Chereads / Specimen 935 / Chapter 58 - Dalia

Chapter 58 - Dalia

Behind Aino was Dalia, both of them had blood on their uniforms as they made their way into the lab, Aino looked at Eira and quickly crawled to her, as Dalia wanted to follow after the sound of chairs clattering stopped and Dalia felt the presence of someone looming behind her.

She felt a hand rope around her leg and pull her up, she yelped and kicked in the air trying to free herself, Aino wanted to go after her but Eira held her back. Dalia's screams were replaced by bone crushing sounds as blood dripped from above the table.

Aino let out a sob and Eira quickly covered her mouth as tears streamed down both their eyes, Dalia's head dropped to the floor and faced them. Eira closed her eyes as tears stained her face, she could already picture the amount of pain Dalian went through as it was etched on her face.

As much as Eira felt bad for Dalia she was happy deep down that she didn't suffer the same fate, blood seeped out of Dalia's head staining the floor more. The blood even reached them, they both tried to move away so her blood would not touch them but their struggle bore no fruits.

They heard a squishing sound and a thud, after a few second a loud belch echoed in the room. Kai crawled out of the table to see table to see Aarav facing the ground, he picked up a chair that beside him and stealthing climbed the table.

"Feel for his heart" 

Kai closed his eyes and let his mind flow through the room, he could see his classmates shaking under the table, somewhere crying while others were frozen up in fear. He could feel their hearts racing in their chests as they hid, petrified.

Kai opened his eyes and stared at arrive, in a swift motion he lunged for Aarav and aimed the edge of the stool on his head, he put immense force on his attack as the edge of the stool collided with Aarav's head.

The stool pierced through his head and Aarav fell to the ground, pounding sounds filled the room and Kai used the stool to pound Aarav's head in.

Black blood splattered and splashed on him as he mutilated Aarav, the others slowly crawled out of their hiding spots to watch him. After a while he stopped and stared at all of them panting.

"He-he's dead?" Eiro asked still shaking as she and Aino still held each other. Blood blood oozed out of Aarav's dead body soiling the shoes of those that surrounded him.


"I HAVE FOUND HIM, ICE..." Jane stood up and bowed to the egg "GO AND BRING HIM TO ME" the egg ordered and she dropped her children and left.

Vines snaked around her children, it lifted them up and put then in pods.


Aino fell to the ground and started crying, Mika hurried to block the doors back with chairs.

"So that's what happens when your nose bleeds" Nour said with tears in her eyes as she sat on the floor.

They suddenly heard vibration sounds and looked at Antoine, Antoine brought his phone out of his pocket and the screen showed an emergency alert.

"What's going on?" Eira asked Antoine

"Whatever's going on is happening everywhere" he began "The vines, the monsters, everything"

"What's the government or military saying about it?" Nour asked.

"Stay indoors and find cover" Antoine said in a depressed tone.

"Check online" Mika said quickly, Antoine went online to see posts of monsters attacking the people in the streets, traffic at borders as people tried to leave town. Military tanks and soldiers fighting and shooting at monsters while the monsters attacked them.

"Everything's a mess" Antoine said as he slumped on the floor.

"They will still come for us right?" Javier asked.

"Yeah..." Antoine replied in a voice void of hope "They are vacating hospital's first, and orphanages, then schools and-"

"With the amount we pay they have to come for us right?" Aino cut in "The school management has to do something"

"Isn't that Mr Blackwood" Eira said in a daze as she looked out a window, they all rushed to see their school headmaster being chased by a couple of monsters.

Nour shivered and looked away, "We are on our own, we'd better find a way out of this ourselves" she declared as she walked over to a free stool and sat on it.

"Do you have a plan?" Lukas asked as they all walked up to her.

Mika walked over to Kai who sat quietly on the floor staring at all of them, he sat beside Kai and let out a sigh. Kai looked at him, then back at the others "If you have something to say just say it" Kai said plainly.

"You knew she was going to die didn't you?" Mika asked.


"Bella" Mika answered "Isabella, you said the exact same thing she said in your sleep" he added. Kai simply nodded in response "How did you-"

"I didn't know it was her" Kai said cutting him off.

"You were classmates with her for years and-"

"And what? Apparently you sat in front of me for years too and when did we start talking" Kai replied "Besides what should i have done?" Kai asked and looked at Mika "Should i have jumped after her?" he asked with a raised brow.

Mika was stumped for words, as much as it annoyed him, he really didn't expect Isabella to say those things. "Fight it" Mika muttered as he thought back to what she said before she jumped to her death.

"Lance was talking to something before he changed right?" Mika asked Kai and Kai gave him a tired look. "We can at least try to understand what's going on around us" Mika let out in an annoyed tone.

Kai let out a sigh "They are all making assumptions, bleed and your head explodes bleed and you kill yourselves, but bleed and transform" Kai looked at the ceiling "The girl that jumped out the window-"

"Her name is Isabella" Kai heard someone say and looked down to see Melanie sitting in front of him. "You can call her Bella for short" she added.

Kai looked at her for a few seconds "Who are you?" Kai asked, his question stunned everyone even Mika.

Melanie had a shock and irritated look on her face as she stared at him, she blinked a few times as as she tried to compose herself "Melanie" she replied through gritted teeth.

Kai looked at her and looked away this only irritated her more.