Chapter 10 - 10

After that awkward encounter with his friend Jack, Megan follows Roman quietly as they made their way out of the club. She had agreed to go with him but now she was feeling nervous. She realized that she barely knew Roman and he was a literal mobster! 

It was easier to fantasize about him knowing there would be no consequences but she knew getting close like this was dangerous. She had not thought about anything properly at all.

Roman glances over at her as she walks behind him silently in his path. He notices her nervousness and her uneasy aura as she followed him out of the club. He glances over at her for a few moments and he slows his pace to match hers as he speaks softly with a genuine smile. "You look there something on your mind?"

She looks up at him, "I don't know if I should come with you." Megan didn't want to lie to him, she wanted Roman to know what she thought and try and understand her.

Roman's face slowly softens again and he glances over at her with a warm and soothing smile. His mannerism suddenly changed as he seems more approachable to her but that was because he was trying to give her more of a calming atmosphere.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

She nods and lets out a tiny yes.

"Are you afraid that you're going to get hurt or that you're going to witness violence?" 

He asks as he keeps a gentle look on his face. The change of personality when dealing with her as opposed to his men is night and day. He speaks softly and he smiles gently while being aware of her nervous attitude that is apparent in her entire demeanor.

Megan was always someone who struggled to speak her mind and let her voice be heard. She never said what she wanted or how she felt but with Roman she felt so vulnerable and free to say how she felt because he was really listening to her.

"I want to be near you. I want to forget about everything that comes with you." She admitted looking in his eyes.

He stares at her for a few moments and he exhales softly as a sudden burst of warmth floods his body. He had always adored her since the first time he had met her. To hear those words coming from her was the most comforting thing he had ever heard. He stops walking and he looks at her with a genuine smile as his face softens even more.

"Roman will I be able to ignore the world you live in? Will I be able to be shielded from It?"

He stares at her and for a few moments he stays silent and he thinks about how he should respond. Roman admired her for how she was so innocent and naive to the world. She was pure and innocent in his eyes.

"Megan. I won't lie to you, the world I live in is dangersous and everything is uncertain but all I know is...I will protect you with my life."

Megan smiles as she felt warmenss in her heart, "Let's go then."

He smiles softly and he glances down at her as she smiles, he can sense the warmth in her eyes as she has begun to relax somewhat. This made him relieved as his tension slowly started to fade away, he nods softly and he starts walking forward towards the path before him. He motions for her to follow as he smiles warmly at her.


As they arrive at his place Megan could not help but notice how heavily guarded it was. She started realizing just how real everything was.

Roman could tell she was getting nervous again so he held her hand gently. She smiles at his sweet gesture.

As they walk into his huge mansion she gasps. It was spacious and classy. It was neat and had white, black and grey as it's main colors.

"Why am I not suprised that this is your house." She laughs looking around feeling out of place again.

He can't help but chuckle aloud in amusement as she laughs and looks around. Roman had never brought anyone to his home before and so he stares at her with a gentle and amused look. His house was huge and expensive as he lived comfortably and in luxury.

"I guess you can say this is how people would expect a mob boss to live. Is this all to your liking?" He asks her as he leads her deeper into the mansion, he stares at her with a playful twinkle in his eyes.

"Yeah." She sees the armed men, "Something like this." Megan smiles, "What's not to like everything here is so fancy, I feel like I might break something worth more than anything I can pay back."

He chuckles at the fact that she still has her innocent and naive personality. She reminds him of why he was so drawn to her. She was so pure and innocent. The fact that she didn't want to break anything and instead feared more of potentially damaging the expensive possessions in his mansion shows how different she is from the world him and his family lives in. He smiles softly as he glances back over at her.

"Don't worry nothing here is worth more than you... you are absolutely priceless."

She froze hearing his words. Megan didn't realize that he thought of her that way. She wasn't even sure what she thought of him. Megan knew she wanted to be near him and she thought that he probably just felt grateful to her. She had no idea if this was romance between them or not. 


Megan didn't know how to respond to what he had just said to her. She had no experience being with anyone. Megan had always focused on school and paying off her family's debt now here she was in a man's house!