Chereads / Regressor's Apocalypse / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Outside

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Outside

The girls had checked the windows before they opened the door so they knew there where no zombies outside. The rental house they were staying in had a small front garden with a gate locking it in. The latch opened somehow which is how a a zombie entered the garden.

Chen Liechu looked over the garden first to ensure nothing was going to jump out and when she had confirmation she signaled Li Jiefan with her hand. Li Jiefan took the lead stepping in front of Chen Liechu. The girls had a knife each but they did not want to confront any zombies, at least not yet. 

Li Jiefan slowly walked toward the gate and pushed it open, she pooped her head and looked down the street. No zombies. Chen Liechu followed behind her as she slowly walked down the street, the convience store was about 1 kilometers away from the house so a fifteen to twenty minute walk, they were going to try to make the walk in ten minutes.

They walked down the street in a swift but not a running pace, they wanted to get to the convience store fast but did not want to attreact any zombies.

Li Jiefan walked fast trying not to trip, she was looking back and forth with paranoid eyes. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins. It was funny in her last life she could fight a dozen zombies on her own with confidence but here- here she was anxious and unsure just at the thought of confronting a zombie or two.

Chen Liechu was watching their back while Li Jiefan was watching their front. Chen Liechu looked around at the desolate and lifeless street, some house's had open doors and broken windows and others were untouched like a twisted time capsule. The scariest part of all of this for her was the lack of blood, of guts it left her to wonder, which was scarier than knowing what happened to them. All Chen Liechu could hope is that they left and where safe.


The girls were closing in on the convience store, they could see it but after nine minutes of disconcerting silence that had turned comforting they heard a groan. Li Jiefan immediately stopped in her tracks with Chen Liechu just as stiff.

The girls were approaching the store from the front and the groan was coming from the left side of the store. Li Jiefan could not see any zombie, she could just hear it. Zombies were attracted to sound and though they had a pretty good sense of smell as long as you did not stink, they would not smell you.

The front door of the convience store was closed and there was a few boxes in front of it, that meant the front door was a now a no-go-zone. They had to find another way. Li Jiefan pointed toward the front door and made an x with her arms to Chen Liechu. 

 Chen Liechu pointed to the bathroom window which was close to them and on the right side of the store. Li Jiefan walked closer to the window, making sure to not bump anything. The window was open and had a bar above it but it was a bit high and they would need to jump in. Li Jiefan looked around for a box or chair to help them. Behind her there were plastic crates so she walked to them and carefully picked one up and put it under the window. She turned to her friend and motioned for Chen Liechu to climb in first. Chen Liechu nodded, gave Li Jiefan her bag and climbed in using the bar before reaching back out to grab her and Li Jiefan's bags.

Li Jiefan quietly jumped in after her friend grabbing the railing above the window and slipping her legs through the window and then the rest of herself, landing with a crouch. Chen Liechu handed her, her bag and went to the door checking to make sure Li Jiefan was at the ready before she opened it. Li Jiefan nodded at her, they did not know if there were any creatures in the store and needed to be ready for the worst.

Chen Liechu opened the door and when nothing tried to bust in she opened it wider and looked around, it was cleared. She slowly moved along the back of the store making sure to look down each aisle. 

Li Jiefan looked in the staff room and when she saw nobody in there she went to the registers and looked under each and every one of them. Making sure no one or nothing was going to pop out at them she went to go find Chen Leichu.

She came to her friends side," Nothing." 

" Nothing." Chen Liechu agreed.

Phase one went seemlessly, so it was time for phase two.

" You go to the instant and junk food aisle and I will head to the beverage aisle." Li Jiefan said. 

Chen Liechu nodded and went to the instant and junk food aisle. She quickly took a few instant noodle packets, chips and biscuits. She walked back to Li Jiefan who had taken water bottles and bandages and split all the food she had as Li Jiefan gave her half the bottles and bandages. 

This is all they could hold in their backpacks, they didn't have a car and didn't know if they would get one so they could only take as much as they could fit.

The girls got all their gear together and got ready to leave again. They where planning on finding a bicylce to make the thirty minute journey to Xingaung mall. They were hoping to find a house that had some bicycles they could take, if worst came to worst they would need to stop at the big box store but that was half way to the mall and would increase their walking time. They had left the house at eleven in the morning and hoped to be at the mall by one and that would give them enough time to gather their supplies, secure a store in the mall and sleep there. Zombies got the most aggressive, strong and fast at night so during the day they had a higher chance at fighting a zombie and surviving during the night their chances would plummet. 

"Back window or front door?" Chen Liechu asked, they hadn't heard anymore groaning for a while.

Li Jiefan looked out the front door and she saw nothing and she didn't hear any sounds. ' We are going too have to go all around the neighbourhood if we go through the back window and that could cost us time.' Li Jiefian thought. "I think we should take the chance and go through the front door." Li Jiefan said to Chen Liechu.

Chen Liechu nodded," We needed to get n our way if we want to be at the mall before nightfall." 

Li Jiefan walked to the door and grabbed the door handle for one side as Chen Liechu grabbed the handle for the other side. They looked at each other and exhaled as they both pushed the doors open and ran.

Li Jiefan ran for the hills with Chen Liechu right next to her. Chen Liechu looked behind her and saw three zombies following them attracted by the sound of the boxes falling," Oh shit." Chen Liechu muttered under her breath. The zombies were not that fast and could be out ran but at some point the girls would get tired, so they needed an exit. After a few minutes of sprinting, Chen Liechu grabbed her and pointed toward a house across the street with two bicyles in the garden. 

They both looked at each other and ran toward the house, stopping short of the gate. Chen Liechu tried to open it but was quckly stopped by the padlock," It's locked." 

Li Jiefan looked back at the zombies behind them and quickly gaining and put her knife inbetween the padlock and the gate chain and twisted until the padlock was forced open. She then pushed the gate inward and grabbed a bicycle off the ground as Chen Liechu did the same, The zombies had gotten closer and were now a few steps from the gate blocking there exit.

" Just ride through them." Li Jiefan said.

Chen Liechu looked nervous," I'm gonna trust you on this." 

Li Jiefan kicked off and rode through the gate, keeping her body low and pushing through them, she looked back. Chen Leichu musterd up her courage and was right behind her friend. Li Jiefan let out a relieved sigh as she saw her friend following her. Now it was phase three of the plan.