Chereads / A Spy's Rise to Stardom / Chapter 13 - 13 Busking in Busan

Chapter 13 - 13 Busking in Busan

Kim Ara folded her arms over her chest, her long legs extended under her desk as she read through the files spread over her desk. Letting out a short laugh, she glanced down at the photo of the person she was investigating. A ridiculously handsome man stared back up at her with blank eyes. 

Song Jungsu was the person she was currently examining as per the orders of her superiors. 

Ara, being a counterintelligence investigator for the NIS, had been told to examine Song Jungsu's case to find any irregularities and gaps in the information that he had provided. While some of the information he had given had yet to be checked, most of it was indeed proven to be credible. What Ara didn't understand, however, was why Song Jungsu would give out that information freely. It seemed too convenient. Ara wasn't simply going to believe that a former North Korean spy had left his old ways behind to pursue an honest life. 

It was laughable really. 

What would be more believable is that Song Jungsu had somehow managed to charm the officers in charge of the case. Or perhaps the officers were simply using him until they could dispose of him. 

The whole situation was ridiculous. Especially their decision to have him be a part of a variety show. Though, if the officers wanted to convince Jungsu that he was truly free, then he should be free to do whatever he chose to. But now that placed more responsibilities onto the shoulders of the NIS as they would then have to fabricate a history for him in South Korea. They definitely didn't want Jungsu's background to be made known to the public. 

Ara opened her laptop, searching up the first episode of the show 'Double Shift' that had aired yesterday. As the contestants introduced themselves one by one, Ara sipped on her tea in the silence of the office. At the moment she was alone, which was uncharacteristic of what the office usually looked like, but as it was quite early in the morning, she cherished the emptiness. 

Then she saw him on her screen. He sat straight and tall in the chair, his presence filling out the gaps in the screen. His eyes were so nonchalant and his body so still, yet Ara could sense the immense amount of restraint it had to take to disguise the danger and power he exuded. He replied to the questions thrown at him in a brisque manner, seeming uncaring of what they expected, or perhaps he didn't know any better. 

But that was ridiculous to think, wasn't it? How could he not know any better? Yet as he responded to questions with a handful of words and spoke of Machiavelli, Ara thought that he must be absolutely clueless to the real world around him. 

She then watched as the contestants played the whisper challenge. She started clicking her pen again and again as she stared at Jungsu's face. There was a lack of confusion on his face when he looked at his teammates as they mouthed the words written on the cards. Ara could tell he knew exactly what they were saying, and yet, he focussed on their lips in the pretense of having to decipher their words. Ara stared at the screen with a morbid sense of fascination, as if she was looking into the mind of a sociopath. 

Hearing a buzz on her phone, she glanced down to see a text from her superior, Officer Kim Sangmin. 

They're headed to Busan now. Follow them. 

Then he sent an image with the number plate of a large black van. 

Exhaling, Ara stood up from her seat, throwing on her blazer jacket around her and taking a final sip from her tea. Packing her stuff, she left the building, stepping into her car and heading to the location Officer Kim Sangmin had sent her. As she rolled down the highway, she spotted them and slowly merged into the lane behind them. 


Jungsu glanced into the rearview mirror from the back seat as he noticed the black car that had been moving in irregular patterns. They were being followed, Jungsu could tell that much, but he wasn't sure if it was somebody from Kangsoo entertainment or the intelligence services. 

As Jungsu sat beside Min-ji, who glanced at him frequently, he let out a slow calming breath. Sitting in the backseat was not his choice, but they'd wanted to get something of their trip on film, so here he was. 

From behind him, he heard the chatter of Ae-ri as she spoke to the vintage-looking camcorder almost as if she was speaking to a friend. It baffled Jungsu, how easily she could see a lens as a person. 

She moved the lens in front of Jungsu's face, and on instinct, he moved away. But she held the camera in place, and asked, "Jungsu, tell us, what are you looking forward to most in Busan?" 

"Eating. I'm hungry." He replied, then turned away towards the window. 

Ae-ri pouted, then pushed the camera towards Min-ji who posed elegantly and also chatted it up with the camera. 

"Okay everyone, our first destination is street food! We'll be heading over to the local market where you are allowed to try anything and everything!"

Jungsu tapped his foot impatiently as the van pulled up at a parking lot and stationed itself there. Opening the door, Jungsu hopped out of the van along with Min-ji, Ae-ri, and the rest of the staff, pulling his baseball hat over his head. Bo-mi was not here with them as she was still back at the villa hosting the show for the other contestants. In their place was a man around twenty years older than Jungsu with a humorous glint in his eyes. Jungsu had seen him frequently around the villa with Bo-mi, however, he'd never had the opportunity to host before. Jungsu could tell Park Joon, the man, was excited about that. 

As they made their way towards the market, Jungsu's senses picked up as the overwhelming sounds, sights, and smells of the market wafted towards him. 

He could see a couple of curious eyes fall on them as they made their way through the market. But since they were all wearing masks, and there were previous security measures in place ensuring nobody would harass them, they were able to walk freely through the market. 

Jungsu immediately stepped towards a stall that was selling Tanghulu, candied fruit on a stick. His eyes zeroed in on the strawberry stick, and he quickly bought it from the vendor. Taking his mask off, he happily started eating, albeit with a camera in his face. 

He could feel the curiosity and recognition light up in a couple of women walking by. As they walked towards him, they were stopped by the staff. Seeing them so desperate to talk to him, Jungsu decided to step around the staff and while holding the tanghulu in his hands asked, "Was there something you wanted to say to me?" 

They simply stared up at him with eyes glazed over. Jungsu waited a beat before moving to turn around but was stopped by a voice. 

"Can we please take a photo with you?" One of the girls asked, looking as if she was about to cry. 

Jungsu looked at the staff for an indication on what should be done, and seeing them not respond, he figured they'd left the decision up to him. 

Shrugging his shoulders, he responded with a "Sure." 

As they squealed and huddle around him, Jungsu ducked down slightly to fit into picture frame. As the girls smiled, Jungsu simply stared into the screen at his blank face. 

Clicking two or three more photos, they finally bowed and left excitedly, glancing back repeatedly at him as he walked towards other stalls. 

Min-ji was already waiting by a stall that was selling cheese lobster on a grill. Jungsu approached the stall with hungry eyes, his mouth already watering at the scent. As he payed the vendor for two, both for himself, he saw that Ae-ri had also gathered around to watch the process. 

Once Jungsu was holding the two lobster tails in his hands, he quickly munched down a spoonful, stopping his eyes from rolling up into his head at the blissful taste. He took a moment to close his eyes and enjoy the freedom he felt. Not simply in eating whatever he wanted, but also standing around with nothing to do. It was freeing, yet also aggravating. 

They visited more stalls and ate more food until they were stuffed. After walking around some more and shopping, and more eating, it was starting to get dark out. 

They headed to the beach, seeing many people busking along different areas of the pathway as they walked further and further down. 

"I have a task for you guys." Park Joon said suddenly as they were watching the buskers. 

"You must either join a busker in their performance, or you must start your own." 

Ae-ri and Min-ji laughed in excitement while Jungsu simply pressed his lips together. 

They immediately ran off without him, approaching a group of dancers after they had finished their performance. Meanwhile, Jungsu stood in the back, knowing he was not about to join the dancers in their kpop performance. Yes, Jungsu could dance, but he had never tried this type of dancing before. He had no interest in looking like a fool in front of this many people, and there were quite a number of people out tonight. 

Instead, he walked farther away from the cameras that seemed to have forgotten him for a moment, sneaking away at the right time under their noses. 

As he walked further and further away, he saw a boy singing to a sad melody, a group of girls gathered around in appreciation. Then further, he saw another man dancing alone, another singing. He finally stopped in front of a man that was spinning fire. 

Jungsu watched in appreciation while the man spun around with the staff in his hands, the ends blazing as he moved around. There was a thick crowd surrounding him, all cheering in excitement and amazement. 

Stopping in his movements he called out, "Can I have a volunteer?" 

Jungsu hesitated for a moment before raising his arm, seeing that he was not alone. This would be better than singing or dancing though. 

The man, upon seeing the handsome and mysterious-looking man, immediately chose Jungsu, calling him inside the circle. 

"What is your name young man?" He asked. 


"Jungsu, would you be willing to play a game of catch with me?" The man grinned while the audience cheered. 

Jungsu didn't think this was legal, or safe at all. The man was lucky that Jungsu was no ordinary civilian. 

Nodding his head in acceptance, the man approached Jungsu, asking him to take his mask and hat off as that would pose a hazard. Jungsu didn't want to point out that everything he was currently doing was a hazard, so he remained silent and took off his mask and hat. Those surrounding them started murmuring, some in recognition, while some in appreciation. 

With the staff in his hands, the man twisted it around before tossing it at Jungsu in a way that was easy to catch. Jungsu immediately caught it in the air, spinning it the way the man had and throwing it back at him. 

The man blinked in surprise at how easily Jungsu seemed to handle the staff and copied his exact movements. The man's mind started racing as he grinned and spun the staff around in a more complicated pattern before tossing it back at Jungsu. Jungsu again copied his movements and tossed it back. 

And so the game continued like that, while the onlookers were left both astonished and mesmerized by both Jungsu's agility and his appearance. 

The man's movements grew more and more complex, adding in flips in an attempt to outmatch Jungsu. However, Jungsu himself spun the staff behind his back before tossing it the air and flipping backwards, landing just in time to catch it on his foot. The crowd cheered loudly, more and more people coming into the circle as Jungsu tossed the staff back to the man. 

Jungsu wore a slight, relaxed smile on his face at the slight thrill he felt in being so close to the flames. He was being filmed by the crowd, he had been for a long time, yet still, he couldn't stop the slight upward tilt of his mouth. 

Then he felt her, her eyes were on his. He knew she had been following from afar, but it seemed as if she hadn't been able to resist and had stepped closer than she should have. Jungsu's eyes immediately spotted her. Long hair flowing from a tight ponytail, a blazer thrown over her shoulders, while her legs sported a loose-fitted pair of pants. Jungsu could see her eyes from here. They were a lighter shade of brown, which set her apart from everyone else, aside from her appearance. Her eyes were uptilted, like a fox, and the way she stood both irritated and piqued Jungsu's curiosity for some reason. 

As they locked eyes, the woman's eyes grew larger and she slowly stepped back under the weight of his gaze. Then, she spun away out of the circle. 


Ara had felt her breath stop when their eyes had met. She could still feel her heart pounding as she quickly moved away from the circle, away from him. She didn't know why she had stepped into that circle. Perhaps she was curious, perhaps she wanted a closer look. But curiousity killed the cat as they say. And in the moment their eyes met, that's what Ara felt. That she was done for. 

Sweating, she moved away from the buskers and towards the street once more as she moved in between buildings. She recalled the way he had moved so fluidly and powerfully, like he was an animal. She had even admired him for a moment, before his eyes had held her down, powerless in their hold. 

Looking behind her for a moment to see if he had followed, she kept walking until she collided into a solid chest. Gasping, she turned around and felt her heart drop to her stomach as the man in question held her down with a smile. 

Though he smiled a small smile, Ara could feel the chill emitting from him. 

Letting go of her arms he held out her badge in his hands and opened his mouth. 

"Ms. Kim Ara, I take it?" He asked, even though the photo that dangled between them indicated so. 

Steeling her nerves, she went to snatch the card from him. However, he lifted the card higher, out of her reach. Ara was taller than average, she was five feet six inches, however, she felt quite small next to Song Jungsu. 

Breathing in slowly, she glared up at him, watching curiously as the corners of his lips tilted further upward. 

"I was wondering who it was that was following us since the morning. Investigator Kim Ara. NIS agent." Jungsu read slowly as he looked down at her through narrowed eyes. 

"Yes. So it would be best if you gave me back my badge." Gritting her teeth she snatched her badge from him, holding it close to her stomach as she glanced warily at him. She didn't know why she felt so jittery as Jungsu simply stared back at her. No, she did know why. It was because she knew he was capable of killing her in more ways than she could imagine. 

"And what can I help you with Investigator Kim?" He asked, leaning forward slightly, causing Ara's breath to falter under his amused eyes.