Chereads / Harry Potter: Dragon Eyes / Chapter 68 - CARNAGE IN THE BLACK LAKE!


The mid-morning sun filtering through the enchanted ceiling did little to brighten Harry's mood as he settled at the Ravenclaw table with Fleur.

Across from them, Luna Lovegood was humming quietly, fiddling with a pair of lilac quills behind her ears.

Next to Luna, Hermione and Neville were deep in a discussion about applying fertiliser in Professor Sprout's advanced Herbology course, but they both paused to greet Harry and Fleur.

Harry couldn't help but grin at the innocent brushing between them.

They seemed completely oblivious to how their shoulders kept touching during their animated discussion.

Even Luna had a knowing smile playing at her lips, though she pretended to be absorbed in adjusting her quills!

Suddenly, a burst of crimson light drew everyone's eye as Fawkes flashed into the hall and perched on the back of Harry's seat, preening his scarlet-gold feathers.

The phoenix's grand entrances had become commonplace over the past few months, but students still cast curious looks whenever he arrived.

Harry paid them no mind, smiling faintly at the soft trill that seemed to brighten the Great Hall's mood in an instant.

He reached up to gently stroke the phoenix's wing, feeling the comforting warmth radiating from his familiar's feathers.

"Did you forget to bring Ash with you, again?" Fleur asked with a knowing smile, gesturing to the phoenix.

Fawkes trilled softly in response.

Harry could tell his familiar was quite pleased with himself for "accidentally" leaving the snake behind in the Chamber.

Just then, the rush of wings overhead announced the arrival of the morning post.

Birds of every size and colour swooped down to deliver letters and parcels.

Hedwig, her snowy-white plumage unmistakable, soared gracefully among them.

She circled once above Harry's head before landing—rather pointedly—right on the table in front of him, almostknocking over his goblet of pumpkin juice.

She held the Daily Prophet in her beak, her amber eyes fixed on Fawkes in a silent challenge.

Fawkes responded with a low musical note, ruffling his feathers in what Harry could only interpret as mild offence.

'Your bird has quite the attitude towards her superiors,' Fawkes communicated through their bond.

Hedwig gave a quick, indignant hoot as if to say, I know you are talking shit about me.

Harry couldn't help but grin. "Good morning, Hedwig," he murmured, taking the paper from her.

"Don't worry, Fawkes thinks he is special because he can flash around."

Hedwig nipped affectionately at Harry's fingers and then levelled Fawkes with a smug look.

Fawkes let out a soft, melodic whistle—perhaps equal parts amusement and surrender.

The students nearby chuckled at the customary 'fight' for Harry's attention.

Meanwhile, a smaller screech owl landed near Fleur, hooting quietly as it presented her with a neatly wrapped bundle of parchment before fluttering away.

Turning back to Hedwig, Harry scratched the soft feathers around her neck, earning a satisfied ruffle of plumage from the snowy owl.

The phoenix, not to be outdone, tilted his head so Harry could reach the spot just behind his crest.

With both creatures suitably attended to—though each still eyed the other warily—Harry finally caught sight of Rita Skeeter's byline on the front page.

His pulse quickened.

"Looks like the article's already out," he muttered, carefully unfolding the newspaper before him.

Hermione leaned forward, curiosity sparking in her gaze. "What article?"



Triwizard Tasks Take a Sinister Turn!

By Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet Special Correspondent

HOGWARTS—No one expected the second task of the Triwizard Tournament to devolve into a scene more reminiscent of a dragon's lair than a friendly competition, yet that's exactly what transpired last week under the freezing waters of the Black Lake. A colossal serpent—twice the size of any recorded sea creature in British wizarding history—made an unexpected appearance, devastating the local Grindylow population and terrorising our champions. If that wasn't monstrous enough, this "super-serpent" was also fused with a mythical Cloaked Lethifold, creating a nightmarish hybrid we never thought we'd see outside the darkest texts of the Restricted Section!

That alone would have been enough to strike terror into the heart of any skilled Auror, let alone four school-aged competitors. But dear readers, brace yourselves: the task also featured human "hostages," living and breathing friends and family of the champions! Underwater. Tied up. Defenseless. All approved by the esteemed tournament judges—most notably Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, who many believed would uphold the highest standard of care for students. Well, it seems those many were mistaken.

Just a day before the second task, Hogwarts Champion Harry Potter—yes, the same Harry Potter who saved us all when he was nothing but a babe—made a stirring speech calling for an end to the use of human hostages. In a passionate stand witnessed by all four houses, Potter said: "We are here to celebrate unity and courage, not to endanger innocent people for points." Such words, however, fell on deaf ears. Dumbledore and his fellow judges pressed on. And oh, how quickly it all went wrong.

Word from sources inside the castle confirms that the other champions, meaning, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang, Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts, and Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons, each showed visible unease about the hostage element. Yet they were assured by the judges—led by none other than Dumbledore—that 'ample safety measures' were in place. Ample! That must surely be a new definition, because soon, the champions found themselves face-to-face not only with an unforeseen serpent-Lethifold hybrid, but also a nest of enraged Grindylows, and Merfolk who apparently do not appreciate uninvited guests (especially those wielding wands).

Reporters were banned from entering the lake—how convenient—but I, Rita Skeeter, have pieced together the truth from firsthand accounts and exclusive interviews with individuals who prefer to remain anonymous. The champions fought tooth and nail to free the hostages, barely escaping the underwater battleground alive. Indeed, those who surfaced described a scene out of the worst nightmares: watery illusions, monstrous shadows, and the serpent's final attempt to devour everyone as they rocketed skyward. Eyewitnesses claim the massive creature was only stopped when Potter unleashed a blinding pillar of 'holy light.' Readers, this reporter has never heard of such magic emerging from a wizard!

Yet the biggest shock came after the champions broke through the surface. For as any bystander can confirm, the monstrous serpent's remains rained down in a swarm of dark wisps—and we all know how that ended: Professor Dumbledore himself fired off a lethal blast to finish the job. But not before the Lethifold remainders sought another victim… and, tragically, one was found. Ronald Weasley, formerly Potter's best friend, lost his life in the ensuing chaos. According to some, it was a 'freak accident.' Others, however, are not so sure.

Was Dumbledore too quick to cast his deadly spell? Was there a way to save young Weasley? The victim's siblings, Fred and George Weasley, and sister Ginny Weasley, were said to be 'furious' at the Headmaster, who did not appear to offer a single apology. Perhaps it's all part of Dumbledore's grand plan—this same wizard who famously keeps secrets even from his own staff—and perhaps we should all ask: how many more 'accidents' must occur before this competition is called into question?

Some of you may recall that Harry Potter, following the champion announcement, has consistently questioned the Headmaster's methods. Now, it seems these dark events lend weight to Potter's concerns. One cannot help but wonder: Is the Triwizard Tournament a shining symbol of magical unity… or a breeding ground for disaster?

Let us not forget: The next task looms on the horizon, and no one knows what horrors may lurk there. This reporter will be watching—and writing—every step of the way, determined to keep the magical public informed (and outraged, when outrage is warranted!). In the meantime, our thoughts go to the family of Ronald Weasley, the champions who survived an ordeal far more dangerous than they signed up for, and anyone else caught in the fallout of the ever-mysterious Albus Dumbledore's decisions.

I, Rita Skeeter, vow to continue shining a light into these deep, dark waters… so keep reading, dear friends. After all, the truth is out there—and I'll see to it you get every riveting detail!


Harry lowered the paper, hand trembling slightly.

The hall around them was abuzz with conversation, several students pointing at the Daily Prophet in their hands.

There was no question: Rita Skeeter had turned his speech—and the entire second task—into front-page drama.

Sensational, yes, but it got the point across.

Hermione let out a long whistle. "Wow. Not only did she not put you in a bad light but... I'm… impressed?"

Neville nodded in agreement. "I can't believe she actually wrote the truth for once."

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the confused expressions his two Gryffindor friends were sporting.

Fleur read the article over his shoulder, her expression torn between relief and wry amusement.

"This is… much better than I expected," she admitted. "She's twisted some details, of course, but the truth is in there. The public will see it."

Harry felt a curious mix of satisfaction and apprehension.

'At least now they'll know,' he thought. 'At least now, Dumbledore has to face some backlash.'

He cast a glance at Fawkes, who bobbed his head, a ripple of approval drifting through their shared bond.

As the Great Hall buzzed with talk of Rita's exposé, Harry set the newspaper aside.

He'd done his part: reaching out to Skeeter, gathering the champion Q&As, drafting that speech.

The seeds of change were planted. Whether it would all blow up in Harry's face or do actual damage to Dumbledore's image—remained to be seen.




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