Attachment is the emotional bond that forms between infant and caregiver
👉What are the 4 attachment styles?
The different attachment styles
Secure attachment.
Ambivalent (or anxious-preoccupied) attachment.
Avoidant-dismissive attachment.
Disorganized attachment.
Secure attachment represents a healthy balance of independence and dependence, while anxious, avoidant, and disorganized attachment styles are less healthy and may be characterized by fear of abandonment or difficulty trusting others.
👉Signs of secure attachment
From sources across the web
A positive sense of self
Comfortable with intimacy
Emotional regulation
Ready for a commitment
Unconditional trust
Emotional availability
Healthy conflict resolution
Honesty and openness
No game playing
Open communication
Stable relationships
They feel comfortable opening up
👉Avoidant attachment style signs
From sources across the web
Avoidance of emotions
Emotional detachment
Emotional suppression
Ambivalence towards intimacy
Commitment shy
Does not communicate his intentions clearly
Nitpicking the relationship
Avoidantly attached partners have restricted emotionality
Difficulty expressing needs
Difficulty handling conflict
Resisting vulnerability
Striving for independence above all
Avoid eye contact
Avoidance of conflict
Romantic gestures
Struggling with being emotionally vulnerable
They feel criticized
👉Anxious attachment signs
From sources across the web
Fear of abandonment
Difficulty being alone
Difficulty controlling negative emotions
Needing approval from others
Clinging to parents and caregivers
Clingy tendencies
Trust issues
Unpredictable behavior
You crave intimacy
Constant need for validation
Fear of strangers
Feeling dependent on others
Feeling like the relationship is threatened
Feeling unworthy of love
Highly emotional
Preoccupation with relationships
Separation anxiety
Worried about the relationship
👉 Disorganised attachment styles signs
wanting to be extremely close or extremely distant from others
difficulty being vulnerable with others
anxiety when others want to be close to you
challenges with emotional regulation
low self-esteem
fear of being abandoned
inconsistent in your relationships with others
avoidance of others
desire to be close to romantic partners but pull away after seeking comfort
fear that they'll be abandoned
seek support but in incoherent or inconsistent ways
avoid intimacy
experience high levels of anxiety