Chereads / Specimen 935 / Chapter 48 - Suicide

Chapter 48 - Suicide

"It'll eat us up from the inside," he heard in his dream "it will break down our will," Kai turned as the voice let out again, he saw the face of a girl, she looked somehow familiar, as she spoke blood dripped from her nose "all hope will be lost, there's no way to survive. Death is the only exit. Humanity is doo-" his dream was cut short when he woke up, he found himself panting as he turned to check the time.

"What was that?" he asked himself as he lazily got out of bed. He turned to see Mika still fast asleep on the bed.

Mika opened his eyes to unfamiliar room he slept in. He sat up and looked around him, Kai walked out of the shower and looked at him. The moment the gaze locked Kai looked away.

"Are those real?" Kai heard Mika ask as he walked over to the table he had kept his lense in, Mika walked over to him and watched as he put on the lenses "They are so... green" Mika said.

Kai ignored him and walked to the door "Get ready and dressed" he said before he left the room. Kai got downstairs to see Peter and Lily in the kitchen, he quietly snuck out the back door, heading straight to the shed.

Lily knocked and entered Kai's room the same time Mika walked out of the bathroom, "Good morning" Mika greeted.

Lily smiled "Good morning, i brought your uniform from the wash" she said as she placed his uniform on the bed "Dress up quickly and come have breakfast, your bag is downstairs already" she said and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, Mika came down and joined Lily and Peter at the dining. "Where's Kai?" Peter asked after a while. Kai suddenly walked in and sat down.

"Where were you?" Lily asked as they started eating.

"I went to the shed to check something" he replied as he ate. When they were done Shen came in to take them to school. Lily even packed lunch for Mika as she packed Kai's.

Everyone saw when Mika and Kai came out of the car, they walked to class ignoring all the stairs and whispers. The morning was quiet, during lunch they sat in class and ate quietly. Mika and Kai looked at the window, only to see something that looked like their uniform drop down.

Mika didn't see it clearly but Kai did. It was a girl in their school uniform that passed them. They both heard a thud, accompanied by a frightened scream. Mika and Kai both looked out the window to see the body of a girl, blood spilled out from underneath her staining the earth, her legs and hands all bent in the wrong way.

There was a girl beside her, she was on her knees frozen in fear as she sobbed. In a matter of minutes they both watched as students surrounded the girls body. Soon after school security came around with an ambulance and police vehicles.

"Sloane" Kai heard Mika murmur, he turned and faced him only to see Mika shaking, Mika slowly sat down, his breath was shaky.

Suddenly a group of people walked into the classroom, "I heard it was suicide" a girl in the group said.

"No one" a boy replied "Nour think about it, after so much effort she put in her studies, she wouldn't just go off like that" he added.

"Oh please Javier" another girl retorted "Are you saying it was murder or something?" she snarled.

Javier looked at her and smiled, "Well seeing as her grades came neck a neck with you Luella, there's a lot of suspicion moving around."

"Shut it!" the boy standing beside Luelle ordered.

Javier laughed wildly "C'mon Lukas i was only teasing" he said with a chuckle "Tell him Mel" he said to the girl in front, she ignored all of them and walked to her seat, following her was another girl, Isabella.

These were part of the top students in the class, Melanie, was number three, she came third after Mika, Luella was fourth, Lukas Fifth, Isabella sixth, Nour was seventh and the class president, Javier was eighth after Nour and was the assistant President.

Luella looked over Kai and Mika, the moment she laid eyes on them she frowned "Like i'd care about a scholarship trash beating me in grade, we both know that's not possible"

"Of course" they heard someone say and a student walked in, her name was Eira she was nineth "We all know the only trash allowed to beat you is Mika right? " she said in a taunting manner as she walked to her seat.

Javier chuckled and looked at Luella, "Hey you two" Nour called out to Mika and Kai "Did you not hear that a fellow classmate just died?" she asked.

They all waited for a response but got nothing, "Hey i'm talking to the both of you" Nour yelled. "You-" Her words refused to leave her lips the moment Kai looked at her, he gave her a look that said speak if you dare.

She swallowed hard and looked away. More students poured in, and a teacher came to address them with a new student by his side. Apparently she was to serve as Sloane's replacement in the class. The students murmured as the heard the news, some asked if she was murdered, others asked the teacher why she killed herself but the teacher abstained from answering any of the questions and proceeded to teach.

When classes were over he got a text from Shen, while the other's where leaving the class he stood on and headed to the door, he paused beside Mika. Melanie along with the other's were walking out when she suddenly stopped and looked over at Kai.

"Mel, are you okay?" Melanie heard a tiny voice say behind her, she turned to see Isabella standing behind her. Melanie smiled and nodded before she followed the others, Isabella turned to see what she was looking at, see Kai staring at her. She suddenly squeaked and ran out of the class after Melanie.

Kai got back home early only to meet Lily and Peter heading out, "Oh hi son" Lily greeted with a smile. Kai ignored her greetings and looked at the bags she was carrying, Lily looked at the bags then at him "Oh this" she brought the bag forward "I am going on a business trip, an urgent one came up" she explained but he gave her a bland look "I'll be coming back on Monday alright" she added with a smile.

They all waited for his response but he just nodded and walked up to her. They both watched him fish through his bag and bring out an empty container, he presented it to Lily and Peter took it "Why do you have these?" Peter asked as he stared at the bottle of pills that he prescribed for Lily years ago.

Peter glared at Lily, Lily quickly looked away and faced Kai "I'll get you more when i return" she told him "How was school?"

"A girl in my class fell of the roof" Kai said plainly as he walked past them.

"What?!" Peter and Lily yelled in unison, they went to meet Kai in the kitchen, he was pouring a glass of water for himself.

"What do you mean a girl fell of the roof?" Peter asked "Is-is she alright? Is she dead?" he added.

Kai emptied the contents of the glass down his throat and placed the cup back "Seeing how tall the school building is, surviving would be a problem" he replied "I'm going to my room, have a nice trip" Kai replied as he walked out of the kitchen.

Lily and Peter had a stunned look on their faces as they watched him "Really Lil?" Peter said after a while. Lily let out a sigh and headed for the door, Peter followed her as she picked up her bags and headed out.

"I thought you needed those pills, how could you give a child that?" Peter questioned as they got into the car.

Lily gave him a skeptical look "You know Peter, I honestly thought you were going to say 'His classmate died and look at how cold he reacted' but no you are more concerned about pills" She shot back and Peter rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, you act like that's new. He barely shows normal human emotions, and who knows it may have been cause by those pills. Maybe that's why he can't remember anything Lily" Peter exclaimed "Those are not for his age, and by the looks of it he'd been taking it for years now" Peter admonished.

Burns got inside the car and drove them "Look" Lily started " he really needed them okay, he was having nightmares on end, i had to do something" Lily explained.

Burns drove silently while they argued in the back.