Chapter 7 - -| Forever |-

I wake up in my bed, I'm sweeting, and breathing a lot. Like I had a nightmare. I stood up, looked around, I was not anymore in this hellish location. I was back home, sweet home, well not really. As I sat back onto my bed, the door to my bedroom opened. My dad came in the room, the same disapointing and religious.

" Oh your already awake ? Great I'm going need you to clean up your room and the house. Also don't forget, we have to go to the church in an hour so get dress fast. "

Then he left my room. My father was a very religious man, but he espacialy loved to demand that I do things for him. " On the name of the lord he said, for your father, a clean hous is a house where the lord can bless everything. " Thats why the garage was a mess.

I changed myself, putting the same outfit from yesterday, tho its a little bit, dirty and has some mark on it. I get my black bag and put what I need for the day, then I sat on my chair. Then I open my secret desk compartement my uncle built for me. He did ask me why I needed it and he smiled at the answer.

" Go on Lite, you shouldn't get punish for just liking a dark book, if you need any help to annoy your father then just ask. "

I alway felt like uncle Tommy was the only one in my family that understand that didn't judge my test on... everything actually. He did sometimes told me not to do something but he always encourage me to be what I want, to stay true to yourself. What a cool guy he was.

I then grab the famous book my friend Paul told me about, the most distorbing story type, even made him close the book and put it back to the library, which isn't that much of a compliment for the book. But apparently its THAT type of book which wil make you not want to sleep.

The book is call " Don't listen to the baffling ", the back does tell me its a very children book but its all just a facade.

I opened the book to read it but then my phone ring, I grab it from my desk and see that Nat is calling, the nerd from our group, I call him that way but really he's the most cool out of us, I don't think he's really a nerd but he loves everythings that touch super hero stuff and space shit. Not a friend, no a real homie, we even got similare outfit so that we can match when we go to some event. Like consert or in cybercafe. 

" Sup dude " I said

" Yo man, you good ? I call you last night to see if you guys went to the building John and you wanted to explore but you didn't responded " He ask

" Yeah sorry I was tired last night so I wasn't really there, you know what I mean " I answered

" Yes I know tho I tried to call John too this morning but didn't responed to " he said

" Oh... ehhh he probably didn't sleep well too "

" Yeah but usally he's is very not tired after something like that, even if he didn't sleep too much. " he said

" I don't know man ! The last few hours before I woke up are very vague to me... "

" Did you drink ? " he asked

" Why is it the first thing that come to your mind ? And no you know I don't like the taste " I said

" Okay then, I needed to be sure "

" Sure of what ? " I asked

" Whatever ! What did you saw in that building ?? " he asked

" It's best I don't tell you right now "

" Oh come on man just tell me ! "

" Later dude "

" Oh you ! Say it dude ! " he begged

As he was still talking I took my metal flask and drank a bit of water. I look around my room see my bag beside my bed, I then look at my desk and see one of my study book, I took it and yeet it to my bag. But it didn't go to my bag, no it went straight to the window at a high speed, I don't know but It was very fast, like it was just a flash and then the book was gone, but I could still see it while it fly.

And fly it did, till this day I still can't find it.

" Bro what was that ?? " Nat asked

" What was what ? " I said

" The sound ! What was it ?? "

" Hummm I think its better if you come to my house later " I said

" Why ? " he asked

" Just do it " 

" Okay ?? " he said

" Yeah see ya dude ! " I said

" See ya ? But wait you stil didn't tell what was inside the building !"

" When you are at my house ! "

I then hung up and look at my window. I put my phone down and looked at my flask. Can I squeeze it ? I then tried it and without even trying to bottle just has the shape of my hand and finger on it.

 What the fuck I am ?

Something beyond anything.

" W-what ?? Who the fuck are you ?! " I said out loud

Your mind, precisely I'm in your brain, heart, all of your body and for what I am. Just a lonely creation that search company.

Oh and my name as so is A.G.E.N.T

-| End Of The Prologue |-