Chapter 8 - A.G.E.N.T

What does that mean ??

" That " is a simple choose of word call sentence that living intellect use-

I know what a sentence is and what grammar is ! What are you ?? What do you want !? Thats what I meant !

Yes, I know, that, we are one mind so that right 

What does that mean ?

It means that we live in symbiosis 

Ew ! I don't want that !

Your body consiste of over a trillon of bacteria that are living in symbiosis with you. On your skin, in your digestive system and everywhere else inside your body

Yes I do know that from biologie class thanks you !

You also know what happened last night, how you and John went to a building you shouldn't have gone to 

How do you know that ?

Because I'm speaking to you right now 

You know more ?

Down to the superhero talk you had with John 

Do you have access to my memory ?

We have the same memory, the same knowledge, culture and likes 

Wait does that mean ?

I know everything you think and have thought. The more you remember the more I do too 

But shouldn't I also be remembering your past ?

I don't have past, only preset, no backstories, no knowledge. I only was actived when I sent a symbiotic host that fit the recommendations

Which were ?

If you don't know then I don't know too

Then that means you don't remember anything ?

I wasn't able to remember, to think, to like, to feel, I wasn't active

Isn't that scary ?

I don't know the answer. Probably, but you want it not to be scary so It won't be

I don't understand, wait does that means that you...

No, my preset are still engrave in me, well you

But that means that I was suppose to know that before

Its one way, for now, until we learn more things togethere then its only you who has the knowledge. The capacity of learning

So you gain access to my mind but I don't get access to yours

Your mind, my mind, are the same. Our mind are the same. Perfect symbiosis

Who created you ?

We know that already, or not. It stays a thought. But we were probably created by the director or at least someone relate to him

Can't... wait

yes it indeed doesn't matter what question we ask about the building, we will only answer by what we know already

Can you refere to me as me and you by you ?

We are you, and you are we

Yes but it will confuse me too much if we...

If you just keep saying "we" all the time you want to refere to me or you.

I can change that preset out of our mind

Still can't bear the thought of you being walk...see ? My mind when I can't, ? Read yours ! 

I don't have a mind, but it is if you think it is

Can... no. I don't need to ask what can I do and not do ! 

I went on my bed and lay down on it.

You make a big deal about having your own choice to make, and freedom over you every move. Which wont change with me around


Yes you father is-

Can't you just let me talk when I want to ? Can't you just not know what I'm about to say ?! And can you stop interrepting just to say what I was bout to say before ?!!

Yes, no and yes

Its in your preset to spy on the mind of other I presume

Its how we can be stronger. Gain knowledge. I know I was built to gain and learn everything there is too learn, to have the best possible outcome in every situation.

Does that mean if I forgot something you will tell me ? 

Surely but you have to know about it already? We gain knowledge togethere and live in one

Okay, are you the one responsible for my change in strengh ? Or speed ?

Yes, my preset gave you those capacity

Wait what ?

I don't know what that means too

Well its actually pretty cool said your name was A.G.E.N.T ?

My classification or name yes it is

What does it stand for ?

I don't know

Oh because I don't know you don't ?

No because you don't know how to translate the words than I don't know how to translate them as well

Well that a shame... wait is language not from earth ?


That could mean so much !!

Then I sent something, well someone coming from the stairs, well my dad wanted to know what was all the noice in my room.

What do I do ??

I don't know. Clean what you can with your new found speed and act natural.

I do exactly that under a stupid little amount of time.

That was fast.

The book

Oh yeah fuck !!

I rushed to hide the book but my dad already opened the door so i just hid it under the my ass while siting on my chair looking at my school bag.

That is indeed very suspicious

Yeah, I never like school.

Well I let you deal with your father, I'll help if its wanted


" What's all this noice !? What did you do again !? " father said