Chereads / meet your higher self / Chapter 15 - Ways to help U control Ur mind

Chapter 15 - Ways to help U control Ur mind

1: Practice mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises

2: Include positive affirmations in your self-talk rather than put-downs

3: Take a pause during your day to slow your mind down

4: Avoid things that trigger negative thoughts, like scrolling through social media

5: Ask self-evaluating questions if you're confused or unsure how to think

6: Develop better self-awareness to identify patterns that cause your unwanted thoughts, like rumination or a bad attitude

7: Work on challenging your inner critic and changing your perspective on situations to be more positive

8: Make sure you rest your mind properly after exercising or on a stressful day

9: Journal down your thoughts to let them out and express your feelings

10: Talk with a therapist, life coach, or a trusted friend and loved one for support

11: Learn that it's OK to acknowledge your thoughts, but let go of the ones that don't serve your purpose

12: Stop listening to negative, pessimistic people and the advice they give you

13: Practice positive visualization when you become overwhelmed with unwanted thoughts

14: Distract yourself — whether that's calling a friend, watching a show, or going for a walk

👉Benefits of controlling Ur mind

1: You know how to set boundaries in your relationships because you know what you want and need

2: Your thoughts are more purposeful and meaningful 

3: You can develop healthier well-being in life

4: You can overcome any challenges you face in a constructive, effective way

5: You have more insight when it comes to making decisions 

6: You have a greater sense of self-awareness 

7: You sleep better at night because your mind is calm

8: You're mindful of your thoughts, both positive and negative

👉Ways to improve your concentration

Eliminate distractions. How do we focus better if we are always bombarded with information? ...

Reduce multitasking. ...

Practice mindfulness and meditation. ...

Get more sleep. ...

Choose to focus on the moment. ...

Take a short break. ...

Connect with nature. ...

Train your brain