It was already morning, Zechariah went out of bed and cook breakfast. While cooking he received a letter, a letter that says that Mr. Robinson was imprisoned for attempting to murder Zechariah. He smiled and happily cook their breakfast. It was a peaceful and wonderful day, it was magnificent as he knows that there is no more Mr. Robinson to bother and ruin his day.

Zechariah:"What a wonderful and magnificent day, no Robinsons to worry about" he said to himself. "And maybe it's time to tell the boy our real identity" whispering to himself.

Then Alder woke up and got up out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast. The same time Zechariah finished cooking and prepared the food inthe table. The two eat their breakfast that time.

Zechariah:"Yoi still remember what I was talking about yesterday, ya boy?"

Alder:"Yes uncle, about the other world you're saying"

Zechariah:"Right, now I'm gonna tell you everything about it boy, We came from another world, we call it the World of Magic"

Alder:"Magic? That's too childish uncle"

Zechariah then make the spoon levitate to show the kid

Zechariah:" Now ya believe, ya boy?"

The boy nodded, and can't speak out of surprise

Zechariah:"Now as I saying we came from the World of Magic. We are now living in the world of humans, people who don't possesses magic or any such magical things. I told you already about your parents, but there are thing I haven't told you. Your father Marcus and I were commanders of The King's army in our world, I was the best swordsman in our kingdom, that explains how I cut the gun of Mr. Robinson. Your Father was a great man and a loyal soldier, he was very famous in our world. While your mother Aleina is a famous sorceress in our world,she was a teacher in the school Dacrast, best school in our world. In our world, lives thousands of creature such as Giants, Elves, Centaurs, Dragons, Werewolves and many other more".

Alder:"So Dragons are true then, Can't wait to get one"

Zechariah:"Just like your father you also like Dragons aren't ya boy. But beyond the Wonders there are darkness that lies within. Dark Shadows the enemy of the kingdom, they are doing their best to exterminate the King to make their leader the king. And comes the Light Seekers, us those who possesses good spirit and is equal in match against Dark Shadows. The war took for almost 30 years and was ended 13 years ago, the same day you are born and the same day your parents died. And also the same day was the defeat of the Dark King and he is now imprisoned. Your parent's sacrifice took the Kingdom to its former glory and peace was brought to the World of Magic".

Alder still can't believe what he heard even when he got in the park all he think is how the World of Magic look like. While thinking of the World of Magic, a group of boys led by Jason went near him and taunt him.

Jason:"Hey freak, you'll gonna pay for what your stupid uncle have done to daddy" Angrily he said

Alder:"Would you please leave me alone Jason, I'm not in the mood to play things with you".

Jason:"Sorry but I want to play with you freak"

Jason then punch Alder, Alder was very furious he look in Jason's eyes so mean and while he look at him, suddenly the thunder roars. As if by the heavens was angry, unexpectedly the tree vines binded the feet of the boys and hang them. Alder can't believe what he saw, and ran out of fear. He went home and told Zechariah everything and Zechariah laughed.

Alder:"What's so funny, uncle?" He asked

Zechariah:" Nothing, I'm just proud that your powers is unleashed for the first time. You should be happy" laughingly he said

Alder:"So that is my ability? Well then it's amazing"

Zechariah:" Really amazing" he said and laugh again.

The night came, and Alder was wondering, how did he make the vine move, he doesn't know how to control his powers. After spending his night wondering he lie down and sleep. The next day he went to the market to buy some goods, and some food.