Zach turns into his full demon and gets in front of Rose. It was Aaron, his horns had blood dripping from them "What are you doing with her!?" Aaron roars out, Rose peeks her head around Zach to find Aaron. He looked way scarier than normal. "Aaron calm down, please" She said as she stood up and stood behind Zach. "Aaron, you need to leave now." Zach growled back. "She's my girlfriend!" Aaron starts walking closer to them. "She doesn't want you! You can't give her a child! She wants her own baby!" He stopped walking. "What? Rose is that true?" she looks at the ground and then back up at him "Kind of, yea..." Aaron sighs "Kai was right about y'all. I can't believe you would even let your brother work with Hunter!" she looked up at him knowing he knew the truth "Aaron technically it wasn't Hunter, it was Lucas..." he growls at her "YOU LET HIM HURT MY SISTER! YOU LET ALL OF THIS HAPPEN WHEN YOU KNEW WHO LUCAS WAS WORKING WITH!?" Aaron got closer and Rose took a step back "I didn't know the whole time, I promise. You know I wouldn't hurt our family...." "Oh so now we are a family!? After you tried to kill mine!?" She gets mad "Aaron listen we couldn't risk Jax being found or known about by anyone but Lucas had a slip up and said his name in front of Winter. So he tried to beat the memory out of her so she would forget." Aaron growls at her "And to think that you actually loved me and wanted to be apart of my family. But no you just stayed around while the bed was still warm." She sighed "Aaron, face it, we can't have kids together and we weren't even meant to be together. I ran away from my realm here to try to find a better life yes. But it wasn't the right thing to do. I was young I didn't know what I was doing. But now I do, I want to be able to have a family of my own and keep passing the hybrid gene down." Zach stepped between them "Aaron, you need to leave my house." Aaron glared right up at him "This is my house! Not yours!" he started yelling and then just led to a huge fight between him and Zach. Things got broken even the walls, pictures, glass, and the furniture. Once the fight was done they both looked like they had been hit by a truck. Aaron left the house, leaving all his items behind. Rose walked over to the back door and watched Aaron walk right out of her life just as quickly as he entered her life. Zach came up from behind her and put his arms around her waist. "Are you okay baby?" She nodded and turned to close the door. Aaron walked slowly through the forest, until he came up upon an old grave. It was hard to see the first name but you could see the last name and it read "Lycan" Aaron kneeled down in-front of it and cleaned the dirt off of it and the name read "Miley and Jason Lycan" there was a few more words after that but they was hard to read. He thought for a minute about how Winter told him that the people that raised us weren't our real family. But to him, it all felt real, their names and their deaths. Aaron thought about a few different types of flowers and set them down on the grave "I wish you and Ma could be here to help me with all this. I don't know what to do.. I feel like I'm ruining the Lycan name... I feel like I'm not living up to it like you did Dad." Soon enough Aaron started to hear voices as the wind blew through the trees. "A..Aaron.." the voice called out his name, he looked around "Hello?" the voice spoke again "Everything you think happened never did." Aaron looked at the grave and saw the cause of death. "They sadly passed in a bad house fire, trying to save their children." He looked back into the trees "They died saving me and Winter?" The voice spoke back "They never died, those are your real parents.." the voice faded off. He looked around "If they survived, where did they go?" Aaron looked back down at the gave "Where would yall have went?" the grave started to disappear into thin air and under it was a black key. Aaron picked it up and looked at the symbol on it. He had seen that symbol before it was a weird looking L. It looked like this "β" at the top of the key. Then it hit him he remember where he seen the key at the old mansion in the out-lands far far out in the middle of a field surrounded by mountains and a lake. He thinks to himself, "Is that where they are? Was the crash even real? Should I try to look up ways to bring Winter back? Did she lie to me? Did Hunter kill the wrong family?" he stares at the sky "I need to get back to her." He teleports back to Kai's house, he knocks on the door "Kai are you home?" you can hear people running around the house. Kai opens the door, his hair a mess. "What is it Aaron?" he says as he is breathing roughly. Aaron looks him up and down "Um, Do you have any books on how to bring people from kids back to their actual age?" Kai stares at him "Yeah, I think I have a book on how to do that.. follow me." Kai walks through the house into the basement to a dusty old bookshelf. He grabs a black book with bright heavy red lines on it. "This should be able to help you... I think." Aaron looked at him "Are you sure?" Kai took a breath and glared at him "Yes, if it doesn't work then... I guess you can't bring her back. She will be stuck as a child forever, until she has grown up. She's like what 7 now?" Aaron nods "She is, it's weird to think that she was 23, 2 years ago..." He looks off around the basement "Well thank you, I'm going to be on my way. Hoping this works, thank you Kai." Kai nods "Anytime." Aaron walks out of the house back to the shed, where Winter was playing. He opens up the door with hope in his eyes. He walks over to her and picks her up. "I have a surprise for you." he says in an excited tone. She smiles "What is it daddy?" He sits her down on the bed while he goes and puts the book on the small table to look at it. Soon he realizes what he needs, he has to go back to his house and get a piece of her clothing and a piece of her hair. He looks over at her and smiles "I'll be right back, okay?" he walks over and hugs her. He teleports back to their old home where he found Renesmae and Jade. He looks at both of them with a smile and walks up to Winter's old room and gets a piece of cloth off of her old jacket and then gets a piece of her hair out of her hairbrush. He then teleports back to the shed and it says to get the person or to which you are wanting to bring back as their normal age to hold the cloth and that piece of hair. He hands both of them to her as she holds them, he starts chanting from the book. A glowing yellow orb forms around her, the more he chants the more the orb glows. After a minute or so of changing the orb turned into smoke. A girl stepped out of the smoke, it was Winter and she was all grown up again. Aaron hugged her "Thank god your back, I've missed you so much!" She looked at him. "What are you talking about?" He looked at her "Do you remember everything that happened?" She nodded "I know everything I remember everything even though I was younger." They both laughed and hugged again "I'm happy to be back here with you and everybody." She said, Aaron looked at her with a strong look on his face. "Even what they put you through?" She nodded "It's okay though, I learned and now I'm better so, trust me it's fine." Aaron sighed "Well, I have a few people I want you to actually meet. Follow me, I think you will like these people." She smiled "Okay take me to them then." They both walked out of the shed and walked over to the house and knocked on the door. Aaron had knocked a few times before someone even came and opened the door. It was Rain, she looked at them confused "What is it Aaron?" Winter took a step forward "I'm back and he wanted me to formally meet you and Kai." Rain smiled "Well it's nice to formally meet you, as you probably already know. I'm Rain, Hunter's sister." Winter's face went white "Oh..." Aaron looked at both of them "Let's go inside and let me introduce you to Kai." Rain stepped aside and they walked in. There was Kai sitting in the same chair as before, they both took a few more steps forward and said hello. Kai turned and looked at Winter and then Aaron. "I see the book worked huh?" Kai chuckled but he had looked the same way as when Aaron came by earlier. His face was red and he was sweating a lot. Aaron looked at him with concern on his face. Kai cleared his throat "So Miss Winter, I am Kai and it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm also glad that we even found a way to bring you back." They both smiled at each other and then Winter looked around the house. "Where is Jade?" Aaron looked at her in his mind "She must have forgotten that they aren't together anymore." Aaron looked at her "Well, Jade is with Renesmae now and they have been living happily together for a few months now in our house." Winter's whole face changed, you could clearly tell she was upset by this information. She smiled at Kai and them, "It was nice to meet you all." She smiled again and walked out of the house. She walked over to the lake and sat down. The lake that was close to their old home. She sighed "I didn't think he would have left just because I got turned back into a kid. I mean I did go insane and kill myself but still... I thought he cared about me more than that... but I guess he didn't." Aaron turned and looked at the door, "I don't think it's a good idea for me to try to go talk to her. Maybe just let her have some alone time?" Both Rain and Kai nodded. Aaron walked over to Kai and handed him the book back "Thank you, honestly I didn't think I would ever be able to bring her back. So thank you very much for that and all the kindness you have given me and my family." They both smiled at him, Kai took the book and looked back up at him "Well, now that your healed and she is no longer a kid. What are you going to do now?" Kai asked him. Aaron looked back at the door before he sat down. "I don't know, I haven't even thought about that... I could try to move back into our old house but I don't know how things would go with Renesmae and Jade living there together..." Kai looked at him "Well hopefully you won't have to deal with Hunter or any of them anymore." Aaron nodded at him "Well I just need time to figure something out... just so it's safe for everyone."