Chapter 38 - 38

Roman's anger boils over at the words that come out of his brother's mouth as he turns bright red with rage and he takes a step forward. He leans in close and he's practically spitting when he starts shouting at him.* "She is not my property, but she is my girlfriend! I am not gonna sit aside and let my little brother try to steal her away from me as if I'm nothing at all to her. And if she does want to be with you, like you're hoping for, then you're dead to me!"

Apollo stares back at his brother and it's clear just how furious he now is due to what his brother is saying. He feels his whole body tense up with the amount of anger he felt and his fists were clenched tightly now. He was just trying to be honest with his feelings towards her and his brother is acting as if it's all his fault that he felt this way. He shouts back in a furious tone.

"I'm not stealing anyone from you! I love her and I can't control it! That's not my fault!"

The elder brother feels his jaw tighten even more as he hears his brother shouting back at him and he can't help but yell back again at this point. "It may not be your fault for having feelings for her, but it sure as hell is your fault for telling her those feelings and acting like you want her to be with you at this moment! I don't care what the hell you have feelings for her, she's mine and I'm not gonna let you take her from me! Is that clear!?"

"Both of you shut it!" Megan shouts. "You guys have yelled enough. I am going home!"

Roman's eyes widen and he turns to look at her. He was so immersed in his heated argument with his brother that he didn't even realize that she was getting so upset as well. He speaks up very quickly in a soft and soothing tone.

"Are you okay, love? Did we scare you?"

"I just need to go home. I don't want to be here right now." She softly said.

He nods his head as he speaks, still trying to keep his voice soft and soothing as much as he can. A hint of sadness enters his voice as he looks at her softly and he leans back away from her to give her space. "Okay, then let me take you home. I'm sorry about getting so intense here."

"I want to go alone. Please."

Once she says that, he feels a wave of rejection and hurt course through his body and he nods his head as he sees that she wants to be alone. He speaks up in a soft and quiet tone. "Yeah, okay, I understand. I'll let you go home on your own."



A day later Jack was in his office chuckling as he drank wine. He had told Jack about everything as he seriously needed to vent but seeing Jack's reaction made him regret telling him. "I knew It! I knew Apollo liked your girl."

When he mentioned that, a wave of anger and jealousy washes over Roman as he stands from behind his desk. He felt like he was about to fly into an entire rage at the mere mentioning of the name Apollo. He glares over at him and he speaks in a harsh tone. "Shut up, Jack. I don't want to hear anything from you right now."

Jack frowns, "No fair. Last time you got mad when I was hanging with Megan at the gala but it turns out your brother is the one in love with her."

His mouth twitched as he heard those words from Jack and he felt the anger welling up inside of him even further. He stares at Jack with a harsh and unappreciative expression as he speaks back to him in a very angered and hateful tone.* "Just stop your damn mouth. I don't wanna hear anymore about this, now shut it!"

"Damn...sorry but let me you think meg likes Apollo back?"

His body tenses when Jack mentions that and so does his grip on the edge of his desk. His face darkens yet again as his eyes narrow and he glares at Jack."What the hell do you mean by that? Do you really think she would just drop me and go to him? What the hell are you trying to say?"

"I was just teasing. Megan is in love with you. It's obvious...but imagine if you're brother told her how you almost killed her brother Marcus..."

When Jack mentions what Apollo could've told Megan if he was that petty, the wave of anger courses through him once again. He feels like he's gonna snap again and he's holding back as much as he can. His mouth twitches as he speaks up in a harsh and menacing tone. "If he would've told her that, then I would've killed him myself and I'm not even kidding about that."

"Apollo wouldn't. He loves you, even if shit between you two had become this bad."

His expression softens and his mouth stops twitching as soon as he says that and a hint of relief fills his entire being. He sighs as he lets his anger take a breath and he speaks up in a soft and loving tone. "Well...I still feel betrayed by his actions."

"If you feel so betrayed. Tell me what you think should happen moving forward. Apollo is your right hand man and brother afterall." 

His eyes narrow at the thought of that and he doesn't even talk for a moment as he debates on what to say. His expression turns back to one of anger and he finally speaks up. "My little brother shouldn't be feeling these things for the woman that I love. That is enough said. He should be supporting me and my relationship with her instead of trying to break it apart. Can't he just be happy for me and be glad that she loves me? Why is that so hard for him to understand?"

"Apollo is very loyal to you Roman and you know everything he is willing to do for You, this is the first time he is going against You, I think he really has strong feelings for Megan."

The more Jack talked, the more angry and frustrated that he became. It was true that Apollo has always been loyal to him, but right now it hurt him like hell to see his own little brother trying to take the woman he loved the most from him. What was even more hurtful was that Jack was so quick to sympathize with Apollo than he did with him. It hurt."Just...just shut it, Jack. Stop talking in defense of him and just let me vent here for a bit damn it."

Jack puts his hands up in defeat he wanted Roman to try to understand his brother but Roman was far too angry which jack understood but still hoped he brothers would be able to hear each other out and work things out.