a crazy series of events... he thought, watching the warehouse burn around them.