Chereads / Game Of Thrones: House Bracken / Chapter 30 - The End of a Campaign

Chapter 30 - The End of a Campaign

My eyes turned back towards the battlefield, as the Vale Forces finally routed.

It had been less than 15 minutes since I defeated Ronnet, but the flanks had finally been decimated. And the news had travelled.

And with that, the Vale Soliders routes, but the day was far from over for them.

For immediately after, the 4000 Light Cavalry and 3000 Heavy Cavalry set out, chasing down the 40 000 retreating men of the vale.

Just in this Battle alone, mainly the flanks. We had inflicted more than 20 000 casualities, while suffering less than 1000 on both flanks.

The centre casualities mounted up to 5000 Mountain Clansmen, 2000 Frey Levies and 1000 Bracken Footmen.

A total of 10 000 casualities, most of which came from the Mountain Clansmen, and their deaths were to expected honestly.

And a 2-1 odds in terms of kills, was more than acceptable.

In total, we had inflicted 28 600 casualities was from the battle alone, while we suffered 13 200 casualties.

But that was from the Battle itself, in addition to those 28 600 deaths, we took 20 000 prisoners.

Lastly, the cavalry killed over 15 000 men in the 2 following days.

Out of the 70 000 Vale Soliders, less than 7000 escaped.

A total slaughter, and even fewer nobles survived and escaped.

True to their task, my elite guards rushed down from the mountain, and took their command centre in the midst of the crisis, allowing us to capture nobles from Houses,


Heir and Lord of House Coldwater, House Borrel, House Grafton and House Lynderly.

Additionally, we captured the Lord of House Elesham, House Hunter, House Pryor, House Redfort, and House Longthorpe.

Lastly, we got the heir and other nobles of House Royce, House Ruthermont, House Sunderland, House Tolett, House Torrent and House Waynwood.

Apparently, Lord Corbray had seen the loss prematurely, and had escaped with his code allies, House Hersey, House Belmore and House Lynderly.

3 Kees in close proximity to Hearths Home, the ancestral keep of House Corbray.

However, I let my army remain at Ironoaks, to replenish their strength. As I took a few of my men, and returned to Eryie, alongside all my prisoners and nobles.

While travelling there, the letter was sent to all Lords of the Vale, they were to meet us at the Eryie, and swear a fealty to their new Lord Paramount, Alexander Bracken.


"M'Lord, as you predicted. House Corbray and their allies have yet to show up, but all other Houses of the Vale has." Tytos said, and I couldn't help but smile.

Altogether, it was a great success. We rid ourselves of all the Mountain Clansmen, or the main and big ones.

Though in the future, more may grow. That is another matter entirely.

"Very good, Tytos. Prepare to set off with our army, we should still have a good 50 800 troops after this." I said, and Tytos nodded. Preparing to leave my room.

"By the way, Tytos. Make sure the Freys are tasked with climbing the walls." I told him with a smile, and he nodded. Walking out.

And with that I went back to buisness.

Most of the Vale knew they had lost, the Arryns put almost the entirety of their strength into that army, but what actually shocked me. Was the lack of horses, but after interrogating the men, it became quite obvious.

Apparently, Lady Lysa Arryn of the Vale, had called in all the Knights of the Vale to serve her, meaning when we took the Eryie, we were fighting a shit ton of cavalry meant to be on horse.

But they were on foot.

Additionally, to "secure her son" she had not allowed anyone else to keep a large number of elite cavalry, somehow decided it good to rid the Vale of their only strength.

And due to this, most Houses held a certain degree of hate towards House Arryn, and the goal was to have Lord Jonnet Arryn replace her after they won.

But I wouldn't complain, for I got a second region a lot easier than it should have been.

If the men of the Vale had locked themselves inside their keeps, I would actually end up just retreating.

The Vale was important, aye. But not enough for me to risk being completely destroyed by other forces, as I'd spend too much time dealing with the Vale.

However, I also realised a few things.

I held the keeps of House Waynewood, Ironoaks. House Redfort of Redfort and House Melcolm.

Meaning I held the biggest hostage of them all, against these specific houses. Which meant I could likely force their loyalty, in a way I couldn't, with other Houses.

As no matter if your Lord is lost, if you don't have a keep. You can't be a noble house.

And so, with that I began making plans, for both the future and present.

Joffrey Baratheon, First of his name and King of the Andals, was about to wed Lady Margaery Tyrell, in a few weeks time. And I knew, that from that point forward, the game would change. 

And my goal, in the end. Was not the Seat of Kings Landing, the Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. I did not desire such a foul place, for I knew that whoever sat the Iron Throne, would always be afraid of the threat of loosing the power.

A threat which was real, for sitting there was a great risk. You gain the Lordship of Westeros, and the title of King. But you risk your Houses destruction.

Therefore, I had no intention at ruling Westeros, I wanted the rule to Kingdom of Winter, River and Mountains. The North, The Riverlands and the Vale. 

And my ace in gaining said power?

Sansa Stark

The key to the North and the Riverlands, and the Vale could be held by the pure power which I possessed, till I was acknowledge as it's true ruler, by birthright.

Similarly to what House Targaryen did to Westeros, eventually gaining the birthright of King of Westeros.


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