Chereads / Lord of Dreams: My Beautiful Yandere Wives / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: The Price of Strength

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: The Price of Strength

They approached the counter, where Nephelia lightly tapped on the wood, causing the papers the girl was resting upon them to flutter.

"Ahh!" The girl exclaimed, jolting awake. She clumsily wiped the residue from her mouth and groggily surveyed the room with sleepy eyes.

Nephelia let out a calm sigh and uttered a few words in an unfamiliar language, "Zeres Orda Mondu."

Those words comprised the motto of the Morigerants, meaning "Order rules the world."

"Zeres Orda Mondu," the young woman instinctively recited, her right hand tracing an imaginary circle before her beating heart.

Only then did her gaze sharpen, and it landed on Nephelia. "Ah, Miss Nephelia, do you seek access to the Headquarters?"

Nephelia nodded slightly. Her face might as well have been carved in marble, so expressionless did it remain. She gestured briefly for Damien and Camille to follow her.

The plain-looking, brown-haired girl led the newcomers to a back room, occasionally stealing furtive glances at Damien.

The Leader had informed her of Nephelia's arrival with her maid, but there was no mention of anyone else. She doubted she could allow this man to enter.

She let out a deep sigh that was born deep inside her. Sometimes wondering how she ended up in a place like this, stuck with the job of turning people away or receiving them.

'...Well, it's all because of the Leader,' she sighed again, forcing herself to speak the words, "I'm sorry, but we can't allow outsiders in."

Damien's gaze rested on her, though his mind seemed elsewhere. He hadn't expected to be dismissed as if he were a stray dog. His eyes seemed to ask, "Why didn't you stop me earlier, woman?"

Just as he was about to respond, Nephelia broke the silence.

"This is Damien, my husband. Of course, he can come in."

"Your... husband?" The girl slowly shifted her gaze towards Damien, examining him with curious, attentive eyes. He had shiny black hair, blue eyes that sparkled in the dim light, and skin as pale as milk. Undeniably handsome. She cleared her throat softly before speaking:

"Apologies, sir. I should have introduced myself earlier. My name is Susyl, and I manage this place, though for you I must assume it is all confusing as yet."

"Mm, so your name is Susyl," Damien said, flashing a half-smile. "Nice to meet you. As you heard, I'm Damien, accompanying my dear wife on her walk." With that, he affectionately stroked the head of a blushing Nephelia.

'Fufu, he called me wife. Damien~ Damien~...' She repeated her darling's name in her mind a thousand times.

Meanwhile, Susyl observed as Damien lost interest in her and scanned the surroundings with focused eyes. His expression revealed nothing, but she recognized that look all too well. It was the look of someone who had stumbled upon something peculiar and unexpected. Seizing the opportunity, she explained:

"We Morigerants appreciate inconspicuous places. This coffee shop was set up as a haven for manga enthusiasts, a place where they could read in peace, allowing us to blend in with the crowd. Only those within our circle or those who have gained our trust know its true nature."

"Oh, I see," Damien nodded finally.

A faint smile tugged at his lips as he imagined what he and others might have expected to find. A hidden cave, secret underground passages... just like the novels he had read. He had even considered the possibility of being under the influence of an 'Illusor' device. However, this discreet corner in the heart of the city served its purpose well...

"I must say, I admire your adaptability."

The times altered like a river, reshaping everything in its path. The Morigerants understood the need to be like the steadfast sands of the shore—to remain immutable in essence even while allowing the currents of change to mold their form.

It came as no surprise, then, that they adapted their methods to keep pace with the modern age.

As Damien nodded in agreement, Nephelia and her maid exchanged a glance. Something in his words seemed to have been twisted in its journey from his brain to his tongue.

This man had clearly mixed things up!

In truth, Susyl's words were not incorrect. Morigerants tended to keep a low profile and only revealed themselves when necessary.

Although, there was someone in this city who seemed to relish breaking conventions. Susyl, of course, remained blissfully unaware of a major detail about her Leader.

The actual reason the Leader had chosen this café as her headquarters had nothing to do with her duties—it was simply because of her otaku hobbies!

Nephelia wanted to clarify some rather important points, but then shook her head.

'Bah. Forget it.' Nephelia kicked her thoughts away. 'That woman is annoying and dangerous... Thankfully, she seems more interested in her manga than anything else. If she ever had her sights on MY Damien...'

Her crimson eyes flickered with a dangerous glint.

Suddenly, Damien felt a chill in the air, as if the temperature had dropped a few degrees.

They continued down the hallway in silence, their footsteps softly echoing against the floor. Finally, Susyl pursed her lips, forming a thin line. "Helene... I mean, the Leader, saved me in the past from an Ascendant who lost control."

Damien, surprised by the sudden shift in conversation, sharpened his ear with interest. It was the first time he would have the chance to hear someone recount a supernatural experience.

Nephelia and Camille, on the other hand, let out almost synchronized sighs. Susyl had a more unrestrained tongue than their own torrent of thoughts, and it didn't take her long to release what she had been holding back.

They had lost count of how many times they had heard this story before... Nevertheless, they understood that reliving it over and over was Susyl's way of processing and moving forward.

"That day I lost my mother and my brother," she said, her eyes fixated on an indeterminate spot on the ground. "I watched as my father's hands were stained with the blood of my family."

Damien narrowed his eyes. 'The loss of control is truly cruel...'

"As a child, I grew up hearing stories of his heroic exploits and idolizing him. I viewed the Ascendants as beings deserving only of admiration. Heroes fighting against the darkness."

Her distant eyes lifted to meet Damien's. She wanted him to understand the terror and pain behind her words.

"But they don't. Once Ascendants lose control, they become nothing more than bloodthirsty monsters."

"Please, if you ever have the chance and haven't started down that path, don't give in to the promises of power. Don't try those pills."

Damien's gaze lingered on Susyl's eyes, and for a moment, he glimpsed the whirlwind of emotions swirling within them.

He had experienced darkness too, albeit in a different way. On the streets. When he was just a child. He knew all too well how fragile control could slip away when overwhelming forces challenged one's sanity. How easy it was to get swept away in moments of weakness.

"I'm sorry about what happened," he finally said softly.

"The truth is, I'm also unfamiliar with many aspects of this world." He sighed, locking eyes with the three girls. "I'm just starting to immerse myself in your intricate way of life. I'm only beginning to grasp the nature of the Ascendants and the responsibilities that come with becoming one."

He gazed at his cute vampire's face for a while before turning back to Susyl. "I can't promise the path I will choose tomorrow, but the pain of your past will remain etched to reminder me of the dangers."

Damien knew himself quite well. He was a person with ever-changing thoughts. Something he rejected yesterday could be accepted today, or vice versa, depending on the circumstances.

So, even though he had just dismissed the idea of taking a Pathway Pill moments ago, he wouldn't hesitate for a second if his sister or Nephelia's lives were in danger. If his strength as an Ascendant was the only thing that could save them, he would gladly embrace that responsibility.

A small sacrifice for the greater good. That's how Damien saw it.

Nephelia's gaze brightened as it landed on Damien. The fate that had already been written was unavoidable. She let out a silent sigh.

Susyl shook her head and offered an apologetic smile, scratching the back of her neck. "I'm sorry if my words made you uncomfortable. Sometimes, my tongue gets away from me. Even Miss Nephelia has had to endure it more than once. I can't help but tell this story, though. A gift from the Creator God that feels more like a curse."

Damien nodded slowly as he listened to the last part. According to the legends Nephelia had shared, the Ascendants were born because of the Creator God to aid humanity during the Chaos Epoch.

However, gaining power in real life was much more challenging than in the novels she read, where the protagonists achieved it effortlessly.

The price of power is paid in the same bitter currency: oneself.

At that moment, they reached the oak door.

Susyl took a deep breath, her hand trembling as she placed it over her breast. Her eyes stared intensely at the wood, as if it were her worst enemy.

Damien observed her with amused curiosity. Susyl let out a gasp, releasing the air she had been holding, and sensing the boy's penetrating gaze, she stated:

"The Leader possesses a powerful and intimidating aura. I can hardly withstand being in her presence for long, let alone maintain eye contact." She absentmindedly scratched her temple. "Yes, I must admit to feeling a certain amount of fear, but also a great deal of respect and gratitude."

Her feelings towards Helene were mixed. On one hand, she owed her life to her. But on the other, deep down, she couldn't help but feel a certain fear towards Helene's Ascendant nature.

"Is she really that frightening?" Damien inquired, wondering if this Leader was a big-shot in the supernatural world.

"Oh, absolutely," Susyl nodded vigorously. "I advise you, Mr. Damien, to be careful not to ignite her anger, or you may find yourself burning where you stand."

With that, she pushed open the door with fear painted on her face.