In the Market he saw a mysterious man in black shirt, the man seems to be following him. Where ever he go the mysterious man follows. Then Alder felt a cold breeze and a whisper on his ears like a howl of a wolf. He immediately take his things and walk away going their house. When he is near the apartment he looked back, and saw no one following him, with that he felt secured. When he got home he told everything to Zechariah, his uncle became worried.

Zechariah:" What does the man look like?"

Alder:"He wores a black coat, and his face was covered with scarf".

Zechariah:" Whoever that'll be, better be careful and stay alert. It is indeed dark times and Dark Shadows are now here in the world of Humans". Worriedly he speaked

The Night comes, and Zechariah after finishing dinner took his sword and cast an enchantment to protect them from Enemies.

Zechariah:"Barrierus Protektarus Expellios"he said four times while pointing his sword up high

And a nearly visible glass surrounded the house. Alder seeing this was amazed and marvelled, he never saw anything like that. Then after the enchantment Zechariah took out a whistle and blew it. But no sound came out, Alder was wondering what the whistle was for. Until they heard a howl outside, Alder panicked.

Alder:"It was the same howl I heard earlier uncle, and what was that all about?" Panicking he asked

Zechariah:" Dark Shadows, ya boy, Filthy dark creatures, if I am not mistaken that was a werewolf"


Zechariah:" QUIET, stay silent so I can hear where the werewolves are"

Alder:" Okay"

Zechariah:"SHHHHH, they're already near the barrier"

Then the werewolf stepped inside the barrier, suddenly the werewolf was electrified and howl out of pain. The other werewolves stepped back as they knew that there's a barrier. Then the werewolves turned into men in black coat and directed their palms on the barrier and released black magic to destroy it. After releasing several dark magic the barrier was destroyed, and Zechariah immediately shoot one of them with white magic and killed it. After that Zechariah battled three men at the same time. Zechariah swinged his sword towards the werewolves and they dodge back. One werewolf tried to scratch Zechariah but he dodged and then Zechariah spit a giant fireball devouring two of the werewolves. The body of the werewolves vanished as they died. There's only one werewolf in front of him and it fled. He then rushed where Alder is and saw Alder unconscious as he was hit by another werewolf. Zechariah then cut the werewolf in half and it vanished. Zechariah then carried Alder to the nearest hospital to be treated. Zechariah was worried, he can't stop walking in the hall and thinking how the werewolf knew they're in the world of humans. It was 11:00 pm already he went down to buy some food when he saw a man being rushed inside treated. He was curious who the man is until somebody shouted,

Woman:"My Husband was attacked by a werewolf" she cried

Zechariah then rushed to where the patient was taken. When get there he saw the patient and it was Mr. Clarkson, and the woman was revealed to be Mrs. Clarkson. He asked to the woman

Zechariah:"What happened Mrs. Clarkson?"

Mrs. Clarkson:"We heard a howl in your house, so Roderick went there to look what happened, until I heard a scream. After that I saw the werewolf went in the roof and howl again. Roderick ran outside and I take him with the car to bring him in the Hospital. There's a monster in your house, Zechariah, Don't go back there it's dangerous".

Zechariah:"Yes ma'am, I hope Mr. Clarkson gets well sooner".

Mrs. Clarkson:" I hope so" she said while sniffing her nose

Zechariah then went outside thinking that going back to the World of Magic is the only way to protect the child. He looked towards the sky wishing that Marcus and Aleina was still alive.

Zechariah:" What should I do brother, I failed to protect Alder, help me".

Then a blue light shrouded the moon and then it fall off. Zechariah knew who it was and smiled. The light fall on The apartment and man in White armor walked out of the light and throwed his lance towards the werewolf and killed it. The man wores a cape with a falcon sign in it. Zechariah, before leaving, create another barrier for the Hospital, then he drive back home. And when he is home he hugged the man in white armor.

Zechariah:" I missed you so much Zephyr, my dear brother, It's been 13 years" he said while crying

The man in white armor is Zephyr Ryker, Zechariah's biological brother. Zephyr is a soldier in King's army, the whistle that Zechariah used was used to call his brother.

Zephyr:"So werewolves already knew yo were here brother, that means the Dark King knew you were here"

Zechariah:"Aren't yoi gonna greet me first brother? C'mon it's been 13 years, and you won't even ask how I feel seeing you again. I'm so disappointed" Being annoyed he said.

Zephyr:"Oh, my bad, sorry brother".

Zechariah:" Forget it, dress up. You'll look like an idiot wearing that armor in the World of Humans. Go take my clothes there, you can pick whatever yoi want".

Zephyr:" Where's the kid ay?"

Zechariah:" In the hospital, one werewolf got the best of him"

Zephyr:"Let's go then, we need to go back to our World as soon as possible".

Zechariah:"Yoi Right"

After changing clothes Zechariah called Zephyr outside and told him to get inside the car.

Zechariah:"Get inside, Brother"

Zephyr:" What is that?"

Zechariah:" A car, brother. It is a transportation made by humans and is faster than a horse"

Zephyr:" A Car? How come there's nothing like that in our world".

Zechariah:" You see, Human world is not bad at all, though they're just a bunch of cowards".

Then the two entered the car and Zechariah drive their way to the hospital. While driving Zephyr told what is happening in the World of Magic

Zephyr:"Brother, I have something to tell you".

Zechariah:"What? Tell me"

Zephyr:"Uhmmm- about the--- about the Dark King, he escaped the Vaijan Prison. And Dark Shadows are said to be back, hiding somewhere in our world".

Zechariah:"WHAT? That's impossible, no man ever escaped Vaijan Prison alive".

Zephyr:" Well someone already did, and the King is out of control. He makes law unpredictable, he even made a law to imprison former Dark Shadows whose now in our side".

Zechariah:" That's a disaster, a SCANDAL".

Zephyr:" Ya I know, Lord Fathom is already working that thing out".

Zechariah:" 13 years of being gone and the King just lost his mind, that's menace".

And when they get in the Hospital, they went to Alder's room. And when they get there, Alder is already conscious.

Alder:"Uncle, you're here, where did you go?"

Zechariah:"Home boy, I went home"

Alder:" Who's that? That guy over there?"

Zechariah:" Oh that's Zephyr, my brother".

Alder:" Your brother? YOU HAVE A BROTHER? Why didn't you tell me?"

Zechariah:" I forgot to tell you" he laughed loudly

Zephyr:" Nice to meet ya champ, I'm Zephyr. You're Alder right?"

Alder:"How did you know my name sir?"

Zephyr:" You see, you and your family are very famous in our world. You're the boy whose born after the defeat of the Dark King. And you're father is also a great man, a great warrior indeed".

And the Doctor entered the room.

Doctor:" The patient has no major injuries, he is fine. The patient can be released early in the morning".

Zechariah:" Great, now we can go back home sooner".

Then the three slept in the hospital