Chereads / Hunter’s love for Futa / Chapter 73 - Josh is Dating a Hypersexual Futa part 2 by Dongstar

Chapter 73 - Josh is Dating a Hypersexual Futa part 2 by Dongstar

Carla and Josh got some weird looks as they waited for the elevator up to Carla's apartment. Carla's entire front was slathered in a thick layer of her pungent spooge, and Josh had plenty smeared over him from her hug. They both stunk to high heaven, both from the workout and the smell of Carla's powerful musk. Josh self-consciously tucked his cock up between his cheeks to hide his obscene bulge. Carla saw what he was doing and scoffed, but he ignored her.

A brunette bimbo with big, fake tits got on the elevator on the second floor. Her face lit up when she saw Carla.

"Heyyyy, Carla!" said the bimbo. She squeezed into the elevator between Josh and Carla and immediately started fondling Carla's balls. She pressed her nose deep into the side of Carla's slimy boob and inhaled deeply. A dark patch began to spread across the crotch of her white pants.

"Hey, Jenny!" Carla immediately grabbed the bimbo's ass and gave it a forceful squeeze. "I see you're walking again."

"I'm totally ready for you to destroy my pussy again," purred Jenny. "You got time to come up to my place?"

Carla's boner throbbed between her tits. "Sure I—"

Josh coughed.

"Actually, I'm spending the night with this super stud," said Carla, wrapping her arm around one of Josh's scrawny shoulders.

Jenny noticed Josh for the first time. She looked him up and down, not sure what to make of him.

"I didn't know you were into guys," she said to Carla.

Carla laughed. "I'm into them in a different way." She wrapped a beefy arm around Josh's scrawny shoulders. "And this beefcake is an absolute god between the sheets!"

Josh blushed and looked down at his feet. He felt his boner growing again.

Jenny looked extremely doubtful. "If you say so."

The elevator dinged.

"Well, this is my floor." Jenny backed out, her hungry eyes still focused on Carla's bulge. "Give me a call when you're done with your… little friend."

Josh was blushing furiously now.

"See, if you hadn't tucked away that god-cock of yours, she would have been all over you," said Carla.

"Or she would have screamed and called the cops," said Josh.

"Nobody calls the cops on me and I walk around with my bulge on display twenty four-seven." Carla put her hands on her hips and bounced the basketball in her tights a few times.

Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a cloud of hypnotic pheromones, thought Josh, but he didn't say anything.

They got off on Carla's floor and headed to her apartment.

"Wait outside until I call you in," said Carla. "I want to make sure Raquel is wearing clothes."

Josh wouldn't have minded seeing Raquel without clothes, but he did as he was told.

"Raquel! Get dressed! We have company!" Carla yelled as soon as the door was open.

Josh could make out the muffled sounds of Raquel's whining response. The sisters argued for a minute or two and finally Carla reappeared at the door.

"Ok, you can come in," she said.

Carla's apartment was sparse and dirty and smelly. The strong smell of Carla's musk mingled with a different but equally powerful odor that must have been Raquel's. The front door opened into a small living room area with adjoining kitchen space. A narrow hall at the far end of the living room led to the bedrooms and bathroom. There was a single, squashed couch facing a large, flatscreen TV mounted on the wall. A heap of consoles sat in a tangled nest of cables under the TV. Every inch of the couch was crusty and stained and there was laundry strewn all over the floor. If Carla's pheromones weren't so potent, Josh doubted any girl would want to set foot in here.

"Sorry about the mess," said Carla. "Raquel's such a slob."

"I heard that!" called a voice from down the hall.

A moment later, a massive pair of tits appeared out of the right-hand bedroom door. The tits kept getting bigger and bigger until they practically reached all the way across the narrow hallway. Under the tits, another, monstrous, impossibly large bulge resting on a pair of globes the size of beach balls appeared: Raquel's cock and balls, barely covered by a stretched-out pair of sweatpants.

Raquel had stuffed her monstrous schlong down one leg of a pair of sweatpants and stuffed her nutsack into the waistband. Her cock filled the entire leg, prevented from dragging on the ground only by the size of her massive nutsack. The whole package swung heavily from side to side with each step. Josh wondered what it must be like to carry a behemoth like that around twenty-four seven. He'd never seen Raquel's dick hard, but flaccid it couldn't have been less than four feet long and nearly as big around as his waist. No wonder she never went out!

The rest of Raquel emerged from her bedroom a moment behind her tits and cock. She wore a loose, flowing muumuu that reached down to the top of her dick, but left her bottom half completely uncovered. Her skin was a shade darker than Carla's, verging on a milky brown. Her face was more classically beautiful than her sister's, More Venus De Milo, less valley girl bimbo. She had long, black, curly hair that spread out from her head in a broad fan all the way down her back.

Her ass cleared the door a few moments later. She wasn't wearing any bottoms (besides the makeshift cocksock), so her thighs and butt were bare to the air. Like Carla's, her backside was so large it was visible from the front, wobbling up and down like an earthquake after every step. Each of Raquel's buttcheeks was the size of Carla's entire ass, and on a shorter frame (Raquel was only six foot three), so everything seemed that much more magnified. Just walking around made her cheeks clap.

Her tits and ass brushed the edges of the hallway with each swaying step, if she got much bigger she wouldn't even be able to fit through the door without squeezing!

For several seconds all Josh could do was stare in awe at the swaying, jiggling, bouncing, and wobbling mountain of girlmeat on display before him. His cock sprang to full attention immediately and he felt his balls engorge once again with seed. They were so big and full already that this latest surge was almost painful.

When Raquel saw Josh, her face immediately lit up. 

"Carla, you didn't tell me you were bringing your studmuffin tonight," said Raquel, twirling her dark hair around her finger and biting her lower lip as she drank up every inch of Josh. "His trouser snake is even bigger than I remembered. It looks like it might be longer than yours, sis!"

"Could be," said Carla, popping the tab on a can of beer and slurping the froth.

"I'm serious, yo man got the shmeat!" Raquel licked her lips and raised her eyebrows.

Josh was blushing redder than ever. His cock was achingly hard, nearly bursting out of his shorts.

"Is he the one that gave you that coat of frosting, sis?" asked Raquel, gesturing to the generous layer of spunk coating her sister from her tits to her ankles.

"No, this is all me," said Carla, "Josh is saving all his up for tonight." She smirked behind a sip of beer.

Raquel looked back at Josh's balls. Josh felt his nuts swell again.

"Poor thing! You must be so pent up!" exclaimed Raquel. "Do you want me to give you a hand? You know sometimes when Carla gets backed up I have to—"

"Hands to yourself, Rayray," interrupted Carla. "I've got first dibs on that man meat."

Josh's dick was practically ripping through his shorts now, fighting to stand up. The elastic was turning transparent as it stretched. He didn't know it could even get this hard!

"Better get those shorts off before your cock rips a hole in them!" Raquel laughed. "Let me help!"

Raquel was surprisingly light on her feet for someone carrying a combined five hundred pounds of excess sexuality. She skipped across the room in the blink of an eye and before Josh knew what was happening, she had her hands on the waistband of his shorts.

Of course, given the size of Raquel's boobs, she couldn't reach his waistband without her tits squishing up against his chest and her monstrous cock rubbing against his legs.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Carla was behind Josh so fast it was like she'd teleported. Her monster melons suddenly enveloped his entire head, resting heavily on his shoulders. She was still caked in congealed spooge and it squished against the back of his head and smeared his back. He felt Carla's throbbing, half hard cock pressing against his spine. She also grabbed his waistband. He was completely trapped, sandwiched between two hypersexualized babes.

"I'm just helping your boyfriend out of his shorts before his giant meat monster rips them to shreds," purred Raquel.

"If anyone's going to be helping him out of his shorts, it's going to be me," growled Carla.

It was too much for Josh to take.


And definitely too much for his shorts. His boner completely obliterated the tight spandex in a single, mighty flex. Suddenly his dick was squished between a pair of huge, warm pillows and Raquel had a very excited expression on her face.

"Your dick is so big and hard between my tits!" moaned Raquel. "Ooh, it's so hot!" She squeezed her monster mammaries around Josh's rod and began to slowly slide them up and down. "My titjobs are the absolute best," she bragged, "Even my sister can barely last five minutes between these babies!"

Josh was frozen completely still like a statue. He was titfucking his girlfriend's sister! He was gonna be in so much trouble!

"Josh! What the hell are you doing?" demanded Carla.

"I-I'm sorry, I—"

"My sister's tits are heavy as hell! You've gotta help her!" Carla suddenly grabbed Josh's hands and put them directly on Raquel's gigantic gazongas. 

His hands sunk satisfyingly into the pliant surface. She wasn't wearing a bra and he could feel her nipples through the thin fabric of her muumuu. Each rubbery teat filled the entire palm of his hand. Her puffy areolas were as big around as dinner plates.

Raquel closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure. " Mmmm! Yeah!"

Her vast, squashy cleavage felt like warm velvet against his throbbing monster dong. With his and Carla's help, she began pumping her tits up and down his shaft. She giggled and moaned with delight every time his dick throbbed.

Five minutes? Josh barely lasted one. He felt his overstuffed testes rise to hug the base of his pink pillar.

"I-I'm gonna blow!" he yelled.

Raquel laughed and began pumping faster. Josh moaned and fell back into Carla's tits. He could feel his girlfriend's cock hot, hard, and throbbing against his spine.

Sploooooort! Pearly white goop erupted from between Raquel's tits, soaking the fabric of her muumuu and flooding the long, deep valley of her cleavage. More of Josh's spooge splattered the floor and ran down the folds of Raquel's belly. White goop splattered Raquel's leg-sized cock and basted her behemoth ballsack, forming dark stains on the gray sweatpants.

Splooort! SploooOOORT! There was so much! Josh couldn't believe it. Each shot was bigger and longer than the last. Raquel was laughing with delight as he pumped his seed between her melons.

His spunk wasn't as thick as Carla's. Carla's came out more like pancake batter, while his was more like thin yogurt, but it had more than enough viscosity to clump together in wads and strings that dangled from the bottom of Raquel's vast tits.

By the time Raquel had squeezed him dry, her tits were practically glued together by what must have been a half gallon of spooge, with at least as much in a puddle on the floor around their feet.

Josh's knees gave out and he collapsed into Carla's arms. Raquel scooped up a wad of Josh's baby batter on her fingertip and slurped it up.

"His stuff is saltier than yours, sis," she remarked, scooping up another mouthful. "But not bad. Neither of yours tastes as good as mine though."

Carla helped Josh to the couch, where he fell gratefully down into the crusty cushions. His legs were trembling. His cock was throbbing, but he could feel his erection fading slowly.

"Don't go soft on us yet!" said Raquel. "We still have to measure you!"

"Raquel, he's not bigger than me," sighed Carla.

"I swear he feels like he's longer than you," said Raquel, rummaging through the kitchen drawers for the measuring tape. "You'll see."

Raquel held up the tape triumphantly and hurried over to where Josh was slumped across the couch. Spunk was still dripping from the bottom of her tits and she left a trail of droplets wherever she went.

"Ok get hard again, we have to measure you at your full size," she ordered.

Josh looked at her like she was crazy.

"You completely drained me out!" he exclaimed. "There's no way I'm getting hard again any time soon!"

Carla dropped down heavily onto the couch. Her huge butt squished against his leg. 

"There's no way a god-cock like that is spent after just one load. Last weekend we fucked all night!" she said.

Josh's memories of his night with Carla were hazy. He remembered a lot of sweat and screaming and thrusting, but it was all jumbled in his mind.

She reached out and started stroking his limp schlong in long, smooth strokes. She nuzzled his neck and kissed his cheek.

Josh couldn't believe his eyes; his cock was getting hard again! It was like magic!

Raquel was in awe. "Look at that beast! Grow baby, grow!"

Carla freed her own cock from behind her bra and also began stroking, though hers was basically fully hard already.

Within a few seconds, Josh's cock was rock hard, standing proud like a steel rod between his legs. He looked over at Carla's. The two members were shockingly close in length, although Carla's looked more than twice as thick as his.

"Stand up and let's see them side by side," instructed Raquel.

She had them stand facing each other and line up their dicks, then walk forward until Carla's grapefruit-sized mushroom head pressed into Josh's groin. Josh's cock didn't quite reach the base of Carla's massive rod, the tip of his dick just tickled the lustrous bush of dark, curly hair that surrounded Carla's junk.

Raquel stretched the tape along the length of Carla's shaft.

"It's hard to get a good measurement because your dick is so curved," said Raquel. "But it looks like twenty-six inches."

Carla scoffed. "It's barely curved at all."

Carla's dick did have a slight upward curve starting about halfway along, but Josh's cock was practically as straight as a ruler.

He blushed and looked away while Raquel measured his schlong. His eyes met Carla's and she smiled at him.

"Twenty four inches," announced Raquel after measuring Josh's dick.

"Told you," said Carla, smirking.

"Yeah but three days ago I swear he wasn't that big," said Raquel.

"You barely got a glimpse of it!" Carla laughed.

"I-it has gotten a little bigger," said Josh.

"At the rate you're growing, I bet you'll be bigger than Carla in less than a month," said Raquel.

"Longer maybe," scoffed Raquel. "He's still got a ways to go in the girth department."

Carla put her fists on her hips and bounced her cock a few times. It was true, she was much thicker than Josh. Josh's dick was maybe a fraction thicker than a beer can, and a consistent girth all the way down. Carla's on the other hand, was twice as thick as his at the base, thickening almost to the breadth of a two-liter soda bottle toward the middle, before tapering just behind a bulbous, broadly-flared head as wide as a tea saucer.

"Don't worry, he'll catch up," said Raquel."Just like I did."

She swayed her hips back and forth to show off the mass of her third leg and her beach ball-sized testes.

"Whatever." Carla rolled her eyes. "He's gotta catch up to my balls also."

Carla's heavy, basketball-sized scrotum swung nearly down to her knees. She reached down to fondle the hairy orbs. Her testes responded immediately, groaning and swelling before their very eyes.

Raquel smirked and drummed her balls. "Wake up, sweeties! Carla needs to be reminded again who the real big dogs are in this house."

There was a deep, rumbling groan, like the creaking of a mighty oak tree. Raquel's balls swelled visibly as they churned with uncountable gallons of hot seed. Raquel just stared smugly at her sister as her nuts continued to expand, quickly reaching the limit of the sweatpants' elastic.

"Okay, Rayray, you proved your point," said Carla.

Raquel's smugness turned to alarm as the seams of her sweats began to pop and tear.

"Okay, sweeties! Go back to sleep! Shh! Shh!" she cooed, rubbing her nuts soothingly.

The huge orbs responded by growing faster. They'd already nearly doubled in size and were rapidly approaching the ground.

RIIIIIIP! Her sweats burst into tatters and a pair of gargantuan, brown, hairy nuts the size of yoga balls thudded out onto the floor with an impact that rattled the whole room.

Josh's eyes were practically bugging out of his head.

"Have fun dragging those around!" Carla laughed. "Maybe next weekend I'll drive you out to get them emptied."

"You made me do that on purpose!" whined Raquel. "You can't make me wait a whole week to drain them!"

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Rayray," Carla teased.

"Can she really go a whole week without cumming?" asked Josh, in awe of Raquel's massive cum tanks. He looked at Carla's balls swinging between her knees, each over productive testicle was a little over twice the size of a football. "You can't even go a whole afternoon."

Carla waved her hand dismissively. "Raquel can do a week standing on her head. I've seen her go months without emptying those things."

"Yeah but it's not usually a good idea to let it go that long," said Raquel. "Two weeks is about as long as I can go before it gets dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Josh's eyes widened.

"Let's just say after that and you probably want to keep a lifejacket handy," said Raquel.

"Or build an ark," snorted Carla.

Raquel blushed and bit her lip shyly. Her couch-crushing balls rumbled and swelled by another few inches.

Josh didn't know whether to be horny or terrified. He felt his own balls stirring, churning up more seed as if trying to defend their honor.

Carla was back to staring hungrily at Josh's cock. The long, pink rod was still hard as diamond.

"Fuck, I can't take it anymore!" growled Carla. "Raquel, bend over, I need to see my boyfriend's beast in action!"

"What?" exclaimed both Josh and Raquel in unison.

Carla dropped to her knees in front of Josh and started stroking his dick. She kissed the tip and ran her nose along its entire length, inhaling deeply.

"This fucking god cock of yours deserves to be worshipped by every pussy in the world!" she growled, looking up at Josh with wild eyes. "I want to watch my sister's face as her brain melts from the fifty-megaton orgasms going off inside her cooch! I want to hear her moaning from the aftershocks that leave her body quivering for hours afterward, and most of all, I want you to fuck me afterward with all the confidence that comes from reducing a woman like Raquel to a moaning pile of jelly!"

She punctuated each of her pronouncements with a passionate kiss along the length of his shaft. Josh didn't think his cock could have gotten any harder than it was already but he swore he felt his dick stiffen. A spurt of cloudy precum launched from the tip of his cock, arcing over Carla's shoulder and splashing on Raquel's left tit.

"Shit, just your precum is probably ten times more potent than the jizz of most men on this planet," moaned Carla.

She wrapped her plush lips around the tip of his cock and began to suck, slurping greedily at the absolute faucet of precum he was pumping out. She reached out with both hands and began to fondle his balls, stimulating his baseball-sized orbs into even heavier production. A river of steamy precum poured down her chin and her throat worked as she gulped down his milky lubricant.

" Pwah! " she gasped, coming up for air. "Fuck, it's like sucking on a faucet!"

His cock was still pouring a copious stream of pre onto her massive tits. His balls ached with fullness. He could feel raw power surging up his throbbing shaft. He longed to impale Carla on his spear and pump her womb full of his seed.

He plunged his face down into Carla's head-crushing tiddies and began furiously motorboating them. His meaty dick crossed swords with her much thicker cunt crusher. The two fleshy poles thudded together, basting each other in their hot slime. Carla fell back onto the floor with Josh on top of her, their cocks pressed between their slimy, intertwined bodies.

Raquel moaned and began to rock back and forth on her colossal sack like a dog humping a yoga ball. She reached under her muumuu to tweak her can-sized nipples.

"Yeah, give it to her, give it to her!" she breathed.

Josh tore off Carla's top. The futa's gargantuan gazongas bounced free in the air, looking even larger now that they were no longer confined by a double layer of sports bras. He pressed his nose to her breastbone and began kissing her chest between her tits. Her light brown skin was salty with the mingled flavors of sweat and cum.

Carla moaned and threw back her head, running her hands up and down Josh's back as his mouth explored her body. Each kiss he laid on her seemed like an explosion of pleasure. Her swollen pussy was absolutely drenched, gushing juices all over the back of her mammoth balls and splashing across the kitchen tile.

Josh sat up on his knees. His two-foot love lance was so hard it stood up almost vertically, throbbing with pent-up passion. Thick, purple veins stood out from the slick, glistening surface. His balls had swollen to the size of grapefruit, packed with thick loads of steaming baby batter.

Something primal, something animal, was taking hold of Josh. Carla could see it in his eyes. It was the same look he'd had the night she'd taken his virginity. Right before he'd transformed into an unstoppable fuck machine. He reached down and grabbed hold of her sack, lifting the heavy, melon-like orbs out of the way to expose her gushing womanhood. Her girthy clit was hard and throbbing, nearly as long as Josh's thumb.

Josh angled his body down, positioning his magnificent, pink baseball bat of a cock between the drooling, rubbery lips of her snatch. The fist-sized head of his trouser howitzer kissed the slick gates of her opening, squishing against her fat clit.

Carla shuddered from the frisson of pleasure that rippled across her body. Just the slight touch of Josh's cock against her swollen and engorged clit was almost enough to bring her to climax. Her pussy ached to swallow every inch of his magnificent rod. Her womb was so thirsty for his cum she could barely control herself. She knew that if just a single inch of his dick entered her love tunnel, she would surrender completely to his scepter. If she was going to see him fuck her sister, it had to happen now before he fucked her into a pile of jelly.

Josh drew back his hips, ready to impale his girlfriend. Just as he began his forward thrust, Carla's hands flashed out and seized his shaft. 

"Wait!" she grunted, mustering her thoughts. His girthy rod was hot and throbbing in her hands. She wanted it inside her so bad.

"Huh?" Josh panted, struggling to restrain himself from thrusting through Carla's hands into her eager cooch. His animal expression faded slightly.

"I told you, fuck Raquel first. Look at her. She needs this!" Carla panted.

Raquel was still moaning and humping her own nutsack. She had her beachball-sized melons wrapped around her shaft and a steady stream of milky precum was gushing from the hose-wide cumslit of her gargantuan cock. She stared at Josh's cock with a look of aching desire.

Josh felt his dick throb. His first instinct was to just fuck Carla anyway and he knew if he tried, she'd let him, but all the pent up desire he felt for Raquel was bubbling up inside him and he felt like he was about to burst. Just a few days ago he'd been a kissless virgin and now his mega-hottie futa girlfriend was begging him to fuck her mega-hottie sister in a hyper-cock threesome.

Josh stood up and turned toward Raquel, his massive meat pole was steaming hot and hard as diamond. His balls churned. He could feel them growing heavier with every heartbeat as he strode up to her and slapped his log on her forehead. 

Raquel's eyes crossed as she gaped up at his monster pole. Her mouth hung open like a panting dog and she moaned with desire. Her colossal pillar of a cock gushed hot precum all over his sneakers. The slick liquid washed over his ankles and soaked his socks. A growing puddle of pre now covered most of the floor and some distant part of Josh wondered how it would all get cleaned up.

Raquel reached up with trembling hands and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. With another desperate groan she latched onto his cockhead and began slurping at it. His mushroom was too large for Raquel to fit into her mouth (though she made a heroic effort) so she had to content herself by kissing, suckling and licking every square inch of his rubbery knob while jerking him off with both hands.

Suddenly Josh felt something warm and throbbing press against his back and a moment later his head was completely engulfed from behind by Carla's colossal tits. Her fat schlong ran all the way up his spine while her heavy balls tapped him gently on the ass. She reached around him, the biceps of her muscular arms bulging like melons against his slim shoulders as she placed her warm hands on his cock. Even her comparatively large hands couldn't completely encircle his girth.

"C'mon, babe," she whispered in his ear. "Let's give my sister a taste of your special sauce."

Josh reached out and wrapped his own hands around his long, pale pink anaconda.

Fuck, even with six hands on my shaft, I still have inches to spare, he thought.

The three of them began to pump together, slowly at first until they found a rhythm. Josh felt his balls tightening up beneath his shaft, the heavy sack was practically groaning with pent-up seed.

Raquel clamped her plush lips around his cumslit just as a long, thick stream of precum began to gush from his rod. His balls were full to overflowing and the pressure was incredible. He felt like he was pissing precum directly down Raquel's throat!

The force of the stream increased with each stroke until Raquel began to cough and splutter. She sat back, spitting out wads of gluey pre while Josh painted her face and tits with his milky stream.

I haven't even cum yet… Josh thought, astonished at the sheer volume of man milk blasting from his cock.

"It's so fucking hot how much pre you make, babe!" cooed Carla. "Your balls are unstoppable!"

"That's all just pre?" sputtered Raquel in disbelief. Her colossal cans were completely slick with Josh's glue. Waterfalls of slippery gunk were pouring off her tits onto the top of her cock. "I thought he'd blown his load already!"

Josh couldn't believe Raquel was impressed considering she was gushing precum by the gallon against his ankles, but she was staring at his schlong as if entranced. Another fat spurt of man milk blasted Raquel in the face and she moaned with delight as if Josh's precum were nectar from the gods.

The hyper-curvy babe lunged forward and wrapped her lips around Josh's cumslit again, sucking for all she was worth. Her fat ass jiggled as she rocked back and forth on her balls, humping her own leg-sized cock as she pumped his shaft along with Carla.

Jash felt his nuts climbing to cling to his shaft and knew he was getting close.

"F-fuck, I'm gonna…" Josh grunted as he felt his balls release their payload.

Raquel's eyes went wide and her cheeks bulged. Jets of pearly white jizz shot out of her nose and painted her tits. Her throat worked as she frantically tried to gulp down Josh's powerful stream. She actually managed to swallow his first rope without choking, but his second blast was even larger. Cum erupted into Raquel's mouth with enough force to knock her off his cock. Carla laughed as Raquel choked and sputtered, putting up her hands to block the hose-like blast of Josh's jizz.

Creamy spunk coated Raquel's palms, splashing down in heaps— heaps! —it was so thick. Her monstrous cock was quickly frosted in an inch-thick layer of man mayo. A blast of musk hit Josh's nostrils.

The effect of Josh's cum was instantaneous. Both futas immediately began to moan as a powerful quiver rippled through their thighs. Josh felt Carla's weight on his back increase. She panted in his ear, whimpering and shuddering as the shock of a powerful climax tore through her body.

He busted again, a thick, broad blast of goop that seemed to go on for minutes and left Raquel looking like a perverted cake covered in thick, white icing.

Josh's knees felt weak. He'd never cum this hard in his life! Was all this really coming out of him?

"You were right, Carla! This boy is amazing!" Raquel panted. She shivered all over, her huge tits jiggling. "I need that god cock in my pussy now!"

"I-in your—" Josh stammered.

His balls felt drained. Did they really expect him to fuck after blowing a load like that? Did Raquel expect him to fuck her in front of her own sister?

It seemed like Carla was reading his mind because she was in his ear again, her large, powerful hands on his balls. 

"What do you say, babe? Are you gonna pump my sister full of your glorious godspunk?" she purred.

"Are you serious? You actually want me to—?" Josh choked.

Carla purred, rubbing her massive melons up and down her boyfriend's back.

"I've been aching all day to watch you unleash your beast," she whispered in his ear. "I was hoping you'd join me back behind the restaurant, but watching you fuck my sister will be soooooo much better…" 

She squeezed his nuts and a wave of mingled pain and pleasure pulsed through his body. His arm-length cock—which had been softening—began to throb again, rising up even harder than before. There was a creaking sound like stretching rubber and Josh swore his cock was growing! Angry, purple veins stood out all along the beast's glistening, cum-slick length, pulsing with every beat of his heart.

He felt a sudden, increasing weight in his nutsack as his ultra productive balls started churning out sperm. Within moments he felt as backed up as he'd ever been.

Raquel was staring hungrily at Josh's massive rod, licking her plush, pillowy lips.

"Fuck her, Josh. Fuck my fat sister," growled Carla. "I want you to fuck her senseless in front of me, and then, when she's quivering and overflowing with your seed, I want you to flip me on my back and crush my cervix with that meat mallet of yours."

"I…I…" Josh felt a powerful heat building up inside him. He felt like a volcano about to erupt! The primal thing inside him seized full control of his body and limbs and he roared.

The next hours were a blur of pumping, humping, sucking, licking, and pure, animal pounding.

Josh attacked Raquel's portal with his battering ram, his pale, slim belly clapping loudly against her cushion-sized cheeks as he hilted himself in her eager pussy.

"Oh fuck, I can feel him shooting inside me!" cried Raquel in between squeals and grunts of climax. "Shit! There's so much!"

Raquel's belly bloated out, swelling as if she were already nine months pregnant with Josh's triplets. Every powerful shot from Josh's cum cannon caused Raquel's rotund figure to stretch larger and rounder. Gallons of sperm painted the inside of Raquel's womb, and nearly as much leaked out around the rim of his thrusting cock, spraying out like high pressure jets to splatter against his stomach and run down his balls in thick, pudding-like globs.

He fucked Raquel's ass, too, then finished off on her face and tits, frosting her twitching, moaning body as she lay mindless on the cum-soaked living room carpet.

Then he turned to Carla.

Josh's amazonian paramour had her pants down around her ankles, jacking her third leg to the scene of her sister's absolute destruction. She'd blasted a few loads herself, adding her long, yellowish ropes to Josh's pure, pearl white. Sniping both of them with jets of jizz that Josh, in his manic state, didn't even notice.

Now he was looking at her with a crazed glint in his eyes. Carla felt her pussy melting just from the sight of his mighty spear, still aloft and hard as diamond, soaked in her sister's juices and hungry for more.

Then he pounced.

They fucked like two angry jaguars. Josh drove her body into the couch with a strength that shocked even her.

From the moment the first inch of his cock entered her pussy her mind went blank as pleasure overloaded the circuits of her brain. She was cumming so hard she couldn't remember her own name or where she was. Her whole world was concentrated on the two feet of arm-thick godcock rearranging her insides. Each thrust felt like her body splitting open and exploding into pure light.

He owned her. Utterly and completely. She wouldn't admit it to him of course. Not out loud, but she'd known from the first time they'd fucked that she could refuse him nothing ever again. His every wish was her command. He had but to wave his scepter and she would obey.

It was four in the morning when Josh finally regained his senses. Carla and Raquel lay sprawled where he'd last fucked them. Raquel was on her back on the couch, rotund belly in the air, moaning as her legs twitched with the aftershocks of orgasm.

Carla was on the floor, lying across a belly the size of a yoga ball. She burped up a quart of cum and shuddered as she came yet again. Her pussy twitched, the rubbery lips of her red and swollen labia seemed to beg Josh for more of his irresistible schlong.

Josh was covered head to toe in a cooling layer of spunk. His heart was racing.

The living room looked like the aftermath of one of Carla's fuckfests. A layer of jizz covered every surface. It slid down the walls and dripped from the ceiling in golf ball sized globs. The carpet was invisible beneath a layer of spunk that splashed whenever Josh took a step. Cum the consistency of watery clay squished between his toes and his footprints slowly filled with milky liquid when he lifted his foot.

His cock and balls ached. His dick was finally soft, swinging between his knees, the tip dangling just below his utterly drained and deflated balls. There was over a foot of loose sack between his groin and his grapefruit-sized cum factories.

He realized he was desperately thirsty and staggered to the sink, foregoing a glass and drinking straight from the tap, lapping at the stream like a dog. He drank and drank, finally standing back and gasping as his limbs regained some stability.

His girlfriend and her sister were barely recognizable as human beings beneath the layer of steaming muck that frosted their gravid forms.

He shuffled to the bathroom and took a cold shower, then passed out facedown on Carla's bed.



Josh was late to school the next day. Carla had drained a little overnight but she was still gravid with Josh's spooge when she dropped him off in front of his stunned classmates. When she stepped out of the truck, every jaw dropped. Carla's belly was as big as a beach ball and she walked with a noticeable waddle. She rubbed her oversized belly bump lovingly as she gave Josh a long, sloppy goodbye kiss.

"I dug up one of my jockstraps from middle school, this should hold until you can order some new ones." Carla handed Josh an athletic supporter the size of a small shopping bag. He accepted it and hurriedly tucked it away in his backpack, blushing red as a beet.

"What's that, a tent?" scoffed Beth as Josh took the oversized jock out of his locker that afternoon.

"It's my girlfriend's jockstrap if you really want to know," snapped Josh, a little testily. He hadn't gotten a lot of sleep and his head ached.

"Ha! I guess it makes sense that your freak girlfriend would have a freak dick just like you," said Beth.

Josh ignored her and pulled the supporter up.

It was too tight.

Josh sighed. His dick had grown again.