Chereads / The Arslan Chronicles / Chapter 39 - Part Two - New World - Chapter [033]

Chapter 39 - Part Two - New World - Chapter [033]

I had managed to get out of bed without waking Arslan, he had fallen asleep like a big rock, using me as some sort of teddy bear. It was comfortable for a couple of hours, nice even, cuddling up in his arms, but my arms started to become sore after the first couple of hours, so I decided it would be best to let him sleep and find my way through the guild and look for Everrett. 

Arslan was such a big guy, moving him wasn't exactly delicate. Thankfully he's a big sleeper. 

I wasn't sure how people would react to me - I had this feeling that maybe they wouldn't exactly like to see my face or be near my presence. Like they would run away at the near sight of seeing me.

It was best to avoid any awkward stares.

So I decided to take the back route, and go through the gardens, which were lonely and peaceful, I had never seen a groundskeeper, but the gardens were quite well kept, someone must be doing the job, 

Then I used the back gate, which I had to climb over because it was locked after I snuck my way across the manor and into the science building. Hopefully, I could find Dan, Arthur, or Kit hanging around. The manor seemed busy, however the route I had taken would have told you otherwise. Like there was some sort of calm before the storm. 

I entered the building, making as little noise as I could, however, Dan was doing busy work at a desk close to the entrance. 

Our gazes met in an instant. 

"Oh, Dan, Hi," I blurted out. 

Dan looked to meet my gaze through tinted rose-colored glasses, at first his expression read fear - like he didn't want to get on my bad side. 

Like he knew he had to tread carefully. I smiled politely and it seemed to calm him down a little bit. He took a big breath as if reassuring himself that everything was okay. 

"Shepard! How was your morning, everyone seems grateful and they all have been helping around cleaning the manor and the town itself," he said all in one big breath. 

"Shepard?! - just call me Aiden - please," I said sheepishly. Dan nodded and waited for me to continue while keeping eye contact. 

"A little sleepy," I said nonchalantly.

"Arslan almost crushed me to death with his cuddling," I said half joking. 

That seemed to have taken him aback. I suddenly felt uncomfortable for some reason. Like I had said something weird. 

Was it the cuddling part? Or the part where Arslan almost crushed me to death? I wasn't sure. But Dan's expression sure read bewilderment. I just held myself together and waited for the moment to pass. 

I thought inamorato was commonplace in this world. 

And by context inamorato was only between two men. 

The moment did not pass at all and I could tell Dan was getting more and more uncomfortable - he shuffled his feet and it seemed like some questions were running through his mind. 

"Sorry - did I say something weird?" I asked trying to dispel the moment. 

"Ah! No - not at all - Arslan is known for being like that with his inamoratos, it just always takes me by surprise, I can never get used to it," he said calmly.

"Like that - how?" I asked. 

Without missing a beat - he continued.

"Loving - caring - playful - " he blushed a little. 

"Tender…" he explained. Those would indeed be words that I would use to describe Arslan, but those would be words I would expect anyone in a romantic relationship to use. 

I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to one leg, I raised an eyebrow. It seemed like that got Dan rilled up because he immediately seemed like he wanted to apologize. 

However, I started before he could say anything.

"Is Arslan some sort of outlier to the inamorato relationships?" I asked. 

Dan regained his composure. 

"Oh very much so - he's one of the few who takes it seriously - as seriously as the books of old would say - as tradition would dictate an inamorato should be. A relationship built in love and trust - 'for a healer and a warrior shall go into battle together'. It's a relationship built around trust as they both shall go to war…." He scratched the back of his head. Maybe unsure if he was boring me. 

"Please keep going," I stated. 

"Well - times have changed, and some warriors prefer a peripatetic approach to their inamoratas - like Willmot with Kit, others do use the fashion way - but some healers don't exactly like it and have to suffer through it…" he said in a low voice like he was referring to himself. 

I assumed correctly yesterday - that glass vial. 

"How many days had it been since Kit had to drink that?" I asked. 

"You remember!?" Dan sprung up. I nodded.

"A couple of weeks. After the third week - it's not recommended - it loses its potency - like something month's old weed." 

I gagged. 

Not even refrigerated or anything.

"Willmot and Kit are only one example -" he continued.

"There are many others who don't follow the tradition." 

"The crown and the heart?" I presumed. 

"Yes! Has Arslan informed you about it perhaps?" 

"He mentioned it, yeah -" 

"Oh, what a relief - it's good to know you won't have to suffer for another 7 years!" Dan explained. 

"Why 7 years?" I asked. 

"Well, that's when Arslan would be able to excommunicate himself from the inamorato tradition. That's when he would be of age to graduate from the guild. He already achieved guild master - so he would be able to retire with honor." he explained.

"And what happens then?" I asked. 

"Usually - if he wishes - he might place his name in something we call the lottery but it's more like a matchmaking system - based on personality and several other key factors - he would be matched with a queen - and well - be expected to produce an heir."

"By queen, you mean a women?" 

"Oh no - I mean a queen - all women are queens - at least by the inamorato tradition," 

I see…

"Otherwise…?" I asked.

"The inamorato continues like normal," explained Dan. 

Dan might have just answered all the questions I was going to go ask Everett. And also might have saved me from going mad at him. Getting angry with him and having a stern discussion.

By the way, he treated Arslan - he's the lowest of the low. 

Unforgivable kind of behavior. 

I did the math. Arslan was 23. 

However, at any age, that was not acceptable behavior. Especially if Everett - took Arslan in as one of his own.

"Oh by the way -" I continued. 

"Have you seen Everrett by any chance?" 

Dan perked up again. 

"Why?" He asked like he was putting his defenses up again. 

"I just wanted to talk to him," I said casually. 

"About the slashing of his throat? It's not the fault of Sir Aiden, you mustn't blame yourself, the effects of the EB drug are deadly, and if you had killed him, no one would have blamed you, Arslan would have been at fault for his death. Especially since you didn't take the drug willingly." He explained, hostile. 

"Umm… No, well yes - I do feel some awkwardness around that - but the way he hit Arslan, I wanted to confront him about that." 


"So not the murder intent, but the the domestic violence?" Dan said it in a way that made my blood boil. I just took a deep breath and calmed myself. He said it like it was normal.

"None of them are right you know," I said booming my voice. 

He looked confused. Was one weighted heavier than the other in this world? Neither was justified. 

Was murder weighted more heavily than violence to your kin? 

I didn't understand. It made no sense. 

Dan relaxed a little bit. 

"But Captain Eve is fine, we healed him on the spot - why are you worrying about him, Arslan not even his son - you know, why do you care?" he said as he turned back towards his busy work. 

"THAT STILL DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY!" I shouted. Dan froze, he didn't turn back to look at me. 

"Adopted or not - family is family - and no one should suffer that kind of abuse - didn't you see how Arslan crawled in fear - how he didn't fight back - it's a breach of trust between a father figure and a son, why don't you understand that!?" There were small tears in my eyes.

I composed myself. Hiding away my face.

"Sorry - " another sigh.

"Just tell me where Everett is and I'll be out of your hair." 

In a cold voice, Dan started. Without turning back to look at me. 

"He left this morning for L'reus, he's to meet with HQ and report how the demon invasion was wiped clean - before even the cavalry arrived," then he sounded a little jealous. 

"That's why you were crowned the Shepard - overnight." His voice is almost sassy. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"I didn't ask for HQ to do that -" I said returning his tone. He froze again, didn't know what to say. 

"You know what - thanks for all your help and lore dumps - I need to get back to Arslan." I started walking away. 

Dam it! Seems like I just missed Everrett - if I hadn't slept in with Arslan, I would probably have been able to catch him. As I walked away I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself.

Silent tears rolled down my eyes. 

Where was all this attitude coming from? 

The fact Dan was so okay with how Everrett had treated Arslan, even if it was because of all the anxiety and fear that had built up during the demon invasion. 

It still wasn't right.

A leader shouldn't display that kind of violence.

It made him less of a man - less of a warrior - more of a coward.

I was going to fight this all the way - no matter what it cost me.