Simple man with his overpowered army

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Volume 2 Teaser

—----------------------------------------Volume 2 Teaser—-----------------------------------------

More than 2000 years ago in babylon 1 that is situated in the higher realm's base solar system.

Baby star elf is in a room full of council members watching over him. A serious council member says "So what are we going to do? His parents basically gave him over to the government without even thinking of giving him a name."

A logical council member says "I can't blame them. After all, this is unprecedented. Children usually get their stars within the first two decades and getting them from the moment of their eyes opening is plausible, no infant has gained the nine pointed stars from the get go. And since that dictates that they are now a fellow council member, their parents didn't dare to raise him or give him a name."

Story loving council member says "How tragic. This is the kind of stuff that happens in novels when the chosen one is born or someone reincarnates, but in reality it is just a hassle. I give this plot 6/10."

Then the serious council member says "There is no time for useless banter. This meeting was made in haste for a reason. The issue is that no elf under nine points dares to raise him, let alone feed him, so we must decide what to do post haste."

The room is silent for a moment, until a hierarchical council member says "I propose that we let the elder take care of this, since she technically has a higher standing than any of us."

Altair wakes up from her nap as she hears someone talking about her and she mumbles "Who what now?"

Then the logical council member says "That is an excellent proposition Regulus. After all, she is also a woman, so she can feed him her breast milk if we just give her a few concoctions from the Ophiuchus guild."

Altair says "Wait wait wait. What are we on about now?" And the story loving council member says "Oh we are just talking about you becoming that baby's mama. Now you wouldn't discard him, would you elder?"

Altair says "I… I may be the oldest one around, but you can't just place every bothersome thing my way. Why don't YOU become his mama Vega?" And Vega answers "I'm nowhere near the age of taking care of someone and you know that. I'm a meager 432 year old who just got her nine points recently."

Altair says "You say recently, but it has been what, four, five decades now?" And Vega says "Oh don't be like that. We both know that in your perspective, that is just a moment passing by."

Then the logical council member says "Enough you two. Elder, with all due respect, you are the most suited for this task. I beseech you to just take the offer. And look at the bright side, you can influence a new council member to be your ally in future meetings if you raise him. I say that's a pretty solid deal if you ask me. I would take it if I was you."

Altair says "You just want to get back to your research Arcturus. Oh yeah, how are those adopted sons you found? Castor and Pollux was it?" The serious council members shouts "Enough about your petty squabbles! Will you or will you not take this child with you, elder?" To which Altair says in frustration "Fine, fine. Leave it all to the good old granny here. Granny takes care of all your little problems. Yeah, keep them coming. I'm all open."

Regulus says "You are our elder, councilor Altair. You should act a little more dignified than this." To which Altair says "Yeah, fuck you too. Come talk to me when you get your head out of your arse."

The serious council member mumbles to themselves "This is supposed to be where the highest authorities gather to make serious choices and here you are jabbering to each other." Then she says out loud so everyone could hear "So I assume that it has been decided then who will be this child's legal guardian from hence forth until his adulthood. Are there any objections?" No one says a word, so the serious councilor says "It has been decided then. Councilor Altair shall now take care of this infant until he is mature enough. Dismissed."

While leaving, Altair is handed the baby boy who she has now to take care of. She raises the baby to face her in the same head level and the baby just makes baby noises. Altair stares at the baby and sees that he indeed has nine pointed stars on top of his right eye that is gold and left eye that is split between silver and teal. She mutters to herself "So I got to take care of this thing now. Well at least we have the same color hair."

Then a woman and child Robin come to fetch Altair, who is just staring at the baby. Child Robin says to the woman "Mom, miss Altair is acting weird." To which the woman says "Hush now. Some things are better to be left unsaid." Robin takes out a pad where she writes down what her mother just said.

Then Altair asks the woman while still looking eye to eye at the baby "Hey Swan? You know the saying that says something about naming your child a name that is recognised by Ao so that they can become nine pointers in the future?" Swan says "Yes milady. That is indeed what they say."

Altair then turns around and starts to hold the baby normally. She starts to walk to leave the building as she says "Well this child got nine pointed stars before he got his name, so what do you think about the importance of his name?" Swan responds by saying "If the child got the nine points even without the name, then it must be that whatever his name will be will become a name that is recognised by Ao." Altair responds with a distant "I see" and keeps walking.

When they are in the vehicle that is driving them back to their home, Altair has a bright idea and says with a grin "Oh I got a brilliant name for this kid. I name him… Algol the demon." To which child Robin says "That's a terrible title for a baby." This makes Swan tap Robin and ask Altair "Why did you choose that, milady?" 

Altair answers "The name Algol is the same as my scumbag father and the title demon is there to reflect that." Swan says "I'm sorry milady, but I don't follow the logic behind naming the baby after someone you hate."

Altair then explains "It is to show to everyone that the name of a person is not important in the eyes of Ao. And if it turns out that it does matter, then this is just a big "fuck you" to her." Child Robin says "How haven't you lost your points?" To which Altair says "Spite little one. Spite."

Then around a hundred years later after the birth of Algol in one of Altair's houses.

Altair is lazing around on a sofa, not caring for anything at all. Then young child Algol, when compared to a human child, is around 10 years old. He goes near Altair and says "Mother, aren't you supposed to be working? Aunty Swan is going to be mad at you again if you don't do your work."

Altair says to young Algol "Don't worry young one. Come here, let mom tell you some important life lessons in the meantime." Algol is excited and lays next to Altair.

Then Altair says "Do you remember the first rule of Aquila guild?" To which Algol says "Oh, it was about treating each other equally, wasn't it?" To which Altair says "Close, but you did get the gist of it, I suppose. But listen, the number one rule of Aquila guild is "Freedom treats everyone equally". And what that means is a whole bag of things, so let me explain.

Everyone is free to do whatever they want, whenever they want. If you want to take an item you like, you can take it. If you want to eat your friend's cookie, you can. But what you mustn't forget is that everyone can also do the same things to you. You are free to punch someone in the face, and it is the same for the other person. Meaning that if they want it, then they can do it also."

Algol then says "But if everyone is free to do everything, then wouldn't that cause chaos?" To which Altair says "Smart child. But the thing is, while people are free to do whatever they want, the consequences of using that freedom can be devastating. In extreme examples, you can decide whether or not to kill your enemies. Let's say you kill most of them and send the rest to tell the story to their allies. Anyone and everyone can judge you and anyone and everyone can decide to avenge those people you just killed."

Algol then says "Then how am I supposed to stay safe mother?" To which Altair says "And now we come to the second rule of Aquila guild, which is "Laws are social constructs built by mortal hands." Which basically means that just because the law says something, doesn't mean that you are unable to go against them. Then the third rule of Aquila guild is "Would you survive in the future you speak of if you were a child in it?"

Algol says "You are confusing me mother. You didn't explain how I should trust others if everyone is free to break the laws that are put in place. And now you give me this third rule that is a question instead of a rule. What am I supposed to make out of this?"

Then Altair says "The name of the third rule is to show that conventional rules, such as language, are malleable and can be broken if you so choose. But enough about that. What is important in the third rule is to question whether the future that you are building, would you have survived it if you were child in it? It is kind of complex, but the triage of the three rules is "Most people try to make their lives better with the freedom they can muster. Some may break the freedom of wanting to follow the laws built to protect the weak, but we must move past it." It is kind of complex, but that is the gist of the three main rules of Aquila guild."

Algol says while pondering "I see. So that's how you built the structure of this guild." Altair says in a smug way "See? Your mother is awesome, isn't she?"

Then Algol says "But that is not how you use the word "triage", mother." Altair feels a stab on her heart, but she tries to recover by saying "I'm the embodiment of freedom, so the meanings of words can be all kinds of wacky." And Algol says in a judgmental tone "You just forgot what it meant, didn't you?" To which Altair responds with "Your mother has no comment on that. Now let's sleep, child. It is important for a young one like yourself to sleep plenty in order to grow big and strong."

Altair hugs Algol deeply and Algol starts to laugh while saying "Stop mother. You have to work." And Altair smudges her face against Algol's hair and says "Mommy is never going to give up this treasure of sleeping with my son."

Then Swan says while the two were having fun "You sure look like you have a lot of free time, milady." Altair froze in place for a moment and slowly looked at Swan with a smile while saying "Ye-Yeah. I totally have done my work and I have all this free time to laze around. It is NOT because I'm irresponsible or lazy that I left the stuff you asked me to do unfinished. That would be SO terrible of me. Haha. Ha."

Swan says "Milady." And Altair hesitantly responds "Yes?" while still smiling. Swan then says slowly "Get. Back. To. Work. Milady." To which Altair responds by clinging to Algol like she was a child and saying "NO! I don't wanna!"

Then Swan began to forcibly remove Altair from the sofa and somewhere along the way, Altair let go of Algol, who swiftly got some distance from the commotion.

Then Robin, who was now an adult "Came in with a few cups of tea for Altair and Algol. Algol says "You might have to reheat the mother's portion since I doubt this will end any time soon."

Robin handed Algol his tea and said "That would be the case if I don't do my little magic trick." Algol asks "What trick?" And Robin says "Watch and learn."

Then Robin started acting worried and in a loud enough voice that stopped both Altair and Swan "Oh no? At this point, I will accidentally spill this rare tea that is incredibly hard to come by and this just so happens to be the last batch. Whatever shall I do if I break Ms. Altair's trust like this?"

Everyone was staring at Robin for a moment, until Altair relented and said "Fine. I get to it after I drink some of that tea. You happy Swan?" To which Swan says out of breath "Greatly."

Then, the 80th day since Lud and Elysium came to Lutah. 

Algol has built two guilds, one being the front of all his business and the other the back that does all the secretive tasks that Algol needed someone to do. The guilds are The Perseus guild and The Order of Algol.

The Perseus guild:

The Perseus guild's main objective is to defeat monsters and creatures of the abyss to protect the common folk. Those who seek fame are welcomed in this guild and fortune is given to those who deserve it. 

The Perseus guild's secondary objective is to deal with evil people in a more honorable way. These include tribunals that test the weight of the defendants good and bad deeds, throughout investigations and simply slaying them if need be.

The Perseus guild's third objective is to be there to listen to the woes of the people like a priest if need be. These confession rooms are in every Perseus guild branch and there is a designated "priest" to deal with the confessions of those who come.

The Perseus guild logo:

Design Concept:

Central Shield: A central shield with intricate designs, symbolizing protection and valor.

Crossed Sword: A sword crossed behind the shield, representing strength and heroism.

Medusa's Head: A subtle image of Medusa's head, perhaps in a less frightening and more symbolic form, placed at the center of the shield to signify the guild's origins and triumph over darkness.

Star Accents: Small stars surrounding the shield or incorporated into its border to highlight the connection to the constellation.

Color Scheme:

Gold and Silver: Representing nobility, power, and purity.

Deep Blue or Midnight Blue: Symbolizing the night sky and the celestial origin of the guild.

Example Description: The Perseus Guild logo features a central shield with a detailed design. A sword crosses behind the shield, symbolizing strength and heroism. At the center of the shield is a stylized Medusa's head, representing triumph over evil. Stars from the Perseus constellation adorn the shield's border, linking the guild to its celestial namesake. The logo uses gold and silver accents on a deep blue background to evoke nobility and the night sky.

The Order of Algol:

The Order of Algol is to defeat evil in a more unsightly way that may not be perfectly legal. Joining this sub-guild is hard as one does not seek to enter it, one is chosen to enter it through trials that are unknown to a potential candidate. They aren't necessarily the elite, but usually it takes skill to be able to enter OA.

Not even Altair knows the full scope of this guild, but she knows far more than Algol anticipates.

The Order of Algol logo: 

Design concept:

Eye Symbol: A prominent eye at the center, possibly with heterochromia (split colors) to reflect Algol's unique eyes.

Crescent Moon: A crescent moon incorporated into the design, possibly encircling the eye or forming part of the border.

Dual Colors: Use contrasting colors like gold and silver to symbolize the balance of light and dark.

Subtle Stars: Small stars or celestial motifs to link back to the Perseus constellation and the celestial nature of the Order.

Color Scheme:

Gold and Silver: For duality, nobility, and purity.

Teal: To add a unique touch and reflect Algol's distinct eye color.

Black or Dark Grey: To symbolize mystery and the darker aspects of the Order.

Example Description: The Order of Algol logo features a central eye with heterochromia, split between silver and teal, representing Algol's unique vision and insight. A crescent moon encircles the eye, symbolizing the mystical and otherworldly nature of the Order. Small stars are subtly incorporated into the design, linking back to the celestial theme. The logo uses gold and silver to highlight the duality of light and dark, with accents of teal and a dark background to evoke mystery and depth.

In Algol's office in Perseus guild in Babylon 7 in the middle realm.

Algol receives a message to his pad that consists of Aquila guild's recent activities. He finds out that they are the ones that are censoring the memoweb and this makes him say "So it seems something indeed happened in that so called "business trip". Honestly, did you really expect that I would just sit back as you supposedly go to work? Honestly that mother of mine."

Then Algol thinks for a moment and starts to do something with his tablet. Then he presses one button and makes a call. Before the call reaches the recipient, Algol mutters to himself "You did tell me to finish what I started. Better not become a hypocrite, mother."

Then the call reaches the recipient and there someone says "Hello Mr. Algol. What do I owe this pleasure?" And Algol answers "It is time for the operation "Gloctus cleanup". Start the preparations as soon as you have your hands free."

The recipient in the call says "If it is this particular operation, it means everything else becomes secondary to it. I'll get on it right away."

Algol says "No rush. Councilor Altair has already completed phase 1. Now we just need to go to phase 2." The recipient says "Is that so? To think it has taken that one this long to stay out of Gloctus's business. Given her free spirit, it is a miracle we didn't have a reason to do this sooner."

Algol says "Indeed. Her methods may be somewhat hard to predict but… If you have lived with her long enough, you would know how that bird operates." The recipient says "Is that so? Well, she is your adoptive mother, so if someone knows her, it has to be you." 

Algol says with a threatening but still calm tone "She IS my mother Mr. Mirfaks. Do NOT bring my birth parents into the conversation without me asking." Mirfaks says "But I didn't…"

Algol says a simple question that holds a life on the line "Are we clear?"

Mirfaks promptly says "Crystal" and ends the call.

Then Algol gets up from his chair and goes to look outside the window. Since the office is very high up, he can see most of the city below him. Then he says "It is soon time for me to use my freedom to answer what those in Gloctus used their freedom for. Don't worry mother, I'll show you how much I have grown since then and perhaps…

We shall dine for our triumph on a table built from the corpses of the wicked."

?? day since Lud came to Lutah.

In the god realm, Ao is looking at the happenings of the middle realm. She says in a cold voice "Those children seem to think that they are able to change the fate of the world with their measly technology. They may try, try and try again, but there is no escaping it. The abyss will seep its teeth to the other realms soon and there is nothing that the mortal races can do to stop it. Maybe "they" can, but leaving it to them would be foolish. 

Now that the mythril tower exists, I can act a little more rough with those mortals and save them from the inevitable destruction. If only I could trust the other gods to help me do what I must, then perhaps there wouldn't be a need for such drastic measures.

But as I am the inheritor of Space, I shall make sure that "his" will shall be seen through, no matter the cost. I will keep the abyss at bay and make sure "he" won't have to see all the effort "he" put in Lutah go to waste."

With her left hand, she raised her cane a bit off the ground and then said "End shall not come for Lutah and "he" shall give "his" most sincere thanks. For I… Ao, the god of Space and Stars, shall see you reap the fruits of your labor and put you to rest."

Then power begins to gather to the cane, until Ao says a spell named "Hatsukoi" and slams the cane to the ground, making a burst of energy run through all the realms, both living and dead. What this action does is unknown, but it has shaken the world of Lutah to its core.

Then Ao starts to walk away from the edge of the god realm while saying "Now I shall usurp the authority of Time and reignite a power that once was."

—---------------------------------------End of Volume 2 Teaser—---------------------------------------