Chereads / Specimen 935 / Chapter 49 - Maverick

Chapter 49 - Maverick


The image of a girl came to view

"All hope will be lost," her voice echoed out in his heard.

"there's no way to survive. Death is the only exit. Humanity-" Kai suddenly woke up, he felt something moist running down his nose.

Kai turned on the light and walked to the bathroom to see blood trailing down from his nose. After cleaning himself up he walked downstairs and to his shed outside.

As he walked outside, under the soft glow of the moon, he could hear the rhythmic chorus of crickets, their song carried by a cool night breeze.

Kai opened the shed door, he stepped in and closed it, as he walked inside the dark shed, his eyes practically glowed. He reached the edge of the shed and knelt down. Kai lifted some boards off the floor revealing a metal cabinet. It had buttons on it, after pressing some buttons he opened the door revealing a dark flights of stairs leading down.

He stepped in and pulled the door shut, the sound of metal crying out echoed through the night followed by a thud as the door shut.

The soldier tied to the chair was woken up by the sound of approaching footsteps. The lights suddenly came on, he winced and shut his eyes by the suddenly brightness. Slowly he opened his eyes and raised his to meet a dark green eyed boy staring at him.

"Did I wake you?" Kai asked, he heard the soldier cuffed to the wall and looked over at him "I guess i did huh?" he added and walked over to the monitors, he pulled up a chair and sat in front.

"What are you?" Kai heard the soldier on the chair ask in a raspy voice. He turned the chair ann faced the soldier "Did you try to scream?" Kai asked "Did you scream all day?" He said and leaned closer "By the sound of your voice you must have cried for attention so many times, sorry i kept you waiting." Kai added as he turned to face the monitors.

He flipped through cameras and paused when a building came to view on the monitor. He walked over to the soldier and pushed his chair till he was right in front of the monitor "Look" Kai commanded as he pulled at the soldiers hair, forcing him to look up at the screen.

The soldier could see a building, surrounded by a net fence and guard posts around it "What am i looking at?" he asked Kai.

Kai scoffed "Maverick right?" he said and turned the soldier to him "Did Cross brief you in on your target well enough?' he asked dryly.

"Who's Cross?" Maverick asked confused.

"You don't want to tell me who sent you?" Kai asked and waited for a reply but nothing. Kai held his hand up and suddenly a knife from the wall flew straight into his hand, before Maverick could process what happen, Kai stabbed the knife into his knee.


Maverick yelled and groaned, blood began to oozed from his knee.

"Who sent you?" Kai simply asked as another knife flew into his hand, "If this doesn't get you talking i'll pop out both your knees" Kai said in a cold told.

Maverick's breathe was erratis as he tried to calm himself through the pain, his silent only made things worse as Kai shoved the other knife into his knee. Maverick grunted and groaned but he still didn't say a thing.

Kai nodded and held both the knives "No no no no noooooooo-" Maverick screamed out as Kai pulled down the knives with immense force, disconnecting his thighs from his legs. Both his legs now hung loosely, blood dripped from his legs and unto the floor.

Kai could hear sobbing sounds from Maverick took a step to watch his artwork. "You are probably thinking that Cross will find you. Or that people will come for you" Maverick heard Kai said as he walked over to a tub by the edge of the room. 

The tub was covered by a thick metal plate, Kai pushed the metal plate aside and picked up a conical flask. The flask looked thick and sturdy. Maverick watched him dip the flask into the tub and brought out some liquid.

"You must be thirsty" Kai said and walked over to the soldier he cuffed to the wall "How about a drink" Kai opened the unconscious soldiers mouth and poured out some of what he fetched into the soldier.

"Holy..." Maverick said as he watched the soldiers jaw, throat and stomach melt. It didn't stop there, the melting continued to his privates and unto the floor. Maverick's eyes widened as his breathing became uncontrolled. "HEEEELLLPPP!!!" He yelled out as Kai walked up to him. He could still see that the melting had not stopped and red mushy parts of the soldier dropped on the floor.

"Scream all you want Maverick, this place is sound proof" Kai said in a mischievously sinister tone.

"Valkyrie!!" Maverick yelled when Kai was only three steps away from him "They sent us to retrieve the Valkyrie"

Kai raised a brow "Is that code for something?" Kai asked in a skeptic tone.

"No" Maverick swallowed and shook his head "She's a top leveled assassin" he explained "She goes by the name Valkyrie, no one she has ever gone after made it out alive" Maverick said "We-" Maverick paused "My superiors" he corrected "got intel that this was were she lived, so we came here to retrieve her, she was our target i swear" he added.

Kai looked at him for a while, before dropping the flask on the floor, Maverick watched as he went to a corner and disappeared into what seemed like another room. He came out a few seconds later with a walkie.

"This Valkyrie, do you remember where and when she killed?" Kai asked and Maverick told him all the assassinations on Valkyrie he could remember and the dates they happened and where they happened.

Kai nodded, "I will turn this on, you will tell them they were wrong, the person you seek is not here okay Maverick?" he asked and Maverick nodded immediately "Tell them you were captured on your way back by some of Valkyrie's men" Kai said and pulled Maverick close to him "Make it believable or i'll find a new way to quench your thirst" he snarled.

Kai turned on the walkie and placed it on Maverick's thigh, he stood as Maverick explained to his comrade, the soldier he spoke to kept on asking were he was but he said he didn't know that he only barely escaped and that the other's were dead, while he was talking Kai walked up to Maverick and shot him in the dead.

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the room "Maverick?!" Kai heard the person on the walkie yell "Maverick come in, are you okay?" the person asked. Kai pick up the walkie on threw it straight into the tub. He uncuffed the soldier on the wall and put the soldier body into the tub as well.

The body sank quickly, dissolving instantly into the liquid contents of the tub. He then freed Maverick's body, carried it to the tub, dumped it and covered the tub.

He cleaned up all traces and signs of the soldiers. As he did he paused and looked over at the monitor, he could still see the lab. Cross is probably there he thought to himself, he walked over to the monitor and switched screens.


In the center of the room, connected to multiple devices a rock was placed on a table. The room was secured with a scientist monitoring the rock and taking notes. She suddenly saw the egg shaked and peered closer to the monitor.

She stopped what she was doing and headed to the door, the only access into the room where the meteor was kept. She pressed on keys by the side of the door and it opened. Slowly she made her way to the meteor "What do we have here" she said as she peered at the rock.

The meteor looked green and black, with red vein like lines snaking around it. If Kai was in the room right now she'd have sworn the green on the meteor and the green of his eyes bore a striking resemblance.

The meteor suddenly heaved up and went back down, instinctively she took a step back. It paused and did it again, the rock looked at though it was breathing. Like a human chest heaving up and down.

Cautiously she moved closer, with much hesitation she touched the rock and the moment she did he eyes turned pitch black. Green and red veins snaked around her body.

"Jane" she heard someone call out. Immediately all the veins disappeared and her eyes reverted back to normal, she turned around and faced her fellow scientist "What are you doing?" the scientist asked.

Jane smiled "Katelin" Jane greeted and walked over to her "I thought i noticed something" Jane said and walked past Katelin followed her out of the room and locked the door.

"What did you notice?" Katelin asked as Jane began to pack her things.

"Oh it was just in my head" Jane answered "Here for the shift change right?" Jane asked and Katelin nodded "Goodnight then, have to go back home to the kids" Jane joked and rushed out of the room with her things.

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