Chereads / Days as a Spiritual Mentor in American Comics / Chapter 2130 - Chapter 1436: Research on Manipulation (Part 2)_1

Chapter 2130 - Chapter 1436: Research on Manipulation (Part 2)_1

"Why are you hiding from your teacher?"

"Because I previously took some emergency restraining measures against him, which proved effective."

The Bandaged Murder Demon's use of complex terminology left the largely illiterate Jimmy baffled, yet he still managed to say, "Looks like your teacher has a bit of a temper."

The Bandaged Murder Demon made no further response, but rather sat down, his back against a stone stool beneath the electrified fence. He turned his head to look at the gathered gangs.

The entire prison is roughly split into four factions. The organ traffickers and the drug dealers that Jimmy mentioned all belong to the Mexican Gang, or more accurately, the Border Gang. This faction's criminals are mainly of Latin descent, most of whom were involved in various unlawful activities along the border. They ended up here due to extreme cases of murder and execution of law enforcement officers.

Another group of prisoners huddled together are white supremacists, or the new NAZIs. Many of them were jailed for acts of terrorism or bombing incidents. They glared at the gang on the opposite diagonal, the Black Gang, whose members were mostly accused of similar terrorism acts or violent robberies and massacres.

There is another peculiar group that resembles a gang, but they maintain large distances from each other. They have no tattoos and don't seem very strong. However, as Jimmy's gaze falls on them, it quickly slides away. The Bandaged Murder Demon noticed this and asked, "Who are they?"

"Them? They were the earliest batch of inmates here," Jimmy answered quietly. He leaned in closer, sitting next to the Bandaged Murder Demon and said, "Mostly serial killers, but for some reason, they seem to know each other, forming a loose organization."

"They generally don't involve themselves in gang activities, and no one bothers them. But I've been warned by the Border Gang to avoid conflict with them. If you want to avoid retaliation from the Border Gang, you might try to make connections with them."

"How do they communicate?"

Jimmy shakes his head, "I don't know. Every gang keeps their communication methods top secret. If the prison guards find out, someone is bound to pay the price. Anyone who reveals the secret signals is as good as dead."

The one eye visible beneath the Bandaged Murder Demon's bandages blinked, as if deep in thought. But just then, a shadow loomed from the side. Turning his head, he saw Big Dog approaching with several Latinos.

Before Big Dog could speak, the Bandaged Murder Demon turned his head back and asked, "You should know that, if you start a fight in the yard, your yard privileges could be revoked for life. How long is your sentence?"

Big Dog clenched his raised fist, spat to the side, and then squatted down. One heavy hand fell on the shoulder of the Bandaged Murder Demon, "Listen well, everyone knows you're special, because you're allowed to serve your sentence with that head bandage. But nobody knows why you're special. I bet it's got something to do with that painted lady, Amanda."

"You think I'd stupidly punch you right here? Then I wouldn't be serving my time in this prison." Big Dog leaned in close to the Bandaged Murder Demon's ear, "Anyone smart enough to land themselves in here would know there are more ways to make a person's life hell than just throwing a punch."

Big Dog's mocking laughter was full of malice. The Bandaged Murder Demon just glanced at him coldly. Big Dog gave the Bandaged Murder Demon's shoulder a hard pat before standing up to leave.

The next morning in the dining hall, the Bandaged Murder Demon noticed that many of the prisoners were looking at him differently.

He walked over to the table where Jimmy was sitting, endured the extremely hostile looks from his prison mates at the tables nearby, and sat down. He began eating his tasteless scrambled eggs and asked, "Did Big Dog say anything?"

Jimmy lowered his head again, cautiously looked from side to side and then said, "The word's gone around in prison. You look exactly like Bruce Wayne and that pretty face is what got Amanda into bed, which is why you receive such preferential treatment."

"You need to understand that you've broken two taboos in prison. One, being good-looking, and two, having connections to upper management. The former makes others envious, the latter repulses them. Now, Big Dog's not the only one who wants you dead."

The Bandaged Murder Demon casually lowered his gaze and asked, "Are you included?"

"I..." Jimmy was caught off guard. As he met the Piercing gaze of the bandaged murder demon's solitary eye, he massaged his adam's apple and said with an almost breathless voice, "Everyone knows I'm your cellmate, including those drug traffickers. They... they asked..."

"Asked you to find a way to hand me over for their entertainment?"

The Bandaged Murder Demon used a very crude term, which took Jimmy by surprise. He replied, "You don't sound like you'd use that kind of language. But anyway, you guessed right."

"What did they ask you to do?"

The Bandaged Murder Demon noticed that upon asking this question, Jimmy instinctively glanced at his shirt pocket.

Jimmy awkwardly tapped the handle of his spoon and leaned back, looking at the Bandaged Murder Demon he said, "You should know, you can't kill me. We both have Electric Shackles and every corner of this prison is under surveillance. Even if you had the chance to seriously hurt me, you wouldn't be able to kill me."