RaRah here 🫡
While Julian is busy handling whatever, I wanted to keep up with the Morgans.
So these two or three chapters will be dedicated to the bros.
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When I say Azrael is capable,believe me, he is. After our heart to heart talk with my brother, he walked out on me to go work something out about getting me, my Julian.
He returned to me with a box file with Julian'sname written on it.
With a mischievous grin plastered on his youthful face,he handed it to me. Of course, with a comment
"Here,everything you need to know about your love interest. My role as a matchmaker ends here,whatever you do with that information is solely up to you. Just make sure you get you get him to be yours old man. "
"Sometimes i undermine your capacity, Azrael. Thank you, baby bro,I'm gonna make him mine. You have my word, " I promise him with a gratitude.
I open the file, carefully reading through the pages one by one. I'm amazed by the fact that it is not just the background but every step of his life.
I took my time reading through Julian's file,taking in all the details about his life like it's some novel.
I nodded my head in approval, but then I realized that this was wrong.
"Don't you think having a file about someone you want to pursue is wrong?" I asked Azrael, who was now sprawled on my couch,munching on crisps.
"Nuh,not really. As long as nobody gets to know, then it's not an offense." That sure sounds like Azrael.
"What if he finds out later that I did a background check on him without his consent?" I reasoned
"Then make sure he never finds out. Treat this as taking a cheat chit to do an examination. Stop stressing over minor issues. "
"Okay, I guess I should just keep this secret. I can't help but feel like shit for doing this to him. " Why can't Azrael try to understand that humans have different values from us?
Ughh this is going to bother me for a while.
"I am doing you a favor by giving you a shortcut to get your man, but you just nag. A simple thank you would have sufficed, brother." He replies with disappointment plastered on his face,replacing the expression he had earlier.
"I am sorry, Azrael,I did not mean to be ungrateful,I just can't help but feel this way." I apologize with slumped shoulders,placing the file on my lap.
Azrael walks around my office table and hugs me from the back. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding before. I can't stand being at loggerheads with someone who's clearly trying to help.
"Thank you, Azrael. I appreciate your effort to make Julian mine. I will go through this file later. "
"Aww, now that sounds like it. Appreciation." He says with satisfaction.
"Okay, get off me, you koala,I have things to get done. There's so many documents to go through and sign. I will give this file my undivided attention once I'm done with these." I inform him because I know if I don't, then he will destroy me from my official work.
"Okay, loser,see you later. Let me go show my affection to my boyfriend since you suck at anything to do with being affectionate." Azrael retorts. Giving me a once over,he turns on his heels to leave after giving me a onceover.
I notice that whenever I don't return his random displays of affection,he gets sulky and leaves me with a scowl draped on his features.
I get up from my seat and rush to get him before he disappears on me,I don't like it when we have this air around us.
"At least let your fave brother give you a good-bye hug before you storm off like that." I tell him, trying to lighten the mood.
He stops in his tracks and turns around,landing into my thick chest. I wrap my hands around him,holding him in place.
"You are my only brother dummy." Azrael says. I'm sure he is pouting, though I won't admit it loudly that he is cute whenever he is sulking. Yeah, it happens a lot, and whenever it does,he wants his affection to keep him grounded.
I retract my hands from his back and push him away,glad I was able to help a bit.
"Okay, get going, big baby. Don't keep your man waiting." I send him off.
I return to my seat and go over the documents that were placed there earlier by my second in command,Ishmael.
After hours of having buried myself in piles of paperwork,I looked up to see that it's now a few minutes to midnight. I guess let's call it a day.
I leave the office and walk to the kitchen to grab a late snack before I proceed to my bedroom. I think I'm spotting a migraine, and if I don't lay down soon,I might as well suffer the consequences of my duty as a leader.
I pull out my phone from my pockets to send Julian a goodnight message. Then, after that,I connected my phone to charge and proceeded to do my night routine before bed.
I tucked myself into bed,willing to sleep, but I couldn't after recalling that I had left Julian's file in my office downstairs. My heartbeat picks u, and so does my breath. I find myself pondering on what to do about the file. I know it is safe where it is but also not safe. Anyone could easily access it and that's the last thing I would want to happen.
After a few minutes of debating whether I should go get it or not,I got up and went to get it. I could not let myself be careless enough for someone else to find it there,it could cause either of us issues.
I grab the file and store it away on my closet island counter.
"There,it's better to keep it where I could get it easily without worrying about it landing in the wrong hands." I say to myself.
With a calm mind and heartbeat,I proceed to tuck myself away from the worries of the day.
We shall start from there in the morning. I drift off into the endless abyss of dreams.