Jan. 11th, 2028 (Tuesday)
Katherine's POV
I didn't get much sleep last night because I kept wondering if I was making the right choice working at a tattoo parlor. I finally convinced myself around 2 o'clock in the morning that this was a new beginning for me it was okay to work in a place like a tattoo parlor even if it is outside of what the old me would ever do. I also reminded myself to not judge people on the way they look because everyone deserves to have a chance and be judged by their actions etc. not just by their looks even though in the past, I would have tucked tail and ran straight out of a store or anywhere if I saw people who looked like Gavin and Callen.
I decided to wear a long purple dress with a high neckline but this time I kept my hair down. I left my rental house around 7:15 and I decided to go to Rise and Shine Café to get some coffee. I decided to get Gavin and Callen some coffee even though I didn't know what they liked so I just went with black coffee and made sure to get plenty of cream and sugar packets. I also got half a dozen donuts because I really did want to make a good impression and for them to like me so I could keep this job since I did need it. I got to the parlor at 7:50 and I saw Gavin and Callen was inside setting up all the chairs etc. for the customers in the small waiting area they had. I also saw a girl with long black hair with red highlights sitting on a stool behind the counter. She had a tattoo sleeve on her left arm but just a couple of tattoos on her right arm. She looked like she couldn't weigh more than 120 and she had to be 5'5 so nothing like me who is definitely not on the skinny side since I weigh close to 190. She was wearing a pair of black frame glasses and she had hazel eyes. She had on a black t-shirt that had the tattoo parlor's name and logo on it then a pair of skinny jeans. I sighed before pushing open the door then all of them looked to see me.
"Katherine, welcome back." Gavin said smiling really big at me before walking towards me.
"Gavin, leave the new girl alone." The girl behind the counter said before throwing a pencil at him then I saw Callen shake his head.
"I'm Daisy. I work here too so you are my new co-worker. I'll teach you how to handle that one." She said pointing to Gavin then Gavin flipped her off.
"I brought coffee and donuts. I only got two extra coffees though because I didn't know about you." I said looking at her.
"Totally fine; I have a loaded tea." She said as Gavin took the coffee carrier from me.
"Your accent; it's not from around here." She said as I walked towards the counter.
I shook my head.
"I'm usually good at placing people's accent and it kind of sounds like a Southern accent." She said as I drunk some of my coffee.
"Georgia." I said then she smiled really big.
"That is a long way from home Sweetheart." Gavin said stopping beside me and smiling at me.
"Gavin." Daisy said in a warning voice.
I looked to see Callen putting cream and sugar in his cup of coffee.
"He does his own thing. I think it's because he's deaf." Gavin said.
Daisy shook her head before flipping him off.
"Don't talk about your best friend since childhood like that." Daisy said giving Gavin a look as Callen stopped on the other side of Gavin then turned to where he could see all of us.
"It's because he's my best friend that I know he loves me and I can do it." Gavin said putting his arm around Callen.
Callen gave him a look before shaking his head.
"Gavin, go get the new paperwork for her." Daisy said.
"Right." Gavin said then he walked away but not before winking at me.
"He's a huge flirt so never take him seriously." Daisy said looking at me.
I nodded my head.
I looked at Callen before signing is black coffee okay or is there another type you like?
He got a shocked look on his face and Daisy smiled at me.
"You know sign language." Daisy said smiling really big.
"A little bit." I said as I signed it and she nodded her head.
Callen nodded his head before signing this is okay.
I nodded my head.
"You knew someone else that was deaf?" Daisy asked.
"A kid that went to my church in Georgia but he got a cochlear implant when he got older so I didn't have to learn much to talk to him." I said and she signed to Callen what I was saying.
Callen nodded his head before drinking some of his coffee.
"I bet you would never guess I'm a Preacher's kid." Daisy said and she signed what she was saying.
"I don't judge people on their looks." I said plus signed then she smiled really big.
"I'm also one." I said and signed then she nodded her head.
"Kind of figured." She said before pointing to my clothes then I laughed which made her smile.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"30." I said and signed.
Callen nodded his head.
"I'm 31 and Gavin plus Callen here are 32." She said as she signed it and I nodded my head.
"What 32 going on 12 for Gavin?" I asked then she laughed before signing what I said to Callen then Callen smiled.
"Hey, you three talking bad about me?" Gavin asked showing back up and stopping between Callen and me.
"Always." Daisy said smiling at him and he shook his head.
"New paperwork. Daisy can help you fill it out. Our first clients should be here soon." He said and I nodded my head.
Callen and him walked away after that.
I walked around the counter then sat down on the other stool beside Daisy.
"Hey, you want to learn more sign language I can teach you." Daisy whispered as Callen and Gavin was setting their supplies out.
"I would love that. I like to be able to communicate with everyone." I whispered and she smiled at me.
"You have a cell phone?" She whispered.
I nodded my head.
She handed her cell phone to me after that then I put in my number for her.
"I'll text you when we can meet up." She whispered.
"Sounds good and we can do it at my rental house or somewhere else doesn't matter to me." I whispered.
"Your rental house will be fine." She whispered as she smiled.
The first two clients came in when I was halfway through the paperwork so Daisy helped them before Callen and Gavin was ready for them.
The rest of the work day went by fast and for lunch, Daisy took me to Henry's Diner to eat. Callen and Gavin didn't join us because they were still working on clients so Daisy told them we'll bring them back food so they could eat between clients. The parlor closed at 8 and Daisy and I left while Callen and Gavin stayed behind to clean up. Daisy invited me to go to King's Tavern even though I told her I didn't drink. She said they had non-alcoholic drinks so I agreed to go with her to meet the rest of her friends. We were there with them for maybe 30 minutes before Gavin and Callen showed up.
"Well, looks like our new employee likes us so much Callen that she wants to follow us everywhere." Gavin said as he sat down beside Daisy and Daisy hit the back of his head which made all of us laugh.
Callen just shook his head before sitting down in the only spot left which was on my left side and he left a little bit of distance between us.
"Run my new friend away and I will have Harrison hurt you." Daisy said giving Gavin an evil look.
She made sure to sign it so Callen would know what she was saying.
Callen looked at me before signing boyfriend so I knew he meant Harrison was Daisy's boyfriend.
I nodded my head.
"Wait, you know sign language." Gavin said in a shocked voice.
"A little bit yes." Daisy said.
"Great, there goes my shot." Gavin said before shaking his head and Callen threw a peanut at him.
"So, what's your story?" Jake asked (Daisy introduced everyone to me) and Callen shook his head.
Everyone was making sure to sign what they said so Callen would understand.
"Not much to tell. I'm from Georgia and now I'm here." I said shrugging my shoulders before drinking some of my Dr. Pepper.
"She's also a Preacher's kid like me." Daisy said.
"Explains the wardrobe." Raven said looking me up and down.
Callen signed something and I only understood the words nothing wrong.
I knew he must have been telling them there was nothing wrong with the way I dressed. Before any of them could tell me what he said, I looked at Callen and signed thank you. He smiled and nodded his head before drinking his beer.
"Alright, I'm done. I lost." Gavin said throwing up both of his hands then he lowered his head to the table which made all of us besides Callen laugh.
Callen just shook his head.
I just listened to them talk after that and at 11 Daisy and me left while the others stayed behind.
Wednesday and Thursday went by fast. On Thursday, Daisy came to my house after work to start teaching me more sign language. Callen and Gavin told me before we closed up on Thursday that I could come in at 10 on Friday because they open later on Fridays.