They put on their cloaks and rushed off with Marfont. I sighed to myself. Alright, the plan may have almost failed thanks to the pure stupidity of the absolute idiots I hired, but that's probably the only hiccup that will happen. After all, with my great planning skills, everything just falls together.
I can't afford to wait for the goons to return. I probably shouldn't ditch them because I am going to need them for the next time I sneak out Ustos. I frowned and pulled out my pouch, removing 17 silver and placing it on a table.
Turning to Ustos, I walked over to him and removed the ropes binding him to the chair. He stood up barely. It looks like they also haven't done the leg training I ordered them to put Ustos through. I walked back over to the pile of 17 silvers and removed two. Damned lazy bastards.
Ustos actually tries to flee, but considering his disheveled leg muscles, he doesn't get that far. I take out Marfont's soul-bound necklace, wizard robes, and a mask from one of the three bags I have and force him to put them on. After the disguise is in place, we walk out and start heading to the academy.
I intentionally make it there quite late, after most of the students have made it in, because my great self has noticed that the doorman that guards the academy entrance gets tired and lets his guard down after some time.
We walk to the entrance. Because I'm a bit late, there isn't much of a line. Like last time, Ustos walks in front and I follow from the back.
After three students walk into the academy, it becomes Ustos's turn. Like last time, he does not do anything stupid and just shows the doorman the necklace. The doorman lets him pass and I follow along with him.
All right, the next step in my grand plan is to pick up the key to the new dorm I will be living in because for reasons I can't fathom, every year, the academy changes our dorm rooms.
I start heading to the head building and bring Ustos along with me. I do as much as possible not to stick out, but it turns out I don't really even have to bother. Everyone here is too busy getting their stuff in order because the year is beginning.
Walking in, I easily see a medium-sized line that leads to a worker giving away keys. So naturally, I get in line. When it becomes my turn, the worker says in a tired voice, "State your name and year," and I do so: "My name is Jeldard Ustos, I am a second year." He looks into a list and stares at it for a while. "Ah, ok yeah, you are here," he says and gives me a key to a random dorm.
He also states, "Remember to bring your robes to Ms. Grace to change their color." Ms. Grace is one of the mana theory teachers in a parallel class, so I suppose she's in charge of switching out robes.
I nod and continue along to the dorms, dragging Ustos along.
Upon entering my dorm, my first set of actions is to grab a chair, remove Ustos's disguise, and tie him down. Next, I start unpacking my bags and putting my clothes in a closet.
After all that, I head outside my dorm to hide away the robes and soul-bound necklace of Marfont like last time. I walk to that secluded spot of the academy and dump everything in some random hidden location.
All right, now all that's left is to switch out my robe. I head back to the head building through the annoyingly long path and go in. I start searching for Ms. Grace, and it doesn't take long to find her because she is also sitting at a counter. It seems that there isn't even a line left. I guess it's late.
I give my robe to the teacher and watch as she casts some sort of spell, and the robes turn from green to white. I knew there were some sort of enchantment on the robes the academy provided, and I was right. I asked the teacher, and apparently, the enchantment on the robes makes it able to turn other colors.
That is probably not the only enchantment on the robes, but for now, whatever that enchantment might be, it hasn't impacted my plans whatsoever.
And with this, my great plan is over. The next morning, Marfont will be killed off by the mercenary I hired, who will then likely get caught by the wizards. The wizards will probably try to interrogate him about who hired them to kill a noble, but the goon won't be able to answer anything.