Chapter 40 - 40

Apollo now couldn't stop thinking about how much of a jerk his brother was. He didn't think that Roman really cared about Megan all that much but was just using her as a trophy now for him to hold on. Even if he admitted to having feelings for her, if he could admit his flaws, so why can't his brother? He sat on his couch now trying to clear his mind but it felt impossible to clear his mind from these thoughts. He was just so pissed off just thinking about his damn brother. 

He looks up from his couch and he hears the knock and he slowly gets up and walks over to the door. He opens it a bit and he speaks up. "Who is it?"

Megan stood outside his door in her waitress outfit looking nervous as she looked up at his grey greenish eyes. "I came to talk to you."

He stares at her now as he feels his heart drop to his feet and he nods his head. He tries to keep things composed and he nods as he says "Okay... come on in I guess." He opens the door fully and he waits for her to come into his apartment.

She nods and enters the condo. He keeps looking at her and he walks back to his couch and he sits back down. He motions her to sit down on a chair he has to the side and as he sits back down on his couch he speaks up, "Okay so... what's there to talk about?" 

The Condo is small and cozy. The walls are a white and it's filled with modern decor and furniture. On the walls he has several pictures framed of him, his mother and his brother. Some of those were taken when he and his brother were younger.

She gulps nervously, "Your feelings for me."

His heart skips a beat when she mentions his feelings for her and he turns his body to face away from her and his eyes dart away for a bit. He sighs and he speaks up,"What about them?"

"I can't accept your feelings for me nor will I reprisocate them." She said softly not wantin him to get hurt.

He turns his head back to face her and his heart breaks as he hears her words. He feels his heart hurt as he hears her refusal about his feelings. He nods his head and he speaks up in a calm and soft tone, "I understand. I just want what makes you happy in the end and if its not me then... that's okay..."

She perks up. "Thank you Apollo. Roman will be happy to hear this."

He was taken back by what she said and he stares at her with a hint of confusion. He stares at her and he asks, ", does this mean you and Roman are still together?"

She nods, "Apollo...Roman and I love each other, we cherish each other and we share everything...I can't throw away such a beautiful love."

His heart broke further as he heard her speak such high praises about his older brother. He was upset by this but tried to keep cool and he kept his breath level as he speaks to her.

"Even though he kept a major secret hidden from you? He kept you in the dark this whole time... is that how he cherishes and loves you?"

She frowns. "What are you talking about?"

He looks at her and he answers as he speaks up, "I know that he was hiding something that would have upset you and honestly... it would have broken you. I just think it's really irresponsible of him to put you in the dark about that."

"If you have something to say...say it Apollo." Megan was getting nervous and scared.

At this point he just couldn't keep it in and he decided for it to be best that she hears just what kind of a man she loved and how he can change so quickly in seconds. He just needed to be honest with her about it and he speaks up,"He hid... the fact that he almost killed your brother. He nearly killed your brother and he hid it! And he kept you in the dark! How is that a healthy relationship?!"

Megan gasps. "Liar!" Her heart shatters in pieces. Marcus was now in solidary confinement because he was probably fighting for his life.

He was a bit taken aback by that response. He wasn't expecting her to act that way and he stared at her with a shocked expression. He looked down and he sighed angrily. He didn't like her reaction and didn't appreciate her calling him a liar. He looks up at her and his tone is now more aggressive, "Lie? You think I'm lying?"

Megan gets up as she starts crying. "I'm leaving!"

Her sudden rise and her sudden crying caught him off guard. He was a bit shocked by her crying as it was quite unexpected. He quickly got up from his seat and he tried to talk to her before she could leave. "Megan! Wait please!"

"No! I won't listen to you. You just want us to break up! I won't believe You!" She cried.

He sighs and he nods his head at this point as he feels himself slowly becoming more defeated. He feels like he can't convince her to realize his older brother is not the man she thinks he is and she is already blinded by his lies. He lets out an angry sigh and he speaks up.

"Then fine! Believe what you wanna believe. I can't make you open your eyes to the truth if you don't want to believe it..."

Megan looks up at him shaking. "Tell me you're lying please." She could tell from the look in his eyes he was honest but she didn't want to accept it.

He sighs as he feels just how painful this really was to watch. He watches her plead him to lie and this only makes him feel more annoyed about the situation and he shakes his head as he responds to her.

"I am not lying. That's the truth. Roman did almost kill your brother."

"But why? Why would he do it?" She cried. "I don't get it."

He sighs and he looks away from her. He didn't like bringing up these bad memories so soon but if this is gonna break her rose-tinted view of her boyfriend than so be it. He turns his head back to her and he looks her in the eyes, "Roman was reckless. He was told to kill someone and he didn't even bother doing research on the person, it happened to be Marcus."

Megan backs away picking her purse from the floor and ran out of his condo. She was going to talk to Roman and he was going to explain why someone wanted Marcus dead to begin with.