Chereads / Two Of A Kind (Original Story) / Chapter 35 - False Hope | Chapter 35

Chapter 35 - False Hope | Chapter 35

Oliva paces back and forth on the porch "What am I supposed to do?! This is all too much to fucking handle!" She lets out a scream in frustration and sits on the steps. Kane peaks his head out the window, " What is the trouble, I heard a scream" Oliva looks at him "Nothing, I'm just frustrated" He stares at her then climbs out the window to sit beside her. " I'm sorry if I offended you, I cannot really understand these emotions" She looks at him "It's fine, I just...I don't even know what to do anymore! Hunter will always be a Hunter. It's how he got his name in this world. It doesn't matter as long as she's safe. I don't care what happens to me..." Kane looks at her and tilts his head, " I care, yes he will always be a hunter. But he cannot harm you two with my protection, I promise you that much" She glances out into the fog "Maybe I need to get Aaron and his family. I know they would be happy to know Hunter got his ass beat in a sense. But also I know Renesmae would be happy to be with Jade. She was living with them for awhile now before Lucas came around. I didn't honestly expect Lucas to be like his dad but in a way I kinda did. I'm upset a little that I lost my child but happy that someone could end him before he hurt anyone else." Kane nodded, " I can understand that, do you want me to find Aaron for you?" She smiles "No, I have an idea. We will see if it works but for now we all need a little bit of rest. I know Renesmae is gone, since me and her are Oni we can talk to each other using our minds. She went back to the Mainlands to see Jade. But I know she's safe over there. I trust Jade, he helped me once before I know he will keep her very safe." Oliva says as she yawns. " I will keep an eye out on both of them. I have a feeling Hunter may go after those who are separated from us. He may be hot headed but he knows better to fight a unwinnable battle" She yawns again "I know Hunter kinda well, but come on lets go inside. I don't know if you sleep or not but you can come sleep with me if you want." She says as she gets up and opens the back door to head to her room. Kane follows, " I could use some sleep I suppose" Oliva smiles "Yay!" She jumps onto the bed and gets under the covers. Kane slides under the covers putting a little shadow down to stop the sheets from getting destroyed. " I haven't slept in ages, perk of the shadows I suppose" She rolls over and looks at him "Well it's not such a bad thing you know?" Kane turns to meet her gaze, " I guess not, I haven't really had the time to sleep so it has become more of a treat" She smiles "Well im glad" She sits up just a little to un-clips her bra under her shirt. She takes it off and tosses it onto the floor. She slides her skirt down and does the same. Kane laughs, " I can do that better" He snaps his fingers and his clothes turn to mist. She laughs and lays back down, "I don't know anybody who would sleep so uncomfortable with a lot of clothes on. I know I can't" she laughs again and looks at Kane in his eyes. He rolls up the covers as the last of his clothes shimmer away, " Clothes aren't for sleep I agree" She smiles and yawns "I'm glad you agree with me" she says she moves a little bit closer and lays her head on his chest. She lets out a sigh of relief and closes her eyes. Kane looks down and brushes her hair, " Sleep well, Hunter won't be hurting you anymore" Back in the Mainlands Renesmae is sleeping in her bed when she feels the bed move. She sits up, it's Jade he teleports to her. "Hi Nessie" he says excitedly "I've missed you so much" Renesmae smiles "Where have you been?" Jade laughs "Stuck in a room with a million locks." He laughs and lays in the bed next to her. Renesmae smiles again "I'm happy your back with me." Jade smiles "I am too, Nessie" They both drift off to sleep. The next morning Oliva wakes up laying on Kanes chest. She giggles at the fact that he is actually here with her. Keeping her safe, she yawns and closes her eyes to go back to sleep. Kane opens his eyes to her laughter, then reaches out to his overlords eye to look for Hunter. " We are safe still, but best to stay safe" He closes his eyes and sends a spy to watch his brother, then gets closer to Oliva and falls asleep. Around three that afternoon Oliva moves just a little, more over on him in her sleep. Kane looks at her slowly moving on him and pulls her closer, " Don't have to ask you know?" She puts her leg fully over him "Maybe I just wanted you to pull me closer to you." She says in a sleepy voice. Kane looks at her, " Hard to tell, it's hard to do these things without emotion" She looks up at him "Well how about we do the blood link? So we can be fully together?" She says as her fingers tussle his hair. He looks at her and smiles, "You remember what I said earlier? It is reserved normally for onis in a romantic relationship" Oliva pouts and sits up on his lap "How do you know I'm not romantically into you? Hm?" She says with a pouty face. He looks at her, "Remember no emotions?" She nods "Yeah I know, I just keep forgetting." She goes to move off of his lap. Kane sits up and looks at her, " We can do it if you really want to. I remember how I felt when you lent me emotions" He smiled. She smiles back at him "Well I want to do it, as long as you are okay with it being me." She says as she moves over a little to sit facing him on the bed. He moves his body to face her and takes her hand, "I would love to have you as my blood partner" She smiles and leans over to kiss his forehead "Come on then let's do this thingie" she says in a cute little voice. He makes a dagger out of shadow and slides it arias his thumb, he then hands it to her carefully, " By doing this you will be bound with me, to be together till death. Are you sure Oliva?" She smiles "Yes, I do." She takes the dagger and cuts her thumb. "It kinda tickles" she says as she giggles. He takes her hand and presses it to his, the blood from their hands links and flows into the others thumb. " It is done" Kane says smiling, " Oliva you have made my world" She smiles and tackles him on the bed "See now you're stuck with me" She smiles and sits up a little on him "This is going to be fun." Kane laughs, " Hope you don't need to walk anywhere" She blushes "I can teleport if needed, but as far as I'm concerned I want to stay with you at all times." She leans forward and kisses his cheek. Kane blushes and moves his head back, "You missed" Oliva pouts and sits up "You meanie" She looks at him "Fine then" she leans forward a little and moves her head to kiss his neck but instead she bites him. Kane laughs, "Though you said your oni not an animal Olv" She moves her head up to meet his gaze. "I bit you, get over it." She giggles, He laughs with her, "Well I guess things might get a little more wild" Oliva grins "We have the house to ourselves." She giggles again. Kane grins, "So I'm new to the emotions thing, how about you show me what you want" She pushes her waist up on his "That should give you a pretty good idea." Kane grabs her waist and smiles, " I think I get the idea" Her face turns red "I still have my clothes on hehe, I win." She laughs while she knows what's about to happen to her. Kane rolls his eyes at her, "Well sweetie you haven't won yet" He snaps his fingers and her clothes turn to mist. She looks down then back up at him "I may have misinterpreted that" she says shyly. He laughed, "Well I'm full of surprises, look down" "I don't need to look down I can feel it." She says as shivers go down her spine. He pulls her by her neck down to his face. "Show me what you want to do to me so badly." Kane says as he lets go of her neck. Oliva moves just a little bit, letting just the tip enter her. She lets out a small groan, and so does Kane. She pushes down just a little more, slowly feeling every inch of him go inside of her. She grasps his shoulders as she moves back and forth. His groans slowly turn into moans as she speeds up in between every few pushes. Their bodies start to clap together, as the bed starts to hit the wall. Her moans grow louder as her pace speeds up. She moves her knees further out so he goes deeper into her. She starts to moan after every single push. He grabs her by her waist, helping her bounce up and down on him. "Fuck, Fuck, Oliva please don't stop." Oliva leans her head down and kisses his neck "I can't stop it feels to fucking good to stop!" A few minutes in a warm liquid runs down his body "Fuck baby girl!" Oliva doesn't stop, she goes a little bit faster than before. Kanes moans grow louder as sweat drips down both of their bodies. Their bodies climax harder and harder together. Kane lets out a loud moan as he grabs Oliva by her neck and pulls her down as he kisses her deeply he cums inside of her. She lets out a loud muffled moan. She starts to slow down as her breathing is heavy. "Mmmmm, you feel so good" She says as she kisses his lips. He kisses her back, "Oliva, I forgot what it felt like to feel so many things at one time." She smiles and gets off of him to lay beside him. "I'm glad I can be the person you share these feelings with." He smiles "You are amazing Oliva." He says as he cuddles up to her. Back in shead Rose has fallen asleep with Winter in her arms. Kai glances over at Rain, "Things will get worse, within time. They will come for her, I don't know if I'll be able to save her..." He gets up and slowly opens the bedroom door to walks to the lock room to see Jade. "Hey knock knock, Jade you up?" Jade opens the door, "Can I help you, Kai?" Kai lets himself in and sees a book lying on the table near the fireplace. "What is that?" Jade runs over to the book and holds it at his waist. "It's just memories" Kai looks at him "What do the memories consist of?" Kai walks around the room watching Jades body. "It's memories from mine and Winters life together." Kai looks out the window "You mean the 5-year old?" Jade looks at him, his back has burn scars all over it. "She wasn't always 5, she had killed herself a few years back. The only way we could bring her back was as a child." Kai nods "So you started to fall for another girl? Right?." Jade looks down "I did, it was the sisters... Oliva and Renesmae." Kai looks at him in disbelief "Oliva, Hunter's girlfriend?" Jade nods "Oliva was amazing and so was Renesmae, but with Renesmae she did get a boyfriend and was engaged but I made Dante leave. Because I thought it would be better for Renesmae." Kai shakes his head "See believing what you think is best probably isn't the best way to fix things." Jade sighs "I realize how much I messed up. Me and Winter were prefect before Hunter came and ruined everything." Kai grabs him by his shoulder. "Listen Jade, it doesn't matter how many times you think things would have been better without Hunter coming and interfering with your lives. It still would have happened weather you like it or not." Jade looks at him "Can you take me to her?" Kai looks at him "She's in the shed, she doesn't look good Jade. I wish you luck, don't scare her." He nods and walks past Kai, down the stairs. The steps creak as he walks towards the shed. He sighs as he opens the door. "Rose? Winter?" Rose rolls over and looks at him. "Hey Jade" he walks over to the pull out bed. "How is she?" Rose pulls her head over just a little. "She doesn't look good" Jade starts to tear up, "Who did this to her?" She looks around the room then back at the door. "It was Lucas, Hunter's child. Aaron killed him though, just makes things worse for us..." Jade looks up at Rose "There will be a war coming to us, not all of us are going to survive from it..." She nods "I know..." Jade stands up and wipes his tears away. "You, Winter, and Renesmae need to leave here for good." Rose stands up "I can't leave y'all or Aaron, he gave me another chance at life. We must do what we have to, to keep everyone safe and keep our family together Jade." he glances down at Winter then back up at Rose. "How much more heartbreak can our family handle? Rose it's time to move on from this life, get as far away as possible. Find someone new to keep this family together, we are running out of time!" Rose starts to cry "You don't get it! Either all of us finish this, or we all keep running in fear! I'm not losing anymore of my family! It took me so long just to even have one! Now you're asking me to leave it? Are you fucking crazy?" She raises her voice at Jade as her eyes turn dark purple and she turns into a wolf. her teeth snarling at him as she walks closer to him. Jade puts his hands up at her "Rose, listen to me; I just want what's best for you and Winter. I want Renesmae safe; I want that for all of you!" Aaron enters the shed; he turns human and stands in front of Rose. He cuts a glare at Jade "Leave now!" Jade sighs, looks at her again and leaves slamming the door behind him. Aaron looks at Rose in her eyes "Baby, I'm here. It's okay. Your safe we all are, just come back to me, okay?" She snarls growling at him, she places her paw out in front of her to charge at him "Rose, baby I won't fight you. This isn't you, come on it's me." She jumps at him with her mouth open, he dodges it and she hits the wall. She glares at him and growls as she runs out of the shed. "Rose!" Aaron yells at her as she runs into the night, disappearing. He punches the wall as his eyes glow a bright red. "Why must he come around and make things so much worse than they have to be!?" His horns start to appear just as Winter tugs on his jacket. "Daddy?" Aaron looks down and turns back human, he kneels down "What is it honey?" "Is mommy going to be okay?" He looks out the door then back at her "I'm sure she will be." Aaron pulls her close, "Mommy, she is just scared. That's all honey, I promise."