Chereads / Hunter’s love for Futa / Chapter 74 - All You Need Is Love... And Cum By ZART96

Chapter 74 - All You Need Is Love... And Cum By ZART96

"No mummy no, please don't…!"

"You little piece of shit, don't run!" an angry woman barked.

In that small kitchen, a little scared chubby boy was running as fast as his short legs could go, pale as paper, followed by a woman in a red dress, blonde and thin. Eventually she was able to reach him, holding on tight his forearm as the boy struggled and begged. On her lap, she began to slap his bum noisily, luckily he had shorts on and they didn't hurt as much as on other occasions.

Yes, that bad woman was Gideon's mother. She had no affection for the child, in fact, she lived as if she didn't have a son unless Gideon did something displeasing to her, which was basically anything. This time, the reason for her anger was her chubby child had ruined the frosting on the cakes she had baked for her work guests. Once she considered his ass had enough punishment, she locked him in his room and forbade him to leave while she had her meeting with her guests.

Gideon curled up in his bed, sad and sobbing. At his 18 years old, he still didn't understand why mommy seemed to hate him and treated him badly, but he wiped away his tears and, brushing his teeth, went to bed in silence, hearing from time to time the happy laughter that came from the lower floor.

As usual, he got up early to go to school. After making sure mommy had already gone to work, he went to the kitchen to "prepare" his own breakfast and picked up some cookies to eat. Since she never cared about his well-being, Gideon had taught himself to make some simple meals (with consequences, usually mom would smack him when she discovered the first unsuccessful attempts or if there was evidence of cooking left), although he often chose desserts, it was the easiest and that's was the reason of being fat. Dressed and ready, the boy left the house and boarded the school bus.

His routine didn't vary at all, nothing different almost ever happened to him and he returned home, changed his clothes and went out to the backyard to play with his soccer ball.

He didn't have friends to play with after school, his mother took care of that since for her, "one stupid kid at home was more than enough." So Gideon kicked the ball around alone in the spacious, fenced yard, a way to exercise his fat butt before eating some ice cream.

The kid looked very sweaty and blushed, with those extra pounds he looked like he had little breasts bouncing up and down as he ran after the ball, in that tight shirt and short sporty shorts. His black hair was dripping with a few drops of sweat and at one point, grabbing the ball with both hands to kick it in the air and catch it, he miscalculated and kicked it into the adjoining yard. Gideon froze, hearing to his rapid, erratic breathing.

He only thought for a few seconds about returning inside the house and locking himself in his room, before changing his mind and; very carefully climb the wooden fence that separated both houses. It couldn't be said it was successful, the fall was somewhat spectacular and he covered his shirt in dirt. Straining his ears, he looked in all directions for his soccer ball and paled when he saw where it was.

His ball was a few meters in front of him, with bad luck it had fallen on some small garden flowers planted near the wall of the house, under one of its windows. Gideon's legs shook and he couldn't make a single step to run away, he could only hear a window being opened and a woman's voice.

"What are you doing in my garden?"

Gideon looked up, a beautiful red-haired woman with short, neck-length hair staring back at him. She was wearing a pink apron over her clothes and was looking at Gideon with a kind smile, although the chubby boy didn't say a word.

"So, you don't talk? I haven't seen you before, you're from around here, right?" the beautiful lady said.

Fear prevented him from doing anything and he quickly averted his gaze to the object of his guilt, his soccer ball and the crushed flowers. She rested her hands on the edge of the window, wanting to observe what the unknown child was looking at completely terrified and when she realized what had possibly happened, her mouth opened, letting out a moan that seemed to be one of terror and disbelief.

"Oh no, what did you do!?" she exclaimed.

Gideon's legs shook with fear. He was in trouble and surely that woman would go home, tell his mother what he had done and… he didn't want to imagine what could happen but, it was likely that he would miss school some days. She could be severe and the beatings were very painful...

The woman watched him with more concern of the expression of terror on the little boy's pale face and softened her rigid expression. Something like that was an accident, there was no reason to make a fuss about it and what she could do was calm him down.

"Are you ok?"

"Please, I beg you… don't tell her…" Gideon stammered, scared.

"It's alright, nothing happens, don't worry," she said with a slight smile.

That's when Gideon looked her straight in the face. She was a pretty and smiling woman, you could see in her face that she was not pretending and the chubby boy lower his guard down: he could feel safe for the moment.

"So... you won't say anything to mommy?" the boy repeated.

"No, I won't, trust me," the woman smiled.

"For real?"

"Of course, I'm not going to say anything to her, you're safe," she swore with a wide smile and quickly raising her hand. Gideon sighed calmly and confidently.

He picked up the ball, approaching the window and when he got up he could see it in greater detail: she had a few freckles on her nose and cheeks, her lips were full and red from lipstick. She tilted her head slightly, looking at the sweaty chubby little boy.

"My name is Charlotte, and yours?"

"I'm Gideon, ma'am," he responded politely.

"It's a perfect name for someone cute like you," Charlotte assured and the boy couldn't help but blush and smile, no one had ever given him a compliment. "Would you like a dessert? I have a chocolate cake that-you-will-love, so I can apologize for scaring you," the lady replied and Gideon nodded quickly and walked around the garden until he reached the front door.

He took off his shoes and Charlotte could see a bruise near his bum as he leaned over and slid up his shirt. She could understand now why the boy begged her to not put a word with his mother, but she smiled again when Gideon was ready and guided him to the kitchen; helping him sit on one of the stools and then brought the cake out of the refrigerator and served a piece on a dish.

She watched him tenderly as he gobbled up each bite of cake with a happy face, repeating that it was delicious. Sometimes he said it with his mouth full but Charlotte didn't care about that minor detail. She stood next to him and looked with interest at Gideon's fat little bottom sticking out of the stool, at his plump, pale thighs.

When he finished the dessert, he thanked her once again and of course she didn't repress any sweet comment to him and once again put a self-conscious but sincere smile on Gideon's lips.

"Can I ask you a question?" Charlotte said.

"Of course, Ms. Charlotte," Gideon murmured.

"Just Charlotte, darling," and he nodded. "Why were you afraid that I would talk to your mom about my flowers?"

Gideon remained silent and she sat next to him on another stool. He looked at her for a few seconds, not knowing whether to tell the truth or just keep the secret.

"She abuses you, doesn't she? Don't be afraid, I won't say anything to anyone," Charlotte commented in a soft voice and the boy nodded slightly and lowered his head.

"She hates me. I don't know why. She never tells me why and she punishes me for everything I do… and doesn't let me have friends," Gideon spoke in a pitiful tone.

"Then we will be friends."

"Really!?" Gideon replied excited.

"Of course, Gideon! You can come every day and stay as long as you want. And eat all the desserts you want."

The little fat boy hugged the sexy redhead neighbor, a warm and sincere hug. Charlotte smirked over his shoulder as her hands squeezed the boy's plump back, he chuckled before separating from Charlotte.

"Did you try to tickle me?" he asked.

"Maybe…" Charlotte chuckled, "it was nice meeting you, Gideon. Same time tomorrow, just ring the bell, I'll make cookies."

They said goodbye and she walked him to the door and watched him with lustful eyes as he walked away and entered the house next to hers.

"Charlotte, Charlotte… that fat bum screams for dicking. And his mommy won't give a fuck if you pop his yummy cherry…" she told to herself.

Two hours later…

Sat on the stairs in front of the door, Charlotte was smoking quietly after a long day and remembering her encounter with her chubby and cute neighbor. Some screams and muffled blows were heard from Gideon's home.

"How many times do I fucking need to tell you? I don't care what you've done at school or afterwards, get your fat bum out of my sight!" Gideon's mom shouted. After that, the red-haired neighbor heard a bad noise and screams, a light turned on in the upper window, a sign the boy had taken cover in his room.

She didn't do anything to put up a complaint with the police or anything like that, no neighbor had done it until then; so she wasn't the one who would meddle. A smiling grimace appeared on her mouth.

"Oh darling… don't make it so easy for me," she muttered to herself, pretending the neglectful single mother was listening. With all that abuse, her big-assed boy was a desirable prey in need of affection and love.

The next morning Gideon followed his usual routine. He waited for mommy to go to work to prepare for school, uniform, backpack and lunch. He walked alone to the bus stop, while being watched by Charlotte from the opposite direction. Just a few more hours and she would have that shy fat boy at home again.

For the boy, the day brought nothing out of the ordinary. Readings, classes, numbers and all that school stuff. And if Charlotte checked the time on her phone every few seconds to wait for her little neighbor, Gideon had already forgotten her friendly offer with everything that had happened the night before and at school.

She decided to light a cigarette and wait on the porch. As Gideon took a while to return, Charlotte drowned her anxiety with the smoke.

"Damn… he should be here already. If school schedules hasn't changed, of course…" she said, noticing the twenty-minute delay. In the distance, she saw his overweight child and smiled effusively.

Soon she realized that something bad was happening. Gideon walked slowly and with his head down, throwing away her cigarette and stepping on it; she walked to meet him.

Seeing her, the boy sighed in relief, glad to see a friendly face.

"Hey there, what's wrong, cutie? You seem upset."

Gideon looked at her and it took him a few seconds to speak.

"Some bad kids took my pennies, I couldn't pay the bus," Gideon said in sad tone, tired and slightly sweaty from the long walk.

"Oh c'mere boy, don't feel sad. You must be tired, I have something delicious that will make you lick your lips," Charlotte responded, trying to cheer up her little neighbor.

She took him home and made him comfortable in the kitchen while she brought a nice-looking lemon tart out of the refrigerator. Placing a large portion on the boy's plate, he thanked her and ate quickly; all that walking had given him an appetite.

Charlotte sat in front of him, resting her elbows on the granite of the kitchen counter, from time to time looking at her breasts and lowering her sleeveless shirt a little, but for the moment Gideon was not very interested in taking his eyes off the tasty cake.

"Hungry, aren't you?"

The boy nodded as he had his mouth full of lemon pie.

"I can give you another portion and then if you want, you can tell me about your day at school," the woman suggested and the little boy nodded again; very comfortable with the treatment from his adult friend.

After putting another piece of cake on his plate, Charlotte approached him from behind and her hands massaged and squeezed his muffin tops, Gideon giggled while the redhead ended up rubbing his tummy over his uniform.

"Much better, right? How is dessert?"

"Very yummy, Charlotte. Thank you," Gideon replied. The boy's hands looked for hers, which continued to run over his belly.

"That's what I like to hear, you know how to make a woman happy," Charlotte spoke, her chin resting on his shoulder.

The boy stopped eating and looked at her out of the corner of his eye, she was smiling and loving. He knew that was a lie, there was someone who was always irritated by his presence.

"Mommy is never happy with me. She hates me and whacks me, every day."

"Mmm… it's complicated," Charlotte replied laconically.

"Always the same. It's complicated," the child commented, a little annoyed; adults often said those words.

"Yes, it's the answer to everything," she said and Gideon laughed. "But you sure don't want to talk about mommy, do you?" she asked and he shook his head.

Gideon ate his dessert again and Charlotte settled herself better, adjusting the stool so his round bum was paired to her waist level and hugged the boy again.

"Like I told you, my Gideon, best friends."

The little boy wasn't suspicious of those sincere words and displays of affection, much less he was able to see or feel a huge bulge from under his neighbor's pants constantly pressed on his lower back and buttocks. Soon the fat boy ate all the dessert he wanted before hugging and saying goodbye to Charlotte, agreeing to return the next day.

They were both very happy, Gideon seemed to walk on air when he returned home because he finally had a good and cute adult friend; Charlotte was celebrating her first small victory in her career to slide her cock between Gideon's fat buttocks. At evening, the usual screams and noises coming from his house reached Charlotte's ears, sat on the porch stairs; she didn't give the child a break.

"If you don't like children… you should have left him in an orphanage," the woman murmured, hearing Gideon's mother's continuous complaints and curses. "Although on second thought, not doing it is the best thing you've ever done, you fucking bitch."

The next day came just like the others, only a few clouds foreshadowed a rainy afternoon, ideal to stay at home; Charlotte thought. She could see Gideon running under the rain, heading to the bus stop to find shelter, once again the countdown began to have that little boy home again.

Charlotte spent the day baking muffins, which she filled with cream and covered with chocolate on the outside. The rain began to fall with intensity and the woman feared her favorite chubby ass child would not come but the bell surprised her when it rang and, stretching her shirt down to show more of her big tits; the lady went to the door.

As she expected, it was Gideon who knocked on the door and greeted him with an effusive hug, his flushed cheek ending up pressed against the bare skin of her chest. Following her inside, she told him that she had something delicious and sweet for him and Gideon licked his lips happily.

The infant's eyes shone with joy when he saw a plate with three muffins covered with a layer of chocolate, his mouth watered and sitting on the sofa next to Charlotte, he gobbled down the dessert very happily.

"Today I see you happier, a good day at school, I guess?"

Gideon nodded slightly and smiled to his neighbor, who stroked his hair.

"And I'm going to make you laugh more, darling," Charlotte assured and started to tickle him, Gideon could only squirm a little as his hands were occupied.

The little boy shared a muffin with his friend, Charlotte bit and chewed; licking some of the chocolate and cream escaping out of the corner of her mouth. When Gideon finished eating, he hugged the woman, who put her arm around his chubby torso.

"You're a good friend, Charlotte, I love you very much," the boy said, rubbing his cheek against the redhead's fit abdomen.

"I love you very much too, my beautiful boy, it makes me want to kiss you," she responded in a candid tone, kissing Gideon all over his face; neck and used her hands to tickle him again.

So they spent a moment playing on the couch, Gideon laughing and twisting his body to avoid Charlotte's tickling, whom approached her advantage to touch some special places without the child being able to notice. Exhaling and barely sweating from all the friendly struggle, the little chubby boy looked affectionately at the beautiful, loving woman at his side, for the first time feeling that someone cared about him and he wasn't just a nuisance or the undesired result of a one night stand, like mommy told him frequently. If he could... he would stay in that house all day, playing and eating delicious desserts but... he had to come back before mom arrived.

"I like it here, Charlotte, you're kind and funny," Gideon said.

"Anything for you, my sweet sugar boy," Charlotte replied and touched his nose.

"I gotta be in my room before mommy comes, or she'll be mad at me again," he mentioned, a bit upset about leaving her place again.

"Just stay five more minutes, hun, pleaseee," the lovely neighbor made puppy eyes, her fingers poking his tummy and armpits gently until Gideon gave up and wrapped his chubby arm behind her back.

With an effort she lifted him up by his armpits and made him sit on her lap, right over the bulge in her groin, holding back a moan of pleasure at having that lardy butt pressed against her aching pecker under the clothes.

"Mmm… wide load…" she grunted in delight, her touchy hands gripped onto his plump butt cheeks.

"Are you ok, Charlotte?" the worried child ask, looking over his shoulder, thinking his older friend struggled under his weight. Gideon tried to stand up, though Charlotte impeded him to do so by wrapping her arms around his belly.

"This is good. Don't worry, G," Charlotte rushed to say, rolling up her lustful eyes with the feeling of his bum on her bulge.

The boy shrugged with that reassuring response and put all his weight on her lap. Yes, of course he had no idea how horny he was making Charlotte, her cock so hot and hard under her clothes that she felt like it could pierce the fabric barriers between them and slide between his fleshy buttocks. Mentally the woman suffered and enjoyed it equally, trying not to pull down his shorts and fuck Gideon at that moment; it wasn't the right time or the right way... although they were already confident to each other.

Finally he remained sat on her lap for about ten minutes and she led him to the door. As they said goodbye and she kissed his cheek, Gideon saw the swollen lump under her clothes and told himself he would ask about it another time.

Whilst the kid hummed on the shower happily, rejoicing of his best friend, Charlotte went rough on her child butt sex doll; calling Gideon's name with every demolishing thrust until she cummed in quarts, making a big sticky mess on her and her sheets.

The next day didn't start so well for the child, he woke up earlier than mom and forgot to turn off the shower. So within minutes, as he got dressed for school; water overflowed the bathtub and wet the floor.

Charlotte was enjoying a nice coffee in the kitchen, admiring the beautiful color of the sky as the sun slowly climbed up when she heard the sound of porcelain breaking first and then screams.

"Seriously, woman?" she muttered in disdain, knowing her Gideon began another day with the left foot.

Desperate knocks on her door alarmed her as she rushed to the front, finding Gideon outside, pale and trembling. He threw his chubby body on hers.

"Please, help me. Mom's crazy today and I don't know why!" the child begged.

Charlotte shut the front door, hugging her boy and caressing his back. His body felt fresh and smell terrific due to recent shower, they sat on her couch and the child told her what happened.

"She's insane. She's definitely crazy," Gideon assured, still a bit nervous.

"Hey baby, it's ok. You're safe with me, let me help you. Breathe," Charlotte murmured and started to rub and caress his shoulders.

Gideon followed what she said and close his eyes, enjoying the soft delicate massage. His heart calmed down and beat slower as he recover composure, Charlotte brought her nose close to his head, sniffing the smell of his hair and then she went a bit lower, smelling his neck; he giggled 'cause her warm breath tickle him.

"You like it?" – He nodded in response. "Relax, just breathe deep," she added.

Biting her lips, she kept massaging his shoulders and soon she slid her hands under his shirt, Gideon sighed instinctively feeling her smooth touch, Charlotte rubbed his back and belly; her hands went up and grabbed his chest, shake it up and down like if it were tiny boobies.

"Don't do that, it feels weird!" he protested but couldn't avoid a quiet laugh, it had its fun side the way she grabbed and played with 'em.

"C'mon, there's nothing wrong," Charlotte said and squeezed his pink nipples gently.

"Whoa! They feel strange…"

"Hard?" the kinky woman completed. Gideon nodded. "Well, it means you like it, even if it's a bit odd," she explained and pinched them harder. The child puffed… maybe she was right, though it wasn't the best game they ever played.

She stopped being creepy and kissed and hugged him. Telling him she'd never ever do any harm to him, Gideon couldn't help himself but saying he really like her (obviously not the intimate way Charlotte wanted him), and that just gave her the opportunity she expected.

"So you really like me, huh? Like… how much?"

"A lot. You're very nice," Gideon muttered embarrassed of the way she stare at him.

"More than mommy?" Charlotte went on.

"I like you more than mommy, for sure. You treat me good," the boy responded.

"Of course. And don't forget about desserts, you said mine are delicious," the woman added in funny tone.

"The best," he admitted.

Charlotte stood up and told him to wait. She went upstairs and returned with a square package in her hands, wrapped in a brilliant red gift wrap.

"I bought this for you, you can play with it at home, open it!" Charlotte said and Gideon began to unwrap the package enthusiastically.

At first he couldn't tell exactly what was that. After all, Gideon had never seen an adult penis before, so that big realistic penis dildo toy was a total surprise for him.

"Charlotte… what is this?" Gideon mumbled naturally confused.

"G, that's a penis, my cute boy. What, does mommy never talked to you about what a penis is?"

Gideon shook his head, an innocent look in his face.

"Oh well…" Charlotte pretended to be upset, "… it has many names. Penis, cock, dick, pecker, prick, like many names," she numbered.

"Are all penises this big?" Gideon wondered, without taking his eyes off the silicone dick in the box.

"No. At least men's aren't."

The child look up, meeting her smirking gaze.

"Do girls have penis too!?" Gideon asked in shock.

"Of course, baby. Most women have penis, actually bigger than boys'," Charlotte smirked and caressed his chin, Gideon was speechless and his mouth barely open; then he looked at her crotch.

"Do you have a penis?" Gideon questioned.

"Mmm… who knows, I won't tell you before dessert," she joked and the kid didn't stop asking as she laughed.

Pulling his hand Charlotte lead the way to the dinning room and Gideon sat down, wondering if what she had told him was true. He didn't have enough time to think about it before her return, she put before him the morning dessert.

At first he thought it was a sort of a joke. There was nothing in the dish but some thick milk, though it had no corn flakes. The chubby child looked at his grinning neighbor totally confused.

"Just milk? No flakes?" Gideon wondered.

"Oh… you might like it more this way. Warm and straight from the source!" Charlotte exclaimed effusively.

He shuddered and picked up a little amount in his finger. Gideon stuck out his tongue and slid his finger through, tasting her semen. A few seconds later the child put a gaze of disgust.

"Come on, you gotta be kidding, it's delicious!" Charlotte tried to change his mind although Gideon shook his head.

"It tastes weird. Neither sweet nor salty," the kid pointed out.

"Just try one spoon," she said.

Gideon giggled as he put his hands over his mouth, Charlotte assured Gideon that "milk" has everything for a boy like him. She even thought of reverse psychology though he wasn't falling for that. So, the woman grabbed the spoon and filled it with cum.

"Just look at me," she murmured before swallowing her own spunk.

He stared at her, making sure his neighbor swallowed that mouthful for real. Charlotte engulfed a second mouthful with a smirk, Gideon put his hands away and the beautiful lady left the spoon aside.

"I promise you'll like it afterwards. You're going to ask for more," Charlotte commented.

"I don't think so!" Gideon grinned.

"Well, let's call it a deal. Sit on my lap and lemme feed you, naughty boy. Imma make your tummy grunt for more."

Once again the boy made himself comfortable and Charlotte had to try her best to not get a hardon. She sank the spoon and filled it with cum, then brought it close to his lips.

"Open up, homeboy. Yummy load for ya," Charlotte told him in childish tone and Gideon opened his mouth as wide as he could.

The woman kissed him in the cheek and waited until he swallowed that mouthful. Then another big loudy kiss on his flushed face and spoon ready for him. Gideon breathed deeply and ate more, Charlotte scratched his big tummy over the t-shirt, her dick grew and ached a bit.

"That's a good boy. Enjoying your special dessert?" Charlotte grinned.

"It's weird, I don't think I will eat all of it."

"We'll see after ten spoons," the woman winked an eye.

"Ten!?" he repeated, thinking that number of mouthfuls wouldn't be necessary.

"Y'know, eating more makes you want more."

Charlotte kept feeding her jizz to Gideon, frowned still but a slight smile appearing at same time. Milk felt lumpy in his mouth, he couldn't figure out or tell exactly what he was eating; every time he swallowed the child sighed and felt goosebumps.

"I can hear someone is loving it," Charlotte asserted very pleased.

"I'm not. I… I…" he stammered, staring at his beautiful friend. He wasn't a good liar, neither he did want to admit she was right nor ask for more.

"Fine. One last mouthful," she murmured.

His body language wasn't lying and she knew it. Spoon after spoon Charlotte told him it was the last one, Gideon stopped pretending he dislike the jizzy dessert and swallowed each mouthful as it came to his open mouth. Once half of the content ended up in his stomach, the boy grabbed the dish with both hands and brought it to his lips, engulfing all of it and licking the leftovers. The deviant redhead didn't hide a smile and planted a couple kisses on his cheeks.

"It's a good thing you don't like it at all. Otherwise…" Charlotte giggled and slid her hand under his shirt, massaging his smooth round belly.

"I told you it tastes bad. But… I can't understand why… I wanted more," Gideon finally admitted his defeat.

"I know, baby, I know. I'm afraid I've made you addicted to it," the woman said the truth happily, though he believed it was mockery.

A few minutes passed and the child noted a change: an unexpected heat invading his tummy and ears, little drops of sweat in his forehead and something big between his buttocks. Rubbing his bum over her bulge, doubt was reflected in his face; on the contrary Charlotte bit her lips, enjoying the nice unconscious moves of her fat boy.

"Charlotte… I feel something back there."

"What's wrong, dear?" she asked.

"Is that your penis?" Gideon guessed correctly. Charlotte choked a giggle.

"Hummm… what does it make you believe that?" the horny lady muttered in his ear.

"Well… you said girls got penises and I guessed you have one, too," the chubby child answered.

"If it were true, would it make you feel uncomfortable?" she wondered, trying to know how he was feeling.

"I don't know, I'm not sure," Gideon said.

The kid seemed confused trying to understand everything. Charlotte didn't let any doubt pop up again, embracing his round body, caressing his soft chubby torso; Gideon smiled as she showed her love and affection to him. That feeling of being loved and cared of was everything he wanted from Charlotte and it'd make him do anything to please her. Just what she wanted…

But what Gideon wanted differed a lot from Charlotte's intentions. Like anyone his age, he wanted to play, eat desserts and be a happy kid, she also wanted to play… in a whole different way.

"G… would you like to play with your new toy?"

"Sure I do, Charlotte! But… I don't know how to play with it…" Gideon replied enthusiastic at first and then less excited, because of his lack of experience.

"Don't worry. I've got the perfect game," Charlotte smirked and put a hand over his groin.

Gideon opened his mouth and let out a gasp of surprise. No one ever had touched him there, and Charlotte muted his giggles and protests with a big kiss on his cheek, near the corner of his lips. They walked back to the living room and sat down, Charlotte picked up the rubber cock and waved it playfully in front of Gideon.

She brought it close to his lips and he stepped back, unsure of what to do or what Charlotte tried to. It seemed big and daring.

"Relax, Gideon. Just give it a kiss on the tip," Charlotte said, wielding the long thick cock inches away of his face.

"Really? Do boys kiss penises?" Gideon questioned dubious.

"Absolutely yes, my G. Game's called "Kiss, Lick, Suck," the woman smirked and he couldn't help but pant.

"That thing IS HUGE! It will choke me," Gideon paled.

"It's the way boys do it. If the tip hits the back of your throat and you gag and cough on it, I'll give you more milk," Charlotte promised.

The kid remained silent, catching what Charlotte wanted him to do. His eyes were fixed on that dong, its thick mushroom head and the veins all the way through. Not that he feared choking, the fact Charlotte wished him to do it in return of more weird milk got him thinking for a few seconds.

"How long do I have to do it?"

"Oh hun, don't see it as if it were a punishment. It's a game, take it easy and I'll reward you the way you want," the lewd neighbor winked an eye.

"If you have a penis, would you show me?"

His question caught her off guard. "He really wants to see your dick… I wonder if…" Charlotte thought while Gideon stared at her, waiting her answer. She cleared out her throat and put the rubber cock on the couch, it was time to rush.

"You know how to play, huh? I like your initiative, now here's my counteroffer. If I got a dick, would you suck it?" Charlotte purposed in mischievous voice.

Now Gideon got caught off-guard. He wasn't expecting a 1180 degree turn like this one, and he stayed motionless and mouth a bit open in shock. Charlotte smirked and nodded slowly. The child was trapped in his friend's web and no way out.

"It depends. If it's this big…" Gideon mumbled and looked up the toy cock, Charlotte opened her mouth in astonishment.

"You lecherous boy! Imma make your jaw drop to the floor like that cat Tom when falls in love," Charlotte said and stood up in front of him.

Once again Gideon looked up and saw that impressive bulge in her crotch. She rubbed a hand over and bit her lips, giving a little show to the chubby infant, whose heart was racing like a wild horse. Charlotte unbuttoned her pants and pulled down the zipper very slow, carefully watching his expression of dismay.

"Get it out yourself, nasty boy," she suggested.

He pulled down her pants and whined at the sight of her prick. Gideon's eyes widened in disbelief, equally stunned and terrified by her massive endowment. He stared from below as it went full-size and her foreskin backed up revealing her swollen glans. Charlotte smirked confident and the child stayed in his place, overwhelmed by the shocking discovery.

"Speechless, aren't you?" Charlotte muttered.

"It's… it's bigger than… oh my goodness…" Gideon gulped, unable to wrap his hands over her girth.

"Is it big enough for ya?"

"What for?" he wondered, his hands still touching and caressing her big dick.

"We're best friends, my Gideon. And friends play in very, very special ways…" Charlotte added in low sexy voice.

She came closer and made him embrace her long fit thighs, so her throbbing shaft was over his head. Gideon smell her big saggy balls, carefully shaved and then look up at her mighty tool, he surely couldn't guess what she meant with special games.

"Charlotte… is this right or wrong?" Gideon asked.

"Why would it be wrong to have fun with your best friend?" Charlotte replied back and making Gideon smile.

Sitting next to him again, Charlotte kept one of his little hands on her cock and moved closer so their noses rubbed together, Gideon giggled. Her lips were too close to his and he felt anxious about it, then he looked into her eyes.

"No one cares for you like I do. I know what you need and I can give it to you. Let me fill you with love."

"Do you really love me?" Gideon mumbled in choked tone. It was the first time someone told him that.

"Of course I do, silly! Just look here," she made him see her stiff rod again, "I wanna take you upstairs and make my bed creak as you say my name over and over," she added in mischievous voice and the child laughed.

"You're crazy! Why would I do that?" Gideon grinned naively.

"Let's go to my bedroom then! I'm pretty sure you'll say my name thousands times before you go home," Charlotte smirked and the chubby boy nodded.

As they climbed up stairs, Charlotte naked from waist to toe, Gideon had no idea what pleasant feelings he'd discover the rest of the afternoon…


Chapter Text

They didn't say a word and stopped outside her bedroom door. Charlotte looked at Gideon in a different way, her eyes shone with a spark of lust the child never seen before.

"Here we are, sweetheart. Excited?" she asked and he nodded. "Yes, you are, so am I."

Charlotte opened the door and Gideon went through the threshold. She locked the door walked him to the bed, a large king-size mattress done impeccable. They sat and the woman stared at her lardy boy for a few seconds, then she began to bounce, at first slowly.

"What are you doing?" Gideon said curious.

"Just listen…" Charlotte muttered.

As she bounced faster, the bed started to creak. The child giggled and bounced as well, both making the bed creak and the mattress pushed down under their bodies.

"You were right, it's creaking," he laughed.

"I know, let's do it this way," the woman said and grabbed Gideon by the armpits again.

He put his feet on the bed and his arms around her neck. Gideon straddled her lap and Charlotte's sticky glans wetted his lower back, at last she put her hands on his buttocks and they bounced together in sitting up cowboy position. The bed creaked louder, Gideon had a smile in his face though Charlotte panted excited.

"We're creaking the bed!" Gideon laughed.

"Oh yes, my Gideon. Don't stop," Charlotte stammered in choked voice.

The woman laid onto the bed after one final bounce, with Gideon on top of her. His little chubby face inches away of hers, both smiling to each other; though his joy came from fun and hers had a little much extra of desire. Charlotte stroked his fat bum over the shorts, he seemed too curious of her strange move, however Gideon didn't do anything to put her hands away.

Moreover, the boy felt like the temperature in the room went up; his own cheeks flushed and burning. He couldn't explain why his body was reacting in such weird way to her touch, his breath warmer and faster, Gideon wanted to join her game and his little hands went onto her boobs, still covered by her shirt. Charlotte didn't want her lovely neighbor to do anything yet, although she sighted in delight.

"Don't rush, my sugar boy. Put your hands behind your back for now, I'll tell you when you can feel them, ok?" she instructed and he nodded as a good child. Now one of his wrists grabbed by his own hand and Charlotte resumed her caresses.

She shook and slapped his round behind, Gideon gasped and chuckled in response. The horny lady made her first real move and slid a hand under the shorts, finding his rear crack and ran her playful hand all the way through. It felt warm and sweaty between his buttcheeks, he perceived some unusual vertigo coming up from his tummy made his heart beat fast and his lips tingled. He separated his lips to say something but Gideon wasn't able to speak.

"Don't say anything. Just… let me love you… fill your insides… and make you feel nice and full…" Charlotte whispered and with every pause, she kissed his neck, cheeks and lastly their lips met for the first time.

As expected, his eyes widened in shock when his pretty adult friend kissed his lips. Only a few seconds later Gideon closed his eyes as Charlotte did to experience his first ever kiss to a woman. Like any newbie, he didn't know much how to kiss, even though he compensated his clumsiness with eagerness. The hot redhead broke the kiss.

"Open your mouth a bit, do as I do," Charlotte said and he agreed.

This time she did all the thing, kissing and nibbling his lips. It didn't take long for him to catch the trick and romance quickly stepped away and frenzy took over them. Charlotte devoured his lips like a wildcat, shoved her tongue into Gideon's mouth and entangled with his. They finally spread out to catch their breath, the chubby child looked completely hooked and given in to it.

"Did you like it, sweetheart?"

"Yes, I liked it very much," he answered back. Charlotte smirked and licked his neck from the bottom until she reached his chin. Gideon sighed and trembled.

"Now take off my blouse, sugar boy. Pull down the zipper," she murmured.

Gideon brought his hands to the front and found a discreet zipper in the upper side of her blouse. He pulled down the zip carefully to the bottom and freed her nice perfect tits. The child couldn't believe his eyes, round firm breasts with small erect nipples and light areola. Few freckles on her chest, Gideon looked at Charlotte seeking her approval and she nodded, then he put his hands on her boobs.

Enjoying the touch of her erected nipples, the little boy stuck out his tongue and a thin thread of saliva dropped onto her left boobie, Gideon dived in and started kissing and licking every inch. Charlotte bit her lower lip, moaning sensually while her chubby child tasted her boobs. She didn't remain passive as he was having all the fun and the woman began to pull down his shorts and underwear to expose his thick round bum.

He didn't realize his rear entry was bare and helpless until Charlotte spread his buttcheeks and slid a finger between them. Gideon sighed and looked into her sinful eyes, a mix of nervousness and innocence in his face.

"Tell me how does it feel," she muttered, her fingernail scratching around his chaste bussy.

"Hmmm… it gives me shivers, Charlotte…" Gideon said.

"What about this?" Charlotte mumbled and added pressure, trying to slide through and finding resistance.

"Uh-huh… your finger…" Gideon panted, she nodded and caressed his cheek.

"Here…" she said and brought her finger to his lips. Gideon kissed and licked it to make it slippery enough. Then Charlotte put it back between his buttocks and pushed in.

Gideon relaxed his rear entry as he closed his eyes, the horny pedophile neighbor kept pushing and her finger slowly made its way into his bumhole. "Mmm…" both groaned in unison when Charlotte's finger got past his sphincter ring. She shoved her whole finger in, Gideon arched his back; noticing how Charlotte waved her finger in circles to dilated his sweet hole.

"Oh geeeezzz… Charlotte…!" Gideon moaned in choked voice, then he bit hard his lower lip.

"There you go, my little fat ass boy. Say my name," Charlotte grinned as she rotated her finger, working out his tight asspussy.

In no time Charlotte started to thrust her finger in and out of his asspussy with a fast pace. Gideon couldn't do much but moan and say her name to her ear. He wasn't sure if what they were doing was wrong, right or if she was punishing him for something, the only thing he knew was that he enjoyed her fingering.

Charlotte knew it too, his moans didn't show any struggle or discomfort so she decided to raise the stakes. She stopped fingering him for a second and withdrew her index out of his pink hairless bussy, after that Charlotte offered Gideon two fingers to suck on and the naughty chubby boy did so with a lewd grimace on his face. Then the excited woman shoved her two finger up his asshole, Gideon howled in ecstasy, feeling his bussy being stretched out and filled by her fingers.

A few minutes later, she made him go on all fours on the bed with his big fat ass up in the air. She shook his buttocks with both hands.

"You got a juicy bum, Gideon. Your tight hole is so perfect for screwing. Would you let me play with it?" Charlotte muttered in soft voice and the child nodded, giving his permission. He also wanted to feel that good vibe longer.

She gave him a quick spank, squeezing his fleshy buttcheek. Gideon was able to distinct the difference between mommy and Charlotte's spanking. His friend caused a whole different arousal with each spank, caressing his tender reddened skin before smacking his booty again. The woman spread his moneymaker and buried her tongue into his rosebud.

"Aaahh… mmm…" he panted, his hands clenching the sheets.

Charlotte didn't hesitate and licked his boypussy up and down. Every high-pitched moan and tremble increased her lust, but nothing compared to what Gideon was feeling. The little chubby boy couldn't describe at all the sensations she was triggering in his round fat body. A fever it didn't have nothing to do with sickness taking over his body, a sense of naughtiness and disinhibition, he didn't hold his moans of pleasure; for some reason Charlotte loved them and made her please his brown eye more.

"Don't… don't stop Charlotte… right there!" Gideon groaned as he shook his bum on her face. At that point her skilled tongue was probing his bunghole.

At the same time her fingers rubbed his perineum and tiny shrank peanuts. Gideon howled first and then bit the sheets, Charlotte ran her little finger over his wet cherry tomato covered by the foreskin, introducing three fingers up his bussy simultaneously. The chubby child yelled out as she rubbed his urethra and finger-fucked him harder and non-stop, Gideon couldn't last any longer and collapsed on the mattress; his lardy sweat body trembling and shivering uncontrollably, eyes rolled up and erratic breath… that woman made him assgasm for the first time just with her fingers and a little rubbing.

"Aaahh… Charlotte… I can't… I don't know…" Gideon stammered exhausted and out of his senses after that orgasm.

"Bet you didn't expect that cumming, huh?" she smirked, still massaging his anus, seeing his dumbfounded flushed face. "You are made for this, my phat ass boy. See how you cummed from your asspussy with little touching, my big cock will drive you nuts one assgasm at a time."

She put his thighs together, his fat butt now seemed like a peach-shaped bum. Charlotte spread his buttcheeks and rubbed her ginormous beast between them, Gideon moaned in low voice feeling her warm womanhood against his rear crack. The woman lubed her mushroom with some saliva and then spat his little hot bunghole, he shivered and gasped in reaction.

"Now I want you to relax, butt boy. I'll shove my meat up your wazoo, it's gonna hurt a lot in the beginning… then you'll enjoy how I stretch out your asspussy," Charlotte said, ready to stuff her chubby little neighbor.

"You might not fit in. You're huge," he observed.

"We have plenty time for them to meet, just leave everything on my own, baby boy."

Gideon remained silent, staring at the soft sheet inches from his face. She rested her hands on both sides of his waist, the sticky glans tucked between his yummy bottom; that tiny hole seemed too tight compared to Charlotte's giant cock head.

His spread buttocks felt the burn, Charlotte pressed her glans against Gideon's bussy. His heart bumped and his chubby round body sweated in response, the big cocked neighbor noted his reaction and smirked, tighten her grip. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, her glans prodded his bumhole, the fat child opened his mouth in surprise and disbelief.

"Ooohhh myyy…" Gideon mumbled in choked voice, his face showing anxiety.

Charlotte ran her hands over his buttocks, while her big stiff rod probed his virgin entry. Digging her nails into his flesh, she pushed in and her glans broke in to his anus. "Ugh… Charlotte…" Gideon turned his head around, biting his lips as he watched her flushed face in a grimace of distress.

"You almost made me cum… you're very tight, sweetheart," Charlotte admitted.

As her massive shaft slid into his asspussy like a snake slithers in its burrow, Gideon panted and grunted in husky tone. A primeval groan of lust came out of her lips, his tight rectum felt glorious and sublime around her girth, so Charlotte couldn't hold it anymore and shoved half of her dick that was out of his bussy, pressing her pelvis against his bum.

Both screamed in unison, she did it due to ecstasy and Gideon cried out in pain. His innocence now belonged to her, the little boy felt his body splitting in two from his bum, every inch of his guts stuffed with her huge penis and no sign of relief at all. Each cell of his body and mind screaming to her to take it out, so he did.

"Please Charlotte, take it… take it out!" Gideon cried out, enduring the excruciating pain in his backdoor.

"Keep it low, my sweet sugar boy. If you struggle, it'll hurt you," she murmured, her hands massaging his big fat buttocks.

At last he stopped moving and let her take over. Charlotte groaned loudly, the warmth of his little ass and how tight it was, she didn't hesitate to go hard as her thickness was stretching him out from the inside. Gideon grunted and stuck out his tongue, wetting the clean sheet; every second the pain coming from behind lessened, his fat ass getting used to the big intruder, muting his whimpers of discomfort… turned into soft quiet moans.

"It's getting better, isn't it?" Charlotte murmured. He rubbed his face against the mattress, his eyes closed.

The little boy felt she was pulling out slowly and seconds later, he sighed in relief as she withdrew from his bussy. She gazed at his wide open pink hole, her cock throbbed wanting to push back in. Pressing her glans on his asspussy, Charlotte pushed in.

"Whooaaahhh… ahhhh!" Gideon howled louder, feeling her perfect anal stretcher making its way back into his rectum.

"Fuck! Can't wait to go deeper and massage your bumhole," she smirked, her hands firmly grasping the boy's fat ass.

Those were perfect buttocks, but Charlotte preferred to fuck that hole hard. She began to move, slowly at first but only for a few seconds; maybe a minute. Gideon panted and made silly faces every time her cock thrusted deep in his intestines, wetting the sheet with the saliva that escaped from his open little mouth.

The woman held him firmly but not harshly and began to increase the pace. Gideon's ass bounced noisily against her pelvis and the boy moaned louder, feeling his rectum burning like hell and his insides expanding at the relentless pace of her womanhood.

"Charlotte… Charlotte… it's sooo biiiigggg!!! S-s-slow down!" the boy exclaimed between moans of half discomfort and incipient pleasure. Her response was a slap to his bubbling buttocks and more thrusts.

The minutes passed and everything remained the same, their moans filling the air mixed with the noise their bodies made as they bounced together. The pain and discomfort were decreasing and that did not go unnoticed to Charlotte. Gideon tried to contain his moans but he couldn't deny he was already starting to like that rough anal treatment of hers.

"Come on, slut. Let me hear those sexy moans of yours," she said, giving his phat ass another spank.

"Aaahhh… mmm… Charlotte, oh Charlotte!" Gideon gasped with eyes closed.

She took out her cock for a moment and looked lustfully at her chubby boy's gaping hole. He turned his head looking at her, panting and with rosy cheeks. Charlotte spat on his bussy several times and brought her glans closer, rubbing against his divine cavity.

"G, your voice sounds pretty sexy when you scream my name. How about you scream it a thousand times?" Charlotte smirked, pressing her glans against his sphincter.

"I don't know, I… Charlotte!" Gideon raised his voice as he felt his neighbor's cock slowly burying back in his juicy asspussy.

She kept up the previous rhythm and the little one just screamed her name, over and over again. The bed creaked and shook beneath them, their bodies sweating as a result of the intense and now pleasurable sexual encounter. Charlotte rubbed and pinched his buttcheeks and thighs, thereby increasing the boy's excitement; who spread his legs to allow her neighbor's fat cock to come and go without problems.

They changed positions, this time she laid down on the bed and the chubby boy climbed on top of her. Guiding her drilling weapon, she soon set a frenetic pace balls deep; Gideon put his hands on Charlotte's soft, big boobs, making gestures of pleasure while she grabbed his waist and slammed her dick into his ass as hard and fast as she could, like if it were the end of the world. Her balls were slapping with untamed fury against his plump backdoor, unleashing a renewed wave of wild ecstasy that was far from over.

"CHARLOTTEEEEE!!! IT'S SOOO DEEEEPPP, I LIKE IT!!" Gideon howled, sweaty and blushing. His extra pounds shook as they were shaken by the endless vigor of a futa cougar in heat.

"Yes… of course you love it, G… your ass is mine!" Charlotte gasped pleased, demolishing his ass unceremoniously.

After giving his sored asspussy a few minutes of peace, Charlotte kissed Gideon passionately, massaging his sweaty buttocks and stretching out his bumhole with her fingers. She grabbed both of his cheeks and spat into his mouth, although that surprised him at first; Gideon ended up swallowing her saliva as he saw his adult friend's wide, lustful smile.

Ready to fuck him again, she made him lay on his back on the bed, while she stayed on top between his chubby short legs, adopting the missionary position. Once inside him, the boy wrapped his legs around her body and Charlotte entertained herself licking his nipples and kissing his lips, while she kept him full of her cock.

Pulling away to hold his ankles in the air, the woman resumed her pounds with short, quick thrusts. She knew very well how to fuck the boy, when to fuck his brains out or take things slow. Her fingers massaged the perineum adding a little pressure, the boy's weenie throbbed and his tiny ballsack tightened; reaching an erection up to three inches, Charlotte wanked off his little bird.

Gideon sighed and let her continue, the woman began to move her hips faster and jerked his small penis, the boy gasped and squirmed; feeling how a new sensation of euphoria took over his senses, which screamed her not to stop, just a little more... a little bit more.

Suddenly Charlotte pulled her hand away and placed both on the mattress, her shoves became faster and more erratic. Gideon yelped louder and his hands grabbed the sheets tightly. He didn't know what was happening or why he felt that way, but he just wanted Charlotte not to stop until she relieved that feeling.

"Please Charlotte, don't stop!" the little boy begged, who didn't know that his first dry anal orgasm was about to come, she could see it in his face.

With the loudest groan so far, the boy contracted his sphincter around his neighbor's fat schlong and the contractions came over and over, his weenie and nuts trembled uncontrollably and Charlotte couldn't stop moaning and nailing his asspussy, prolonging the strong climax of her chubby slut.

His vision was blurred and the feeling of satisfaction coming from his bussy invaded his entire body, now completely relaxed after reaching his own happy ending. Of course Charlotte wanted her own and now it was time to impregnate Gideon's ass and send him back home to shit and fart out her cum.

Back on all fours, Charlotte held his hands behind his back and began drilling non-stop. Each strong thrust shook the very core of the little boy, who once again noticed his bussy on fire due to the friction of her cock ramming his hungry rectum that begged for the nectar his mouth had tasted before.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Charlotte! My butt…burns!" Gideon shouted.

"Get ready, sugar boy! Here cums my load!" Charlotte panted.

With each thrust, the boy felt his rectum being filled with thick, hot liquid, Charlotte arched her neck back as her throbbing cock expelled thick jets of warm jizz into Gideon's intestines. Burying her womanhood up the balls, semen began to gush out of his asspussy and stain the sheets, the woman finally fainted and collapsed on top of her chubby little boy, both moaning breathlessly and exhausted.

Two hours later.

"There you go, another hot load for your bum," she smirked as she spurted her jizz deep into his bowels for a fifth time in a row.

They were in spooning position, the fat boy hugged from behind by his horny vixen; both covered in sweat. There were large whitish spots in various places on the bed, and remains of dry spunk on the floor.

"I got to go now, Charlotte."

"Just one more time, sugar boy. Pleaseee," she pouted, her shaft still stuck in his boypussy.

"You said that the last time," Gideon reminded her.

"I know, and also the one before that, but aren't we having a good time? We are the best team, my cock… and your bussy, over and over again," she murmured in his ear, giving kisses and licks; Gideon pressed his body against hers, Charlotte loved him like no one had ever done before.

"But I must be at home, it's too late now and mommy could be mad at me, more than usual," he responded and she stopped hugging him and pulled her cock out of his ass, her spunk escaping like whipped cream.

"I guess you're right, G. Let's call it a day, baby. Just make sure mommy doesn't find out… you know it's between you and me," Charlotte said and Gideon nodded happily.

She helped him get dressed and accompanied him to the door, saying goodbye with a long kiss. His shorts began to stain due to the semen that was still dripping out of his gaping wide rosebud.

"I will be waiting for you, my beautiful boy. Now go home and get some rest, or play with your new toy instead, we only getting started," she winked an eye and Gideon left, walking like a penguin and one of his little hands caressing his sored booty and the rubber cock in the other.
