The burning sensation in my throat intensified with every breath, devouring the remnants of sanity I had managed to reclaim. The fog in my mind thickened once again, distorting the world around me into hazy shapes.
The voices surrounding me echoed not only in my ears but within my very thoughts. Laughter and conversations from streets away sounded as if my senses had been heightened beyond normal. Trying to process all these auditory stimuli simultaneously was draining.
Nevertheless, I focused on the one person standing before me.
I could hear the rapid beating of her heart as if she were harboring some anxiety. Minute details in her expression, like the tension in her eyebrows and the corners of her lips, did not elude my heightened senses.
However, if it weren't for the unique connection we shared, I might have misinterpreted her unease as fear towards me.
Yet, amidst the dissonance clouding my mind, I could distinctly perceive her emotions. The anxiety she displayed had nothing to do with the monster she witnessed but rather stemmed from the fear of rejection. Yes, she was afraid that her plea would be turned down by me, not fearing me as a threat.
Despite the pain coursing through my body, seeing her brought an inexplicable sense of inner tranquility. Her heart racing with shyness reassured me. If she could trust me despite what I was, then I could trust her too.
Advancing clumsily towards her, my steps akin to those of a beast on the verge of losing control, I halted a few inches away to examine her more closely.
With her petite stature, barely reaching 155 centimeters, she gazed up at me. Her crimson eyes delved deep into mine.
"You're... the one who spoke to me earlier."
I recognized her voice, the same voice that had soothed me when my sanity was slipping away. Her intervention had saved me from attacking Sophie. Gratitude swelled within me at the thought.
"Hmm, indeed. For now, eat me, Damien. Drink my blood until your heart's desire is sated. Then we can talk." Her tone and expression remained monotone, yet a subtle smile graced her lips.
She unfastened the buttons of her gothic dress, revealing her pale neck. I listened to the flow of her blood, fanning the flames of my unquenchable thirst.
All I yearned for was to sink my fangs into that delicate neck!
The remnants of my fading sanity fought against the impending darkness. I refused to succumb and transform into a bloodthirsty beast that could harm her!
Cradling her gently in my arms, I found it peculiar how afraid I was of causing harm to someone I had only just met moments ago.
Her tiny figure fit perfectly against mine. I inhaled her scent cautiously, relishing the sweetness of her aroma.
"Damien..." She sighed as she felt my fangs graze her neck.
I hesitated only for a moment before plunging my fangs into her tender flesh. A pleasurable moan escaped her lips as her blood flooded into my throat.
Oh, so delicious! I had never tasted anything quite like it. Warm and thick. It bore some resemblance to the blood in the vial—no, I'm certain it's the same blood, but drinking it straight from the source was incomparably better.
She tenderly stroked my hair as my heartbeat synchronized with hers, gradually slowing down.
With each gulp of her blood, I felt a surge of strength and satisfaction. My body seemed to swiftly recover, wounds healing and regenerating at a visible speed.
Yet, I also experienced profound changes in our connection.
Previously, I could sense her presence when we were near, subtly perceiving her mood and emotions. Now, that connection was astonishingly intensified, as if I could feel her entire being all at once.
"You seem to enjoy my blood," she whispered with relief, her voice no longer carrying the earlier worry. "That makes me glad."
Her breath hitched slightly, not from pain, but from a sensation akin to ecstasy. A blush tinted her pale cheeks.
Unlike before, when she was tense, her body now felt soft and relaxed in my embrace. A continuous sigh escaped her slightly parted lips.
Suddenly, she licked my neck and discreetly bit me, sending a pleasurable tingle coursing through my body.
The taste of her blood in my mouth intensified a thousandfold! Our connection deepened further as if we had somehow merged into a single entity bound for eternity. It was an indescribable experience of intimacy.
Just as I felt satisfied and invigorated, it seemed that she, too, had received a strengthening of our bond.
After a few minutes, the girl ceased drinking, licking the wound from her fangs which promptly healed. Similarly, I finished quenching my thirst and licked her neck, healing the mark of my bite.
I pulled away from her, releasing her from my embrace, and we locked eyes.
"What is your name?"
"Nephelia. Nephelia Winters," she replied, licking her lips with an adorable smile that revealed her tiny fangs.
"Winters?" I repeated in shock.
Wait... Did I engage in something lewd with my own family? Hey! This is fucking wrong! I'm even attracted to this girl! Hey!
I felt a sudden existential crisis.
"Are you my family?" I asked with a wary look.
"Umu. Of course. I'm your wife."
She nodded with her chin up as she puffed out her small breasts under her gothic clothes. She seemed proud to declare herself my wife.
But hey, what do you mean you're my wife? Didn't we just meet today?! And more importantly, when did we get married?! Hey! I wasn't even told about the wedding!
"Wait, I meant, are we related? Do we share any family ties?"
"No, silly. I changed my last name to yours. It's a normal thing for a wife to take her husband's last name. As your wife, you are my family," she explained with a 'fufu~' smile.
Well, at least we're not related. I let out a sigh of relief. But...
"Okay, explain this whole 'being my wife' thing to me."
I wanted to ask more questions, like where we met and when I became her husband, but Nephelia walked over, stood on her tiptoes, and pressed a finger to my lips.
"Shh, let's switch places," she whispered, walking past me.
Her calm demeanor suddenly shifted to a cold one as she approached the lifeless man. She stared at him for a few seconds, and then...
She mercilessly kicked him!
"..." I was left speechless.
She kicked him again as if he were a stress ball.
She stood there for a while, venting her frustration. Though her expression remained blank, through our connection, I could sense her anger. She was incredibly furious.
After a few minutes of kicking, she nodded in satisfaction.
She discarded her black boot and pulled out another one from who knows where. "If it weren't for my Damien's sake, I would have taken care of you myself."
I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her. What does she mean she ignored him for my sake? This husband of yours was about to meet Lucifer, you know!?
She returned to my side and said, "So, ready to head home, husband? We've got a lot to talk about."
I glanced at my fully restored hand. As I drank Nephelia's blood, my arm, which had been lying on the floor, dissolved into blood and then regenerated itself, replacing my missing limb.
Being a vampire sure had its perks when it came to healing. With nothing more to do here, I nodded.
"Follow me, but I'll slow down so you can get used to it." In one graceful leap, Nephelia propelled herself onto the roof of the building. I couldn't help but be amazed at her poise and control as she effortlessly continued to jump from one rooftop to another.
When I followed suit, my jumping style was a bit less refined. Let's just say my landings weren't as smooth. Each impact of mine sent tremors through the concrete, even leaving a small crater behind.
Despite gaining better control over my strength, thanks to drinking Nephelia's blood and becoming stronger, I still needed to get accustomed to it.
Nephelia... It was only natural to be wary of someone who turned me into a vampire, but a part of me now trusted her. I couldn't explain why, but our connection made it feel as if I had known her for a long time. I knew this cute girl had no malicious intentions towards me.
So, I followed her as we traversed the rooftops.